[unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2] [var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2][var:1][color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]所持金[color:2]999999999[color:0]フォル[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:2][var:0][color:0]フォル手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1]ピックポケットに失敗しました[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]イシュタルローブ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]バリアアーマー[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ミスリルドレス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ワイズリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ヒールリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]メンタルリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]プロテクションリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シールドリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]レジストリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ストーンチェック[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ゴールドリング[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シールドピアス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シルバークロス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]オルゴール[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シークレットブーツ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]妖精の像[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]プリティアイドル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ポイズンチェック[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]パラライチェック[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ネックレス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シルバーバレッタ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シンデレラグラス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ペットの餌[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]バーニィシューズ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]聖剣ファーウェル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]セラフィックガーブ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ビューリホアイス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1][color:3]  ・泊まる   ・泊まらない[color:0][wait] 逃げは通常は選択しないでください。 [color:3]  ・戦闘勝ち   ・戦闘逃げ   ・戦闘負け   ・戦闘スイッチバトル[color:0] 本来はゲームオーバー処理が入ります。 リセットしてください。[wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]トライエンブレム[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]賢者の石[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ムーナイト[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]オリハルコン[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ミーティアライト[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ダマスクス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]女神の像[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]御神体[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]アルテミスリーフ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]アセラス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ルーンメタル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]万年筆[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ミックスシロップ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]マジカルフィルム[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]テトラボム[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ブラックベリィ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ネクタル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ミスリル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]スタールビー[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ダイヤモンド[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]レインボーダイヤ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]トライボール[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]天使の像[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]マンドレイク[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]トリカブト[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]グリーンベリル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]マジックカンバス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]マジカルクレイ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]スイートシロップ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]シルバー[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]フレアボム[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ブルーベリィ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ぎぞうくんしょう[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ゴールド[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]サファイア[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ルビー[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]クリスタル[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]サイレンスカード[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]マジックロック[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ローズヒップ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ラベンダー[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]スペクタクルズ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]サワーシロップ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]キラーポイズン[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ピコピヨボム[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]アクアベリィ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1][color:3]  ・[char:0]   ・[char:1]   ・[char:2]   ・[char:3]   ・[char:4]   ・[char:5]   ・[char:6]   ・[char:7]   ・[char:8]   ・[char:9]   ・[char:a]   ・[char:b][color:0] [unk:4003:1]恋愛度   友情度[wait] [unk:4003:1][char:0] [char:1] [char:2] [char:3] [char:4] [char:5] [char:6] [char:7] [char:8] [char:9] [char:a] [char:b][wait] [unk:4003:1]  [var:0]   [var:1]   [var:2]   [var:3]   [var:4]   [var:5]   [var:6]   [var:7]   [var:8]   [var:9]   [var:a]   [var:b][wait] [unk:4003:1][color:0]Cr [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Re [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Ce [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Bo [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Di [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Pr [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]As [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Le [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Op [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Er [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]No [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b] [unk:4003:1]Ci [color:3][var:0][color:0] [var:1] [var:2] [var:3] [color:3][var:4][color:0] [var:5] [var:6] [var:7] [color:3][var:8][color:0] [var:9] [var:a] [var:b][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:0][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:1][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:2][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:3][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:4][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:5][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:6][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:7][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:8][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:9][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:a][wait] [unk:4003:1][char:b][wait] [unk:4003:1] [color:3]Cr[color:0] Re Ce Bo [color:3]Di[color:0] Pr As Le [color:3]Op[color:0] Er No Ci [unk:4003:1][color:3][var:0][wait] [unk:4003:1]  最高値   +4   +3   +2   +1   キャンセル   -1   -2   -3   -4   最低値 [wait] [unk:4003:1][color:3]  ・メトークス   ・セブンスレイ   ・泥靴   ・盗賊てぶくろ   ・マジシャンハンド   ・サンタブーツ   ・ミスチーフ   ・トリックスター   ・フォーチューン[color:0] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]メトークス[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]セブンスレイ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]泥靴[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]盗賊てぶくろ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]マジシャンハンド[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]サンタブーツ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]ミスチーフ[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]トリックスター[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]フォーチューン[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] [unk:4003:1][color:3]  ・愛情度設定   ・友情度設定   ・愛情度一覧   ・友情度一覧   ・アイテムもらう   ・お金を-999999する   ・お金を999999する[color:0] [unk:4003:1]誰の?[wait] [center][unk:4003:1][color:6]聖杯[color:0]を手に入れた[unk:4003:0][wait] 全員パーティから外しました。[wait] パーティの人数が一杯です。[wait] [unk:4003:1][color:3]  ・gcPrivateActionType = StepCnt   ・cPaWork[EventCnt] = StepCnt   ・gucEncountRate = StepCnt   ・gnPlaceMaster = StepCnt   ・gnPartyMaster = StepCnt   ・AshCnt = StepCnt   ・OperaCnt = StepCnt   ・体力、魔力全回復   ・アイテム全取得[color:0] [unk:4003:1]いろんなジャンルの曲をとりそろえました   ・レナのテーマ   ・ダンジョン   ・不安   ・ギター   ・ピンチ   ・暗い森   ・最後の塔   ・城   ・遺跡   ・エンディングムービー   ・三味線   ・おまけ1   ・おまけ2[color:0] ヒロインのテーマです。 メロディの声は3ポイントのマルチサンプリングです。[wait] かっこいい系ダンジョン。[wait] 不安。というか恐怖の方が近い?[wait] ギター。 キャラクター選択時に使う予定。[wait] ピンチ。[wait] 暗い森。[wait] エンディング前の塔。 アップテンポでノリのいい曲という仕様でした。[wait] 城。荘厳。[wait] 遺跡。[wait] ムービーの絵にあわせてあります。[wait] 三味線。 しかも津軽三味線。[wait] SC-88Proというローランドの音源に付属してきたサンプル曲をPS用にコンバートしました。 多分リアルタイム録音なので、 弾いたのそのまんまだと思います。[wait] オケの曲はダイナミックレンジが広いし、スターオーシャンでは使わないので他の曲とのバランスをとっていません。したがって、かなりボリュームが他の曲より小さいです。 ボリュームを上げて聴いてください。[wait] [unk:4003:1]エンディングチェック 仲間を決定して、 感情値を変更してください [unk:4003:1][color:3]  ・準備OK   ・キャンセル[color:0][unk:4003:0] [unk:4003:1]告白チェック 仲間を決定して、 感情値を変更してください [char:0]「しかし[unk:4003:14]・・・[unk:4003:0]まさか、 たったの三年で地球の工学技術を 全てマスターするとはね。 [unk:4003:28][unk:4003:0][char:5]がいなければ、エクスペルの地球連邦入りには、 あと1OO年はかかっただろうな。[wait] [char:0]「地球連邦にもレゾニアにも、 お互いに立場がある。 理想通りに行かないことくらいは、 分かっているだろう?[wait] メッセージチェックはありません。[wait] 12000Youth: Boy, what a shock I had! I heard this loud blast, and then you saw what happened next.[wait] 12001Youth: I guess things like these run their course pretty quickly... Everyone's already gotten[new] bored and gone home.[wait] 12002Teen Girl: What is this thing?[wait] 12003Dallan: I came here from [color:1]Tropp[color:0]... Couldn't bear to stay at home any longer. I thought it was a[new] falling star or something, but just what the heck is this thing?[wait] 12004Dallan's Son, Rod: This really fell from the sky?[wait] 12006Old Lady: Truly amazing, the things you see in this world...[wait] 12005Old Man: I don't like the looks of this. I fear it's the work of monsters...[wait] Crash Site[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:5]: Oh, my![wait] 00001[char:0]: [char:84]This is the place! And this is how it looked! No doubt about it, this is the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]! [unk:4006:43:1][new] The one I know is barely recognizable anymore, but it's definitely the same thing I'm looking at here.[wait] 00002[char:5]: This is the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]?[wait] 00003[char:5]: It's not a [color:1]Lezonian[color:0] craft, and it's not from [color:1]Earth[color:0], either. So that leaves just one option.[wait] 00004[char:0]: Is something wrong, [char:5]?[wait] 00005[char:5]: [char:84]Oh! No, it's...it's just that I think this ship is from the [color:1]third party[color:0] we heard about. There aren't any crew left on the scene.[unk:4006:b7:1][new] They must already be off in search of [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]. We need to act fast.[wait] 00006[char:0]: Sounds like it.[wait] 00007[char:5]: Maybe it's just my imagination, but this ship resembles an [color:1]Earth[color:0] vessel in several ways.[wait] [color:3]MONEY[color:0][char:8d][var:1] Fol[wait] [color:3]MONEY[color:0][char:8d]999999999 Fol[wait] [center]Unfortunately, you can't carry any more...[wait] [center]Received [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0].[wait] [center][color:3]Permit[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Flint[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ocarina[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Van Emblem[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silvalant Emblem[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Astral Emblem[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Muah Emblem[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]R-Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]B-Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Eye of Truth[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Force Sword[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Good Luck Charm[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Four Beasts SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Gods of War SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Learned the [color:3]Wyrm King SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Omega SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Feline SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Divine Fury SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Bagua SFT[color:0].[wait] [center]Obtained the [color:3]Backstab[color:0] skill.[wait] [center]Learned [color:3]Ravenous Fiend[color:0] spell.[wait] [center]Learned [color:3]Meteor Swarm[color:0] spell.[wait] [center]Learned [color:3]Demon's Gate[color:0] spell.[wait] [center]Learned [color:3]Extinction[color:0] spell.[wait] [center]Pickpocket failed.[wait] There appears to be some ore here, but it's stuck in the rock. You'll need something to dig it out.[wait] [center][color:3]Levitation Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]tri-Emblum[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Cloak of the Stars[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Cinderella Glass[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Gold Idol[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Custard of Life[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sylvan Mail[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sylvan Boots[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Golden Brooch[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver Charm[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver Cross[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver Barrette[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Dueling Suit[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Pet Food[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Faerie Statuette[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Star Guard[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sylvan Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Amulet of Freedom[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Amulet of Antivenin[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silvance[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Music Box[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ingredients of Yarma[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Organic Vegetables[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sirloin[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Top Quality Tuna[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Marenne Oysters[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Magic Rice[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sweet Fruit[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Gelatinous Slime[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Wobbly Slime[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic ;)[color:0] acquired.[wait] [color:3] - Rest - Cancel[wait] Guildmaster: You bought this already.[wait] Guildmaster: You don't have enough money, man.[wait] Guildmaster: Hope you make something out of it.[wait] Guildmaster: Hey, you want some information on skills? You can't learn any skills without it.[wait] Skill Guide: My job is to explain the contents of each skill set. Would you like to hear this information?[wait] [color:3] - Yes - No[wait] Skill Guide: That's pretty much it.[wait] Skill Guide: Please come back whenever you'd like to hear the contents of the various skill sets.[wait] Advisor: Would you like to listen to some advice on skills?[wait] Advisor: I see. Well, if you ever feel the need for advice about skills, please feel free to visit again.[wait] To escape normally, do not select anything. [color:3] - Win battle - Flee battle - Lose battle - Switch battle[color:0] Game over. Please reset the game.[wait] [center][color:3]Mandrake[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Artemis Leaf[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Magic Canvas[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Spectacles[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Damascus[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mithril[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Moonrock[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ruby[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Star Ruby[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Diamond[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Rainbow Diamond[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver Trumpet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Harmonica[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Vegetables[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Meat[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Murky Potion[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Medicine Bottle[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sleeping Gas[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Resurrection Elixir[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Witch Powder[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Potion of Might[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Flare Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Emerald Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Lunacy[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Mental Power[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Absorption[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Shield Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Gold Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Brooch[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Necklace[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Froghead[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Star Necklace[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sacrificial Doll[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Heavy Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Weird Doll[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic ;O[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fruit Parfait[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sole in Wine Sauce[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mesona Jelly[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Spicy Beef Soup[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Root Beer[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Rotting Sashimi[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Tasteless Stew[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Doodles[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Blueberries[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Aquaberries[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][var:0] skill points gained.[wait] EventCnt=[var:0]に 対応したマップ番号が 見つかりません!![wait] エンディング番号超過!![wait] [center][color:3]Rose Hip[color:0] acquired.[wait] Celestial Ship Remains[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:1]: [char:3]![wait] 00001[char:3]: Hey. Didn't think we'd see each other again.[wait] 00002[char:5]: We need to ask you another favor.[wait] 00003[char:0]: What do you mean?[wait] 00004[char:3]: So that's why we're here again.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Well, I'm all for it! But are we gonna be enough?[wait] 00006[char:5]: Oh, you don't need to worry about that.[wait] 00007[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00008[char:0]: Let's go![wait] 12000Sheena: If you're ever hurt, [char:0], I'll make you get better with my special sparkle[new] magic![wait] 12013Sheena: I just saw [char:1]. She was in a really big hurry. I wonder what's wrong.[wait] 12006Sheena's Mom: Oh, where's [char:1] today? I always see you two together.[wait] 12007Sheena's Mom: I just saw [char:1] run north, looking pale as a ghost. What happened?[wait] 12008Man: Looks like another hot day today.[wait] 12010Man: Hey, [char:0]. Shouldn't you be out with the defense force?[wait] 12011Man: [char:1] just ran past the north gate. Will she be okay all by herself?[wait] 12012Child: I'm so sleepy...but Mom says I need to get up. She just wouldn't leave me alone![wait] [center][color:3]Flare Bomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] Kratus[unk:4006:78:0] 02001[char:0]: Aw, thanks, Sheena.[wait] 10010[char:2]: Let's crush 'em.[wait] 10009[char:2]: What're you doing, [char:0]!? We gotta take care of those bandits![wait] 10000[char:2]: Hey, [char:0], let's keep patrolling [color:1]Kratus[color:0].[wait] 10011[char:0]: It's a bit dangerous to walk outside alone.[wait] 10008[char:2]: What're you doing, [char:0]!? We gotta take care of those bandits![wait] 10013[char:2]: What're you doing? We gotta go after [char:1]![wait] 10001Townsperson: Ooh! What's that!?[wait] 00002[char:0]: What the...!?[wait] 00003Townsperson: Wagh! Bandits![wait] 00004Townsperson: Aaahhh!!![wait] 00005[char:2]: Bastards! Coming here in broad daylight![wait] 00006[char:1]: We've got to help them! Hurry![wait] 00007[char:0]: Let's go![wait] 10012[char:1]: Good morning, [char:0]. [char:2] already went inside.[wait] 12002Sheena: Hi, [char:0]! Did you try the [color:3]Twice-cooked Pork[color:0] I made for you? I know it's your[new] favorite, so it should really boost your energy![wait] 02003[char:0]: So you're the little chef who made that for me. Thanks, Sheena![wait] 12004[char:1]: I'm so glad Sheena's feeling better.[wait] 02005Sheena's Mom: It's all thanks to your father. Please give my regards to [color:4]Martoth[color:0] when you see him.[wait] 10000[char:1]: We need to go pick up [char:2]![wait] 10001[char:2]: C'mon, let's get to [color:1]Metorx[color:0] at once![wait] 12002Miss: Help![wait] 12003Miss: [char:2]'s already gone ahead to the defense force office.[wait] 12004Miss: I wonder if [color:4]Martoth[color:0] is all right. It's been a while since he went to [color:1]Coule[color:0].[wait] 12005Man: Hey, thanks for all your work.[wait] 12008Man: Going on patrol as always? Thanks, guys.[wait] 12009Man: Whoa, what's the rush? What's that? [char:1]? Yeah, I saw her run by just now.[wait] 12006Old Man: Hm. I haven't been to [color:1]Coule[color:0] in a while. If you ever happen to go that way, please give my[new] regards to my friends.[wait] 12007Old Man: If you're looking for [char:1], I saw her running towards [color:1]Coule[color:0]. I hope she's not[new] going further north to [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0]. That area's dangerous.[wait] [center][color:3]Talisman[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10001[char:2]: What're you doing, [char:0]!? We gotta take care of those bandits![wait] 10004[char:0]: It's a bit dangerous to walk outside alone.[wait] 10002[char:2]: What're you doing, [char:0]!? We gotta take care of those bandits![wait] 10012[char:2]: What're you doing? We gotta go after [char:1]![wait] 10003[char:0]: Let's go![wait] 10005[char:1]: [char:0]...[wait] 00006[char:1]: What's it say?[wait] 00007[char:8c]A powerful disease has struck [color:1]Coule[color:0]. My methods are powerless against it, and even worse, I'm afraid I've contracted the disease myself.[new] 00008Casual skin contact is enough to spread the illness. It incubates for about an hour, but after it develops, the infected turn into stone in about three days' time.[new] 00009There is no hope for [color:1]Coule[color:0]. Do not approach it under any circumstances. --[color:4]Martoth Chliette[color:0][char:8c][wait] 00010[char:2]: [char:1]! Wait![wait] 00011[char:2]: She's gonna head for [color:1]Coule[color:0] all by herself! We've got to stop her![wait] 12000[char:0]: Have you noticed anything strange or unusual going on?[wait] 02001Miss: No, it's been nice and peaceful, thanks to your efforts.[wait] 10008[char:1]: We need to go pick up [char:2]![wait] 10009[char:2]: We gotta get to [color:1]Metorx[color:0] fast![wait] 10000[char:1]: Are you all right?[wait] 00001[char:2]: Huh? What d'you mean?[wait] 00002[char:1]: You... But... I just saw you...![wait] 00003[char:2]: Stop jumping to conclusions! I was just a little light-headed, that's all. I told you it was nothing.[wait] 00004[char:2]: [char:84][char:0], don't you think we oughta go pick some [color:1]herbs[color:0] at the [color:1]peak of Mt. Metorx[color:0]?[unk:4006:d3:0][new] That oughta be just the thing for [char:1]'s dad.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Oh. Er, yeah.[wait] 00006[char:0]: [color:1]Metorx[color:0] lies due north of [color:1]Coule[color:0]. We'll need to watch ourselves.[wait] 00007[char:2]: You said it. That's [color:4]Fellworm[color:0] territory up there.[wait] 10000[char:1]: I'm sorry, guys.[wait] 00001???: Wait.[wait] 00002[char:1]: [char:2]?[wait] 00003[char:2]: Planning to go off by yourself?[wait] 00004[char:1]: ...[wait] 00005[char:2]: You're going to pick some [color:1]herbs[color:0] off the [color:1]peak of Mt. Metorx[color:0], aren't you?[wait] 00006[char:2]: Doesn't take a genius to see what you're thinking.[wait] 00007[char:2]: But listen, you can't go into that hornet's nest. Not by yourself![wait] 00008[char:1]: I'm sorry.[wait] 00009[char:2]: C'mon, quit pouting.[wait] 00010[char:1]: Huh?[wait] 00011[char:2]: It'll be okay. Your dad'll be fine once we get those [color:1]herbs[color:0].[wait] 00012[char:1]: Yeah.[wait] 00013[char:1]: But...[wait] 00014[char:2]: This is terrible. I can't stand seeing you sad like this![wait] 00015[char:1]: [char:2]?[wait] 00016[char:2]: [char:1], I want you to know something.[wait] 00017[char:2]: I...I...[wait] 00018[char:2]: Ergh...[wait] 00019[char:1]: [char:2]? [char:2], what's wrong? Are you all right!?[wait] 00020[char:2]: Get away from me![wait] 00021[char:2]: N-no, sorry. I'm fine. It's nothing.[wait] 00022[char:1]: But you're... Hold tight just a minute, I'll go find someone![wait] 00023[char:1]: [char:0]! [char:2] just collapsed![wait] 00024[char:2]: ...[wait] 00025[char:2]: Every time something comes up, what's the first thing out of her mouth? [char:8c][char:0], [char:0]...[char:8c][wait] 10000Bitz the Bandit: They're puttin' up more of a fight than we figured, boss.[wait] 00001Boss Baird: Pathetic! Letting a couple of brats step all over us! Just wait till I show them![wait] 00002[char:0]: We aren't just any brats, I'll have you know! We're the official town defense force![wait] 00003[char:2]: And we're not about to let some punk swagger in here with his pack of gutless losers![wait] 00004[char:1]: Yeah! You guys wouldn't last two minutes in a fight![wait] 00005Boss Baird: W-what did you say!?[wait] 00006Bitz the Bandit: Let's get 'em, boss![wait] 10007Townsperson: Whew! Thanks a lot, guys.[wait] 00008[char:0]: Just doing our jobs, sir.[wait] 00009[char:1]: Ooh, how suave of you.[wait] 12001Defense Force Member: Don't worry. We'll go on patrol today. Besides, you already had your share of fame and[new] glory yesterday.[wait] 12003Defense Force Member: Even if you've learned a special art, you won't be able to use it unless you equip it. Do[new] it before you forget.[wait] 12004[color:4]Captain[color:0]: You've earned yourselves a day off. Feel free to relax or even go for a walk. Just[new] remember to stay on the roads if you do leave town. It's dangerous out there.[wait] [center][color:3]Blackberries[color:0] acquired.[wait] Defense Force HQ[unk:4006:78:0] 12008[color:4]Captain[color:0]: I'd say the future's bright for the three of you.[wait] 10000[char:2]: Hey, [char:0]. The [color:4]captain[color:0]'s waiting for you.[wait] 00001[color:4]Captain[color:0]: Ah, there you are, [char:0].[wait] 00002[color:4]Captain[color:0]: [char:84]Ahem. To business, then.[unk:4006:b3:0][new] You made us all proud here yesterday. Repelling a bandit warlord with only the three of you, they tell me.[wait] 00003[color:4]Captain[color:0]: The townspeople wanted me to give this to you. Here, take it.[wait] [center][color:3]Blueberries[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Twice-cooked Pork[color:0] acquired.[wait] 00004[char:2]: What the... Hey, this is [char:0]'s favorite food! Why does he get special treatment?[wait] 00005[color:4]Captain[color:0]: Eh heh heh! It came from a [char:8c]fan[char:8c] of [char:0]'s, that's all I know.[wait] 00006[color:4]Captain[color:0]: Eh heh heh. Well, regardless, keep up the good work, all of you.[wait] 00007[char:2]: [char:84]It's not like we get stuff like we had yesterday very often.[unk:4006:b2:0][new] This town'd be perfectly safe even if we sat on our tails all day.[wait] 00008[char:1]: [char:2]! Knock it off![wait] 10009[char:0]: You called for us, sir?[wait] 00010[color:4]Captain[color:0]: Ah, [char:0]. Good to see you here. We've got trouble. Take a look at this.[wait] 00011[color:4]Captain[color:0]: A letter came in earlier.[wait] 00012[char:8c]Send help immediately. Mystery outbreak in [color:1]Coule Village[color:0]. Residents suffering from high fever. --[color:4]Mayor, [color:4]Coule[color:4] Village[color:0][char:8c][wait] 00013[char:1]: So what'll we do?[wait] 00014[char:2]: We go help them out, that's what![wait] 00015[char:1]: The [color:1]herbs[color:0] that grow on the [color:1]peak of Mt. Metorx[color:0] ought to do the trick.[wait] 00016???: Wait![wait] 00017[char:1]: Father![wait] 00018Martoth: Leave this matter to me.[wait] 00019[color:4]Captain[color:0]: [color:4]Martoth[color:0]! Will you go on our behalf?[wait] 00020Martoth: Yes. I don't think we have much to worry about with this mystery outbreak.[wait] 00021[color:4]Captain[color:0]: Well, if the best healer in all of [color:1]Kratus[color:0] is on the job, it'd be a tremendous relief to all of us.[wait] 00022Martoth: I'll be back in a little while, all right? Stay away from [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0]. It's too dangerous for you.[wait] 10023[char:2]: Man, I'm bored.[wait] 00024[char:0]: That's a good thing. It means all's well.[wait] 00025[char:2]: Say, did uh, did something happen between you and [char:1]?[wait] 00026[char:0]: Mm? Whadaya mean?[wait] 00027[char:2]: Listen, I'm telling you this 'cause I'm your friend.[wait] 00028[char:2]: That girl's stubborn, she flies off the handle over nothing...[wait] 00029[char:2]: ...and on top of that, who the heck knows where her mind is half the time.[wait] 00030[char:1]: And who would that be?[wait] 00031[char:2]: Oh, uh, nobody?[wait] 00032[char:1]: Quit complaining about me and get to work![wait] 00033[char:2]: But there's nothin' to do, [char:1]![wait] 00034[char:1]: Father said he needed help gathering [color:1]herbs[color:0] over on [color:1]Metorx[color:0].[wait] 00035[char:2]: He did?[wait] 00036[char:2]: Oh all right then, I'll go. Just me oughta be enough.[wait] 00037[char:1]: Sure is quiet around here. All that stuff we saw is like a dream.[wait] 00038[char:0]: Yeah. You got that right.[wait] 00039[char:1]: Hey, did you see that? Over by the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]! Something just lit up![wait] 00040[char:0]: What!?[wait] 00041[char:1]: [char:0], wanna go check it out? I have a feeling something happened![wait] 00042[char:0]: Sure. Let's go![wait] 10000[color:4]Captain[color:0]: Well, I'm off. Have a good night.[wait] 00001[char:2]: Yes, sir. We'll let you know if anything's up.[wait] 00002[char:2]: Come on, guys, lighten up a bit![wait] 00003[char:2]: [char:1], I know how you feel, but [char:0], you've been acting weird lately. What's wrong? You can tell us.[wait] 00004[char:0]: ...[wait] 12007[char:0]'s Mom: Hmm, what looks good?[wait] Food Shop [char:8c]La Frase[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Mrs. Fraser the Grocer: Hi, [char:0]. We just got a fresh shipment of vegetables, so make sure you tell your[new] mother.[wait] 02001[char:0]: Definitely, thanks.[wait] 02002[char:2]: You got any [color:3]Blackberries[color:0]?[wait] 02003Mrs. Fraser: No, we haven't gotten them in yet.[wait] 12006Mrs. Fraser the Grocer: Hello. Let me know if I can help you.[wait] 12004Mrs. Fraser the Grocer: Hi, [char:0]. We just got a fresh shipment of vegetables, so make sure you tell your[new] mother.[wait] 02005[char:0]: Definitely, thanks.[wait] 11000[char:0]: She's sleeping again...[wait] 01001[char:c]: Zzzz...[wait] 01002[char:c]: Zzzz...zzzz...*snort*.[wait] 01003[char:0]: Sure looks happy...[wait] 01004[char:c]: Zzzz...[wait] 01005[char:c]: Nnngh...no...[wait] 01006[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01007[char:c]: Don't do that... That's...zzz...[wait] 01008[char:c]: Yagh! [char:0]! Anything but that![wait] 01009[char:0]: M-me!?[wait] 01010[char:c]: Ah... Ah! Not like that! That's...nooooo!!![wait] 01011[char:c]: Ah, ah, ah...! The juice...[wait] 01012[char:0]: ...Juice?[wait] 01013[char:c]: Zzzz...[wait] 01014[char:c]: The juice from the dumplings... It's all over the floor... That's my favorite part...[wait] 01015[char:c]: ...Zzzz.[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Ratchet[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12001Toolie's Daughter, Sophia: I want to learn to cook, but I also love crafting and want to be able to play an instrument.[new] But I'm not talented at all![wait] 02002 - Cheer her up. - Leave her be.[wait] 02003[char:1]: [color:0]Sophia[color:0], it's not like you at all to give up so easily. You just need to work at it, and then[new] you'll get better![wait] 02004Sophia: You're right. Thanks, [char:1].[wait] 12005Toolie's Daughter, Sophia: I want to learn to cook, but I also love crafting and want to be able to play an instrument.[new] But I'm not talented at all![wait] 02008 - Cheer her up. - Leave her be.[wait] 02006[char:0]: [color:0]Sophia[color:0], it's not like you at all to give up so easily. You just need to work at it, and then[new] you'll get better![wait] 02007Sophia: You're right. Thanks, [char:0].[wait] 12000Old Man Toolie: Thanks for all your hard work.[wait] 02072[char:0]: Good luck![wait] 02073[char:1]: Go get 'em![wait] 02075[char:3]: You can do this![wait] 02076[char:4]: Knock 'em dead![wait] 02074[char:5]: You better not lose![wait] 02079[char:6]: Best of luck to you![wait] 02077[char:7]: Give 'em a good fight![wait] 02080[char:8]: Try not to get hurt![wait] 02078[char:9]: Give it all you've got![wait] 02082[char:a]: It's a piece of cake![wait] 02081[char:b]: Gimme a W! Gimme an I! Gimme an N![wait] 02084[char:c]: Beat 'em to a pulp![wait] 02083[char:d]: Be careful out there![wait] 12110[char:0]: Yes![wait] 12111[char:0]: Next![wait] 12112[char:0]: Whew![wait] 12113[char:1]: I did it![wait] 12114[char:1]: Who's next!?[wait] 12115[char:1]: Hope you're watching, [char:0]![wait] 12116[char:3]: Yes![wait] 12117[char:3]: Next![wait] 12118[char:3]: Keep them coming![wait] 12119[char:5]: Yes![wait] 12120[char:5]: I'd say that was eight out of ten.[wait] 12121[char:5]: That gave me a good sweat.[wait] 12122[char:4]: Yeah![wait] 12123[char:4]: Way too easy![wait] 12124[char:4]: Nothin' to it![wait] 12125[char:6]: I realize that it is necessary to fight sometimes, and yet...[wait] 12126[char:6]: I hope this ends quickly.[wait] 12127[char:6]: Whew.[wait] 12128[char:a]: Let's keep this going![wait] 12129[char:a]: Easy does it![wait] 12130[char:a]: Not a problem![wait] 12131[char:8]: Whew.[wait] 12132[char:8]: This is my fate, after all.[wait] 12133[char:8]: I cannot afford to lose here.[wait] 12134[char:9]: You still have much to learn.[wait] 12135[char:9]: Somebody needs to make this interesting for me.[wait] 12136[char:9]: Hmph.[wait] 12137[char:b]: Oopsy! I didn't mean to be so strong![wait] 12138[char:b]: Ooo, who's next!?[wait] 12139[char:b]: Wheee![wait] 12140[char:7]: There's no room for pity on the battlefield![wait] 12141[char:7]: Think it'll be easy just 'cause I'm a woman?[wait] 12142[char:7]: Hah, that was it?[wait] 12143[char:c]: All right, come and get it![wait] 12144[char:c]: Who's the boss? I am![wait] 12145[char:c]: Yeah![wait] 12146[char:d]: Lovely![wait] 12147[char:d]: Who's next?[wait] 12148[char:d]: I shall burn you to a crisp.[wait] 12090[char:0]: Yes! I did it![wait] 12091[char:1]: Yay! I won![wait] どーん[wait] 12093[char:3]: That was pretty fun.[wait] 12094[char:4]: These guys ain't so tough![wait] 12092[char:5]: That wasn't too bad.[wait] 12097[char:6]: Phew! I feel a bit fatigued now.[wait] 12095[char:7]: Victory![wait] 12098[char:8]: Really? I won?[wait] 12096[char:9]: Hmph. Nothing to it.[wait] 12100[char:a]: That's one more step to the top![wait] 12099[char:b]: Thanks for the support, guys![wait] 12101[char:c]: Ha! In your face, losers![wait] 12102[char:d]: Victory is so sweet![wait] 12246[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Medical Set[color:0].[wait] 12247[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Herbal Set[color:0].[wait] 12248[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Food Set[color:0].[wait] 12249[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Jewelry Set[color:0].[wait] 12250[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Luxury Medical Set[color:0].[wait] 12251[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Luxury Food Set[color:0].[wait] 02245Announcer: But that's not all! Today's victor will be given an extra special prize: the skill to learn the Omega Secret Fighting Technique![wait] 12252[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Luxury Jewelry Set[color:0].[wait] 12253[center][unk:4003:1]Received [color:3]Combat Set[color:0].[wait] 12150[char:0]: Next![wait] 02235Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank H![wait] 02236Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank G![wait] 02237Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank F![wait] 02238Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank E![wait] 02239Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank D![wait] 02240Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank C![wait] 02241Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank B![wait] 02242Announcer: He's done it! [char:0] has crushed his 4th opponent and has just one foe left to beat to emerge victorious in Rank A![wait] 02152Announcer: What...what's this!? A member of the audience has jumped into the fray![wait] 02153Here comes a new challenger![wait] 02154???: Your fighting style is impressive! My name is [char:a] Arcana, and I'd like to challenge you to a duel![wait] 02155Announcer: What an incredible turn of events! It appears that [char:a] is of a rare breed of fighters, a [color:2]Lycanthrope[color:0]! Their unsurpassed[new] skill in the martial arts is the stuff of legends. Could this be the end for [char:0]!?[wait] 02156[char:a]: Your fighting style excites me! I'll have to ask for another duel![wait] 11059Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank A! A warm round of applause for...[char:a]![wait] 01045Luka: Wow, you really did it, [char:a]! You kept your promise![wait] 01046[char:a]: Of course I did! I hope you'll fight your curse, too. Never give up, and you'll always find a way out![wait] 01047[char:a]: Awoooo![wait] 01048Luka: Awoooo![wait] 12222Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:0] has been knocked out![wait] 12223Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:1] has been knocked out![wait] 12224Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:3] has been knocked out![wait] 12226Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:4] has been knocked out![wait] 12225Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:5] has been knocked out![wait] 12227Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:6] has been knocked out![wait] 12232Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:7] has been knocked out![wait] 12229Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:8] has been knocked out![wait] 12230Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:9] has been knocked out![wait] 12228Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:a] has been knocked out![wait] 12231Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:b] has been knocked out![wait] 12233Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:c] has been knocked out![wait] 12234Announcer: Oooh, a deadly blow! [char:d] has been knocked out![wait] 02175Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank H! 02176Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank G! 02177Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank F! 02178Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank E! 02179Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank D! 02180Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank C! 02181Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank B! 02182Announcer: A new challenger has emerged victorious with a convincing performance in Rank A! Error 02183 A warm round of applause for...[char:0]![wait] 02184 A warm round of applause for...[char:1]![wait] 02185 A warm round of applause for...[char:3]![wait] 02186 A warm round of applause for...[char:5]![wait] 02187 A warm round of applause for...[char:4]![wait] 02188 A warm round of applause for...[char:6]![wait] 02189 A warm round of applause for...[char:a]![wait] 02190 A warm round of applause for...[char:8]![wait] 02191 A warm round of applause for...[char:9]![wait] 02192 A warm round of applause for...[char:b]![wait] 02193 A warm round of applause for...[char:7]![wait] 02194 A warm round of applause for...[char:c]![wait] 02195 A warm round of applause for...[char:d]![wait] 02196Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:0]![wait] 02197Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:1]![wait] 02198Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:3]![wait] 02199Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:5]![wait] 02200Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:4]![wait] 02201Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:6]![wait] 02202Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:a]![wait] 02203Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:8]![wait] 02204Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:9]![wait] 02205Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:b]![wait] 02206Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:7]![wait] 02207Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:c]![wait] 02208Announcer: We've also got a fantastic prize to give away to [char:d]![wait] 02209Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:0]![wait] 02210Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:1]![wait] 02211Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:3]![wait] 02212Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:5]![wait] 02213Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:4]![wait] 02214Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:6]![wait] 02215Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:a]![wait] 02216Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:8]![wait] 02217Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:9]![wait] 02218Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:b]![wait] 02219Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:7]![wait] 02220Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:c]![wait] 02221Announcer: We've also got a fantastic cash prize to give away to [char:d]![wait] 12071Announcer: We have a challenger.[wait] 02085Announcer: Let the fights begin. Round 1![wait] 02086Announcer: Round 2![wait] 02087Announcer: Round 3![wait] 02088Announcer: Round 4![wait] 02089Announcer: Final round![wait] 02104Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Jennifer![wait] 02157Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Marilyn![wait] 02158Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Lily![wait] 02159Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Shaya![wait] 02160Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Fleura![wait] 02161Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Kasha![wait] 02162Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Lessie![wait] 02163Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Meili![wait] 02164Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Chelsey![wait] 02165Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Mewky![wait] 02243Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiincess Mana![wait] 02105Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Mark![wait] 02166Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Mel![wait] 02167Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Ryu![wait] 02168Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Kenny![wait] 02169Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Kress![wait] 02170Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Yuma![wait] 02171Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Rhuya![wait] 02172Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince John![wait] 02173Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Strayer![wait] 02174Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince Lucien![wait] 02244Announcer: Handing out the victory bouquet is Priiince [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0]![wait] 02108Announcer: One more round of applause for the victor![wait] 02109Announcer: Until next time, good fighting![wait] 12000[char:2]: Hey, don't touch that. That music box means a lot to me.[wait] 12001[char:0]: (This is the music box that [char:2]'s sister loved so much.)[wait] [char:2]'s House[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Back on board the [color:1]Calnus[color:0], the party succeeds in replicating the [color:1]serum[color:0].[unk:4006:0:0] 00009After producing a large quantity of the [color:1]serum[color:0], it is shipped off to [color:1]Roak[color:0], where it arrives safely.[unk:4006:0:0] 00001[char:1]: [char:2]![wait] 00002[char:2]: I... Am I...?[wait] 00003[char:0]: You're cured.[wait] 00004[char:2]: I am? Hey, nice work.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Yep. Now we can save everyone else, too.[wait] 00006[char:2]: Guess I'll be taking my music box back, then.[wait] 00007[char:1]: What!? C'mon, I thought you gave that to me![wait] 00008[char:2]: Ha ha! All right, all right. Keep it.[wait] 10000[char:2]: Listen, there was something I wanted to give you before I go.[wait] 00001[char:1]: Oh, don't say that. You'll just be sleeping for a little while.[wait] 00002[char:2]: Get the music box on that shelf for me.[wait] 00003[char:2]: I'm giving that to you, [char:1].[wait] 00004[char:1]: But this is your sister's. I can't take this.[wait] 00005[char:2]: Take it, please.[wait] 00006[char:2]: I gave that...to...[wait] 00007[char:0]: It's all right. I swear we'll save you.[wait] 00008[char:5]: I know this is hard, but we've got to go. He needs your help.[wait] 00009[char:0]: Right.[wait] 12002[char:1]'s Dad, Martoth: What can I do about my little girl? She'd rather play cops and robbers all day than practice[new] her [color:1]symbology[color:0].[wait] [char:1]'s House[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:1]'s Dad, Martoth: [char:1], I hope you haven't been neglecting your [color:1]symbology[color:0] studies.[new] Once I've retired, you'll be the only one who can take over for me.[wait] 02001[char:1]: I know, Dad. You don't need to go on about it.[wait] 12000[char:0]'s Mom: Oh, hi, [char:0]. How's your patrol going?[wait] [char:0]'s House[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]'s Mom: Oh! I thought you were still sleeping. Did you have trouble falling asleep?[wait] 00001[char:0]: No, I'm fine.[wait] 00002[char:0]'s Mom: Are you sure? You've been acting kind of strange lately. I don't want [char:1] and [char:2] having to worry about you.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Oh, stop worrying so much, Mom. I'll be back later.[wait] 10004Two Days Later[unk:4006:0:0] 00005???: Father still hasn't come back. I've got to find him.[wait] 00006???: You're not going, all right? He said he'd call us if he needed us.[wait] 00007???: But...but I can't just sit around and wait any more![wait] 12006Would you like to rest?[wait] 02007 - Yes - No[wait] 12001[char:0]: Hi, Mom. Mrs. Fraser was saying she'd just got a new shipment of vegetables.[wait] 02002[char:0]'s Mom: Oh, good. I should go buy some before they sell out again.[wait] 12003[char:0]'s Mom: I'll see you later.[wait] 12004[char:0]'s Mom: Take care, [char:0].[wait] 02005[char:0]: Don't worry, Mom. I'm sure Dad's watching over me.[wait] 12000[char:0]'s Mom: What are you doing up so late, [char:1]?[wait] 10000That night...[unk:4006:0:0] 00001[char:0]'s Mom: I made some tea for you.[wait] 00002[char:1]: Thank you, ma'am.[wait] 00003[char:0]'s Mom: Enjoy.[wait] 00004[char:2]: Hah, those bandits hardly even put up a fight.[wait] 00005[char:1]: What are you talking about? That was a pretty close call, and you know it.[wait] 00006[char:1]: Something wrong, [char:0]? You look a little off.[wait] 00007[char:0]'s Mom: Oh, he's just been moping around all the time lately.[wait] 00008[char:2]: Well, see ya later.[wait] 00009[char:0]: Yeah.[wait] 00010[char:1]: Hope you feel better tomorrow, [char:0].[wait] 00011[char:1]: Thanks again, ma'am.[wait] 00012[char:0]'s Mom: Oh, certainly. Come back anytime.[wait] 00013[char:0]: Being bored's a good thing, huh?[wait] 10014[char:1]: [char:0]! Come with me! [char:2]'s in trouble![wait] 00015[char:0]: Right, let's go![wait] 12001Would you like to rest?[wait] 02002 - Yes - No[wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]Smitty's Smithery[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Weapon Shop Owner: Remember, you kids are responsible for the safety of this town. Don't forget to equip[new] your weapons at all times.[wait] 02001[char:2]: C'mon, we know all that.[wait] 12002Weapon Shop Owner: Remember, you kids are responsible for the safety of this town. Don't forget to equip[new] your weapons at all times.[wait] 12000Youth: Did you guys come from [color:1]Kratus[color:0]?[wait] 12004[char:0]: (This person's turned completely into a statue...but still looks very much alive somehow.)[wait] 12001Old Lady: Most of the men from this village have left to make money elsewhere for their[new] families.[wait] 12002Old Man: This is the village of [color:1]Coule[color:0]. [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0] is just north of here, but I'd advise against visiting[new] that dangerous place.[wait] 12003Old Man: Don't touch me! I've already been infected. This town...won't survive much longer. I've[new] decided to spend my last few hours in this town. But there is an [color:1]herb[color:0] found on [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0][new] that might save me.[wait] Coule[unk:4006:78:0] 10001[char:2]: Hey, we gotta look for [char:1].[wait] 10000[char:2]: There's [char:1]! After her![wait] 12000[char:0]: (This person's turned completely into a statue...but still looks very much alive somehow.)[wait] 12001[char:0]: (He's already turned into stone. I think he once told me that [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0] was just north of here.)[wait] 12000Child: What do you think Daddy's gonna bring home this time?[wait] 12003[char:0]: (This person's turned completely into a statue...but still looks very much alive somehow.)[wait] 12001Child: I wish it was tomorrow already.[wait] 12002Wife: My husband's coming home tomorrow. He's been away for the last six months due to work.[wait] Home[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Elderly Person: The young folks just keep leaving. What's going to happen to this village?[wait] 12001[char:0]: (This person's turned completely into a statue...but still looks very much alive somehow.)[wait] 10000Martoth: Stay away from me![wait] 00001Martoth: No matter what you do, don't touch me.[wait] 00002[char:1]: Father...[wait] 00003Martoth: I am done for, [char:1].[wait] 00004[char:1]: And you won't let me sit by your side, Father? I can't even hold your hand?[wait] 00005[char:1]: How can something like this happen?[wait] 00006Martoth: [char:0], [char:2]. Could you take my daughter back to town for me?[wait] 00007[char:2]: [char:1], let's go.[wait] 00008Martoth: [char:1]![wait] 12002Martoth: I told you not to come up here![wait] 02003[char:1]: But...[wait] 12001Martoth: I told you not to come up here![wait] 02002[char:1]: But...[wait] Mt. Metorx[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:2]: I don't think we should go too far away from [color:1]Kratus[color:0]. Let's call it a day and go back.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Yeah, you're right.[wait] 10002[char:2]: Let's go back to [color:1]Kratus[color:0], man.[wait] 10003[char:0]: [char:4], didn't you say that there was an [color:1]abandoned mine[color:0] around here?[wait] 00004[char:4]: Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me.[wait] 00005[char:4]: I think the entrance's hidden behind one of these boulders.[wait] 00006[char:4]: You wanna check it out? At least we'll know where it is so we can come back later.[wait] 10007[char:4]: You just watch. I'm gonna become such a famous swordsman, they'll still be talking about me 300 years from now.[wait] 00008[char:4]: Stronger than my dad, stronger than the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], and definitely stronger than you. Got that, [char:0]?[wait] 10009[char:7]: [char:0], you saved my life, and I promise I won't let it go to waste.[wait] 00010[char:7]: I can't imagine what the world is like 300 years from now. Still, I can't help but wonder how you're doing.[wait] 00011[char:7]: [char:0]...[wait] 00012[char:7]: Is it my fate to bear this intense loneliness for the rest of my life?[wait] 00013[char:7]: I can't help but expect you to be there whenever I turn around.[wait] 10003[char:2]: Are you guys all right?[wait] 00004[char:1]: Yup.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Make sure you brush off any [color:4]Fellworm[color:0] eggs.[wait] 00006[char:1]: Don't worry, I know. They wouldn't be such a problem if they didn't hatch so fast![wait] 00007[char:0]: Yeah.[wait] 10000[char:2]: Watch out, guys. This place's swarming with [color:4]Fellworms[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:1]: Ugh. They lay their eggs on you if you get too close, don't they?[wait] 00002[char:0]: It could get nasty if those eggs hatch.[wait] 12000Traveler: This water's really good. It just wipes away your fatigue![wait] [center][color:3]?HERB[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10000[char:4]: So yer lookin' for some friends, huh? That's gotta be a pain in the tail.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Oh, it is.[wait] 00002[char:5]: Are you traveling for any particular reason yourself?[wait] 00003[char:4]: ...[wait] 00004[char:4]: To work on my swordsmanship.[wait] 00005[char:5]: Oh? You seem more than strong enough to me.[wait] 00006[char:4]: Hah! It's a big world out there, y'know?[wait] 12001Drink the water?[wait] 02003[center]Health restored![wait] 10000[char:1]: You all right?[wait] 00001[char:2]: Don't touch me![wait] 00002[char:1]: What? I'm just worried about you. You don't have to yell at me like that.[wait] 00003[char:2]: No, it's nothing. Don't worry about me.[wait] 00004[char:0]: Wait, you didn't catch the...![wait] 00005[char:2]: I must have caught it when I touched that carrier pigeon.[wait] 00006[char:1]: Oh, no...[wait] 00007[char:0]: We better go back home.[wait] 00008[char:2]: No, I'm fine. I haven't started turning into stone yet.[wait] 00009[char:1]: But...[wait] 00010[char:2]: I said I'm fine![wait] 00011[char:2]: I'm sorry. But I'm fine, really.[wait] 00012[char:2]: Besides, those [color:1]herbs[color:0] will cure me anyway, right? Let's get moving![wait] 12000Drink the water?[wait] 02001 - Yes - No[wait] 02002[center]Health restored![wait] 10000[char:2]: So spring's already passed by, huh.[wait] 00001[char:0]: So it has...[wait] 00002[char:1]: I guess this is goodbye, then.[wait] 00003[char:5]: Yes.[wait] 00004[char:2]: But aren't you guys gonna be in a heap of trouble when you get back? I mean, dealing with us and everything?[wait] 00005[char:3]: [char:84]Well, I called in some pretty big favors from the admiral, and he had our insubordination charges dismissed.[unk:4006:7c:1][new] As for the [color:1]Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact[color:0], don't worry about it.[wait] 00006[char:5]: The admiral didn't want to abandon [color:1]Roak[color:0] either. We came through for him, so he came through for us.[wait] 00007[char:0]: Well, thank you all very much for everything. I'll never forget you, I promise.[wait] 00008[char:3]: Well, this is it then. I doubt we'll ever see each other again.[wait] 00009[char:5]: See you, [char:1]. [char:0].[wait] 10010A few moments later...[unk:4006:0:0] 00011[char:8]: Are you ready?[wait] 00012[char:d]: You ready?[wait] 00013[char:4]: Are you sure this will work? We're talking 300 years here.[wait] 00014[char:9]: Are you sure we can do this? 300 years is nothing to sniff at.[wait] 00015[char:8]: Of course. You can use [color:1]symbology[color:0] to slow time to a virtual standstill.[wait] 00016[char:d]: It'll be all right. We can use [color:1]symbology[color:0] to slow time to a virtual standstill.[wait] 00017[char:6]: We'll use this sapling to mark the spot, then. Do you think they'll notice it?[wait] 00018[char:4]: He's pretty dopey about things like that, but [char:1] oughta notice for him.[wait] 00019[char:9]: [char:0]'s not the most perceptive of young men, but [char:1] ought to be able to point it out to him.[wait] 00020[char:b]: I'll bury my [color:1]Ocarina[color:0], then![wait] 00021[char:a]: All right! I'll bury this thing![wait] 00022[char:c]: Hee hee hee. Boy, are they gonna be surprised![wait] 00023[char:4]: Hmm, guess I'll give 'em this, then.[wait] 00024[char:9]: Here, this is from me.[wait] 00025[char:7]: I can see the look on their faces already.[wait] 00026[char:8]: Well, everyone all set, then?[wait] 00027[char:d]: Everyone all set?[wait] 10028[char:0]: I guess this is goodbye for good, then.[wait] 00029[char:3]: Yes, but we may come back for you again.[wait] 00030[char:5]: Hee hee. Though I'd prefer if we didn't have to.[wait] 00031[char:1]: Well, you're certainly welcome, although try to make it a more leisurely visit next time.[wait] 00032[char:3]: We will, but I think I'd prefer it if [color:1]Roak[color:0] stayed an undeveloped civilization.[wait] 00033[char:5]: [char:84]I think so, too.[unk:4006:44:0][new] Becoming [char:8c]developed[char:8c] just means your air gets polluted, your water gets contaminated, and your greenery starts to wither.[wait] 00034[char:5]: I don't think there's a single good thing about it.[wait] 00035[char:0]: [char:84]Oh, I think there is. For one, we wouldn't have met you, and we wouldn't have had the amazing adventure we had.[unk:4006:5c:1][new] Don't worry about us. We'll make [color:1]Roak[color:0] even better than it was before.[wait] 00036[char:3]: When that happens, I'll be sure and pay another visit.[wait] 00037[char:0]: Well, see you.[wait] 00038[char:1]: We may not see each other again.[wait] 00039[char:0]: [char:5]?[wait] 00040[char:5]: Thing's might've been different if I were born on the same planet as you.[wait] 00041[char:5]: Listen, you take care of [char:1], all right? Girls like that don't come along every day.[wait] 00042[char:3]: You ready, [char:5]?[wait] 00043[char:5]: Yes. Just had some personal things I had to say to [char:0]. That's all.[wait] 00044[char:5]: I'm glad we had the chance to work together.[wait] 00045[char:0]: For us, the real adventure begins now.[wait] 10000[char:5]: Before you say anything, I want to let you know that we are not your enemy.[wait] 00001[char:1]: Really?[wait] 00002[char:2]: Well, they sure aren't our friends! Not these strangers![wait] 00003[char:0]: We're here to pick some of the [color:1]herbs[color:0] off of this mountain. That's all.[wait] 00004[char:5]: I should tell you that these [color:1]herbs[color:0] won't stop anyone from turning into stone.[wait] 00005[char:0]: How... Who are you?[wait] 00006[char:5]: More interested in listening to us now?[wait] 00007[char:0]: All right. Go.[wait] 00008[char:5]: I'm sure you won't believe us at first, but we've come from a place far, far away to save all of you.[wait] 00009[char:0]: So why didn't you come sooner, then?[wait] 00010[char:5]: [char:84]We can't make direct contact with civilizations in the early stages of development.[unk:4006:0:1][new] It's part of the [color:1]Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact[color:0].[wait] 00011[char:0]: Early stages of development?[wait] 00012[char:5]: We came here from beyond the sky, from another planet. We're making something of a special exception to the rule, you see.[wait] 00013[char:0]: Beyond the sky? Another planet?[wait] 00014[char:1]: Are you gods?[wait] 00015[char:5]: No, we're not gods. We're people, just like you. Well, except without the tails.[wait] 00016[char:1]: Oh, wow![wait] 00017[char:5]: [char:84][color:1]Lezonia[color:0], a force opposing our own, broke the [color:1]Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact[color:0] recently[unk:4006:4a:1][new] and engaged in direct interference with this planet. As if that weren't bad enough, they also fired a biological weapon at you,[unk:4006:b3:1][new] releasing the contagion that's spread across this whole area.[wait] 00018[char:0]: So we're turning into stone, and it's because of those [color:1]Lezonia[color:0] guys?[wait] 00019[char:5]: Correct.[wait] 00020[char:1]: I...I can't believe this.[wait] 00021[char:5]: We've been sent here to examine the disease and try to find a treatment for it.[wait] 00022[char:3]: So you see, we've come here to help you. Probably in ways you've never imagined.[wait] 00023[char:1]: I still can't believe any of this, but can you really help with a cure?[wait] 00024[char:0]: I can't really believe it either, but if you're able to save our friend here...[wait] 00025[char:5]: If you come with us and help us in creating a [color:1]vaccine[color:0], we should be able to cure him.[wait] 00026[char:0]: Vac...cine?[wait] 00027[char:5]: Um, a miracle medicine, sort of.[wait] 00028[char:3]: Well then.[wait] 00029[char:3]: [char:84]There's something you ought to know before we go any further.[unk:4006:80:0][new] If you folks decide to come with us, you'll probably never see this planet again.[wait] 00030[char:0]: Why not?[wait] 00031[char:3]: That's what the rules say. If you interact with us too much, we can't let you go back to your original life.[wait] 00032[char:3]: That's another part of the [color:1]Underdeveloped Planet Preservation Pact[color:0].[wait] 00033[char:3]: [char:84]Now, if you'd like, we could go our separate ways and you could pretend this was all some kind of fever dream.[unk:4006:4a:1][new] There is still time for that.[wait] 00034[char:2]: Well, I'm going with these guys. All I've got waiting for me here is life as a statue.[wait] 00035[char:1]: [char:84]You can't do that! You want me to choose between losing you forever, or losing my father and everyone else forever?[unk:4006:9f:1][new] Don't make me do that, [char:2]![wait] 00036[char:0]: [char:1], let's go with [char:2], too. I'm sorry to break this to you, but there's just nothing we can do if we stay here.[wait] 00037[char:0]: I know it's hard leaving everyone you know in [color:1]Kratus[color:0], but we've got a bigger job ahead. We're going to save everybody![wait] 00038[char:5]: Well, it's settled, then. Might as well get going. Close your eyes for a moment, please.[wait] 00039[char:1]: Huh?[wait] 00040[char:1]: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...[wait] [center][color:3]Wolfsbane[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12005Communications Officer: Your outfits are so cute. Are your tails real?[wait] 12000Science Officer: Would you mind not talking to me right now?[wait] 12001Science Officer: Shields...check. Hm? Are you those kids that came on board from [color:1]Roak[color:0]?[wait] Bridge[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: Have you had a good look around?[wait] 10001[char:3]: Ah, there you are. [char:5] has news for you.[wait] 00002[char:5]: [char:84]We compared the current number of petrified bodies with our previous figures. The number's gone down by about 200,000. [unk:4006:67:1][new] How did they take all of them off the planet without us noticing?[wait] 00003[char:0]: So it's true.[wait] 00004[char:5]: We're not yet sure if they're building a weapon.[wait] 00005[char:3]: It sure is hard to imagine those bodies being used for peaceful purposes at this point.[wait] 00006[char:3]: Sorry. That, uh, didn't come out right.[wait] 00007[char:3]: By the way, we're returning to [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] 00008[char:3]: [char:84]I'm going to go through our ambassadors and get [color:1]Lezonia[color:0] to hand over the [color:1]host[color:0].[unk:4006:e1:0][new] Not that I expect them to be interested in negotiating with us in good faith.[wait] 00009[char:3]: I'd like all of you to come with us and participate in the reports.[wait] 00010Calnus Doctor: Captain, [char:2]'s condition is worsening![wait] 00011[char:3]: I'll be right there.[wait] 10012[char:3]: We'll be beginning our trip to [color:1]Planet Earth[color:0] shortly. There's a room set up for you, so feel free to get some rest.[wait] 00013[char:0]: Thank you.[wait] 00014Helmsman: Setting course for Sector Theta, point 001, mark 269. Warp six.[wait] 00015[char:0]: Look, [char:1]. It's magnificent.[wait] 00016[char:1]: Beautiful...[wait] 00017[char:1]: It's like an ocean of stars.[wait] 00018[char:3]: We're now entering orbit to report to the [color:1]Terran Alliance HQ[color:0].[wait] 00019[char:0]: Something's coming right for us![wait] 00020[char:1]: What...what is that!?[wait] 00021[char:5]: Where? What're you talking about?[wait] 10022[char:3]: Whoa! Where did that come from!? Did it warp in, or what?[wait] 00023Science Officer: I don't think so, Captain. We did not detect any gravitational oscillation beforehand.[wait] 00024[char:0]: I told you it was coming.[wait] 00025[char:5]: You two were able to see it, [char:0]?[wait] 00026[char:5]: That's it! It's made of [color:1]invisible matter[color:0]![wait] 00027[char:3]: The entire ship!?[wait] 00028Communications Officer: Captain! The unidentified ship that just appeared is hailing us![wait] 00029[char:3]: Open a channel![wait] 00030We come as emissaries from [color:1]Lezonia[color:0]. We have no desire to fight. Repeat...[wait] 10031[char:5]: All set here. Ready to go when you are, Captain.[wait] 00032[char:3]: Right. Close the entry hatch.[wait] 00033[char:0]: Are two people enough for this?[wait] 00034[char:3]: Oh, yeah. The computers do most of the work.[wait] 00035[char:0]: Computer?[wait] 00036[char:3]: Yeah. Umm, how to explain it... Basically, they're these tools that help people out with difficult parts of their jobs.[wait] 00037[char:3]: Anyway, let's get this thing off the ground.[wait] 10038[char:5]: You do realize, Captain, that going to [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0] is all but guaranteeing ourselves a court-martial?[wait] 00039[char:3]: Yep. Worst-case scenario, we'll all be in a labor camp for the rest of our lives. But too late to turn back now.[wait] 00040[char:5]: All the bad luck in the world, I get stuck with you for a commanding officer.[wait] 00041[char:1]: I'm sorry.[wait] 00042[char:5]: You don't have to apologize. I may have a ton of bad luck, but that doesn't mean I'm reluctant to visit [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0].[wait] 00043[char:5]: I'll follow wherever you go, Captain. Just try not to lead me astray, all right?[wait] 00044[char:3]: Hah.[wait] 00045[char:0]: What is [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0], anyway?[wait] 00046[char:5]: It's a planet, just like [color:1]Earth[color:0] or [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00047[char:3]: We stumbled upon it during an earlier deep-space exploration mission.[wait] 00048[char:5]: [char:84]They say that [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0] was home to a vastly advanced civilization, long before we [color:2]humans[color:0] even made it into space.[unk:4006:7f:1][new] Actually, we know next to nothing about them.[wait] 00049[char:0]: And that's where that time...thing is?[wait] 00050[char:3]: The [color:1]Time Gate[color:0]. We'll use it to visit [color:1]Roak[color:0] in the past.[wait] 00051[char:1]: The past!?[wait] 00052[char:0]: Oh! So if we go back in time, we can retrieve the blood of [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]! Then we can make the medicine we need, right?[wait] 00053[char:3]: In so many words, yes.[wait] 00054[char:5]: But we still haven't fully unraveled how the [color:1]Time Gate[color:0] works. It's too dangerous to mess with, so it's been made strictly off-limits.[wait] 00055[char:5]: We'll be within orbiting range of [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0] shortly.[wait] 00056[char:3]: Right.[wait] 00057[char:5]: Will it let us in, though? The [color:1]Time Gate guardian[color:0]...the living gate.[wait] 10058[char:5]: Well?[wait] 00059[char:3]: Looks like we'll be calling on 'em again after all.[wait] 10060[char:4]: Yo![wait] 10061[char:9]: It's been quite a while. Keeping yourself sharp, I hope.[wait] 10062[char:6]: [char:0] and [char:1]! It's so nice to see you again.[wait] 10065[char:7]: Hah! Now it's our turn to lend a hand, huh?[wait] 10063[char:8]: I'm glad to see you again. How are you doing?[wait] 10064[char:d]: I'm so glad to see you. Are you doing all right?[wait] 10066[char:a]: A training session on another world! Dang, I can't wait![wait] 10067[char:b]: *Purr* You're a sight for sore eyes, [char:0].[wait] 10068[char:c]: This has to be fate. Our mutual destiny even! But don't worry, I definitely don't wanna marry just yet![wait] 00069[char:0]: You're all back![wait] 10070[char:1]: Are you sure this is okay? Doesn't the [color:1]Underdeveloped Planet Whatever[color:0] forbid this sort of thing?[wait] 00071[char:5]: We've got an Alliance admiral's official go-ahead this time. That's how urgent the situation is.[wait] 00072[char:3]: Now, off to [color:1]Fargett[color:0]![wait] 12002Communications Officer: Wow, you guys really don't look that different from us.[wait] 02003[char:0]: Isn't it difficult to move around without a tail?[wait] 02004Communications Officer: Honestly, I've never even thought about that.[wait] 4F Elevator Hall[unk:4006:78:0] 12002Please select a destination. - |3F| [color:1]Sick Bay[color:0][color:3] & Transporter Room - |2F| Break Room - |1F| Air Lock - Cancel[wait] 12000Transporter Operator: This is the Transporter Room. We can teleport anything up to a certain size to anywhere[new] within a 100,000 mile radius.[wait] Transporter Room[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:1]: What was that!?[wait] 00001[char:0]: Where are we!?[wait] 00002[char:3]: This is our ship.[wait] 00003[char:1]: Y-you really are gods.[wait] 00004[char:5]: We're not gods. We've just advanced a little sooner than you, that's all. You can have all this for yourselves, too, someday.[wait] 00005[char:0]: ...[wait] 00006[char:3]: Well, let's get him over to [color:1]sick bay[color:0].[wait] 10007[char:3]: I want [char:2] transported directly into his bed, [color:4]Doctor[color:0]. This is a precision maneuver. Don't mess it up.[wait] 00008Calnus Doctor: Yes, sir.[wait] 00009[char:3]: When you're ready, [char:5].[wait] 00010[char:5]: Yes, Captain.[wait] 10011Officer: Well done, Captain.[wait] 00012[char:3]: Thanks. Mission accomplished. Set a course to [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] 00013Officer: Yes, Captain![wait] 00014[char:3]: [char:5]...[wait] 00015[char:5]: What is it, Captain?[wait] 00016[char:3]: Sorry for all the trouble.[wait] 00017[char:5]: [char:84]Oh, not at all, Captain. You may not have noticed, but I'm used to covering your back by this point.[unk:4006:20:1][new] You don't have to start worrying about me now.[wait] 00018[char:3]: Oh... I see.[wait] 00019[char:5]: What's wrong, Captain? You're acting a little strange.[wait] 00020[char:3]: I've been bound by my past for so long. I never tried to do anything because I was afraid of the regret that would follow.[wait] 00021[char:3]: [char:84]When they decided to seal off [color:1]Roak[color:0] from the rest of the universe, I thought there was nothing I could do about it.[unk:4006:3d:1][new] But then I realized, if I sat idly by, I'd regret it for the rest of my life.[wait] 00022[char:5]: And that decision wound up saving an entire civilization. You should be proud of yourself, Captain.[wait] 00023[char:3]: Well, I couldn't have done it all by myself.[wait] 00024[char:5]: What do you mean, Captain?[wait] 00025[char:3]: It was [char:0] and the others who saved [color:1]Roak[color:0], the never-say-die spirit they had, right down to the last man.[wait] 00026[char:3]: I think [char:0] and his friends taught me how important that spirit really is.[wait] 00027[char:5]: I agree.[wait] 00028[char:3]: You can't do anything if you're too afraid of the ramifications. I think I'm going to try improving on that in the future.[wait] 00029[char:5]: Good idea.[wait] 00030[char:3]: And there's something I'm going to need for that.[wait] 00031[char:5]: Captain?[wait] 00032[char:3]: Sorry I made you wait so long.[wait] 00033[char:5]: Huh?[wait] 00034[char:3]: I need you, [char:5]. Now, and for the rest of my life.[wait] 00035[char:5]: C-Captain...[wait] 00036[char:3]: Will you join me?[wait] 00037[char:5]: Yes. I'll be with you. Always.[wait] 00038[char:3]: Thank you, [char:5].[wait] Connection Corridor[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: The floor! It's moving![new] 00001[char:1]: And that door back there opened by itself![new] 00002[char:0]: Incredible. I've never seen anything like this before.[new] 00003[char:3]: I just realized I haven't asked any of your names yet.[new] 00004[char:0]: My name is [char:0] Farrence.[new] 00005[char:1]: I'm [char:1] Chliette.[new] 00006[char:2]: [char:2] Murtough...[new] 00007[char:5]: Captain, his condition's deteriorating.[new] 00008[char:3]: Better hurry, then.[new] 12003Calnus Doctor: This may take a little longer.[wait] 12002Ensign Hookie: But I'm not lying. I really feel awful. *Cough cough* See?[wait] 12001Nurse: Stop lying to me and get back to your post![wait] Sick Bay[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: What's this?[wait] 00001[char:5]: I guess this must be surprising to you, but this is how we treat sick people.[wait] 00002[char:3]: See what you can do for him, [color:4]Doctor[color:0].[wait] 00003Calnus Doctor: Yes, sir.[wait] 00004[char:3]: Well, no point in having you hang around here. How would you like a tour of the ship?[wait] 00005[char:5]: Captain, that would be a violation of the [color:1]Preservation Pact[color:0].[wait] 00006[char:3]: Well, it's a little late for that, isn't it? I'll be on the [color:1]bridge[color:0]. You show them around for me, okay?[wait] 00007[char:5]: Captain![wait] 00008[char:5]: Oh, brother.[wait] 10050[char:0]: This is what I get for whining about how boring every day was.[wait] 00051[char:1]: Oh, what are you talking about? You know this isn't your fault.[wait] 00052[char:0]: Well, I dunno.[wait] 00053[char:1]: I mean, look at me. If I just had more power, then maybe I could have done something.[wait] 00054Calnus Doctor: The captain wants you on the [color:1]bridge[color:0]. You can take the elevator to get there.[wait] 00055[char:0]: Thank you.[wait] 10009[char:1]: Well? How is he?[wait] 00010[char:3]: Don't be in such a hurry there, miss. The doctor's just getting to that.[wait] 00011Calnus Doctor: Ahem.[wait] 00012Calnus Doctor: After a thorough investigation, I have isolated and analyzed the pathogen behind the disease.[wait] 00013Calnus Doctor: I'm afraid curing this illness is something that's beyond the ability of [color:1]Earth[color:0] medical science.[wait] 00014[char:1]: But...but you've got all these amazing things! Can't you do something...anything!?[wait] 00015Calnus Doctor: [char:84]The advanced medical technology at my fingertips is precisely what allows me to declare that this is[unk:4006:4a:1][new] an impossible task, young lady.[wait] 00016Calnus Doctor: This pathogen is in a constant state of flux, mutating at a truly breathtaking speed.[wait] 00017Calnus Doctor: Even if I could make a [color:1]vaccine[color:0], it would lose its effectiveness in a matter of minutes.[wait] 00018Calnus Doctor: There is one possible method, however.[wait] 00019Calnus Doctor: Judging by the pathogen's structure, I believe this to be a naturally occurring [color:1]virus[color:0].[wait] 00020Calnus Doctor: So, if we could track down the [color:1]host[color:0], the original carrier of the disease, we could use the [color:1]host[color:0]'s blood to create an immunity [color:1]serum[color:0].[wait] 00021[char:1]: So that'll work! I mean, would that work, sir?[wait] 00022Calnus Doctor: I believe so.[wait] 00023[char:0]: But he'll be turning into stone within three days. That's nowhere near enough time to find the [color:1]host[color:0].[wait] 00024Calnus Doctor: [char:84]Oddly enough, the body's molecular structure seems to remain perfectly intact even after the petrification process is complete.[unk:4006:cd:1][new] If we could just procure that [color:1]serum[color:0], our patient should be able to make a full recovery.[wait] 00025[char:5]: Well, that's something to work with, anyway.[wait] 00026[char:3]: It won't be easy, though. I doubt [color:1]Lezonia[color:0]'s that eager to tell us where the [color:1]host[color:0] is.[wait] 00027[char:5]: You're right. More importantly, though, I can't help but wonder. Why did they even use this bio-weapon on [color:1]Planet Roak[color:0] in the first place?[wait] 00028[char:0]: [color:1]Roak[color:0]?[wait] 00029[char:3]: The name we've given your homeworld.[wait] 00030[char:3]: But [char:5]'s right. I don't see how [color:1]Lezonia[color:0] benefits at all from turning everyone on [color:1]Roak[color:0] into stone.[wait] 00031[char:5]: [color:4]Doctor[color:0], are there any major differences between the anatomy of [color:2]Roakians[color:0] and other humanoid species on other planets?[wait] 00032Calnus Doctor: [char:84]Well, let me think...[unk:4006:64:0][new] Their basic organic, muscular, and nervous systems are highly similar to [color:2]humans[color:0], but there is one rather striking difference.[wait] 00033[char:5]: Their blood?[wait] 00034Calnus Doctor: Precisely. The structure of their blood vastly differs from our own.[wait] 00035Calnus Doctor: The most obvious point is the hemoglobin. In [color:2]humans[color:0], it is iron-based, but in [color:2]Roakians[color:0], it is copper-based.[wait] 00036[char:3]: What're you getting at, [char:5]?[wait] 00037[char:5]: [char:84]This is just a possibility, but perhaps there is some benefit to petrifying the [color:2]Roakians[color:0] after all.[unk:4006:48:1][new] That would explain the motive behind dropping this bio-weapon on their planet.[wait] 00038[char:3]: What kind of benefit?[wait] 00039[char:5]: Some kind of previously undiscovered matter, maybe.[wait] 00040[char:3]: You mean, what? A weapon?[wait] 00041[char:5]: [char:84]There is that possibility. In particular, I'm talking about something that's invisible,[unk:4006:f7:0][new] something that wouldn't even show up on our sensors.[wait] 00042[char:1]: So they're killing us off to make some kind of weapon for themselves?[wait] 00043[char:5]: Well, we can't say that for sure yet.[wait] 00044[char:0]: It would certainly explain a lot of things, though.[wait] 00045[char:3]: If that's the case, then they must be removing the petrified bodies from [color:1]Roak[color:0]. Let's check that prospect out first. I'll be on the [color:1]bridge[color:0].[wait] 00046[char:5]: [color:4]Doctor[color:0], run a simulation to see if petrifying their blood results in some sort of matter that can be used for offensive purposes.[wait] 00047Calnus Doctor: Are you sure? We're talking tens of thousands of combinations.[wait] 00048[char:5]: There's no other way. We've got to find out.[wait] 00049Calnus Doctor: Very well.[wait] 10056Calnus Doctor: His vital organs have begun the petrification process. I'm afraid he's in critical condition.[wait] 00057[char:0]: [char:2]![wait] 00058[char:2]: Captain, there's something I want to ask you.[wait] 00059[char:3]: What is it?[wait] 00060[char:2]: If I'm going to die, I want it to happen in my own bed.[wait] 00061[char:3]: You're not gonna die. You'll just be asleep for a bit.[wait] 00062[char:2]: But what if you can't get that [color:1]serum[color:0]?[wait] 00063[char:3]: ...[wait] 00064[char:2]: Please.[wait] 00065[char:3]: All right.[wait] 00066[char:3]: Get the transporter ready.[wait] 00067Calnus Doctor: Yes, sir.[wait] 00068[char:1]: Please, let us go back with [char:2].[wait] 00069[char:3]: I don't know...[wait] 00070[char:0]: We'll come back. We promise.[wait] 00071[char:3]: All right. I'll have [char:5] accompany you, then.[wait] 00072[char:0]: Thank you very much.[wait] 00073[char:1]: Thank you so much.[wait] 12004This is a Save Point. You can save your progress whenever you are touching a Save Point.[new] Choose the Save Data option from the Camp Menu to save your game while touching a Save Point.[new] Save Points are the only places where the game can be saved outside of the world map.[wait] 3F Elevator Hall[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:5]: See that circle on the floor? That's the elevator pad.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Elevator pad?[wait] 00002[char:5]: That's how we travel between floors.[wait] 10003[char:5]: Watch out! The sensors are detecting an alien presence![wait] 00004[char:0]: Agh![wait] 00005[char:1]: [color:4]Fellworms[color:0]![wait] 00006[char:0]: Dammit! Their eggs must've latched on to us on [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0]. Let's get them, [char:1]![wait] 10007[char:5]: It's gone![wait] 00008[char:1]: Huh? No it isn't.[wait] 00009[char:1]: See? It's right here.[wait] 00010[char:5]: You can still see it? The moment your blood touched it, it disappeared.[wait] 00011[char:3]: [char:5], take [char:0] and [char:1] to [color:1]sick bay[color:0]. I'll meet you there.[wait] 00012[char:5]: Yes, sir.[wait] 00013[char:0]: Wait, where did that come from just now?[wait] 00014[char:5]: We have these things called communicators. They let us talk to people even if we're far away from each other.[wait] 00015[char:5]: Anyway, the doctor wants to see us. Let's head to [color:1]sick bay[color:0]; I'll get someone to clean up this mess.[wait] 00016[char:1]: Is he cured?[wait] 00017[char:5]: I don't know yet.[wait] 12002Please select a destination. - |4F| [color:1]Bridge[color:0][color:3] - |2F| Break Room - |1F| Air Lock - Cancel[wait] 12000Man: I'm studying astrophysics right now.[wait] Room[unk:4006:78:0] 2F Elevator Hall[unk:4006:78:0] 12002Please select a destination. - |4F| [color:1]Bridge[color:0][color:3] - |3F| [color:1]Sick Bay[color:0][color:3] & Transporter Room - |1F| Air Lock - Cancel[wait] 1F Elevator Hall[unk:4006:78:0] 10005[char:1]: Don't do that, [char:0]! You'll die if you go out that door![wait] 10000[char:5]: That's the exit of the [color:1]Calnus[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:0]: That door looks pretty strong.[wait] 00002[char:5]: It needs to be. Beyond that door lies an ocean of stars, a world with no air.[wait] 00003[char:1]: No air!?[wait] 00004[char:5]: That's what space is like. None of us would survive a minute outside this door.[wait] 12002Please select a destination. - |4F| [color:1]Bridge[color:0][color:3] - |3F| [color:1]Sick Bay[color:0][color:3] & Transporter Room - |2F| Break Room - Cancel[wait] 10000Admiral Bays: So, you're saying that [color:1]Lezonia[color:0] wants to sign an armistice with us?[wait] 00001Lezonian Emissary: That is correct.[wait] 00002Lezonian Emissary: We were not willing participants in the war against [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] 00003Admiral Bays: The rumors of a [color:1]third party[color:0] working in the shadows of [color:1]Lezonia[color:0] were true, then.[wait] 00004[char:3]: A [color:1]third party[color:0]!?[wait] 00005Lezonian Emissary: [char:84]Yes. They had us at the points of their swords. Their civilization is highly advanced.[unk:4006:59:1][new] They were the ones responsible for the destruction of [color:1]Planet Ise[color:0] half a year earlier.[wait] 10006Lezonian Emissary: We have little idea what their goals are, but they have provided us with a wealth of new technology, including the [color:1]virus[color:0].[wait] 00007Admiral Bays: I think I understand what's happening.[wait] 00008[char:3]: [char:84]Regarding the viral weapon that was dropped on [color:1]Planet Roak[color:0],[unk:4006:cc:0][new] we'd like you to provide us with either a [color:1]vaccine[color:0] or the original [color:1]host[color:0] of the disease, if you could.[wait] 00009Lezonian Emissary: I'm afraid we cannot.[wait] 00010Lezonian Emissary: We know that the [color:1]virus[color:0] has its origins in the [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], a creature that lived on [color:1]Planet Roak[color:0] 300 years ago.[wait] 00011[char:0]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]!? That's the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]! The monster that was defeated in the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]![wait] 00012[char:3]: The stuff of legend, huh?[wait] 00013Lezonian Emissary: Neither the [color:1]vaccine[color:0] nor the [color:1]host[color:0] exist in this universe any longer. I'm afraid there is little we can do about [color:1]Planet Roak[color:0].[wait] 00014[char:1]: No![wait] 00015Admiral Bays: There's nothing to be done now. If there is no ready solution to the problem, we'll simply have to quarantine the planet [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00016[char:0]: What!? You want to just watch our planet die!?[wait] 00017[char:5]: [char:0]! Calm down![wait] 00018[char:0]: The hell with that![wait] 10019[char:3]: Are you serious, Admiral?[wait] 00020Admiral Bays: Dead serious, Captain.[wait] 00021[char:3]: I...I can't believe it.[wait] 10022Admiral Bays: A ship claiming to be from [color:1]Planet Fargett[color:0] suddenly appeared in Alliance space and called for our immediate surrender.[wait] 00023[char:3]: So that's who the [color:1]third party[color:0] was?[wait] 00024Admiral Bays: It is.[wait] 00025Admiral Bays: [char:84]We passed the ship's first recorded coordinates to our science team,[unk:4006:ec:0][new] and they confirmed the presence of a [color:1]wormhole[color:0] in the area. I believe that [color:1]Fargett[color:0] lies on the opposite side.[wait] 00026[char:3]: ...[wait] 00027Admiral Bays: [color:1]Fargett[color:0] is currently under the dictatorship of [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0], a [color:1]superhuman[color:0] created through genetic engineering.[wait] 00028[char:3]: [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0], sir?[wait] 00029Admiral Bays: [char:84][color:4]Revorse[color:0] is an unpopular ruler. There is a large opposition force working against him. [unk:4006:3c:1][new] If we can find a way to get [color:4]Revorse[color:0] out of the picture, we should be able to avoid war with [color:1]Fargett[color:0].[wait] 00030[char:3]: How do we know so much about [color:1]Fargett[color:0], Admiral?[wait] 00031Admiral Bays: The opposition group I mentioned has made contact with us on a strictly confidential level.[wait] 00032[char:3]: What!?[wait] 00033Admiral Bays: I've been informed that [color:1]Fargett[color:0]'s current [color:1]invasion of Alliance space[color:0] is being spearheaded solely by [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0].[wait] 00034Admiral Bays: [char:84]In response, we will launch [color:1]Operation Stardust[color:0], a tandem project between us and the opposition forces,[unk:4006:95:1][new] to assassinate [color:4]Revorse[color:0]. Captain [char:3] J. Kenny, you have been appointed head of the operation.[wait] 00035[char:3]: Yes, sir.[wait] 00036Admiral Bays: [char:84]There are some problems to deal with.[unk:4006:74:0][new] [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0] apparently has the power to nullify all optic-based weaponry. He also has a [color:0]high resistance[color:0] to all forms of explosives.[wait] 00037[char:3]: So we can't use phasers or bombs to kill him?[wait] 00038Admiral Bays: Right. We'll have to resort to more primitive measures, I think.[wait] 00039[char:3]: So even if we deployed a special-forces squad, the best hope they'd have is taking him on in a one-on-one knife fight.[wait] 00040Admiral Bays: That's correct.[wait] 00041Admiral Bays: You have my permission to use the [color:1]Time Gate[color:0].[wait] 00042[char:3]: I doubt the Gate would let us use it to carry out an assassination.[wait] 00043Admiral Bays: That's not what I meant. I'm talking about using it another way.[wait] 10000[char:0]: We've done so much, traveled all this way to help out our friends...[wait] 00001[char:1]: And now what're we supposed to do?[wait] 00002[char:5]: Who would've imagined they got the [color:1]virus[color:0] off [color:1]Roak[color:0] 300 years ago and just held it in storage all this time?[wait] 00003[char:5]: [char:84]There's no chance of finding the [color:1]host[color:0] now. The Alliance's decided to seal off [color:1]Roak[color:0] forever.[unk:4006:42:1][new] There's nothing we can do...but apologize.[wait] 00004[char:5]: I'm so, so sorry.[wait] 00005[char:3]: There is one chance.[wait] 00006[char:3]: It's just extremely unlikely it will actually work.[wait] 00007[char:5]: [char:84]You...you aren't actually suggesting we head for [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0], are you!?[unk:4006:22:1][new] I should've known you'd bring that place up. You'd have to be crazy to suggest that![wait] 00008[char:3]: I'll find a way to get us a ship.[wait] 00009[char:5]: But, sir![wait] 00010[char:1]: There's still another option?[wait] 00011[char:5]: Well, I hesitate to call it that, but if we use the [color:1]Time Gate[color:0] on [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0], there's...a small chance. But, Captain, you know the risks![wait] 00012[char:1]: Please, tell us! We've got to know![wait] 10000Mechanic: I didn't hear any deployment orders, Captain.[wait] 00001[char:3]: Well, I have. Let us through.[wait] 00002Mechanic: Yes, sir![wait] Planet Styx[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: According to the [color:4]Lezonian emissaries[color:0], a mysterious [color:1]third party[color:0] obtained the [color:1]virus[color:0] on [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:5]: Apparently, it all happened several hundred years ago.[wait] 00002[char:3]: [char:84]That it did. The level of technology they have must outclass anything we could even imagine.[unk:4006:41:1][new] We'll have to travel through time to a point before they visited [color:1]Roak[color:0] and collect a portion of the [color:1]host[color:0]'s body.[wait] 00003[char:5]: Assuming, of course, the gate will let us through in the first place.[wait] 00004[char:3]: [char:84]O [color:1]Guardian of the Time Gate[color:0]! Please lend an ear to our humble request! We seek your guidance to the world of 300 years past![unk:4006:56:3][new] We wish to visit [color:1]Roak[color:0] as it was in olden times![wait] 10005[char:0]: Thanks for everything, you guys.[wait] 10044[char:0]: Thanks again.[wait] 00006[char:4]: Oh, hell. I oughta be thanking you. Traveling with all of you was pretty exciting, I gotta admit.[wait] 00007[char:9]: Why the sad face? Who's to say this is goodbye forever?[wait] 00008[char:6]: Meeting all of you has been one of the most valuable experiences I've ever had.[wait] 00009[char:7]: Cheer up, [char:0]. If I hadn't gone on this journey, I would never have realized how, well, how backwater our homeland actually is.[wait] 00010[char:8]: Take care, everyone. I promise I'll never forget any of you.[wait] 00011[char:d]: I really have to thank you, [char:0]. You helped me realize something very important. I'll never forget any of you. I promise![wait] 00012[char:a]: This turned out to be some training! I'm never gonna forget this.[wait] 00013[char:b]: We're friends forever! Okay?[wait] 00014[char:c]: Ha hahh! I bet you can't bear to leave me at this point! But don't worry, I'm sure you'll see me again soon enough.[wait] 00015[char:1]: Goodbye, everyone.[wait] 00045[char:1]: Goodbye.[wait] 00016[char:4]: No, I can't end it like this! I can't go back yet, not until I finish up a little bit o' business![wait] 00017[char:0]: What do you mean, [char:4]?[wait] 00018[char:4]: [char:0], I can still remember all the battles we had together.[wait] 00019[char:0]: Yeah. We fought everywhere, didn't we?[wait] 00020[char:4]: I've got faith in you. I'd let you cover my back anytime.[wait] 00021[char:4]: That's why I've got to know exactly how good you are with a sword! Come on! Let's go! Right now![wait] 00022[char:0]: All right. You better give me all you got, [char:4]![wait] 00023[char:4]: Damn straight I will. I ain't expecting to win by going easy on you![wait] 10024[char:4]: You definitely got what it takes. Now I know how much more work I've got left to do.[wait] 00025[char:0]: What're you talking about? Didn't you notice how I adopted some of your moves, [char:4]?[wait] 00026[char:4]: That must be why you're so good. You take other people's skills and make them your own. You make it look so easy.[wait] 00027[char:4]: I haven't felt this refreshed after a loss in a long time! Have a good one, [char:0]![wait] 10028[char:4]: You're gonna get stronger, [char:0]. I've got an eye for this sort of thing, y'know![wait] 00029[char:0]: Just you wait, [char:4]! I'm gonna beat you someday![wait] 00030[char:4]: Too bad I won't be able to see it happen in person.[wait] 00031[char:4]: Still, I feel a lot better now, like someone took a heavy weight off my shoulders. You have a good one, [char:0]![wait] 00032[char:0]: Goodbye, [char:4].[wait] 00033[char:5]: They're all gone.[wait] 00034[char:0]: [char:5]?[wait] 00035[char:5]: Things might've been different if I were born on the same planet as you.[wait] 00036[char:5]: Listen, you take care of [char:1], all right? Girls like that don't come along every day.[wait] 00037[char:3]: You ready, [char:5]?[wait] 00038[char:5]: Yes. Just had some personal things I had to say to [char:0]. That's all.[wait] 00039[char:3]: Mmm, well. Let's get back to [color:1]Roak[color:0], then.[wait] 00040[char:5]: They're all gone.[wait] 00041[char:0]: I feel like the wind's been taken out of my sails.[wait] 00042[char:1]: Heh, cheer up a little.[wait] 00043[char:3]: Let's go back to [color:1]Roak[color:0], then.[wait] [center][color:3]Lavender[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sour Syrup[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Green Beryl[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Faerie Elixir[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:1]: What? Do you need this? You could have just asked me, you know?[wait] [center][color:3]Will Potion[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:9]: What a dark day for me, to realize that the boy I had chosen to be my successor[new] turned out to be a common thief.[wait] [center][color:3]Experience Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:d]: I see. I guess you really want to be burned to a crisp.[wait] 12001Altemicia: I saw this really, really huge light, and it was really big and scary![wait] 12000Altemicia: Wait for me![wait] 12003Edgar: I saw this huge object fall to the ground. I went to check it out, but I'm still not sure what it is.[wait] 12002Edgar: You're in the [color:1]village of Kraat[color:0].[wait] 12006Mister: I saw something strange falling through the sky. I'm just glad the plum-apples are still safe.[wait] 12005Mister: A couple of travelers, you say? Hmm. Have you tried looking in the larger towns up north, like[new] [color:1]Portmith[color:0] and [color:1]Haute[color:0]?[wait] 12004Mister: Did you know? The fruits picked in this village are sold at high prices all across the world.[wait] 12009Gal: What was that? Scary.[wait] 12008Gal: A pair of travelers? I don't think I've seen them. It's a small village, so I'd know at once if[new] we had visitors.[wait] 12007Gal: If you go north from here, you'll find the town of [color:1]Haute[color:0].[wait] 12010Ellie: You should view your Status Screen at least once. While you're there, make sure you[new] check out the Talent Screen.[wait] 12013Old Lady: I wonder if that had anything to do with my laundry going missing.[wait] 12011Old Lady: That's strange. Did I already pick up my laundry?[wait] 12012Ruddle: I think I've gotten even more lost. Arrrgh, I give up![wait] 12014Soldier: Captain [char:7] looks great even when she's just relaxing![wait] 12015Soldier: You're so right, man. I can feel my heart melting already.[wait] 11162[char:1]: It's so relaxing in this village. Feels like I grew up here or something.[wait] 11163[char:5]: It's been a while since I've been able to just relax and think about nothing.[wait] 11164[char:5]: There's really no point asking around in this village when there're so few people to ask.[wait] 11169[char:4]: Let's haul this big ol' rabbit back to [color:1]Haute[color:0] and get our money already.[wait] 11170[char:4]: Come on, you know you wanna go back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] and give those pirates a whupping.[new] Besides, you need to get to [color:1]Astral[color:0], don't ya?[wait] 11168[char:4]: Let's ditch this village.[wait] 11172[char:9]: Peaceful little hamlet, isn't it?[wait] 11171[char:8]: I like this village. It seems to blow away all of my worries.[wait] 11167[char:a]: I grew up in a little village just like this one.[wait] 11173[char:b]: *Meow*[wait] Kraat[unk:4006:78:0] 10001[char:0]: I've got to look for some clothes.[wait] 10002[char:0]: I should take the clothes to [char:5].[wait] 10000[char:0]: Well, first things first. I've got to find some women's clothing.[wait] 10003[char:0]: What should I do?[wait] 00004 - Maybe I could borrow these clothes... - I shouldn't do that...[wait] 00005[char:0]: It's an emergency, I'm sure they'll understand.[wait] 00006No they won't![unk:4006:0:0] 00007[char:0]: All right, then.[wait] ほげ[wait] 11000[char:5]: Was there a postal system on [color:1]Roak[color:0] 300 years ago?[wait] 01001[char:0]: We used carrier pigeons to transport messages back and forth in my time. Well, not just pigeons.[wait] 01002[char:5]: People used other animals too?[wait] 01003[char:0]: Yes, such as... Ah ha ha ha![wait] 01004[char:0]: Sorry. I remember [char:1] tried to use a cat one time. I dunno why. I guess she really loves cats.[wait] 01005[char:5]: How did that go?[wait] 01006[char:0]: [char:84]Terrible. The cat went missing for a few days, and we never did find out what happened to that letter.[unk:4006:a:1][new] It doesn't take a genius to figure that would happen, but then again she's kind of loopy that way sometimes.[wait] 01007[char:5]: Aww...it would have been nice if it worked.[wait] 01008[char:0]: What, you want a carrier cat?[wait] 11027[char:1]: Guess what, kitty? Your name is [char:b] now![wait] 11011[char:1]: Look! A kitty-cat! Hey, [char:0], let's give it a name![wait] 01013 - How about Spot? - How about Pomga? - How about [char:b]? - How about Lumi?[wait] 11012[char:1]: C'mon, [char:0], what should we name the kitty?[wait] 01014[char:0]: Uh... How 'bout Spot?[wait] 01015[char:1]: That's a dog's name! Be serious![wait] 01016[char:0]: ...Sorry.[wait] 01017[char:0]: What about, uh, Pomga?[wait] 01018[char:1]: [char:84]You are just hopeless with names, [char:0].[unk:4006:9c:0][new] How would you like it if people went around calling you Pomga your whole life?[wait] 01019[char:0]: How about [char:b], then?[wait] 01020[char:1]: [char:b]?[wait] 01021[char:1]: Ooh! I think it likes it. We'll call it [char:b]![wait] 01022[char:0]: What do you think of Lumi?[wait] 01023[char:1]: Hey, I like that! That's cute![wait] 01024[char:1]: Hmm. The kitty doesn't like it so much, though. Let's try another name.[wait] 11025[char:1]: Oh, it really likes you, [char:0]! I'm so jealous![wait] 01026[char:0]: Ha ha ha! It's not something worth getting so angry about, [char:1].[wait] 01041[char:3]: What is it? What's going on?[wait] 01042[char:4]: What's the deal?[wait] 01043[char:6]: What is it?[wait] 01044[char:a]: What's up?[wait] 01045[char:8]: What's going on?[wait] 01046[char:9]: What's happening?[wait] 01047[char:7]: What's going on?[wait] 01048[char:d]: What is it?[wait] 01049[char:c]: Hmm? What is it?[wait] 11028[char:b]: Mrrow! That's miiine! Givvit back![wait] 01029[char:0]: Whoa![wait] 01030[char:0]: Hey! You're the girl from the [color:1]Velkhent cave[color:0]...[wait] 01031[char:5]: Why'd you run off on us like that?[wait] 01032[char:b]: ...I'm not telling![wait] 01033[char:b]: I work all by myself![wait] 01034[char:b]: I got only one friend...that.[wait] 01035[char:0]: This? ...You mean this [color:1]Ocarina[color:0]?[wait] 01036[char:b]: Give it baaack! Mrrreeeaaaooowww!!![wait] 01037[char:5]: There, there, stop crying. You just haven't had the chance to meet any friends yet. That's all.[wait] 01038[char:5]: What about us? I'm sure we'd make good friends.[wait] 01039[char:0]: My name's [char:0]. Glad to see you again.[wait] 01040[char:1]: And I'm [char:1]. Let's be friends, okay?[wait] 01050[char:1]: See? Look at all these people![wait] 01051[char:5]: All you have to do is just try and get to know them. It's really just that easy. Come on, why don't you join us?[wait] 01052[char:b]: ...I'm crying, but it feels different... Never felt this way before...[wait] 12016[center][char:b] has joined the party![wait] 11053[char:0]: [char:c]?[wait] 01054[char:c]: Mmmm...[wait] 01055 - She'll catch a cold! - She looks comfortable enough...[wait] 01056[char:0]: [char:c], you're going to catch cold sleeping here.[wait] 01057[char:c]: Yeah? You wanna fight about it, punk!?[wait] 01058[char:0]: Whoa whoa! Sorry! Sheesh![wait] 01059[char:0]: Guess I better leave her alone...[wait] 01060[char:c]: Dammit, I told you to take the images off of that camera![wait] 01061[char:c]: ...Mmmm.[wait] 01062[char:0]: Oh, she's just talking in her sleep.[wait] 01063[char:c]: Oooh! Please not there... Anywhere but there... Eeheehee![wait] 01064[char:c]: Ahh, a good man is hard to find...[wait] 11071[char:b]: Zzz...[wait] 01072[char:0]: This should be good...[wait] 01073[char:b]: Zzz...[wait] 01074[char:0]: Look out, it's a dog![wait] 01075[char:b]: Mrroow! Mrrow mrrow mrrow mrrow![wait] 01076[char:b]: I hate dogs! I hate dogs! Mrrow!!![wait] 01077[char:0]: Whoa, whoa, [char:b]! Calm down![wait] 01078[char:b]: Mrrow! I haaate dogs!!![wait] 01079[char:0]: Ow! Cut it out![wait] 01080[char:b]: Mrowww! Mrowww![wait] 11081[char:7]: What are you doing outside of [color:1]Astral[color:0]!? Why aren't you at your post!?[wait] 01083Soldier: Captain! Forgive us![wait] 01084Soldier: We were simply worried about you, Captain [char:7]![wait] 01085[char:7]: Worried?[wait] 01086Soldier: Yes, Captain. We've been following you 'cause we thought we can help you somehow, even if it's just behind the scenes.[wait] 01087[char:7]: ...[wait] 01088Soldier: We apologize, Captain![wait] 01089Soldier: We apologize, Captain![wait] 01090[char:7]: Huh. Guess you people think I'm helpless all by myself.[wait] 01091Soldier: !!![wait] 01092Soldier: !!![wait] 01093[char:7]: Do I really seem that way to you? May I remind you that I am the captain of the [color:1]Astral Knight Corps[color:0]!?[wait] 01094Soldier: I'm sorry! You aren't helpless by any stretch of the imagination![wait] 01095[char:7]: [char:84]Or just helpless enough to make you have your doubts, huh?[unk:4006:91:0][new] You don't trust me or [char:0]...or anyone else, for that matter.[wait] 01096Soldier: No! That's not it! You're all wonderful people![wait] 01097[char:7]: Then quit worrying about me! I've got a mission to complete, and I'll complete it all by myself![wait] 01098[char:7]: Don't you forget that you are knights in the service of [color:1]Astral[color:0]! You've got your own mission! Now go and fulfill your duty![wait] 01099Soldier: Yes, Captain! I apologize![wait] 01100Soldier: Yes, Captain! I apologize![wait] 01101[char:7]: But thanks for caring. To be honest, that means a lot to me.[wait] 01102Soldier: Captain [char:7]![wait] 01103Soldier: Captain [char:7]![wait] 01104[char:7]: I'm traveling with [char:0] because I know you've got what it takes to protect the [color:1]Kingdom of Astral[color:0] in my absence.[wait] 01177[char:7]: So don't betray the trust that I have in you, got it?[wait] 01105Soldier: Yes, Captain![wait] 01106Soldier: Yes, Captain![wait] 11109[char:1]: [char:0], I had a dream yesterday about us before all this happened.[wait] 01110[char:0]: Oh? What kind of dream?[wait] 01111[char:1]: I dreamt that you, me, and [char:2] were all having a great time together.[wait] 01112[char:0]: Oh yeah?[wait] 01113[char:1]: But then [char:2] wouldn't stop picking on me, and he made me really angry![wait] 01114[char:1]: Then you came and...and you... Hmm, that's weird. I forgot the rest of it. It wasn't a bad dream, but I was crying when I woke up.[wait] 01115[char:0]: [char:84]Don't worry... I promise you that we'll save him. I'm here, you're here, and [char:2]'s still here.[unk:4006:59:1][new] We just gotta do what we can for him, all right?[wait] 01116[char:1]: ...You're right, [char:0].[wait] 11119[char:0]: *Huff huff huff*... It was just a dream...[wait] 01120[char:1]: Are you okay, [char:0]? You were groaning in your sleep.[wait] 01121[char:0]: Aghh! The fairy godmother! Nooo![wait] 01122[char:1]: ...Huh?[wait] 11118[char:0]: Ahh... It's so warm, I feel like taking a nap.[wait] 11125[char:6]: Oh, hello, [char:0].[wait] 01126Altemicia: Edgarrr! Wait a second![wait] 01127Edgar: Move it! I'm gonna leave you behind![wait] 01128Altemicia: Aaaahhh, wait up![wait] 01129Edgar: All right, all right. C'mon, let's go.[wait] 01130Altemicia: Okay.[wait] 01131[char:6]: [char:84]That brings back memories...[unk:4006:64:0][new] [char:d] was like that when she was little. She used to sit on my lap whenever she wanted me to read to her.[wait] 01132[char:0]: Sounds like a cute kid.[wait] 01133[char:6]: Oh, she was. Back when I was still young, [char:d] liked to steal snacks and things from me.[wait] 01134[char:0]: Ha ha.[wait] 01135[char:6]: She used to doodle on Father's [color:1]symbology[color:0] books and blame it on me. Father used to get so angry at me.[wait] 01136[char:0]: ...Wow.[wait] 01137[char:6]: [char:84]Heh heh. No matter where I went, [char:d] was always tagging along behind me.[unk:4006:b:1][new] She'd always pull the feathers off of my wings, one at a time...[wait] 01138[char:0]: Whoa... Sounds painful.[wait] 01139[char:6]: It was, but she was still my sister. She was so cute, you could never stay mad at her for very long.[wait] 01140[char:6]: [char:d], I want to know where you are. I'm going to save you, all right? Just promise you'll wait for me![wait] 11142[char:a]: *Munch munch*[wait] 01143[char:0]: Mmm? Hey, [char:a], what're you eating?[wait] 01144[char:a]: [char:84]*Gulp* Oh hey, [char:0]. I was hungry after my training session, so I was just eating a rice ball.[unk:4006:51:1][new] Sorry I took it without asking you...[wait] 01145[char:0]: A rice ball? Hey, what do you like to put into those?[wait] 01146[char:a]: Put in? You put stuff inside your rice balls!?[wait] 01147 - Fish and things, yes... - Of course I don't![wait] 01148[char:0]: Uh, that's what people usually do. You know, like plums or fish and such.[wait] 01149[char:a]: I will not be tempted by such perversions of food! A rice ball is only a rice ball when it is pure, unadulterated rice![wait] 01150[char:0]: ...Hah? Suit yourself then. Don't you think a rice ball tastes pretty bland if it's just rice without anything in it?[wait] 01151[char:a]: [char:84]Of course not! A rice ball should be rice and maybe a little salt! What more do you need!?[unk:4006:36:1][new] It's that little bit of saltiness that brings out the sweet flavor of the rice![wait] 01152[char:a]: [char:84]The feel of that combination unfolding in my mouth... It's just indescribable! Rice and salt, rolled into a ball![unk:4006:bd:1][new] That's just the best way to eat rice, I say![wait] 01153[char:0]: ...O-Okay...[wait] 01154[char:0]: Well, you won't hear any more complaints from me. Rice and salt...that's all you need for the ultimate rice ball![wait] 01155[char:a]: I'm so happy you understand, [char:0]! I knew you'd come to your senses![wait] 01156[char:a]: Rice, salt, perfection! Heck, I don't even need the little seaweed thingie that holds it together![wait] 01157[char:a]: The sweetness of rice with just the right amount of salt... Oh, what a perfect harmony they compose in my mouth![wait] 01158[char:a]: Ahhh, rice balls... What a wonderful food...[wait] 01159[char:0]: ...O-Okay...[wait] 11009[char:5]: I wonder if [color:1]Roak[color:0] had a postal service 300 years ago.[wait] 11010[char:5]: Say...that cat wasn't here before, was it?[wait] 11174Kitty: *Meow*[wait] 11175[char:d]: It's so quiet here. If I close my eyes like this, all I can hear is the beating of my heart. It[new] reminds me what it's like to be alive.[wait] 01176[char:d]: Oh, [char:0]. It looks like your heart's beating a tiny bit faster too![wait] 11065[char:c]: Aiyahh![wait] 11066[char:c]: I get so nervous when I'm not doing anything.[wait] 11067[char:c]: We're the biggest outfit in the industry! Nanox and Drug-Ace both went out of business, so[new] that just leaves us![wait] 11068[char:c]: Good morning. I trust you enjoyed last night?[wait] 01069[char:c]: Zzzzz... Mmmngh...[wait] 01070[char:0]: What kind of dream could she possibly be having?[wait] 11107[char:7]: I truly feel blessed to have such talented soldiers working under me. They make me so[new] happy.[wait] 01108[char:0]: (Working under her? More like constantly fantasizing about her...)[wait] 11117[char:1]: I'm going to do my best...and I'll do whatever it takes to get the two of us back to [color:1]Kratus[color:0].[wait] 11123[char:1]: Are you all right? You looked like you were having a nightmare. What were you[new] dreaming of?[wait] 01124[char:0]: ...[wait] 11141[char:6]: [char:d]... Where could you be...?[wait] 11160[char:a]: Rice balls taste even better if you roll a lot of air into them, you know![wait] 01161[char:0]: You even care about how people roll them up?[wait] 11165[char:5]: Did you see anybody like them in the area?[wait] 01166Mister: Hmm. I sure haven't seen them.[wait] 11130[char:0]: Let's rest for a bit.[wait] 11015[char:5]: I'll try asking around to see if anyone's seen the captain.[wait] 11016[char:4]: This is that village with nothing going on, right? Man, is this going to be boring.[wait] 11017[char:9]: This looks like a good place for a quiet rest. Let's take our time to recover.[wait] 11018[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11019[char:7]: It's such a peaceful little town.[wait] 11131[char:0]: This is what [color:1]Kratus[color:0] must have once looked like. Is that why I feel so at home here?[wait] 11020[char:1]: Do you think this is what [color:1]Kratus[color:0] used to look like?[wait] 11021[char:3]: What's your plan, [char:0]? I'm just going to take it easy for a change.[wait] 11022[char:5]: Let's take a short break here.[wait] 11023[char:4]: This is that village with nothing going on, right? Man, is this going to be boring.[wait] 11024[char:9]: This looks like a good place for a quiet rest. Let's take our time to recover.[wait] 11025[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11026[char:7]: It's such a peaceful little town.[wait] 11027[char:8]: This town is so peaceful, isn't it?[wait] 11028[char:a]: Looks like a good place for my training![wait] 11029[char:b]: You totally have to try the plum-apples here! They're deeelicious![wait] 11030[char:d]: I like this town. I feel like I can just relax without a worry in the world.[wait] 11031[char:c]: Mmm. Think of the great cider I could make with these plum-apples![wait] 11132[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11032[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11033[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11034[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11035[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11036[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11037[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11038[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11039[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11040[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11041[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11042[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11043[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11133[char:0]: I heard that there's a town north of here. Let's go and check it out.[wait] 11044[char:5]: All right, let's move on. I heard there's another town north of here.[wait] 11134[char:0]: Okay, let's go.[wait] 11045[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11135[char:0]: We'll need to find a way to get a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11046[char:5]: It doesn't look like we'll be able to go any further than [color:1]Portmith[color:0] without a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11136[char:0]: Let's make our way to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 11047[char:5]: Aren't we supposed to be going to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 11048[char:4]: Let's get going to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] already. I'm dying for a bottle of...um, nothing.[wait] 11137[char:0]: Let's deliver the statue to [color:4]Badam[color:0]![wait] 11049[char:5]: Let's quickly take this statue to the item shop in [color:1]Haute[color:0].[wait] 11050[char:4]: Hey, aren't we supposed to take this statue back to [color:4]Badam[color:0]? Not that I'm in any hurry to go back.[wait] 11138[char:0]: Let's go take care of the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11051[char:5]: Let's go do something about the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11052[char:4]: We gotta get rid of those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] to move on, right? Well, let's do it![wait] 11139[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] and look for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! It could help us find [char:1]![wait] 11140[char:5]: We might be able to locate the captain if we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! Let's go![wait] 11141[char:4]: We're going to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, let's get moving![wait] 11142[char:9]: Now, on to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. You must learn to never lose your focus, my boy.[wait] 11143[char:6]: Let us hurry to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! I may find what I am looking for in there.[wait] 11144[char:7]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. I hope you find what you're looking for.[wait] 11145[char:0]: Where could [char:1] and [char:3] be?[wait] 11053[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11054[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11055[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11056[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11057[char:7]: Are you guys ready to move on?[wait] 11146[char:0]: Let's go check out the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]![wait] 11058[char:5]: If that light was the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], then that would mean... Let's go! There's something I want to check out.[wait] 11059[char:4]: Who cares about some lame shooting star!? Let's move on to the next town already![wait] 11060[char:9]: That light must have crashed around here. I hope nobody was injured.[wait] 11061[char:6]: Just what could have been the source of that intense light? Frankly, I'm very worried...[wait] 11062[char:7]: It doesn't look like that shining object crashed into this village.[wait] 11147[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11122[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11123[char:5]: All right, back to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11124[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11125[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11126[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11153[char:7]: Your friend's in [color:1]Ionis[color:0], right? Well, let's go.[wait] 11127[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11128[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11129[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11154[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11155[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11156[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people around if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11157[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11158[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11159[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11148[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11063[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11064[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11065[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11066[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11067[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11068[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11069[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11070[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11071[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11072[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11073[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11149[char:0]: We need to meet the next king to receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11074[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11075[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11076[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11077[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11078[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings before we can find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11079[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11080[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11081[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11082[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11083[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11084[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11085[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11150[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11086[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11087[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11088[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11089[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11090[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11091[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11092[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11093[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11094[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11095[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11096[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11097[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11151[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11098[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11099[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11100[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11101[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11102[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11103[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11104[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11105[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11106[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11107[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11108[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11109[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11152[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11110[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11111[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11112[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11113[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11114[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11115[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11116[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11117[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11118[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11119[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11120[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11121[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 11001[char:4]: Boy, she loves you, doesn't she? I didn't know you were so popular, man![wait] 11000[char:3]: Well, she's certainly taken a shine to you.[wait] 01002[char:b]: [char:0] is nice to me! Oh, I looove him![wait] 01003[char:a]: She loooves him! Oh, that makes me jealous![wait] 01004[char:4]: Woo hoo hoo![wait] 01005[char:1]: ...Oh, come on! You don't have to go around like that![wait] 01006[char:0]: [char:b], could you, uh...would you mind getting off of me? It's kind of hard to walk like this.[wait] 01007[char:b]: Awww...[wait] 01008[char:0]: You can grab on to my cape if you like.[wait] 01009[char:b]: Yay! I looove you, [char:0]![wait] 01010[char:0]: Yes, yes, thank you.[wait] 01011[char:1]: ...I guess that's just the way [char:b] is.[wait] 01012[char:5]: Captain, why are you staring at them like that? Feeling jealous?[wait] 01013[char:3]: Huh? Oh, no, I... I wasn't staring![wait] 01014[char:3]: Come on, come on! We better get going! Don't wanna get left behind, right?[wait] 10000[char:0]: Are you all right, [char:5]?[wait] 00001[char:5]: Oh, yeah. I'm fine.[wait] 00002[char:0]: Where's everyone else?[wait] 00003[char:0]: I don't see them anywhere. They should be around here.[wait] 00004[char:5]: [char:84]Maybe. Then again, me tripping back there threw off our timing pretty badly.[unk:4006:1b:1][new] There's a chance we're a good distance away from each other.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Well, we picked a good place to appear. Let's go look for them in this village first.[wait] 00006[char:5]: Hang on. I just realized, this outfit probably isn't gonna work here.[wait] 00007[char:0]: You're right. You'd stick out like a sore thumb.[wait] 00008 - I'll go look around. - Don't worry about it.[wait] 00009[char:0]: Why don't you wait here? I'll go find something for you.[wait] 00010[char:5]: Sorry for the trouble, but imagine what the captain must be going through.[wait] 00011[char:5]: Well, good luck, then.[wait] 00012[char:0]: Oh, it's no big deal, is it? So they'll think you're a bit...strange.[wait] 00013[char:5]: It sure is a big deal! Go find some clothing for me in town, could you? Thanks.[wait] 10014[char:0]: [char:5]! I've got your clothes.[wait] 00015[char:0]: Here you go.[wait] 00016[char:5]: Thanks.[wait] 00017[char:5]: No peeking, now.[wait] 00018[char:5]: Hmm... Sorry to complain, but...this is just too small.[wait] 00019[char:5]: Hmm... I'm sorry to complain, but this is way too loose on me. I don't think it'll even cover my chest.[wait] 00020[char:5]: Hey, these clothes are damp! Where did you get these?[wait] 00021[char:5]: Oh well. I'll just go like this, then.[wait] 00022[char:0]: Oh? Are you sure?[wait] 00023[char:5]: Well, there's nothing else I can do. I can't change back into what I had on earlier![wait] 00024[char:5]: Anyway, let's hurry! We need to stock up on supplies and rendezvous with the captain![wait] 00025[char:0]: I'm not really sure what just happened here.[wait] 11115[char:0]: Let's rest for a bit.[wait] 11000[char:5]: I'll try asking around to see if anyone's seen the captain.[wait] 11001[char:4]: This is that village with nothing going on, right? Man, is this going to be boring.[wait] 11002[char:9]: This looks like a good place for a quiet rest. Let's take our time to recover.[wait] 11003[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11004[char:7]: It's such a peaceful little town.[wait] 11116[char:0]: This is what [color:1]Kratus[color:0] must have once looked like. Is that why I feel so at home here?[wait] 11005[char:1]: Do you think this is what [color:1]Kratus[color:0] used to look like?[wait] 11006[char:3]: What's your plan, [char:0]? I'm just going to take it easy for a change.[wait] 11007[char:5]: Let's take a short break here.[wait] 11008[char:4]: This is that village with nothing going on, right? Man, is this going to be boring.[wait] 11009[char:9]: This looks like a good place for a quiet rest. Let's take our time to recover.[wait] 11010[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11011[char:7]: It's such a peaceful little town.[wait] 11012[char:8]: This town is so peaceful, isn't it?[wait] 11013[char:a]: Looks like a good place for my training![wait] 11014[char:b]: You totally have to try the plum-apples here! They're deeelicious![wait] 11015[char:d]: I like this town. I feel like I can just relax without a worry in the world.[wait] 11016[char:c]: Mmm. Think of the great cider I could make with these plum-apples![wait] 11117[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11017[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11018[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11019[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11020[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11021[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11022[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11023[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11024[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11025[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11026[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11027[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11028[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11118[char:0]: I heard that there's a town north of here. Let's go and check it out.[wait] 11029[char:5]: All right, let's move on. I heard there's another town north of here.[wait] 11119[char:0]: Okay, let's go.[wait] 11030[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11120[char:0]: We'll need to find a way to get a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11031[char:5]: It doesn't look like we'll be able to go any further than [color:1]Portmith[color:0] without a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11121[char:0]: Let's make our way to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 11032[char:5]: Aren't we supposed to be going to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 11033[char:4]: Let's get going to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] already. I'm dying for a bottle of...um, nothing.[wait] 11122[char:0]: Let's deliver the statue to [color:4]Badam[color:0]![wait] 11034[char:5]: Let's quickly take this statue to the item shop in [color:1]Haute[color:0].[wait] 11035[char:4]: Hey, aren't we supposed to take this statue back to [color:4]Badam[color:0]? Not that I'm in any hurry to go back.[wait] 11123[char:0]: Let's go take care of the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11036[char:5]: Let's go do something about the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11037[char:4]: We gotta get rid of those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] to move on, right? Well, let's do it![wait] 11124[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] and look for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! It could help us find [char:1]![wait] 11125[char:5]: We might be able to locate the captain if we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! Let's go![wait] 11126[char:4]: We're going to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, let's get moving![wait] 11127[char:9]: Now, on to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. You must learn to never lose your focus, my boy.[wait] 11128[char:6]: Let us hurry to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! I may find what I am looking for in there.[wait] 11129[char:7]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. I hope you find what you're looking for.[wait] 11130[char:0]: Where could [char:1] and [char:3] be?[wait] 11038[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11039[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11040[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11041[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11042[char:7]: Are you guys ready to move on?[wait] 11131[char:0]: Let's go check out the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]![wait] 11043[char:5]: If that light was the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], then that would mean... Let's go! There's something I want to check out.[wait] 11044[char:4]: Who cares about some lame shooting star!? Let's move on to the next town already![wait] 11045[char:9]: That light must have crashed around here. I hope nobody was injured.[wait] 11046[char:6]: Just what could have been the source of that intense light? Frankly, I'm very worried...[wait] 11047[char:7]: It doesn't look like that shining object crashed into this village.[wait] 11132[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11107[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11108[char:5]: All right, back to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11109[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11110[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11111[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11138[char:7]: Your friend's in [color:1]Ionis[color:0], right? Well, let's go.[wait] 11112[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11113[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11114[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11139[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11140[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11141[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11142[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11143[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11144[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11133[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11048[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11049[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11050[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11051[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11052[char:9]: If you are intent on defeating the [color:1]Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11053[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11054[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11055[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11056[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11057[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11058[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11134[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11059[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11060[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11061[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11062[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11063[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11064[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11065[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11066[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11067[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11068[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11069[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11070[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11135[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11071[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11072[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11073[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11074[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11075[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11076[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11077[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11078[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11079[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11080[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11081[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11082[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11136[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11083[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11084[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11085[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11086[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11087[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11088[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11089[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11090[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11091[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11092[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11093[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11094[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11137[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11095[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11096[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11097[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11098[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11099[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11100[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11101[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11102[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11103[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11104[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11105[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11106[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 11055[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12005Innkeeper Woman: Hello, dearie. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper Woman: Hello, dearie. It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Innkeeper Woman: Did you sleep well, dearie?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Woman: You don't have enough money, dearie.[wait] 12004Adventurer: I haven't seen anybody like that.[wait] 12003Adventurer: I decided to travel to the countryside on a whim, but now I'm stuck in this small town with[new] nothing to do![wait] 11053[char:3]: This feels like a vacation in the countryside. I feel like kicking off my boots and relaxing.[wait] 11054[char:6]: I prefer being in quiet places like this with very few people around.[wait] Inn [char:8c]The Sleeping Apple[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Let's go to the port. Hopefully it's opened up by now.[wait] 11002[char:0]: Boy, [char:a] sleeps like a log, doesn't he?[wait] 01003[char:a]: Zzzz...[wait] 01004 - Tickle him - What could he be dreaming of? - Cover his mouth - Remove his glasses[wait] 01005[char:0]: He's completely vulnerable, sleeping like that...[wait] 01006[char:a]: Zzzz...[wait] 01007[char:0]: Tickle tickle tickle...[wait] 01008[char:a]: Hyah hah hah hah hah![wait] 01009[char:a]: Hah hah... [char:0], what're you doing!?[wait] 01010[char:0]: Sorry... You left yourself wide open. I couldn't resist.[wait] 01011[char:a]: Aww man! I was just getting to the good part too! Now it's gone forever![wait] 01012[char:0]: What kinda dream were you having?[wait] 01013[char:a]: No way I'm telling you now, [char:0]! Forget it![wait] 01014[char:a]: Nnngh... Slow down, [char:5]... Wait...[wait] 01015[char:a]: No...that, that's my...zzz...[wait] 01016[char:0]: ...What the heck is he dreaming about?[wait] 01017[char:a]: Zzzz...[wait] 01018[char:a]: Ah! [char:0]! Stop! Don't do it! Oh no! [char:5], look out![wait] 01019[char:a]: Whoa, nice work, [char:5]! You landed that high kick right on [char:0]'s face![wait] 01020[char:a]: I can't believe it! That was awesome! I'll worship you from now on, [char:5]...[wait] 01021[char:a]: ...[wait] 01022[char:a]: Zzzz...[wait] 01023[char:0]: ...I guess [char:5] is number one as far as [char:a] is concerned.[wait] 01024[char:0]: Let me try covering his mouth...[wait] 01025[char:a]: Nngh...?[wait] 01026[char:0]: Heh heh heh...[wait] 01027[char:a]: Zzzz...[wait] 01028[char:0]: Oh, breathing through your nose, I see... Well, I'll just do this![wait] 01029[char:a]: Mmg...?[wait] 01030[char:0]: Heh heh heh...[wait] 01031[char:0]: ...[wait] 01032[char:0]: ...?[wait] 01033[char:0]: ...!?[wait] 01034[char:0]: [char:a]! Are you still alive!?[wait] 01035[char:a]: ...Wha? [char:0]? What, what happened?[wait] 01036[char:0]: You weren't breathing this whole time! I lost track of how long it was...[wait] 01037[char:a]: Huh...I just had a dream I was training underwater. Maybe that's why.[wait] 01038[char:0]: Training?[wait] 01039[char:a]: Oh, I can hold my breath for a good 20, 30 minutes! That's what a life of training can do for you.[wait] 01040[char:0]: I know! Let's put his glasses on top of his head...[wait] 01041[char:a]: Nn...ngh... Mmm? Oh, uh... [char:0]?[wait] 01042[char:0]: You awake?[wait] 01043[char:a]: Huh? Hey, why's everything all blurry?[wait] 01044[char:a]: Ow! ...Hey! My glasses! They're gone![wait] 01045[char:a]: Glasses, glasses, glasses...[wait] 11000[char:3]: Funny seeing you playing with the cat too, [char:0].[wait] 11001[char:7]: Is [char:1] still outside playing with the cat? She really loves cats, doesn't she?[wait] 11046[char:a]: I'm not telling you, [char:0]![wait] 11047[char:a]: That's it, [char:5]! Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! ...Zzzz...[wait] 11048[char:a]: You wanna try some underwater training with me, [char:0]?[wait] 11049[char:a]: [char:0]! Have you seen my glasses anywhere!?[wait] 01050[char:0]: Heh heh heh... They're right on your forehead.[wait] 01051[char:a]: Whoa! You're right! Thanks a bunch![wait] 11052[char:a]: I can't get anything done without them...[wait] 12000Old Lady: I wonder how my daughter's doing.[wait] 10000Old Lady: Well, well, it's rare to find visitors 'round these parts. C'mon in and rest a spell![wait] 00001 - Ask about clothes - Rest a spell[wait] 00002[char:0]: Umm... If you happen to have any women's clothes lying around, would you mind letting me have them?[wait] 00003Old Lady: Hohh, sounds like you're up to some funny business. Well, perhaps I can help with that.[wait] 00004Old Lady: These were my daughter's before she got married. They're a mite frayed around the edges, but feel free to take them.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Thank you very much.[wait] 00006Old Lady: What is it, dearie?[wait] 00007Old Lady: Now, don't be a stranger, dearie, and make yourself at home.[wait] 00008[char:0]: Oh... Um, thanks.[wait] 11000[char:b]: I hate dogs. Dogs scare me.[wait] Lilly: Hey, stop groping me, you pervert![wait] [center][color:3]Sinclair[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Violent Pill[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:c]: Aaah! Watch where you're touching, you perv![wait] 12000Shop Owner: How can I help you?[wait] 12001Shop Owner: Come back soon![wait] 12003Lilly: A girl? Is she any cute?[wait] 02004 - Yeah! - Not really.[wait] 02005Lilly: Aw, that's so sweet![wait] 02006Lilly: Oh...okay.[wait] 12002Lilly: Ugh, I am so sick and tired of working in this dinky little item shop![wait] 12008Man: Nope, haven't seen anybody like that 'round here.[wait] 12007Man: Not from around here, are ya? Have you tried our plum-apples yet?[wait] 11004[char:c]: It's so peaceful here. It almost makes me forget we've been fighting monsters this whole[new] time.[wait] 11003[char:7]: This place is too peaceful. I'm getting jittery just being here. Maybe I'll go get some practice[new] with my sword.[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Kraat General Store[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000Shop Owner: Welcome. I haven't seen you before. New in town?[wait] 00001 - Ask about clothes - Buy items[wait] 00002[char:0]: Umm... Do you have any clothes for a young woman on sale?[wait] 00003Shop Owner: A present for your girlfriend?[wait] 00004[char:0]: No, I... Just something normal would be fine.[wait] 00005Shop Owner: Well, how about this? It's got kind of an adventurer's flair to it, but I'd say it's normal enough.[wait] 00006[char:0]: I, uh, I guess that'll work.[wait] 00007Shop Owner: That'll be 5...er, [color:2]10 Fol[color:0].[wait] 00008 - He's acting weird, but oh well. - Never mind![wait] 00009[char:0]: All right. I'll take it.[wait] 00011Shop Owner: Sheesh, you don't even have [color:2]10 Fol[color:0]? Oh, well, I guess you can have it for free.[wait] 00012[char:0]: Are you sure? Thank you very much![wait] 00010Shop Owner: Whew! Thank you, come again![wait] 11000[char:3]: What? Is there something on my face?[wait] 01001[char:0]: I hope you stay just the way you are, [char:3].[wait] 01002[char:3]: ...?[wait] [center][color:3]Dull Blade[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sauteed Sweet Bream[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mind Bomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sapphire[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Defense Bomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:3]: What're you doing? Were you just...? No, I'm sure you'd never do something like that.[wait] [center][color:3]Magic Gumdrop[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:6]: How dare you! Do you think you can commit such a filthy act and get away with it!?[wait] [char:7]: I'll let you off this time. Don't even think about trying that again.[wait] [char:b]: I'm not gonna be friends with you anymore because you're a thief! And that is just so not[new] cool![wait] 12000Master: Some customers just got no respect![wait] 12001Master: ...[wait] 12002Boy: I'm helping out my dad.[wait] 12004Brad: Fresh fish! Everything you see here's been shipped straight from [color:1]Portmith[color:0]![wait] 12003Brad: I usually get my fish from [color:1]Portmith[color:0], but it's been difficult lately with pirates blocking off[new] all the fishing routes.[wait] 12007Dean: You're looking for someone? But you don't even know where you last saw them?[wait] 12006Dean: [color:1]Muah[color:0]'s connected to the rest of the world through the large ships that go in and out of the[new] castle town of [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 12005Dean: Hey, I heard [color:4]Badam[color:0] at the item shop was looking for some adventurers.[wait] 12009Man: [char:3]? [char:1]? Can't say I've met them. A lot of adventurers and mercenaries[new] pass through here, though.[wait] 12008Man: Have you found your friends?[wait] 12014Remy: I saw something bright as a shooting star fall near [color:1]Kraat[color:0]. I wonder what it was.[wait] 12010Remy: Do you know the names of all the kingdoms in this world?[wait] 02011 - Yes - No[wait] 02012Remy: Then there's nothing more for me to say.[wait] 02013Remy: The first is the [color:1]kingdom of Muah[color:0]. Its territory extends across the continent where we[new] are right now. From [color:1]Portmith[color:0], the town north of here, you can go by ship to the [color:1]Kingdom of[new] Astral[color:0], home to the mighty [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0]. Going west by boat from there will take you[new] to the [color:1]kingdom of Van[color:0], and you can travel north from there onwards to get to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[new] Was that helpful?[wait] 12018Liza: Hello there! All our food is of the highest quality.[wait] 12019Liza: Thank you![wait] 12022Girl: I'm, like, so bored.[wait] 12023Girl: There's, like, nothing to do out here in the sticks.[wait] 12020Soldier: Look! Look at Captain [char:7]! She's...she's smiling![wait] 12021Soldier: Amazing! I've never seen anything like it! This is the best day of my life![wait] 11112[char:1]: Do you think this is what [color:1]Coule[color:0] used to look like?[wait] 11113[char:3]: Those tails...[wait] 11114[char:5]: I like towns like these. They make me feel nostalgic for some reason. Weird, isn't it?[wait] 11115[char:4]: Man, this town's boring as hell. Give me a good ol' fashioned brawl over this any day![wait] 11117[char:9]: Hmph. Maybe it's the lack of monsters in this area, but they sure don't offer much in terms[new] of quality weapons.[wait] 11116[char:6]: I'll be here waiting for all of you. Just let me know when you are ready to leave.[wait] 11119[char:7]: It's nice to take it easy like this once in a while. When I was training as an [color:1]Astral Knight[color:0], I[new] wouldn't have even considered it.[wait] 11118[char:b]: [char:1] told me that her favoritest food in the whole wide world is parfaits! And[new] [char:3] told me that he loves...shroomush? Wait, that can't be right![wait] 11122[char:c]: *Yawn* I get so sleepy when it's warm. Maybe my body's just overheating.[wait] [center][color:3]Sweet Syrup[color:0] acquired.[wait] Haute[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:5]: The first thing we need to do is visit all the nearby settlements. The captain's bound to turn up in one of them.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Sounds good to me.[wait] 00002???: Pssh! That ain't true and you know it! Stop screwing with me, you bastard![wait] 10003Master: Welcome![wait] 00004Master: Here you go, how's this sword grab you? Oh, it's a masterpiece from a mystical eastern blacksmith. I'll cut you a deal on it, hmm?[wait] 00005[char:5]: My, that's an impressive piece of work! How about we buy it, [char:0]?[wait] 00006[char:0]: Yeah, we'll have trouble ahead if we don't have a good longsword on our side.[wait] 00007Master: I'll make it [color:2]20 Fol[color:0], all right? Half price, just for you.[wait] 00008 - Buy it - Leave it[wait] 00009[char:0]: Sounds good.[wait] 00010Master: Heh heh heh. Thank you much![wait] 00011???: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa![wait] 00012???: You just hold it right there! Trying to palm your junk off on some poor, unsuspecting loser, huh!?[wait] 00013Master: Oh, great, you again! Ooh, stop messin' with me business![wait] 00014???: Shut up when I'm talkin' to you![wait] 00015???: Look, you guys are adventurers, right? Take it from me. This guy's sword is nothing but a big fake![wait] 00016???: I mean, if that was really an eastern masterpiece or whatever, it would look more like...um...[wait] 00017???: Well, it...it wouldn't look like that. Well, anyway, just keep your guard up against this guy. He'll rob you blind. See ya.[wait] 00018[char:5]: That was quite a character.[wait] 00019Master: Don't you think you oughta buy this, eh?[wait] 11124[char:0]: Thanks, [char:4].[wait] 01125[char:4]: Hey, no worries. A friend in need, 'n all that.[wait] 11061[char:b]: Heyyyy...is my friend here?[wait] 01062[char:0]: Oh...you mean the stubby little rabbit you mentioned in the [color:1]Muah Castle[color:0] [color:1]treasury[color:0]?[wait] 01063[char:0]: I think I know what that is. Let's go.[wait] 01064[char:0]: Hmm... I'm not exactly sure, but why don't we hit the tool shop? Maybe it's in there.[wait] 11028[char:3]: Crazy... Everyone in town has monkey tails on them.[wait] 01029[char:0]: They aren't monkey tails! We're [color:2]Fellpool[color:0]! Cats![wait] 01030[char:3]: Oh. Sorry.[wait] 01031[char:3]: Speaking of which, I just noticed you don't have a tail, [char:8]...[wait] 01032[char:8]: ...[wait] 01033[char:3]: No no, not that it matters or anything.[wait] 11034[char:3]: Tails, huh?[wait] 01035[char:0]: ...What are you thinking about?[wait] 01036[char:3]: Well, if [char:8] had a tail... I bet the fur on it would look great.[wait] 01037[char:8]: Hee hee... Hopefully I can take that as a compliment.[wait] 11041Master: So, how's this sword grab ya? Straight from the finest blacksmith in all of the western world![wait] 01042[char:9]: [char:84]...Sir, who do you think I am? Some kind of blithering idiot? Don't give me that [char:8c]finest blacksmith[char:8c] nonsense![unk:4006:c7:1][new] You actually think someone would be boneheaded enough to buy this worthless hunk of metal?[wait] 01043[char:9]: If someone really is that stupid, I'd like to shake his hand and congratulate him![wait] 01044[char:9]: Oh, hello, [char:0]. Something the matter?[wait] 11065[char:1]: Is something bothering you, [char:5]?[wait] 01066[char:5]: Huh!?[wait] 01067[char:1]: Allow me, the magnificent [char:1], to send all your troubles flying away![wait] 01068[char:5]: ...Uh, thanks, but maybe later.[wait] 01069[char:1]: [char:84]Oh, now don't be scared. Just let me take care of everything![unk:4006:e6:0][new] Let's see. The thing troubling you the most is... [char:3] and [char:8], am I right?[wait] 01070[char:5]: [char:84]What? No, no, not at all! It's-it's just that the captain seems so concerned about [char:8] all the time,[unk:4006:ae:1][new] and it's like, you know, kind of strange. Don't take it the wrong way! It's just strange. That's all.[wait] 01071[char:1]: I know what you mean. You see him drifting away, even though you really care about him.[wait] 01072[char:5]: Oh, I'll admit the captain's a pretty attractive man, and [char:8]'s pretty charming herself.[wait] 01073[char:1]: [char:84][char:8]'s got a beautiful face, her sense of style is perfect, and she's kind to everybody...[unk:4006:68:1][new] I look up to her myself, you know![wait] 01074[char:5]: You're right...even as a woman, I have to admit that she's pretty impressive.[wait] 01075[char:1]: Hmm... Then why don't you turn on some of your own charms?[wait] 01076[char:5]: Charms...? Oh, ewww! What are you talking about, [char:1]! Haha, my own charms!!![wait] 01077[char:1]: Don't underestimate yourself.[wait] 01078[char:5]: No, no, that's not what I meant! Listen, I'm not trying to get anywhere with the captain, all right!?[wait] 01079[char:1]: You're as red as a beet, [char:5].[wait] 11000[char:5]: Thank you, [char:0]. I really appreciate it.[wait] 11001[char:5]: What do you think? Maybe a little too cutesy for me?[wait] 01002[char:0]: No, not at all.[wait] 01003[char:5]: Thanks, [char:0]. Even if you're just being polite, I appreciate it.[wait] 11004[char:5]: Price isn't the main issue with things like these. Remember that when you're shopping for[new] [char:1].[wait] 01005[char:0]: I, I wasn't planning on doing anything like that...[wait] 01006[char:5]: Hee hee hee.[wait] 11007[char:5]: Of course, it's not like you can just buy everything you want... And as you grow up, you get[new] vain enough that inexpensive things start to not be good enough either.[wait] 11008[char:5]: They went to the stars? I wonder...[wait] 11009[char:5]: This makes you think, doesn't it?[wait] 11010[char:4]: These people knew how to live for hundreds of years...but they still died out in the end anyway.[new] I imagine it was some kind of huge disaster or somethin'.[wait] 11011[char:4]: Man, the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] must've had some killer warriors fighting for them! Just[new] thinking about 'em gets my blood going. I'd love to take one on someday![wait] 01012[char:0]: I think you're the only one, [char:4].[wait] 01013[char:4]: ...Yeah?[wait] 11016[char:5]: Well, that's how girls are at that age, you know?[wait] 11017[char:5]: You're terrible with women, [char:0].[wait] 11015[char:0]: (She looks like she's in a good mood.)[wait] 11014[char:0]: (She looks kind of angry.)[wait] 11025[char:5]: I should probably take these off.[wait] 11018[char:1]: I think I get it now... You must like older women a lot more, don't you, [char:0]?[wait] 01019[char:0]: No, I...I told you, that's not true at all![wait] 11020[char:1]: Or will you take anyone as long as they're pretty!?[wait] 01021[char:0]: Why're you giving me that now?[wait] 11022[char:1]: If...if you like beautiful older women...then there's not much I can do about that.[wait] 01023[char:0]: [char:1]...[wait] 11024[char:1]: I hate you, [char:0].[wait] 11026[char:4]: That was a close one.[wait] 11027[char:7]: What is he peeping like that for? He's a disgrace to noble knights everywhere![wait] 11038[char:3]: Come to think of it, she doesn't have cat ears, either...[wait] 01039[char:0]: (...What's going on in that mind of his?)[wait] 11040[char:8]: Hee hee... You're funny, [char:3].[wait] 11045[char:9]: I've had quite enough of his [char:8c]mystical eastern[char:8c] nonsense! I won't stand for another moment[new] of it![wait] 01046[char:9]: I'm just glad that you're apt enough not to fall for deceptions like these,[new] [char:0]. I consider you to be a smart kid![wait] 01047[char:0]: Eh...heh heh heh. There's no need to compliment me like that, sir.[wait] 11048[char:3]: Crazy... Everyone in town has monkey tails on them.[wait] 01049[char:0]: They aren't monkey tails! We're [color:2]Fellpool[color:0]! Cats![wait] 01050[char:3]: Oh. Sorry.[wait] 01051[char:0]: Well, that was awfully rude. We're all different, you know.[wait] 01052[char:3]: Certainly. We've all got our own little idiosyncrasies.[wait] 01053[char:0]: ...Something on your mind?[wait] 01054[char:3]: It's about your tail. I was just thinking about what it would feel like if I were to hold it in my hands...[wait] 01055[char:0]: Wha-what!? Don't say stuff like that! Are you trying to embarrass us all!?[wait] 01056[char:3]: That embarrassing? Well, [char:1] didn't seem to mind too much when [char:5] was doing it...[wait] 01057[char:0]: I... Well, I'm not her, okay!?[wait] 11058[char:3]: ...[wait] 01059[char:0]: You can look at me all you want; it's not going to change anything.[wait] 01060[char:3]: But I can't just ask [char:1] if I can touch hers, either...[wait] 11081[char:5]: Turn on the charm, huh?[wait] 01082[char:0]: [char:5]?[wait] 01083[char:5]: Oh, [char:0]! I didn't see you there! Umm... It-it's nothing. Heh heh heh![wait] 01084[char:0]: ?[wait] 11080[char:1]: [char:5] looks pretty cute... especially since she acts so straitlaced all the time.[wait] 11100[char:c]: Oh, I don't want to leave those steamed buns behind, though...[wait] 01101[char:0]: ...[wait] 01102[char:c]: ...Zzz.[wait] 11103[char:c]: Dumplings... Oh, but leave the garlic out, please...[wait] 01104[char:0]: ...[wait] 01105[char:c]: ...Zzz.[wait] 11106[char:c]: It's steamed buns for me. They're so soft and moist...[wait] 01107[char:0]: ...[wait] 01108[char:c]: ...Zzz.[wait] 11109[char:c]: Bird's nest soup... It's great for your skin...oooh![wait] 01110[char:0]: ...[wait] 01111[char:c]: ...Zzz.[wait] 12015Ruddle: How do you get to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 02016 - North of here. - South of here.[wait] 02017Ruddle: Thanks.[wait] 11120[char:d]: This town reminds me of home. The [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] live among the mountains just like these[new] people. Except...I'll never be able to return to those peaceful days.[wait] 01121[char:d]: Nothing ever happened, but we were always happy. That's not to say that I hate the[new] excitement of our adventures![wait] 10000[char:0]: So, now what?[wait] 00001[char:5]: Let's go back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] and look for some info on the captain. If that doesn't turn up anything, I guess we'll have to take a ship[new] someplace else.[wait] 00002[char:4]: Why don't we go back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] and ask around a little more? If that doesn't get us anything, we oughta take a boat somewhere[new] else.[wait] 00003[char:0]: All right then, off to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]![wait] 11114[char:0]: Let's rest for a bit.[wait] 11000[char:5]: I hope we can get some new clues here.[wait] 11001[char:4]: Hey, you wanna go to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] instead? They don't even have a damn bar here.[wait] 11002[char:9]: I remember when this town thrived thanks to its mining industry. But it's gone downhill ever since the mine was shut down.[wait] 11115[char:0]: I didn't realize [color:1]Coule[color:0] used to be such a bustling town.[wait] 11005[char:1]: What do you think the murals on that item shop mean?[wait] 11008[char:4]: Hey, you wanna go to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] instead? They don't even have a damn bar here.[wait] 11009[char:9]: I remember when this town thrived thanks to its mining industry. But it's gone downhill ever since the mine was shut down.[wait] 11012[char:8]: What a quiet little town.[wait] 11014[char:b]: Do they have any good food here?[wait] 11016[char:c]: I know that the water found on [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0] could be used to make a really good local brew. But I just can't think of any good[new] recipes![wait] 11116[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11117[char:0]: Okay, let's go.[wait] 11029[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11118[char:0]: We'll need to find a way to get a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11030[char:5]: It doesn't look like we'll be able to go any further than [color:1]Portmith[color:0] without a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11119[char:0]: Let's make our way to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 11031[char:5]: Aren't we supposed to be going to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 11032[char:4]: Let's get going to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] already. I'm dying for a bottle of...um, nothing.[wait] 11120[char:0]: Let's deliver the statue to [color:4]Badam[color:0]![wait] 11033[char:5]: Let's quickly take this statue to the item shop in [color:1]Haute[color:0].[wait] 11034[char:4]: Hey, aren't we supposed to take this statue back to [color:4]Badam[color:0]? Not that I'm in any hurry.[wait] 11121[char:0]: Let's go take care of the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11035[char:5]: Let's go do something about the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11036[char:4]: We gotta get rid of those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] to move on, right? Well, let's do it![wait] 11122[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] and look for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! It could help us find [char:1]![wait] 11123[char:5]: We might be able to locate the captain if we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! Let's go![wait] 11124[char:4]: We're going to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, let's get moving![wait] 11125[char:9]: Now, on to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. You must learn to never lose your focus, my boy.[wait] 11126[char:6]: Let us hurry to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! I may find what I am looking for in there.[wait] 11127[char:7]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. I hope you find what you're looking for.[wait] 11128[char:0]: Where could [char:1] and [char:3] be?[wait] 11037[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11038[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11039[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11040[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11041[char:7]: Are you guys ready to move on?[wait] 11129[char:0]: Let's go check out the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]![wait] 11042[char:5]: If that light was the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], then that would mean... Let's go! There's something I want to check out.[wait] 11043[char:4]: Who cares about some lame shooting star!? Let's move on to the next town already![wait] 11044[char:9]: That light must have crashed around here. I hope nobody was injured.[wait] 11045[char:6]: Just what could have been the source of that intense light? Frankly, I'm very worried...[wait] 11046[char:7]: It doesn't look like that shining object crashed into this village.[wait] 11130[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11047[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11048[char:5]: All right, back to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11049[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11050[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11051[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11136[char:7]: Your friend's in [color:1]Ionis[color:0], right? Well, let's go.[wait] 11052[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11053[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11054[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11137[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11138[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11139[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11140[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11141[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11142[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11131[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11055[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11056[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11057[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11058[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11059[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11060[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11061[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11062[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11063[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11064[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11065[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11132[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11066[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11067[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11068[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11069[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11070[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11071[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11072[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11073[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11074[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11075[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11076[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11077[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11133[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11078[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11079[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11080[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11081[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11082[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11083[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11084[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11085[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11086[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11087[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11088[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11089[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11134[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11090[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11091[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11092[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11093[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11094[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11095[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11096[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11097[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11098[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11099[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11100[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11101[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11135[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11102[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11103[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11104[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11105[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11106[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11107[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11108[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11109[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11110[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11111[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11112[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11113[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 11125[char:0]: Let's rest for a bit.[wait] 11011[char:5]: I hope we learn something new here.[wait] 11012[char:4]: Hey, you wanna go to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] instead? They don't even have a damn bar here.[wait] 11013[char:9]: I remember when this town thrived thanks to its mining industry. But it's gone downhill ever since the mine was shut down.[wait] 11014[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11015[char:7]: It's such a peaceful little town.[wait] 11126[char:0]: I didn't realize [color:1]Coule[color:0] used to be such a bustling town.[wait] 11016[char:1]: What do you think the murals on that item shop mean?[wait] 11017[char:3]: What's your plan, [char:0]? I'm just going to take it easy for a change.[wait] 11018[char:5]: Let's take a short break here.[wait] 11019[char:4]: Hey, you wanna go to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] instead? They don't even have a damn bar here.[wait] 11020[char:9]: I remember when this town thrived thanks to its mining industry. But it's gone downhill ever since the mine was shut down.[wait] 11021[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11022[char:7]: It's such a peaceful little town.[wait] 11023[char:8]: What a quiet little town.[wait] 11024[char:a]: Looks like a good place for my training![wait] 11025[char:b]: Do they have any good food here?[wait] 11026[char:d]: I like this town. I feel like I can just relax without a worry in the world.[wait] 11027[char:c]: I just know that the water found on [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0] could be used to make a really good local brew. I just can't think of any good[new] recipes![wait] 11127[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11028[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11029[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11030[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11031[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11032[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11033[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11034[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11035[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11036[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11037[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11038[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11039[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11128[char:0]: Okay, let's go.[wait] 11040[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11129[char:0]: We'll need to find a way to get a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11041[char:5]: It doesn't look like we'll be able to go any further than [color:1]Portmith[color:0] without a [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 11130[char:0]: Let's make our way to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 11042[char:5]: Aren't we supposed to be going to the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 11043[char:4]: Let's get going to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] already. I'm dying for a bottle of...um, nothing.[wait] 11131[char:0]: Let's deliver the statue to [color:4]Badam[color:0]![wait] 11044[char:5]: Let's quickly take this statue to the item shop in [color:1]Haute[color:0].[wait] 11045[char:4]: Hey, aren't we supposed to take this statue back to [color:4]Badam[color:0]? Not that I'm in any hurry.[wait] 11132[char:0]: Let's go take care of the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11046[char:5]: Let's go do something about the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11047[char:4]: We gotta get rid of those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] to move on, right? Well, let's do it![wait] 11133[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] and look for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! It could help us find [char:1]![wait] 11134[char:5]: We might be able to locate the captain if we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! Let's go![wait] 11135[char:4]: We're going to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, let's get moving![wait] 11136[char:9]: Now, on to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. You must learn to never lose your focus, my boy.[wait] 11137[char:6]: Let us hurry to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! I may find what I am looking for in there.[wait] 11138[char:7]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. I hope you find what you're looking for.[wait] 11139[char:0]: Where could [char:1] and [char:3] be?[wait] 11048[char:5]: All right, let's move on. It'll be easier to find them in larger towns.[wait] 11049[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11050[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11051[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11052[char:7]: Are you guys ready to move on?[wait] 11140[char:0]: Let's go check out the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]![wait] 11053[char:5]: If that light was the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], then that would mean... Let's go! There's something I want to check out.[wait] 11054[char:4]: Who cares about some lame shooting star!? Let's move on to the next town already![wait] 11055[char:9]: That light must have crashed around here. I hope nobody was injured.[wait] 11056[char:6]: Just what could have been the source of that intense light? Frankly, I'm very worried...[wait] 11057[char:7]: It doesn't look like that shining object crashed into this village.[wait] 11141[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11058[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11059[char:5]: All right, back to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11060[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11061[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11062[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11147[char:7]: Your friend's in [color:1]Ionis[color:0], right? Well, let's go.[wait] 11063[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11064[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11065[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11148[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11149[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11150[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11151[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11152[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11153[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11142[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11066[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11067[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11068[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11069[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11070[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11071[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11072[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11073[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11074[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11075[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11076[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11143[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11077[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11078[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11079[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11080[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11081[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11082[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11083[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11084[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11085[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11086[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11087[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11088[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11144[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11089[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11090[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11091[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11092[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11093[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11094[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11095[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11096[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11097[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11098[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11099[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11100[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11145[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11101[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11102[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11103[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11104[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11105[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11106[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11107[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11108[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11109[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11110[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11111[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11112[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11146[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11113[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11114[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11115[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11116[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11117[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11118[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11119[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11120[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11121[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11122[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11123[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11124[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 11000[char:b]: Meow! Heehee, I told you he's my friend! Isn't he cool?[wait] 01001[char:0]: Yeah, it's amazing! Look how fast he runs.[wait] 01002[char:b]: Hee hee hee![wait] 01003[char:1]: What was that cute thing you were riding on, [char:0]?[wait] 01004[char:b]: Bunny![wait] 01005[char:b]: He's stubby 'n chubbly 'n wubbly 'n like two scoops of ice cream! And cuuute![wait] 01006[char:5]: Two scoops of what?[wait] 01007[char:3]: ...Wubbly?[wait] 01008[char:b]: My friend is [char:0]'s friend! So here you go![wait] [center][color:3]Bunny Whistle[color:0] acquired.[wait] 01009[char:b]: Use this and Bunny'll be right there! He's pretty smart that way.[wait] 01010[char:0]: Hmm... Well, thanks. I'll be sure not to lose it.[wait] 10000[char:4]: Well, I got my money. Back to the treasure hunt, I s'pose.[wait] 00001 - Can you go with us? - Treasure hunt? - Let's split off here.[wait] 00002[char:0]: Listen, would you mind helping us out a little longer?[wait] 00003[char:4]: Huh?[wait] 00004[char:4]: Well, that's an idea. Wouldn't mind meeting those friends of yours.[wait] 00005[char:0]: So you're coming?[wait] 00006[char:4]: Yep! Pleased to be workin' with you. Let's go![wait] 12000[center][char:4] has joined the party![wait] 00007[char:0]: Treasure hunt?[wait] 00008[char:4]: [char:84]Well, I found an [color:1]abandoned mine[color:0] earlier in my travels. It's on the [color:1]Metorx mountain path[color:0], but I haven't checked it out much.[unk:4006:6a:1][new] It's packed with some serious monsters.[wait] 00009[char:0]: Thanks for everything, [char:4]. You were a big help.[wait] 00010[char:4]: See ya, then. It was kinda fun, I gotta admit.[wait] 00011[char:5]: It takes all kinds, I suppose.[wait] 00012[char:4]: What's up, [char:0]?[wait] 11000[char:0]: Why are you staring at this mural?[wait] 01001[char:5]: Doesn't it look pretty mysterious to you? I wonder what the artist had in mind.[wait] 01002[char:4]: The tool shop owner's son drew it. Said he was inspired by the artwork he saw in some [color:1]Old Race ruins[color:0].[wait] 01003[char:5]: [color:1]Old Race[color:0]?[wait] 01004[char:4]: You never heard of 'em?[wait] 01005 - Tell me! - I know about them.[wait] 01006[char:4]: They're all dead now, supposedly, but they're a group of people who used to be, like, ultra-powerful.[wait] 01007[char:4]: There're stories about 'em traveling to the stars, living for hundreds of years, that sort o' thing.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Hundreds of years!? Wow...[wait] 01009[char:4]: Well, you know how legends get exaggerated as the years go on... I mean, c'mon, how the hell could they fly all the way to the stars?[wait] 01010[char:0]: So in the end you really don't know much about them at all. Right, [char:4]?[wait] 01011[char:4]: Ahh, stuff it. What do I look like, some kind of scholar? I don't like weirdos who think they know everything.[wait] 01012[char:0]: Ha ha ha ha ha ha.[wait] 01013[char:0]: I've heard of them. Some kind of mysterious race that died out ages ago, right?[wait] 01014[char:4]: Oh, you already know about 'em. Never mind, then.[wait] 11015[char:4]: Whoa... Man, [char:0], you're in a heap o' trouble. How're you gonna get out of this one? The suspense! I can't take it anymore![wait] 01016[char:7]: What're you doing, [char:4]?[wait] 01017[char:4]: Oh, uh, nothing...[wait] 01018[char:4]: Great, I'm gonna be in a heap o' trouble myself if I'm not careful...[wait] 01019Girl: Eww... That guy's peeping into the item shop and snickering to himself.[wait] 01020Girl: What a creep...[wait] [center][color:3]Intimidation Pendant[color:0] acquired.[wait] Swordswoman: I'm not going to let you have this! It used to belong to my master![wait] [center][color:3]Paralysis Cure[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11002[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12008Innkeeper Girl: Hello. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper Girl: Hello. It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Innkeeper Girl: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Girl: You don't have enough money.[wait] 12003Swordswoman: Are you guys adventurers? I came all the way from [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] to visit my late master's grave.[new] It was one of those things that I knew I just had to do.[wait] 12006Teen Girl: You see that guy over there? He's got such a potty mouth. I bet he'd even make a sailor[new] blush![wait] 12005Teen Girl: I haven't seen anybody like that... But what do you mean that you don't even remember[new] where you last saw them?[wait] 12004Teen Girl: Hello. Feel free to take your time.[wait] 12007???: Hey, you guys adventurers too?[wait] 11000[char:0]: (He's asleep.)[wait] 11001[char:8]: Oh...hi, [char:0]. I didn't mean to ignore you. I was just thinking to myself.[wait] Inn [char:8c]The Hot Potato[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10001[char:0]: Let's go to the port. Hopefully they'll have some ships out by now.[wait] 12000Badam: You're bringing me what I asked for from the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0], right? Good luck.[wait] 12002Badam: Come back any time.[wait] 12001Badam: Oh, hey. What's up?[wait] [color:3] - Knowledge 1[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 1[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 1[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 1[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] 02009Advisor: There are largely three reasons for learning skills. The first is to acquire the bonuses[new] provided by each skill. For example, learning certain skills will boost your INT. The second[new] reason is to acquire specialties that you can learn by combining certain skills. There are over 10[new] specialties such as Crafting and Compounding, but it can take a lot of work to learn them all.[new] The last reason for learning skills is to improve your combat abilities. Combat Skills will give[new] you an advantage in any battle, and can even offer more variety in combat situations. I'm[new] sorry for the long-winded speech, but, basically, you should think carefully before[new] distributing your skill points. As for the skills our guild offers, I recommend learning the Knife[new] skill. Not only is it a necessary skill for learning the Cooking specialty, it also increases your[new] attack power.[wait] [color:3]Knowledge 1[color:0] includes Mineralogy, Herbology, and Recipe. [color:3]Sense 1[color:0] includes Aesthetics, Resilience, Keen Eye, and Courage. [color:3]Technical 1[color:0] includes Sketching, Knife, Whistling, and Imitation. [color:3]Combat 1[color:0] includes Power Burst, Guardbreak, Qigong, and Trance.[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Badam's Items[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10003Badam: Welcome.[wait] 00004 - I'd like to buy some tools. - I'm just browsing... - I'd like to talk.[wait] 00005Badam: I see.[wait] 00044[char:0]: I heard you needed someone to do a run over to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] for you.[wait] 00045Badam: Yep. There's some cargo I need delivered from the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 00046Badam: You'll get paid for your trouble, of course, and I'll also give you a [color:1]permit[color:0] to enter [color:1]Portmith[color:0]. Sound good to you?[wait] 00013 - Take the job - Refuse it[wait] 00018[char:0]: We'd like to take the job, sir.[wait] 00019Badam: Hmmm. Well, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're gonna need a real weapon.[wait] 00020[char:5]: Oh, well. We'll come back later, then.[wait] 00021[char:0]: You don't think we're good enough?[wait] 00022Badam: Well, that's not what I'm sayin'. It's just... Well, come back when you're better armed for the job, all right?[wait] 00023[char:0]: Hmm, I'm not sure we're up to this.[wait] 00024Badam: Yeah, I guess not.[wait] 00006[char:0]: I heard you needed someone to do a run over to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] for you.[wait] 00007Badam: Yep. There's some cargo I need delivered from the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 00008Badam: You'll get paid for your trouble, of course, and I'll also give you a [color:1]permit[color:0] to enter [color:1]Portmith[color:0]. Sound good to you?[wait] 00009[char:5]: [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 00010Badam: The town to the north of here.[wait] 00011[char:5]: We need a [color:1]permit[color:0] to enter?[wait] 00012Badam: You just come off the boat, lady? They don't let anyone into that town if you don't have the right [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 00014Badam: Ah, you again! I remember you askin' about my job earlier.[wait] 00015Badam: Feel like takin' it on, then?[wait] 00016Badam: All you need to do is take some cargo from the weapon shop in [color:1]Portmith[color:0] and bring it here. I'll throw in the required [color:1]permit[color:0], too.[wait] 00017Badam: Whadaya think? Not too shabby a deal, huh?[wait] 10000Dean: [color:4]Badam[color:0], I heard you were looking for someone to run an errand for you over to [color:1]Portmith[color:0].[wait] 00001Badam: Yeah, I've got some cargo I need delivered from the [color:1]Portmith[color:0] weapon shop, but I can't find anyone handy who'd be up to the job.[wait] 00002Dean: It's been kinda tough to cross [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0] lately, hasn't it? Well, I'll let you know if I find anyone who can help.[wait] 10025Badam: Ah, sorry, folks, but I've just assigned the job to that guy right there.[wait] 00026[char:0]: Wha?[wait] 00027[char:5]: Oh, come on![wait] 00028???: You two again, huh?[wait] 00029???: You already promised the job to these guys? I better stay outta the way, then.[wait] 00030Badam: I'm sorry. I just didn't think they would actually show up. I mean, they look so green.[wait] 00031???: Well, how 'bout if I lend them one of my spare swords, then, huh? That work for you?[wait] 00032Badam: No, wait! Could you go with these guys? I'll let 'em go if you do. I'm just too nervous to send them out on their own.[wait] 00033???: Pfft. You're the boss.[wait] 00034???: Sounds like we're partners now. Wanna go to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] 00035[char:0]: Sorry to bother you about this.[wait] 00036???: Hey, we're all in this together, right? The name's [char:4] Warren. Good to meet ya.[wait] 00037[char:0]: My name is [char:0] Farrence. Please call me [char:0].[wait] 00038[char:4]: Yeah, [char:4] works for me, too. We don't have to be formal.[wait] 00039[char:0]: Well, uh, [char:0] is the name, don't wear it out! Heh heh...ahem.[wait] 00040[char:5]: My name's [char:5] Silvestri. Glad to meet you, [char:4]. First names work for me, too.[wait] 00041Badam: Well, in that case, here's your advance and the [color:1]permit[color:0]. Best of luck.[wait] [center][color:3]Longsword[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10042[char:4]: Well, we're back. Here it is.[wait] 00043Badam: Ooh! That was quick. Here's your payment then.[wait] 11015[char:0]: Wait, what am I doing? I gotta take care of those earrings.[wait] 11000[char:0]: What're you looking at?[wait] 01001[char:5]: Huh? ...Oh, nothing.[wait] 01002[char:0]: Those earrings there are pretty nice...[wait] 01003[char:5]: You think so too? I was just thinking they'd fit me pretty well.[wait] 01004 - How about I buy them for you? - I bet they'd look great on you. - They look pretty cheap to me.[wait] 01005[char:0]: How about I buy them for you, [char:5]? I bet they would look really good on you.[wait] 01006[char:5]: Oh, [char:0]... Don't you think you're saying that to the wrong girl?[wait] 01007[char:0]: Huh? Oh, I wasn't... I didn't mean anything like that![wait] 01008[char:5]: [char:84]Hee hee! Well, I bet [char:1] would've been delighted to hear that from you.[unk:4006:ec:0][new] But if you're offering, I certainly am willing to take you up on it.[wait] 01009[char:0]: All right. Let me borrow these for a moment. I'll go ask the shopkeeper about them.[wait] 01010[char:0]: I bet they'd look great on you, [char:5].[wait] 01011[char:5]: Oh? Well, thank you![wait] 01012[char:0]: I dunno... Now that I have another look at them, they look kinda cheap.[wait] 01013[char:5]: I don't think price has anything to do with it. It all depends on how much you like it, and how much your heart's into it... That sort of thing.[wait] 11014[char:5]: Could you ask the shopkeeper for me?[wait] 11017[char:5]: Thank you, [char:0]...hee hee.[wait] 11038[char:1]: Thank you, [char:0]! I'll take good care of them![wait] 01039[char:0]: ...Man, this is tiring.[wait] 01040[char:5]: That's how girls are at that age.[wait] 11035[char:1]: Those earrings are so beautiful.[wait] 11034[char:5]: Well, what are you waiting for?[wait] 11018[char:0]: What're you looking at?[wait] 01019[char:5]: Oh, nothing.[wait] 01020[char:0]: Those earrings there are pretty nice...[wait] 01021???: What was that about earrings?[wait] 01022[char:1]: Oooh, they're beautiful! Were these what you were talking about?[wait] 01023[char:5]: Hey, isn't there something you should be doing?[wait] 01024[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01025 - Give them to [char:1] - Give them to [char:5] - Change the subject[wait] 01026[char:0]: Wait a sec.[wait] 01027[char:1]: Hm?[wait] 01028[char:0]: Hang on just a second, [char:5].[wait] 01029[char:5]: Huh? Why!?[wait] 01030[char:1]: [char:0], you idiot![wait] 01031[char:0]: Speaking of that, uh, guess what happened the other day?[wait] 01032[char:1]: Don't you try to change the subject! Nobody asked you about that![wait] 01033[char:1]: [char:0], you idiot![wait] 11041[char:0]: Did you find something else, [char:5]?[wait] 01042[char:5]: No, not at all. Unless you wanted to give me another present, [char:0].[wait] 01043???: What was that about a present?[wait] 01044[char:0]: Oh! Uh...no, it's-it's n-nothing.[wait] 01045[char:1]: Uh huh...[wait] 01046[char:5]: Ah, [char:1]! I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it...[wait] 01047[char:1]: You stay out of this, [char:5].[wait] 01048[char:5]: Okay![wait] 01049[char:1]: Why are you trying to hide this from me?[wait] 01050[char:0]: No... I, uh...[wait] 11051[char:1]: [char:0]!!![wait] 01053[char:4]: Yo, [char:0]! C'mere a second, would ya?[wait] 01054[char:0]: Huh? Sure.[wait] 01055[char:7]: Hold it, [char:4]![wait] 01052[char:1]: [char:0], you idiot![wait] 11056[char:b]: Is my friend here?[wait] 01057[char:0]: Probably. You don't see many statues of ugly-looking rabbits around, after all.[wait] 01058[char:b]: He's not ugly! He's cuuute![wait] 01059[char:0]: Cuuute?[wait] 01060Badam: Can I help you?[wait] 01061[char:0]: Do you still have the sculpture I delivered here earlier?[wait] 01062Badam: Oh, this? Well sure, but what's up?[wait] 01063[char:0]: I don't know... Why don't we ask the shopkeeper here?[wait] 01064Badam: Can I help you?[wait] 01065[char:0]: Um, yeah. I've got a bit of a question. Do you have a statue of a stubby-looking rabbit around here?[wait] 01066Badam: Stubby? Oh, you mean this?[wait] 01067[char:b]: Bunny![wait] 01068Badam: Ah... Bunny?[wait] 01069[char:b]: This is my friend! Can I have him back?[wait] 01070Badam: I...well, I can't just give it to you.[wait] 01071[char:b]: Come on, Bunny, wake up![wait] 01072[char:b]: ...You awake?[wait] 11073Badam: The statue! It moved![wait] 11016Badam: Oh, you mean those earrings? Ahh, you can have 'em. They're dirt cheap, anyway.[wait] Old Lady: Have you no shame in stealing from a defenseless old woman?[new] My grandson would never do such a thing![wait] 12000Old Lady: My grandson insisted he was going to defeat the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] and set off for [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]. His[new] father was the same. All I wanted was for them to be by my side, but they just wouldn't[new] listen.[wait] 12001Old Lady: You're looking for somebody? I'd like to help, but I rarely go outside.[wait] 12002Teen Girl: It's really nice around here. I'm sure if I were living in [color:1]Silvalant[color:0], there'd be so many monsters[new] around that I wouldn't be able to walk outside.[wait] 12003Teen Girl: So many adventurers pass through here that I never bother to remember any faces.[new] I'm sorry I couldn't be much help.[wait] [center][color:3]Athelas[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Wooden Shield[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silence Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:8]: [char:0]? What were you trying to do?[wait] 12001Ruddle: I've been so forgetful recently.[wait] 12003Freckled Girl: You don't care about me at all, do you!?[wait] 12004One-eyed Terry: I'm really, really sorry, Candy! I swear I'll make it up to you![wait] 12005Red-nosed Man: You can take a ship from here to [color:1]Autanim[color:0] in [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 12007Soldier: Pass through![wait] 12008Soldier: We need to make sure that nobody suspicious enters the city.[wait] 11007[char:6]: Whenever I go strolling through a town, it reminds me of the times when I used to go on[new] walks with my sister.[wait] 11006[char:6]: Once this war is over, I would like to find a nice, quiet place to live with my sister.[wait] 11012[char:6]: Once we return from our battle, I intend to free [char:d] from that block of ice and give[new] her a proper burial. I kindly ask that you do not try to stop me.[wait] 11005[char:6]: Whenever I go strolling through a town, I always hope deep inside that I might bump into my[new] sister.[wait] 11010[char:8]: It's always so difficult to change your first impression of a person, isn't it?[wait] 11011[char:d]: My wings really get in the way when I'm not flying.[wait] Portmith[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Soldier: Halt! Nobody is allowed to pass through here without a [color:1]permit[color:0]![wait] 10001[char:5]: So where's the weapon shop that [color:4]Badam[color:0] was talking about?[wait] 00002[char:4]: Sorry. Don't know this town too well.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Well, let's look.[wait] 00004[char:5]: Agreed.[wait] 11000[char:5]: Get a hold of yourselves![wait] 01001[char:4]: I...apologize.[wait] 01002[char:5]: Don't you ever encourage him like this again, [char:0]![wait] 01003[char:5]: Why didn't you try to stop him, [char:0]!?[wait] 01004[char:0]: ...Sorry.[wait] 12000Ruddle: I've been so forgetful recently that I keep getting lost. At least I never forget a favor.[new] Thanks a lot![wait] 12002Freckled Girl: Where the heck is Terry!? He'd better not have forgotten about our date again![wait] 11008[char:a]: The people in my tribe are known as [color:2]Lycanthropes[color:0]. We have the ability to change into[new] animals.[wait] 01009[char:a]: But we need to constantly train so we don't lose our senses once we've transformed![wait] [center][color:3]Umai-bo Candy 6[color:0] acquired.[wait] Chobin: You only did that because of my stupid name, right?[wait] [center][color:3]Lame Earring[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Alyssa: I actually saw someone with wings growing out of his back! He was so beautiful, like a real[new] angel![wait] 12001Prim Woman: It wasn't always this difficult to go in and out of [color:1]Portmith[color:0], but the pirate attacks changed all[new] that. Do you think they were also sent in from the [color:1]demon world[color:0]?[wait] 12002Chobin: I really...really...hate this name.[wait] 12003Common Youth: I don't even know what the [color:0]king of Muah[color:0] looks like.[wait] 11016[char:4]: Man, resting's for wussies.[wait] 11017[char:b]: I love towns! There's just so much to see! It never gets boring![wait] 11015[char:6]: You say you found the young feline lady? What was she doing at the castle?[wait] 11014[char:6]: I haven't seen that young feline lady with the [color:1]Ocarina[color:0]. I wonder where she went.[wait] 11000[char:5]: I can't believe people who drink themselves to oblivion like that! It's more than rude; it's insane![wait] 11013[char:8]: ...[wait] 11007[char:1]: [char:0], don't you think [char:8] is just so beautiful?[wait] 01008 - I have to admit... - I can't say it![wait] 01009[char:0]: Yeah... I have to hand it to her.[wait] 01010[char:1]: See? I told you![wait] 01011[char:0]: Come on, I can't talk about that...not when she's right in front of me like this.[wait] 01012[char:1]: What's that supposed to mean!? You don't have anything to hide, do you? If not, what's the[new] harm in talking about it?[wait] 11001[char:1]: [char:84]How do you keep yourself so beautiful, [char:8]!? Your waist and legs are so thin![unk:4006:57:1][new] I've been a fan of yours practically from the first time we met![wait] 01002[char:8]: Oh stop it, [char:1].[wait] 01003[char:1]: No, I'm serious! Are you on some secret special diet or something? I can't even imagine we're both from the same world![wait] 01004[char:8]: ...[wait] 01005[char:1]: Did I say something wrong?[wait] 01006[char:8]: No...not at all.[wait] 12000Young Miss: I wish I had a pet. A fox might be nice![wait] 11000[char:1]: Oops! You found me![wait] 01001[char:0]: What do you mean, I found you? What are you doing here?[wait] 01002[char:1]: Me? Oh, I was just wondering if you'd go find me if I turned up missing.[wait] 01003 - Of course! - I was just passing through.[wait] 01004[char:0]: Huh? Isn't it obvious? Of course I'd look for you![wait] 01005[char:1]: Really? Why thanks, [char:0]! I'm glad to hear that.[wait] 01006[char:0]: Actually, I was just passing by here.[wait] 01007[char:1]: ...Oh.[wait] 11008[char:1]: I guess you did go looking for me earlier, didn't you? You have no idea how much I appreciated that.[wait] 11009[char:1]: Come to think of it, you chased after me back when you first saw me in town, didn't you? You have no idea how much I appreciated[new] that.[wait] 11010[char:1]: So, what, did you just happen to run into me when I was lost before?[wait] 01011[char:0]: No, no, that's totally different.[wait] 01012[char:1]: ...It's not.[wait] 11013[char:1]: Hey, [char:0]... How do you think [char:2]'s doing right now?[wait] 01014[char:0]: ...[wait] 01015[char:1]: ...I hope he's having a nice dream, at least.[wait] 01016[char:0]: Yeah, you're right. I sure hope so.[wait] 01017[char:1]: [char:2]! [char:2], is that you!?[wait] 01018???: Huh?[wait] 01019[char:1]: Oh, [char:2], thank heavens! You look wonderful![wait] 01020???: Whoa, whoa, I'm not [char:2]! I'm Dirne! You got the wrong man![wait] 01021[char:0]: [char:1], calm down! This guy couldn't be [char:2]! You know where [char:2] is...[wait] 01022[char:1]: Ah! Forgive me. It's just that you look so much like him![wait] 01023Dirne: It's all right. Don't worry about it. Besides, I have no objections to comely young lasses hugging me out of the blue.[wait] 01024[char:1]: I'm so sorry, sir.[wait] 01025Dirne: ...So I look just like this [char:2] person, do I?[wait] 01026[char:0]: Absolutely. The face, the voice... It's like you're twins.[wait] 01027[char:1]: He's a very good friend of ours.[wait] 01028Dirne: Well, huh. I'd like to meet him sometime. Bring him over next time you're here, okay?[wait] 01029[char:1]: ...[wait] 01030[char:0]: ...[wait] 01031Dirne: ...Sorry. I must have said something to hit a nerve somewhere.[wait] 01032[char:1]: Oh, no! It's not that. It's just that...[wait] 01033[char:0]: [char:2]'s...seriously ill at the moment. He's still alive, though.[wait] 01034Dirne: Oh... Then I hope he gets well soon.[wait] 01035[char:1]: Yeah... Thank you.[wait] 01036Dirne: ...You two must be travelers. I haven't seen you around here before... Where is your destination?[wait] 01037[char:0]: [char:84]We're on a journey to find a cure for [char:2]'s illness, actually.[unk:4006:9e:0][new] It's turning out to be a very difficult task, but we've got to do it...[wait] 01038Dirne: [char:84]...I see. Sounds like [char:2] sure is a lucky guy.[unk:4006:b1:0][new] Me, I'm running stupid errands for my mother again. No matter how hard I try, no one ever thanks me for my trouble.[wait] 01039[char:0]: Ha ha! [char:2] used to whine about that sort of thing all the time, too. About all the [char:8c]stupid errands[char:8c] he had to do...[wait] 01040Dirne: Really!? Wow, I feel like we're best friends already.[wait] 01041[char:1]: Hah hah! You even talk like [char:2], Dirne.[wait] 01042Dirne: Oop! I better get going soon, else my mom will get mad at me.[wait] 01043[char:0]: Sorry for taking up your time.[wait] 01044Dirne: Oh, not at all. It was fun talking with you. See you later then! Say hello to my twin brother for me, will ya?[wait] 01045[char:1]: Bye bye![wait] 01046[char:0]: ...Let's get that cure for [char:2] as fast as we can.[wait] 01047[char:1]: Right.[wait] 11048[char:1]: Let's hang in there, all right? For [char:2]'s sake.[wait] 01049[char:0]: Yeah.[wait] 01050[char:1]: Hee hee! I can't get over how much they look alike. Maybe he's some long-lost ancestor![wait] 01051[char:0]: Ha ha! That could mean our great-great-great-great- grandparents are around[new] here somewhere, too.[wait] 11052[char:1]: Let's hang in there, all right? For [char:2]'s sake.[wait] [center][color:3]Seafood[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Antidote[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mirror of Knowledge[color:0] acquired.[wait] Romanticist Sailor: You have such an unfulfilling life.[wait] [center][color:3]Umai-bo Candy 2[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Tropical Melody[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:5]: Cut it out already![wait] 12000One-eyed Terry: [color:1]Portmith[color:0] is the only port of trade between [color:1]Muah[color:0] and [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11000[char:0]: (I don't think the others would like it if I left them behind.)[wait] 12005Sailor: You wanna go to [color:1]Autanim[color:0]?[wait] [color:3] - Sail - Cancel[wait] 12009Sailor: That's not enough money, man.[wait] 12006Sailor: You wanna go to [color:1]Autanim[color:0]? It's [color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0] per person or [color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0] for the lot of you.[wait] 12004Sailor: You sure you wanna do this?[wait] 12007Sailor: Where you wanna go? Just gimme the money and I'll take you anywhere.[wait] [color:3] [color:3] - Autanim (Astral Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Tropp (Astral Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Eckdart (Van Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Silvalant [char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3] 12024Burly Sailor: You going back to [color:1]Tropp[color:0]? It's [color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0] per person or [color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0] for the lot of you.[wait] 12025Burly Sailor: Doesn't look like you got enough money, man.[wait] 12012Burly Sailor: Thanks, guys. I don't think those thugs are gonna come back any time soon.[wait] 12011Burly Sailor: Man, those pirates are still causing hell.[wait] 12010Burly Sailor: Guess I'll get ready for departure.[wait] 12015Fat Sailor: Woohoo! Serves those pirates right![wait] 12014Fat Sailor: The [color:1]Muah[color:0] army's been completely useless. What a bunch of wusses![wait] 12013Fat Sailor: I end up eating too much when I'm out at sea, 'cause the fish we catch are too damn tasty![wait] 12018Elderly Sailor: I heard you rounded up and banged up those pirates pretty good. Hats off to you lot![wait] 12017Elderly Sailor: Are you fellows interested in doing something about those pirates?[wait] 12016Elderly Sailor: I've been traveling the seas since I was just a little kid. I know the ocean like the back[new] of my hand![wait] 12023Blue-eyed Boy: I wanna toughen up so that someday, I'll be able to do some good, too.[wait] 12021Blue-eyed Boy: Those guys got my dad while he was out at sea.[wait] 12020Blue-eyed Boy: Just watch, I'm gonna be a great sailor someday![wait] 11033[char:3]: Oh, hi, [char:0]. What's up?[wait] 11034[char:5]: Mmm. I love this ocean breeze.[wait] 00010[char:0]: Well, if we got rid of them for you, would you start sailing again?[wait] 00011[char:0]: You wouldn't mind lending us your ship for that, would you?[wait] 00012Sailor: Oh, I'd be happy to see them gone, but...are you sure you're up to it?[wait] 00013[char:0]: Sure we are! Just leave it to us![wait] 00014Sailor: [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]'s gang is rumored to be holed up in a cave south of here. Be careful![wait] 10065Sailor: You sure you'll be all right?[wait] 10000[char:0]: Is there some kind of trouble?[wait] 00001Sailor: That ain't the half of it. We've been seeing [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]'s men in the waters around here.[wait] 00002[char:0]: Vel...what? What's that?[wait] 00003Sailor: They're a gang of barbarians from the wild lands to the south. You never heard of 'em?[wait] 00004[char:0]: So are there any ships going to [color:1]Astral[color:0], then?[wait] 00005Sailor: Are you kidding me!? If we sent out any now, those savages would plunder them within minutes.[wait] 00006[char:5]: Guess we're stuck for now, then.[wait] 00009 - Let's take 'em out! - Let's get ourselves equipped. - Let's wait for some good news.[wait] 00015[char:0]: Oh, well. I guess we might as well make sure we're stocked up on equipment and so forth while we have a chance.[wait] 00016[char:5]: Hm. Not a bad idea.[wait] 00017[char:0]: Oh well. Guess we might as well kill some time at the inn, then.[wait] 00018Sailor: There won't be any ships to [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a while. I'd probably wait another 20 days or so and see how things go.[wait] 00019Sailor: There won't be any ships to [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a while. You'd better wait a few more days, and we'll see how things go.[wait] 00020[char:5]: Guess we're stuck for now, then.[wait] 10007Sailor: There won't be any ships to [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a while, not with the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] making it too dangerous for all of us.[wait] 00008[char:0]: Hmm, that's bad news.[wait] 00034[char:0]: You're right. They won't have any excuse to stay at port if we defeat those guys.[wait] 00035[char:4]: Right, let's do it![wait] 00036[char:5]: Hold it, you two. Are you serious about this?[wait] 00037[char:4]: Well, we aren't gonna let a buncha freaks boss us around without a fight! Right, [char:0]?[wait] 00038[char:0]: If we can pull this off, I think it'd be a good shortcut out of here, [char:5].[wait] 00039[char:4]: Yo, lend us that ship over there! We'll take care of those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] bastards for ya![wait] 00040Sailor: Oh, I'd be happy to see them gone, but...are you sure you're up to it?[wait] 00041[char:4]: Believe me.[wait] 00042Sailor: [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]'s gang is rumored to be holed up in a cave south of here. Be careful![wait] 10021[char:0]: Is there some kind of trouble?[wait] 00022Sailor: That ain't the half of it. We've been seeing [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]'s men in the waters around here.[wait] 00023[char:0]: Vel...what? What's that?[wait] 00024[char:4]: You know, the barbarians over in the back country down south. You never heard of 'em?[wait] 00025[char:0]: So are there any ships going to [color:1]Astral[color:0], then?[wait] 00026Sailor: Are you kidding me!? If we sent out any now, those savages would plunder them within minutes.[wait] 10027Sailor: There won't be any ships to [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a while, not with the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] making it too dangerous for all of us.[wait] 00028[char:0]: Hmm, that's bad news.[wait] 00029[char:4]: Damn bastards. Just when we need to take a boat somewhere, too.[wait] 00030[char:0]: Yeah.[wait] 00031[char:4]: Let's get 'em, what do you say?[wait] 00032[char:4]: C'mon, let's go beat 'em up a bit. That's the fastest way outta this.[wait] 00033 - Let's take 'em out! - Let's get ourselves equipped. - Let's wait for some good news.[wait] 00043[char:0]: Hmm, I guess we might as well make sure we're stocked up on equipment and so forth while we have a chance.[wait] 00044[char:4]: I guess. That's a safe bet, anyway.[wait] 00045[char:0]: Oh well. Guess we might as well kill some time at the inn, then.[wait] 00046Sailor: There won't be any ships to [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a while. I'd probably wait another 20 days or so and see how things go.[wait] 00047Sailor: There won't be any ships to [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a while. You'd better wait a few more days, and we'll see how things go.[wait] 00048[char:4]: Let's get 'em, what do you say?[wait] 00049[char:4]: Hang on. What about the job we have to do for [color:4]Badam[color:0]?[wait] 00050 - Deliver it - Don't deliver it[wait] 00051[char:0]: Oh, right. We still need to do that, don't we?[wait] 00052[char:4]: Let's take care of that first.[wait] 00053[char:0]: Well, don't you think that job's too much trouble for what it's worth? I don't really like that guy, anyway.[wait] 00054[char:4]: Hold on, you tryin' to weasel out of this job!? I'll just go do it myself, then.[wait] 00055[char:4]: Hold on, you tryin' to weasel out of this job!? Here, gimme that thing. I'll go deliver it by myself.[wait] 00056[char:4]: Guess this is goodbye, then. Good luck out there, [char:0].[wait] 00057 - Stop him - Don't stop him[wait] 00058[char:4]: What? You comin' with me?[wait] 00059 - Yes - No[wait] 00060[char:4]: Well, let's get goin', then.[wait] 00061[char:4]: See ya, then.[wait] 00062[char:4]: See ya, then.[wait] 00064[char:5]: Well, now what?[wait] 00063[char:4]: Now what?[wait] 10066[char:5]: All right. Ready to take on some pirates?[wait] 00067 - Yeah! Let's go! - Let's do some shopping first.[wait] 00068[char:0]: To the seas![wait] 10069???: Let me go! I'm gonna be a cute little bird, flying through the air! I don't need you![wait] 00070???: Thpbbbbt![wait] 00071???: Mrow![wait] 10072Sailor: You...you actually got rid of them?[wait] 00073[char:0]: That we did.[wait] 00074Sailor: Oh, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this helps us. I've got to repay you.[wait] 00075[char:5]: Well, would you mind taking us to the [color:1]Kingdom of Astral[color:0], then?[wait] 00076Sailor: Oh, no problem! You can all board free of charge! You just let me know when you're ready.[wait] 10077Sailor: Yo. You again, huh?[wait] 00078Sailor: Those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] bastards have finally gone away! Now we can get back to business without having to watch our backs all the[new] time.[wait] 00079Sailor: I can send a ship out to [color:1]Autanim[color:0] over on [color:1]Astral[color:0] anytime you like. Lemme know when you're ready.[wait] 11002[char:5]: Oh, these?[wait] 01003[char:5]: A tall, dark stranger gave me these as a present before we were reunited, Captain.[wait] 01004[char:3]: I, I see...[wait] 01005[char:5]: Oh, come on, Captain! I figured you'd at least have more to say about it than just that. You're no fun at all![wait] 01006[char:3]: What?[wait] 01007[char:5]: It was [char:0].[wait] 01008[char:3]: [char:0]? He gave those to you?[wait] 01009[char:5]: Oh, Captain, not you too! I'm just teasing. He didn't mean anything by it![wait] 01010[char:3]: What do you mean, not me too?[wait] 01011[char:5]: Yeah, [char:1] was pretty jealous, too.[wait] 01012[char:3]: Ha ha! Cute.[wait] 01013[char:5]: Well, [char:0] didn't find it funny. That's for sure.[wait] 01014[char:5]: Look, I told you, he didn't mean anything! Sometimes a gift's just a gift![wait] 01015[char:3]: Yeah...? Ahh, I suppose so...[wait] 01016[char:3]: [char:84](Hmm... [char:0]? No, it couldn't be... But what if it is? Oh, no no no! Calm down, [char:3]![unk:4006:e6:1][new] Times like these, you gotta keep cool!)[wait] 11022[char:5]: I thought he would be a little more concerned than that.[wait] 11017[char:3]: Why don't you buy something for [char:1] while we're here?[wait] 01018[char:0]: Oh, stop picking on me like that...[wait] 01019[char:3]: Ha ha ha![wait] 11020[char:0]: Um...is something bothering you?[wait] 01021[char:3]: Mm? No, not really. Why do you ask?[wait] 11001[char:4]: I swear I'm never touching another drink. Well...okay, at least today.[wait] 11023[char:b]: I don't see my friends anywhere.[wait] 01024[char:0]: Come to think of it, I haven't seen any [color:2]Lesser Fellpool[color:0] besides you.[wait] 01025[char:b]: I was traveling 'cause I heard rumors about my friends, but then [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]'s gang kidnapped me.[wait] 01026[char:b]: Mrroww... Where could my friends be?[wait] 01027[char:0]: Where are your parents, [char:b]?[wait] 01028[char:b]: My mommy wanted me to fend for myself, like a grown-up...*sniff*[wait] 01029[char:0]: Sorry, I shouldn't have asked...[wait] 01030[char:b]: She left me in [color:1]Portmith[color:0]. She said I was old enough to handle myself.[wait] 01031[char:0]: Well, you can still go back to see her anytime, right?[wait] 11032[char:b]: Where could my friends be?[wait] 12001One-eyed Terry: [color:1]Portmith[color:0] is the only port of trade between [color:1]Muah[color:0] and [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 02002 - Tell Terry about his date - Don't tell him[wait] 02003One-eyed Terry: Oh, shoot! I gotta get going![wait] 12019Romantic Sailor: Crashing waves...[wait] 02026Romantic Sailor: Seagulls...[wait] 02027Romantic Sailor: Raging storms...[wait] 02028Romantic Sailor: The stuff of male fantasies... And I love it![wait] 12022Blue-eyed Boy: I want to thank you guys for what you did. Here, take this. It's the least I can do.[wait] [center][color:3]Saint Elmo's Charm[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12001Sentry: If you have no business here, I suggest you leave.[wait] 12000Sentry: Pass through.[wait] 10000[char:3]: We are here to see the king.[wait] 00001Sentry: The [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]'s [color:1]emblem[color:0]! Please wait one moment.[wait] 00002Minister: There is something we would like to ask of the heroes searching for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]. Would you kindly listen to our story?[wait] 00003[char:5]: Might as well hear him out, at least.[wait] 00004[char:0]: Yeah.[wait] 00005Minister: My thanks to all of you. Let us talk inside, then.[wait] 11000[char:0]: What're you doing here?[wait] 01001[char:b]: I heard there's a mountain of treasure! Is it here?[wait] 01002[char:0]: Oh, you mean the [color:1]treasury[color:0] inside [color:1]Muah Castle[color:0]?[wait] 01003[char:b]: Yeah! That![wait] 01004[char:0]: ...And?[wait] 01005[char:b]: Well, let's go![wait] 01007[char:b]: C'mon, [char:0]! You can be the prince, and I'll be the princess![wait] 01008[char:b]: There's also something I've got my eye on. Let's go get it![wait] 01009[char:0]: Uh, that'd be a crime, [char:b]! Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.[wait] 01010[char:0]: That's not [char:8c]doing the time.[char:8c] What're you trying to mime?[wait] 01011[char:b]: Mrroww! Stop trying to rhyme![wait] 01012[char:0]: Why? I think it's sublime.[wait] 01013[char:0]: Come on, let's go find a hill to climb.[wait] 01014[char:b]: Myaaow.[wait] 01015[char:b]: Do you...do you hate me, [char:0]?[wait] 01016 - That doesn't enter the equation. - Oh, well... Let's give it a shot.[wait] 01017[char:0]: That's not what I'm saying. It's just that, well, it's just not nice to do certain things, you know?[wait] 01018[char:b]: Okay...[wait] 01019[char:0]: *Sigh* Well, I suppose we could go inside and ask, at least.[wait] 01020[char:b]: Yaaay! Oh, I love you, [char:0]![wait] 11021[char:b]: You're no fun, [char:0].[wait] 11022[char:b]: My friend's short 'n stubby 'n fluffy! Let's go find him already![wait] 10000Soldier: Who goes there? No one's allowed in without a proper [color:1]permit[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:0]: We've got a [color:1]permit[color:0]! See?[wait] 00002Soldier: Very well. Pardon my rudeness. We've been getting a number of monster activity reports lately. Take care of yourselves out there.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Thanks.[wait] 11107[char:0]: I guess you'd expect a castle town to be pretty lively.[wait] 11000[char:1]: This is such a lively town.[wait] 11001[char:3]: All the castle towns seem to have a lot going on.[wait] 11002[char:5]: Let's take a short break here.[wait] 11003[char:4]: Ohhh yeah! Time to hit the bars![wait] 11004[char:9]: I'm a bit worried this kingdom's experienced peace for too long to be able to fight the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 11005[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11006[char:7]: This looks like a lively place.[wait] 11007[char:8]: The ocean breeze here is so comforting.[wait] 11008[char:a]: Looks like a good place for my training![wait] 11009[char:b]: Those [color:4]Velkhents[color:0] aren't gonna be here...are they?[wait] 11010[char:d]: I don't feel comfortable among all these people.[wait] 11011[char:c]: So...guess what I heard? The [color:1]treasury[color:0] in [color:1]Muah Castle[color:0] is filled with fantastic treasures![wait] 11108[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11012[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11013[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11014[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11015[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11016[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11017[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11018[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11019[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11020[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11021[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11022[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11023[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11109[char:0]: We need to go to the weapon shop to pick up something, don't we?[wait] 11024[char:5]: Don't we need to visit the weapon shop here?[wait] 11025[char:4]: Let's go pick up the goods.[wait] 11110[char:0]: Let's deliver the statue to [color:4]Badam[color:0]![wait] 11026[char:5]: Now, let's go deliver this statue to the item shop in [color:1]Haute[color:0].[wait] 11027[char:4]: Hey, aren't we supposed to take this statue back to [color:4]Badam[color:0]? Not that I'm in any hurry.[wait] 11111[char:0]: Let's go take care of the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11028[char:5]: Let's go do something about the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0]![wait] 11029[char:4]: We gotta get rid of those [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] to move on, right? Well, let's do it![wait] 11112[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] and look for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! It could help us find [char:1]![wait] 11113[char:5]: We might be able to locate the captain if we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! Let's go![wait] 11114[char:4]: We're going to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, let's get moving![wait] 11115[char:9]: Now, on to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. You must learn to never lose your focus, my boy.[wait] 11116[char:6]: Let us hurry to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! I may find what I am looking for in there.[wait] 11117[char:7]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. I hope you find what you're looking for.[wait] 11118[char:0]: Where could [char:1] and [char:3] be?[wait] 11030[char:5]: They weren't here, either. I hope we didn't miss them somewhere.[wait] 11031[char:4]: It's always a pain looking for someone. Let's just hope we didn't miss them.[wait] 11032[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11033[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11034[char:7]: Are you guys ready to move on?[wait] 11119[char:0]: Let's go check out the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]![wait] 11035[char:5]: If that light was the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], then that would mean... Let's go! There's something I want to check out.[wait] 11036[char:4]: Who cares about some lame shooting star!? Let's move on to the next town already![wait] 11037[char:9]: That light must have crashed around here. I hope nobody was injured.[wait] 11038[char:6]: Just what could have been the source of that intense light? Frankly, I'm very worried...[wait] 11039[char:7]: It doesn't look like that shining object crashed into this village.[wait] 11120[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11040[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11041[char:5]: All right, back to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11042[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11043[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11044[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11126[char:7]: Your friend's in [color:1]Ionis[color:0], right? Well, let's go.[wait] 11045[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11046[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11047[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11127[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11128[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11129[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11130[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11131[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11132[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11121[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11052[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11122[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11123[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11124[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11125[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 12001Miss: Did you hear? The pirates attacked another ship![wait] 12002Miss: You'd think our king would want to toughen up his army a bit in this day and age.[wait] 12000Miss: What does an adventurer actually do? My husband does nothing but wander around all[new] day. Is that what it's like?[wait] [center][color:3]Gold[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Iron[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Guest: Nice. I really like this room-- especially this beautiful carpet.[wait] 12001Guest: Hey, what gives!? This room doesn't even have a carpet![wait] [center][color:3]Pickaxe[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Elven Powder[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11001[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12004Innkeeper: Welcome! We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper: Welcome! It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Innkeeper: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Innkeeper: You don't have enough money.[wait] 12003Adventurer: I heard that there's an [color:1]abandoned mine[color:0] somewhere up [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0].[wait] 11000[char:c]: [char:0], you sit yourself down over there right now! Ugh, you're impossible...zzz...[wait] Inn [char:8c]The White Yucca[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Umai-bo Candy 11[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Maple Syrup[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Mary: I really want to eat a parfait. But my mom says I can't 'cause it'll rot all my teeth. But I brush[new] my teeth everyday![wait] 12005Mary: I think my tooth hurts a bit.[wait] 12007Mother: What did you give Mary!?[wait] Mary's House[unk:4006:78:0] 12001Mary: I really want to eat a parfait. But my mom says I can't, even if I brush my teeth everyday![wait] 02002 - Give Mary a parfait - Don't give her one[wait] 02003Mary: You're giving me a parfait!? Wow, thanks![wait] 02004Mary: It's delicious! But now I feel bad for taking your parfait. Here, take this![wait] 12006Mother: Mary loves eating sweet things, even though she knows it's bad for her.[wait] 12000Papa: You'd better get some tougher gear before you cross over to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 12001Papa: Thanks. Don't forget to equip everything![wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]Just Like Papa's[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:4]: What's up? [color:4]Badam[color:0] sent us.[wait] 00001Papa: Ah! The deliverymen, are you? Right, I need you to take this item to [color:4]Badam[color:0] for me.[wait] 00002[char:4]: This thing? All the way back there? How the hell're we gonna carry this!?[wait] 00003Papa: I'm counting on you folks.[wait] 00004[char:4]: Yeah, yeah.[wait] [color:3] - Knowledge 1[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 1[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 1[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] 02006Advisor: To acquire specialties, make sure you visit the Skill Screen and press [unk:400d:2]. This will[new] display a window indicating how close you are to acquiring various specialties. As a test,[new] try learning a skill and see how far along you are towards acquiring a related specialty.[new] You should see a specialty displayed: [char:8c]Cooking ★☆☆[char:8c]. Each star indicates a different[new] skill you need to learn before you can acquire the specialty. A filled star indicates a skill you[new] have already learned. As you will see from the Skill Screen, each specialty requires 1 to 3[new] skills to be learned. Once a specialty is displayed, you'll know exactly which skills you'll[new] need to acquire and improve it. Finally, I'd like to recommend that you learn the [color:0]Herbology[color:0][new] skill. This skill increases the amount of health recovered when using [color:3]Blueberries[color:0] and[new] [color:3]Blackberries[color:0].[wait] [color:3]Knowledge 1[color:0] includes Mineralogy, Herbology, and Recipe. [color:3]Sense 2[color:0] includes Determination, Danger Radar, Purity, and Poker Face. [color:3]Technical 1[color:0] includes Sketching, Knife, Whistling, and Imitation. [color:3]Combat 1[color:0] includes Power Burst, Guardbreak, Qigong, and Trance.[wait] 11057[char:9]: Remember to buy Combat Skills whenever you can, my boy. They always come in handy.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]School of Basics[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:5]: Aw, a picture book.[wait] 01001[char:1]: [char:84]Oh hey, [char:5]. Yeah, there was a picture book stuck in between the skill books.[unk:4006:fa:0][new] I remembered it from back when I was a kid, so I wound up reading it again.[wait] 01002[char:1]: Are there any legends or fairy tales passed down in your world, [char:5]?[wait] 01003[char:5]: Oh, of course. Lots of them.[wait] 01004[char:1]: Really? Like what? I'd love to hear some![wait] 01005[char:5]: [char:84]Okay, let me think of one you would like, [char:1].[unk:4006:ae:0][new] How about the story of a poor little girl who winds up getting married to a handsome prince?[wait] 01006[char:1]: Oooh, a prince! That sounds great![wait] 01007[char:5]: Hmm... Hope I still remember it all. Ahem...[wait] 01008[char:5]: Once upon a time, there was a pretty, sweet girl who lived with her father, her stepmother, and her two older stepsisters.[wait] 01009[char:1]: Hmmm.[wait] 01010[char:5]: [char:84]The girl's father died of an illness one day, and after that, her stepmother and stepsisters began treating her like a maid.[unk:4006:9a:1][new] Wickedly abused by her stepmother, the girl was made to wear rags like a peasant![wait] 01011[char:1]: Oh, that's terrible! Poor girl![wait] 01012[char:5]: Then one day, an invitation arrived from the castle. The prince was holding a ball to seek a bride for himself.[wait] 01013[char:1]: Oooh, a ball? How romantic![wait] 01014[char:5]: [char:84]The girl wanted to attend the ball, but her wicked stepmother laughed at her.[unk:4006:f3:0][new] [char:8c]Hah! Do you think they'll let you into the castle dressed in those pauper's rags?[char:8c][wait] 01015[char:1]: How could she be so mean!?[wait] 01016[char:5]: [char:84]The girl wound up tending to the house while the others were gone, softly crying to herself.[unk:4006:2e:1][new] Suddenly, a kind fairy godmother appeared and told her something amazing. [char:8c]Young girl, how would you like to go to the castle?[char:8c][wait] 01017[char:1]: A fairy godmother?[wait] 01018[char:5]: Umm, well... I guess you could think of her as a very strange and mysterious woman who can make all your wishes come true.[wait] 01019[char:1]: Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so jealous! I wish I could meet a fairy godmother someday.[wait] 01020[char:5]: I don't think they exist in real life, sadly. They're just make-believe. But anyway...[wait] 01021[char:5]: [char:84]The fairy godmother cast a spell on a pumpkin and some mice who were nearby.[unk:4006:f8:0][new] Suddenly, the pumpkin turned into a coach, and the mice into a team of beautiful white horses![wait] 01022[char:1]: Wowww![wait] 01023[char:5]: [char:84]The girl couldn't believe her eyes as the fairy godmother then went on to transform her rags into a stunning dress![unk:4006:89:1][new] She was already a beautiful girl, but with the new dress on, she looked every bit like a real princess.[wait] 01024[char:5]: [char:84][char:8c]I have one more gift for you,[char:8c] the fairy godmother said. [char:8c]These are not magic, so they will never disappear.[char:8c][unk:4006:4c:1][new] With that, she gave the girl a pair of glass slippers.[wait] 01025[char:1]: Glass slippers! Goodness, that sounds beautiful! I'd love to try some of those on![wait] 01026[char:5]: Hee hee... I bet you would. I doubt there's a girl in my world who hasn't fantasized about that.[wait] 01027[char:5]: [char:84]Anyway, the fairy godmother followed up the gift with a stern warning:[unk:4006:ff:0][new] [char:8c]My magic will fade away at the stroke of midnight. Make sure you return home not a single moment later.[char:8c][wait] 01028[char:1]: So it all disappears at midnight? I thought magic lasted forever...[wait] 01029[char:5]: [char:84]When the girl reached the castle, the other guests couldn't help but sigh at her dazzling beauty.[unk:4006:33:1][new] The prince fell in love with her at first sight, and he immediately offered to dance with her.[wait] 01030[char:5]: [char:8c]I know not which kingdom does your presence grace,[char:8c] he said, [char:8c]but may I have this dance?[char:8c][wait] 01031[char:5]: [char:8c]Yes...of course,[char:8c] the girl shyly answered.[wait] 01032[char:1]: Ah![wait] 01033[char:5]: But the evening flew by in a flash, and before the girl knew it, the clock was already striking twelve![wait] 01034[char:1]: Oh, no! That's when her magic goes away, isn't it?[wait] 01035[char:5]: [char:84]The girl ran out of the castle in a rush, but she lost one of her glass slippers in the process.[unk:4006:2b:1][new] The prince made chase, but was left standing outside dumbfounded with the missing slipper in his hand.[wait] 01036[char:1]: That's terrible...[wait] 01037[char:5]: Several days later, a royal messenger arrived at the girl's house.[wait] 01038[char:5]: [char:84][char:8c]The prince is searching for the owner of this glass slipper,[char:8c] he said.[unk:4006:d3:0][new] [char:8c]The one whom this slipper fits shall be chosen to become the prince's bride![char:8c][wait] 01039[char:1]: Oh, wow! That's perfect! There couldn't be anyone else who'd fit in that slipper, could there?[wait] 01040[char:5]: [char:84]Ah, but the wicked stepmother and stepsisters locked the girl away from the messenger.[unk:4006:13:1][new] The stepmother only allowed her own two daughters to try it on, claiming them to be the only maidens of the house.[wait] 01041[char:1]: Oh, no! How could she!?[wait] 01042[char:5]: [char:84]The stepsisters tried to fit the glass slipper on their feet.[unk:4006:b4:0][new] However, the slippers were made for someone with far smaller feet than theirs. It was quite impossible to put on.[wait] 01043[char:5]: [char:84][char:8c]She must be nervous,[char:8c] the stepmother said, [char:8c]Let her try it on over in the other room.[char:8c] With that, they went inside...[unk:4006:70:1][new] The stepmother then hacked the toes off of one of her daughters to make the slipper fit![wait] 01044[char:1]: !!![wait] 01045[char:5]: [char:84]The stepsister put the slipper on her smaller foot and went back to the messenger.[unk:4006:d:1][new] [char:8c]This must be the one![char:8c] the messenger exclaimed, excitedly whisking her away from the house.[wait] 01046[char:5]: [char:84]Just then, however, a little bird exclaimed, [char:8c]She's a fake![char:8c][unk:4006:e6:0][new] The messenger took another look, and was shocked to find that the glass slipper was covered in blood![wait] 01047[char:1]: Ewww! I don't like stuff like that![wait] 01048[char:5]: Oh, but there's still more, [char:1].[wait] 01049[char:5]: [char:84]Giving up on the stepsister, the messenger decided to return to the castle. Suddenly, he heard someone exclaim, [char:8c]Wait![char:8c] [unk:4006:a4:1][new] Amazingly enough, it was the girl, still locked inside the house! And when she tried on the slipper, it was a perfect fit![wait] 01050[char:5]: The messenger was overjoyed. He placed the girl on a coach to the castle, and she and the prince were soon married.[wait] 01051[char:1]: Ahh...and they lived happily ever after, didn't they?[wait] 01052[char:5]: [char:84]Oh, yes. Her stepmother and wicked stepsisters were at the ceremony, of course,[unk:4006:14:1][new] but the little bird who warned the messenger swooped down and pecked their eyes out, and...[wait] 01053[char:1]: Ahhhh! Stop saying things like that![wait] 01054[char:5]: Hee hee hee hee hee![wait] 11055[char:5]: There is something more to that story than it seems, isn't there?[wait] 11056[char:1]: I hate scary stories![wait] [center][color:3]Awful Cider[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Megabomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Barkeep: We get some rowdy crowds in here. It sure ain't easy running this joint.[wait] 12001Counter Worker: How's it going?[wait] 12002Sailor: Ahhh... I live my life for that one beer at the end of the day.[wait] 12003Sailor: The liquor here's pretty good, but nothing beats the stuff you can get in [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 12004Soldier: Ahhh, Captain [char:7]... She looks so good just sitting in a bar like that.[wait] 12005Soldier: Yeah... I love it when she acts all manly like that.[wait] 11053[char:7]: Are we going to stay here much longer?[wait] 11052[char:9]: This is some really good alcohol. It sure warms the cockles.[wait] Bar [char:8c]The Salty Mariner[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11038[char:4]: You...what the hell're you doin' here?[wait] 01039[char:7]: Getting your liquor on first thing in the afternoon, I see... How lovely.[wait] 01040[char:4]: ...[wait] 01041[char:7]: Do you have any idea what happened while you were getting plastered in here!?[wait] 01042[char:4]: What?[wait] 01043[char:7]: Your father... Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] was killed![wait] 01044[char:4]: What!? Don't play around, how can he be dead!? He wouldn't just get killed like that![wait] 01045[char:7]: Your father was attacked by an assassin from the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. I was framed for the murder, so I had no choice but to flee [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 01046[char:4]: ...Framed?[wait] 01047[char:7]: The assassin probably disguised itself as me, so Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] hardly fought back at all.[wait] 01048[char:4]: Dammit![wait] 01049[char:7]: Where're you going!?[wait] 01050[char:4]: Forget about me. I'll deal with this myself.[wait] 11051[char:7]: I'm sorry... Could you leave me alone for a moment?[wait] 11000[char:4]: Man, this hits the spot![wait] 01001[char:4]: Yo, [char:0]! You want some too?[wait] 01002[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01003[char:0]: Wait, I...[wait] 01004[char:4]: Aw, man! You are missin' out on some good stuff, lemme tell ya![wait] 11006[char:4]: Yeah! Thass the spirit! You want this schtuff, doncha?[wait] 01007[char:0]: (I'm not so sure about this...)[wait] 01008[char:4]: Aww, c'mon! Drink it, drink it![wait] 01009[char:0]: Wait, I...[wait] 01010[char:4]: Yo, barkeep! 'Nother here ro...round 'ere![wait] 11005[char:4]: Mmm, this is great![wait] 11011Thug: What was that, you punk!? Say that one more time and I'll kick you outta here![wait] 01012[char:4]: I said you should stop actin' like you own the place when you plainly don't have the muscles to swat a mosquito, old man![wait] 01013Thug: You're a dead man![wait] 01014[char:4]: Hah! I know you are but what am I!?[wait] 01015Barkeep: No! Not in my bar![wait] 01016 - Join in - Watch the action[wait] 01017[char:0]: [char:4]! It's [char:0] to the rescue![wait] 01018[char:0]: (...I better stay out of this.)[wait] 01019[char:4]: I, I, I could desshtroy all o' youse in, like, three sheconds! Geddover 'ere![wait] 01020Barkeep: My barrrr!!![wait] 11021[char:7]: Sir [char:9].[wait] 01056[char:9]: Don't give me that [char:8c]sir[char:8c] nonsense! I'm no knight in shining armor anymore.[wait] 01057[char:7]: Why are you still on the road after all these years?[wait] 01022[char:7]: [char:84]I'm sure there isn't a nation in the world that wouldn't be delighted to have you settle down within its borders.[unk:4006:e:1][new] I believe Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] has personally invited you over a number of times, if I recall...[wait] 01023[char:9]: [char:84]Oh, that's just common courtesy. I'm his oldest friend, and I know he's just being polite.[unk:4006:62:1][new] Besides, I still have some unfinished business to settle.[wait] 01024[char:7]: What is it, if you don't mind my asking?[wait] 01025[char:9]: Sorry. I can't say.[wait] 01026[char:7]: Very well.[wait] 11033[char:7]: What mission have you undertaken, Sir [char:9]? What could be driving you to[new] travel like this? If I knew what it was, I'd like to try and help, somehow.[wait] 01034[char:0]: [char:7]...[wait] 01035[char:9]: It's not that you aren't good enough for me, [char:7]. Not at all. But I've taken this up[new] by my own will...and I don't want to take charity from anyone else.[wait] 01036[char:9]: Even if [color:4]Lias[color:0] himself offered, the answer would still be the same.[wait] 11037[char:7]: I...I hope you'll be comfortable enough to tell us the whole story someday.[wait] 11027[char:9]: Ah, [char:0]. What's the matter? You look anxious.[wait] 01028[char:0]: No, I was just wondering... I know that you've joined us on our journey,[new] [char:9], but isn't there a reason why you are traveling in the first place?[wait] 01029[char:0]: I mean, I really appreciate everything you've done! It's just that...[wait] 01030[char:9]: You trying to say sorry to me? Well, don't. You don't have to worry about what I think.[wait] 01031[char:9]: Remember, I'm one who decided to join you on your little trip. I'm sure this is just fate[new] working its magic. Don't worry about it.[wait] 11032[char:9]: When you're on the road, you run into all sorts of amazing things. Make sure you don't[new] simply overlook or underestimate any of them, [char:0].[wait] 11054[char:0]: What's the matter? You look lost in thought.[wait] 01055[char:7]: ...[wait] 12000Grannie: Hello, dearie.[wait] 12001Grannie: Come back soon![wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Ye Olde Item Shoppe[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Blurry Photo[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Assistant Boy: I wish the counter weren't so high.[wait] 12001Assistant Boy: I wish I was a little bit taller.[wait] 12003Round-faced Lady: I hope the pirates don't disrupt the regular sailing routes.[wait] 12004Round-faced Lady: I wonder if I'll ever experience peace in my lifetime.[wait] 12002Round-faced Lady: I hear the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]'s forces are much more active up in [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 11000[char:1]: Hmm. Should I avoid eating anything sweet, or should I be honest with myself?[wait] 12005Dirne: Hey, we meet again! I'm busy running errands for my mom again. Hope [char:2] gets[new] well soon, though.[wait] Food Shop [char:8c]Just Like Mama's[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Throwing Dagger[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Sentry: The last king decided to make [color:1]Muah[color:0] a pacifist nation. That's why we don't have a fully[new] operational army. This isn't a huge problem right now since all four kingdoms have a mutual[new] enemy in the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. But what if we were to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], the lord of the[new] [color:1]demon world[color:0]? [color:1]Muah[color:0] could find itself in a dangerous position.[wait] 12001Maid: There's a huge [color:1]treasury[color:0] in the basement of this castle.[wait] 12002Sentry: This is the throne room.[wait] Muah Castle[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Cold Soba[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Royal Chef Alfredo: Knowledge...skill...both can be learned in time. What a true chef needs is a keen sense of[new] taste! The flavor that a chef creates must awe the masses and bring them to their knees![wait] [center][color:3]Stone Cure[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Maid: Please don't come stomping around here. You'll just get dust into the air.[wait] [center][color:3]Leather Armor[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Sentry: This is the [color:1]treasury[color:0].[wait] 12001Minister: The best of luck to you all.[wait] 10000Minister: This is the place. There are some rather fearsome monsters inside, so please exercise due caution.[wait] 12003[center][color:3]Luxurious Sword[color:0] returned.[wait] 12004[center][color:3]Luxurious Rod[color:0] returned.[wait] 12005[center][color:3]Luxurious Armor[color:0] returned.[wait] 12006[center][color:3]Luxurious Robe[color:0] returned.[wait] 12002Minister: Now, please return all the luxurious equipment.[wait] 10001Minister: Thank you for slaying that monster. Please, take this as a sign of our thanks.[wait] [center][color:3]Hammer Charm[color:0] acquired.[wait] 00002Minister: And if you'll pardon me, I must ask for the weapons and the armor to be returned to the [color:1]treasury[color:0].[wait] 00003Minister: Now, please, proceed to the throne room. The king is waiting.[wait] 12000King of Muah: I pray that you will succeed in defeating [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 12002Queen: I will be praying for your success.[wait] Throne Room[unk:4006:78:0] 10000King of Muah: Ah, so the [color:1]emblem[color:0] bearers have finally come to visit![wait] 00001King of Muah: Minister, take the guards out of the room.[wait] 00002Minister: Yes, Your Majesty.[wait] 00003King of Muah: First, allow me to thank you for clearing out the [color:1]treasury[color:0] for us.[wait] 00004King of Muah: [char:84]The surviving monsters are mere minions; I believe the palace guard can handle them well enough.[unk:4006:51:1][new] You have my most sincere appreciation.[wait] 00005[char:0]: It was nothing, sir.[wait] 00006King of Muah: Moving on, then. My kingdom has been granted the [color:1]history[color:0] surrounding the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00007[char:3]: History, Your Majesty?[wait] 00008King of Muah: [char:84]Yes. It's really more of a legend than anything else, but still a history.[unk:4006:b:1][new] I believe it to be the story of the [color:1]Old Race[color:0]--the [color:2]Muah[color:0], in other words.[wait] 00009King of Muah: A long time ago, when we and the rest of the world were still in infancy,[wait] 00010King of Muah: the [color:1]Eye[color:0] was obtained in order to reveal the true path back to paradise.[wait] 00011King of Muah: The [color:1]Eye[color:0] failed to see the door to paradise; however, in its place it saw a door of blasphemy.[wait] 00012King of Muah: Darkness swarmed forth, and demons enveloped the world.[wait] 00013King of Muah: By the time the door was closed, the land was already near death. All we could do was lament our mistake.[wait] 00014King of Muah: The [color:1]Eye[color:0] now sleeps, guarded by the three goddesses within the Temple of Purity.[wait] 00015[char:5]: [char:8c]The true path 'back' to paradise?[char:8c][wait] 00016[char:3]: What in the world could that mean?[wait] 00017King of Muah: I cannot say for certain.[wait] 00018King of Muah: We tried to decipher the message, but its intended meaning still eludes us.[wait] 00019King of Muah: [char:84]However, the [char:8c][color:1]Eye[color:0][char:8c] mentioned in this bit of lore is almost certainly the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]. [unk:4006:65:1][new] And the darkness is likely none other than [color:4]Asmodeus, the Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 00020[char:3]: [char:8c]A door of blasphemy.[char:8c] So the [color:2]Muah[color:0] weren't deliberately trying to open a door to the [color:1]demon world[color:0], Your Highness?[wait] 00021King of Muah: Mmm, that is one theory, yes. Either way, the full truth will not be revealed until someone procures the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00022[char:0]: It sleeps, guarded by three goddesses in the Temple of Purity. You don't think that would be the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], do you?[wait] 00023[char:5]: That has to be it! And those [char:8c]three goddesses[char:8c] must be the [color:4]Runes[color:0].[wait] 00024King of Muah: I have told you all I know.[wait] 00025King of Muah: I want you to take this. I look forward to hearing good news.[wait] 00026King of Muah: This appears to be your final stop. You had best return to [color:1]Van[color:0] and report to the king with your [color:1]emblems[color:0].[wait] 00027[char:3]: Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you very much.[wait] [center][color:3]Nuclear Bomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Rickety Knuckles[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Grazer the Sage: I have heard of an ancient ruin hidden somewhere in [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0], but I am not sure if it exists.[wait] 12001Sentry: Where did those monsters in the [color:1]treasury[color:0] come from?[wait] Grazer the Sage's Quarters[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Friends of the Woods[color:0] acquired.[wait] Animal-lover Sentry: I won't tell anybody that you're a thief if you promise not to[new] tell anybody that I'm keeping a dog in my room.[wait] 12000Animal-lover Sentry: I'm secretly keeping a dog in my room, so don't tell anybody if you see him![wait] 10000Minister: To be frank, we have something of a problem here inside [color:1]Muah Castle[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:0]: Oh?[wait] 00002Minister: [char:84]For whatever reason, monsters are suddenly swarming out of the castle's [color:1]treasury[color:0].[unk:4006:1c:1][new] The door to the [color:1]treasury[color:0] has been barricaded, but we need a more permanent solution than that.[unk:4006:4b:1][new] Could we ask you to root out the cause of this anomaly for us?[wait] 00003[char:0]: Of course. We'd be happy to help, sir.[wait] 00004Minister: [char:84]Oh, thank you! You will find several powerful weapons and pieces of armor inside the [color:1]treasury[color:0].[unk:4006:44:1][new] You may use them if necessary, but we do ask that you return them to the castle after dealing with this little problem.[wait] 00005[char:5]: I guess keeping them would be too much to ask.[wait] 00006Minister: Again, thank you very much. Allow me to guide you to the room.[wait] 12001Dog: *Woof*[wait] Treasury B1F[unk:4006:78:0] Treasury B2F[unk:4006:78:0] Treasury B3F[unk:4006:78:0] Treasury B4F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Luxurious Sword[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Luxurious Rod[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Luxurious Robe[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11000[char:b]: Huh? One of my friends was supposed to be sleeping around here...[wait] 01001[char:0]: Your friend?[wait] 01002[char:b]: Yeah. He's stubby 'n chubbly 'n wubbly 'n like two scoops of ice cream. And he's a rabbit, too![wait] 01003[char:0]: ...Chubbly?[wait] 01004[char:0]: You know, I think I've seen a statue like that before.[wait] 01005[char:b]: Bingo! He gets all stone-like whenever he falls asleep. Where'd you see 'im, huh? Let's go there![wait] 01006[char:0]: The tool shop owner in [color:1]Haute[color:0] hired me to transport it, I think... Let's go back to [color:1]Haute[color:0] and ask him.[wait] 01007[char:0]: I've never seen anything like that.[wait] 01008[char:b]: Oh... Hey! Maybe someone took him away and put him up for sale in a shop![wait] 01009[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01010[char:b]: When he falls asleep, he turns into stone![wait] 01011[char:0]: So you want to look for him? Anyways, let's get out of here for now.[wait] [center][color:3]Luxurious Armor[color:0] acquired.[wait] Mt. Metorx: Abandoned Mine[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:4]: I can't go back. I can't go back to [color:1]Astral[color:0] yet![wait] 00001[char:4]: I've got to get stronger first, stronger than I am now![wait] 00002[char:4]: Yaaahhh!!![wait] [center][color:3]?ARMOR[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Rune Metal[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Dwarven Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Orichalcum[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]?MINERAL[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ankh Shield[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Steel Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Steel Armor[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver Greaves[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]?ITEM[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Dwarven Guard[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Dwarven Sword[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Astral Sword[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Jabberwabbit: You want this treasure? You'll have to get past me first![wait] 12000Return to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]?[wait] Pirates' Hideout 1F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Looks a bit too slippery to run across.[wait] 10000[char:0]: Gas?[wait] 00001[char:5]: We might be able to blast the wall if we had something to make a spark with.[wait] 00002[char:0]: Is that so... Too bad we don't have anything.[wait] Pirates' Hideout B1[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Pull the switch?[wait] Pirates' Hideout B2[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Velkhent: What the... Who are you!?[wait] 10001[char:0]: I get the feeling that wasn't the [color:4]Velkhent[color:0] leader.[wait] 00002[char:5]: We've come this far already. We need to take out the boss. Let's keep going a little more.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Um, I think we're already in as far as we can go.[wait] 00004[char:5]: There's gas seeping out all around this place...[wait] 00005[char:5]: Say, didn't one of the henchmen drop some [color:1]flint[color:0] earlier? We could use that to set off an explosion. I bet that'd be enough to break[new] down some of these walls.[wait] 00006[char:0]: Oh yeah! Maybe we can find some secret rooms and stuff![wait] 00007[char:5]: I imagine so.[wait] 10000[char:4]: Dang, what a pit.[wait] 10001[char:0]: This is horrible.[wait] 00002[char:5]: I hear something.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00004[char:5]: Listen.[wait] 00005[char:4]: A flute? Here?[wait] 00006[char:0]: Sounds like a flute. But why would there be a flute here?[wait] 00007[char:5]: It's coming from up ahead. Let's go.[wait] 10008[char:5]: I want to know where that flute's coming from. Let's check around a little more.[wait] 10009[char:0]: Are you all right?[wait] 00010???: You're going to tie me up again, aren't you?[wait] 00011[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00012???: You're going to wrap that rope all over me again, aren't you?[wait] 00013[char:4]: What the hell're you talkin' about? Just follow us, okay? We're here to save you, stupid![wait] 00014[char:5]: Don't talk to her like that![wait] 00015[char:5]: Listen, we aren't here to hurt you. My name's [char:5]. What's yours?[wait] 00016???: ...[wait] 00017[char:4]: Don't waste your breath. Her kind, they're all like that. Bunch of rear ends in a top hat. Let's go.[wait] 00018[char:5]: Let's take her with us. We can't just leave her in here.[wait] 10019[char:0]: Are you all right?[wait] 00020???: You're going to tie me up again, aren't you?[wait] 00021[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00022???: You're going to wrap that rope all over me again, aren't you?[wait] 00023[char:0]: She's scared out of her wits.[wait] 00024[char:5]: Listen, we aren't here to hurt you. My name's [char:5]. What's yours?[wait] 00025???: ...[wait] 00026[char:5]: Let's take her with us. We can't just leave her in here.[wait] Pirates' Hideout B3[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: So you're the captain of the pirates![wait] 00001Velkhent Chief: Get the hell out of here, you![wait] 10002[char:0]: Excellent! Now let's get back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]![wait] 10003[char:4]: Hell yeah! Let's head back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] and let 'em know we cleaned house![wait] 00004[char:5]: You got it! They've got to let a ship sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0] now![wait] 00005[char:5]: We can go back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] if you want, but I'm wondering about what's up ahead. You think there's anything back there?[wait] 00006[char:4]: Going back to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]'s fine by me, but don't you wanna see what's up ahead? Maybe they've got some treasure or somethin'![wait] 10007[char:5]: There's still more to explore in this cave. Let's go on ahead.[wait] [center][color:3]Conductor Baton[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Compress of Veda[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:9]: Sit down, my boy, and think about what you did. Hopefully, you'll realize that a thief can[new] never be a swordfighter.[wait] 12000Young Girl: This is [color:1]Autanim[color:0].[wait] 12001Young Boy: Lots of artists live here![wait] 12002Youth: There's a race of people called the [color:2]Lesser Fellpool[color:0] who've got a great sense of rhythm and[new] sound. As for me, I've got no rhythm at all.[wait] 11095[char:9]: I don't see any traces of battle here or anything...[wait] 11094[char:6]: [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] stick out anywhere they go. There is little we can do about our wings.[wait] Autanim[unk:4006:78:0] 11093[char:9]: That's terrible... A girl her age, thinking about things like that...[wait] 11092[char:9]: You didn't have to pick on him like that, you know. If this ever happens again... well, hopefully[new] you know what to do.[wait] 11031[char:6]: Everything is all right now.[wait] 11032[char:0]: Listen, I'm sorry. I was acting really stupid.[wait] 01033[char:6]: It is quite all right. I fully understand...[wait] 11034[char:6]: Everything is all right now.[wait] 01015[char:4]: Get the hell outta here! This look like a freak show to you!?[wait] 01016[char:6]: ...Thank you. You really helped me out there.[wait] 01017[char:4]: [char:0], what the hell were you thinking!? Why'd you have to join this damned pack of groupies!?[wait] 01018[char:6]: Please, it's quite all right now...[wait] 01049[char:4]: Get the hell outta here! This look like a freak show to you!?[wait] 01050[char:d]: ...Thank you. I never thought I'd get that kind of attention...[wait] 01051[char:4]: [char:0], what the hell were you thinking!? Why'd you have to join this damned pack of groupies!?[wait] 01052[char:d]: Oh, it's alright. I'm kind of happy, in fact.[wait] 01053[char:d]: Because they saw me as a normal [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], and that makes me really happy.[wait] 01019[char:9]: What do you people think you're doing!? This isn't a sideshow![wait] 01020[char:6]: ...Thank you. You really helped me out there.[wait] 01021[char:9]: [char:0], you really didn't have to join in on the chaos like that.[wait] 01022[char:6]: Please, it's quite all right now...[wait] 01054[char:9]: What do you people think you're doing!? This isn't a sideshow![wait] 01055[char:d]: Yes... Thank you very much. I never thought I'd get that kind of attention...[wait] 01056[char:9]: [char:0], you really didn't have to join in on the chaos like that.[wait] 01057[char:d]: Yes, I'm fine. I'm kind of happy about it, actually.[wait] 01058[char:d]: Because they saw me as a normal [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], and that makes me really happy.[wait] 01023[char:7]: Listen, people! [char:6] isn't some kind of freak or anything! Quit it![wait] 01024[char:6]: ...Thank you. You really helped me out there.[wait] 01025[char:7]: [char:0]! Why're you in the gang, too!? There's a difference between pulling a prank and just being cruel, you know![wait] 01026[char:6]: Please, it's quite all right now...[wait] 01059[char:7]: Move along, people! She's not some kinda circus freak![wait] 01060[char:d]: ...Thank you. I never thought I'd get that kind of attention...[wait] 01061[char:7]: [char:0]! Why're you in the gang, too!? There's a difference between pulling a prank and just being cruel, you know![wait] 01062[char:d]: Oh, it's alright. I'm kind of happy, in fact.[wait] 01063[char:d]: Because they saw me as a normal [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], and that makes me really happy.[wait] 01027[char:5]: What are you people doing!? We're not running a sideshow here![wait] 01028[char:6]: ...Thank you. You really helped me out there.[wait] 01029[char:5]: [char:0], you didn't have to join them, you know! I'm really disappointed in you.[wait] 01030[char:6]: Please, it's quite all right now...[wait] 01064[char:5]: What are you people doing!? This isn't a sideshow![wait] 01065[char:d]: ...Thank you. I never thought I'd get that kind of attention...[wait] 01066[char:5]: [char:0], you didn't have to join them, you know! I'm really disappointed in you.[wait] 01067[char:d]: Oh, it's alright. I'm kind of happy, in fact.[wait] 01068[char:d]: Because they saw me as a normal [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], and that makes me really happy.[wait] 11000Young Boy: Whoaaa! You got wings![wait] 01001Young Girl: They're beautiful![wait] 01002Chelsey: Ahh! I love them![wait] 01003Mewky: Wow! You must be one of those [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] I heard about! You're so handsome![wait] 01004Meili: Hold on, you two! Quit stalking him![wait] 01005 - I better help! - I'll mess around a bit.[wait] 01006[char:0]: Knock if off! This ain't a circus![wait] 01007Chelsey: Oh, come on![wait] 01008Mewky: We just wanted to look![wait] 01009[char:6]: ...Thank you. You really helped me out there.[wait] 01010[char:6]: I thought I was used to that sort of treatment by this point, but with that many people at once, I still felt a little helpless.[wait] 01011[char:0]: Yeah, I can't blame you.[wait] 01012[char:6]: Sometimes I think it would be great if I could just get rid of my wings, but this is the body my parents gave me.[wait] 01013[char:0]: You're a popular guy, [char:6]![wait] 01014[char:6]: I don't need this kind of popularity![wait] 11035Young Boy: Whoaaa! You got wings![wait] 01036Young Girl: They're beautiful![wait] 01037Chelsey: I wanna have wings too![wait] 01038Mewky: Boy, I wish I coulda been a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0]![wait] 01039Meili: Stop staring at her like that, you two![wait] 01040 - I better help! - I'll mess around a bit.[wait] 01041[char:0]: Knock if off! This ain't a circus![wait] 01042Chelsey: Oh, come on![wait] 01043Mewky: We just wanted to look![wait] 01044[char:d]: ...Thank you. I never thought I'd get that kind of attention...[wait] 01045[char:d]: I imagined that people would curse and swear at me. That makes this all the more surprising.[wait] 01046[char:0]: They certainly looked envious of you.[wait] 01047[char:d]: Yes. They saw me as a normal [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], and that makes me really happy.[wait] 01048[char:0]: Man, you're popular, [char:d]![wait] 01096[char:9]: Are you all right?[wait] [center][color:3]Gladius[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:3]: Well, I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in you, [char:0].[wait] [center][color:3]Faerie Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Female Citizen: How do you think these monsters are getting into our world?[wait] 12001Swordswoman: I heard that there's a single woman in the [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0], and a captain even! I also heard[new] that she's actually the daughter of Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0], their leader. Oh, how inspiring![wait] 11049[char:d]: We [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] must really not come down often. Everyone does a double-take when they[new] see me![wait] 11045[char:d]: I must really look like a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0]... It must sound strange to you, but that's[new] honestly a major relief to me.[wait] 11006[char:9]: Even if you win glory in battle, it won't mean a thing if you die in the process. I want you to[new] remember that, [char:0]. Never forget it![wait] 01007[char:0]: Yes, sir.[wait] 11000Swordswoman: Are you...the knight who fought in the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0] with Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]?[wait] 01050[char:9]: That's a very old tale. I prefer not to bring it up.[wait] 01001Swordswoman: I've always wanted to be one of those fighting against the monsters. I want to swing my sword for a just cause.[wait] 01002[char:9]: ...Is that so? Well, would you like some friendly advice from this old-timer?[wait] 01003Swordswoman: Yes, sir, please![wait] 01004[char:9]: [char:84]Rule number one is to survive. Don't be obsessed with winning quick glory on the field.[unk:4006:8b:1][new] You'll find ample time to prove yourself sooner or later.[wait] 01005Swordswoman: Thank you, sir. I will keep that in mind.[wait] 11041Young Boy: Wow, wolves are so cool![wait] 11042Young Boy: Wow, that dog's huge.[wait] 11043Young Girl: I guess wolves aren't so scary after all.[wait] 11044Young Girl: Aww, he's so soft and cuddly! Cuuuuute![wait] 11038[char:a]: Thanks again, [char:0]![wait] 11039[char:a]: [char:0]...was I a dog all along?[wait] 11040[char:a]: Arf arf! ...I guess.[wait] 11010[char:a]: No, I'm telling you, you've got it all wrong! I'm a--[wait] 01011Young Boy: You're a dog! That's the only thing you could be.[wait] 01012Young Girl: Whoa! A talking dog![wait] 01013[char:a]: No, no, no! I'm a wolf![wait] 01014[char:a]: Hey, [char:0]! Help me out here, please!?[wait] 01015 - He's a wolf. - He's a dog![wait] 01016[char:0]: I'm sorry, kids, but this guy's definitely a wolf.[wait] 01017Young Boy: Whaaat? Really?[wait] 01018Young Girl: Whoa! A real wolf! Cool![wait] 01019[char:a]: Yeah! A wolf! And definitely not a dog![wait] 01020Young Boy: Man...a real wolf! Awesome![wait] 01021[char:a]: Thanks a lot, [char:0]! You saved my hide back there![wait] 01022[char:0]: No, you're right. He's a dog.[wait] 01023Young Boy: See? I told you, you're a dog![wait] 01024[char:a]: [char:0]! Why did you say that to these kids!? I'm a wolf! Come on![wait] 01025Young Girl: You shouldn't tell lies, you know. Your mom will get angry at you![wait] 01026[char:a]: Oooh... You've got it all wrong... I, I'm...![wait] 01027[char:a]: I'm...a dog![wait] 01028Young Boy: Hah! Told you![wait] 01029Young Girl: You're a big ol' puppy, too![wait] 01030[char:0]: Isn't he, though? Pretty cool, yeah?[wait] 01031Young Boy: Yeah![wait] 01032Young Girl: Yeah![wait] 01033[char:a]: Agh! That was just a slip of the tongue! I'm not a dog![wait] 01034Young Boy: Puppy! Puppy! Big ol' puppy![wait] 01035Young Girl: What a cute dog![wait] 01036[char:a]: No! I'm a...wait, what? I'm a dog? A wolf? Dahhh, which was it!?[wait] 01037[char:0]: ...Maybe I went a little too far.[wait] 11046[char:3]: Hmm. It might be nice to take her out to the bar a bit later. But should I?[wait] 11047[char:3]: What're your plans, [char:0]?[wait] 01048[char:0]: N-nothing special. Why?[wait] [center][color:3]Weird Clothing[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:4]: I'm gonna let that slide for now. You better have been joking.[wait] 12000Ledore the Adventurer: If you go all the way south from here and then travel west along the coast, you'll end up in[new] [color:1]Tatroi[color:0], famous for its [color:1]Arena[color:0].[wait] 12001Aspiring Artist: Do you know of any good artists? I'm thinking of applying for an apprenticeship.[wait] 11002[char:4]: Let's go to a new town already--somewhere bigger.[wait] 11001[char:4]: I, I don't really know what to say...[wait] 11000[char:4]: Why the hell're you starting crap with those groupies, huh? You better hope I don't catch[new] you again![wait] 11003Swordswoman: Oh, I was so nervous... Just having a chance to talk to Sir [char:9] is like a[new] dream come true![wait] 01004Swordswoman: I guess he saw how panicked I was around him, though... I suppose there's still a lot of[new] training left for me. I've got to broaden my horizons.[wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic!?[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Scumbag Slayer[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Chelsey: Have y'eard of the band, The Stalkers? Oh my god, they are, like, so frikkin' awesome![wait] 12006Mewky: The lead singer's this girl called Mirielle, and she's, like, sooo sexy![wait] 12007Adventurer: I'd like to learn the Edarl style of sword fighting, but I don't know if I'm good enough.[wait] 11027[char:c]: Uh, so you got any more?[wait] 01028Meili: Well, here's a little something...[wait] 01029[char:c]: Ah... Oh, my... No![wait] 01030Mewky: And then, if you turn the page...[wait] 01031[char:c]: Ahh, I can't believe this![wait] 01032Chelsey: And then, look out, here comes an ambush![wait] 01033[char:c]: That's how it ends!? Crazy![wait] 01034[char:0]: You couldn't pay me enough to get any closer to them...[wait] 11012Chelsey: Step right up, everyone![wait] 01013Mewky: Don't miss out on this one![wait] 01014Meili: We put our heart into these.[wait] 01015[char:c]: Ho ho ho! Trying to do the hard-sell on old [char:c] now? You've got guts, I'll tell you that much.[wait] 01016Chelsey: Whoa, d'you know her?[wait] 01017Mewky: No...not at all.[wait] 01018Meili: Maybe she's somebody famous.[wait] 01019[char:c]: Ahem! Well, whatever. Lemme see one, all right? I promise I'll buy it.[wait] 01020[char:c]: This is... It's a whole new world, this.[wait] 01021Chelsey: Isn't it? Then after that, the two guys meet up and...[wait] 01022[char:c]: Whoa! Is that what happens?[wait] 01023Mewky: And then they hug each other, and then...[wait] 01024[char:c]: Wait, wait, wait! Listen, you can't sell this![wait] 01025Meili: And then this other guy drops in on them, and...[wait] 01026[char:c]: ...I, uh, I think I've had enough.[wait] 11009[char:5]: Argh, I knew this would happen! If only I had tried harder to stop him...[wait] 11000[char:3]: Is that thing a... Is it a fish?[wait] 01001[char:5]: Captain... You shouldn't be standing right at the edge like that. You might slip and fall.[wait] 01002[char:3]: Don't worry. I'll be fine![wait] 01003[char:5]: Come back over here, Captain. That's too dangerous.[wait] 01004[char:3]: You can't get anything done if you're just gonna be a scaredy-cat all the time.[wait] 01005[char:3]: Guess it wasn't a fish after all. Just a light or something.[wait] 01006[char:3]: Ah...aaahhh![wait] 01007[char:5]: Captain![wait] 01008[char:5]: It's all my fault...[wait] 12001Meili: We've written a fanfic about The Stalkers! Would you like a copy? Only [color:2]800 Fol[color:0] each![wait] 02002 - Buy - Don't buy[wait] 02004Meili: Ooo, I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money.[wait] 02005Meili: You're already carrying too much.[wait] 02003Meili: Thank you![wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11010[char:1]: I like port towns. There's always so much going on.[wait] 01011[char:0]: Yeah. It's so different from living up in the mountains like in [color:1]Kratus[color:0].[wait] [center][color:3]Assault Bomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] Symbology User: Would you like a taste of my [color:1]symbology[color:0]?[wait] [center][color:3]Cabbage Roll[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12004Rowell the Swordsman: I heard that you can win a [color:1]Book of Techniques[color:0] at the [color:1]Arena[color:0] in [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. You think that's true?[wait] 12005Symbology User: Have you heard of [color:3]Orichalcum[color:0]? It's a type of metal imbued with a magic property that resists[new] gravity.[wait] 12006Youngster Ray: What's your favorite food? Mine is [color:3]Cabbage Rolls[color:0]. Since it's my favorite, I can recover all[new] my HP and MP by eating just one![wait] 11038[char:8]: I have this uncomfortable feeling as if someone's watching me. I hope it's just my imagination.[wait] 11039[char:b]: *Purr*[wait] 11014[char:8]: I was looking forward to it a little, too... I'm just pathetic.[wait] 11015Self-styled Painter: Ahh, why are people unable to appreciate my talents!?[wait] 11000Self-styled Painter: Oh, such a beautiful woman! Please! Please, I beg of you, let me draw your portrait![wait] 01001[char:8]: Huh!? I'm sorry, I...[wait] 01002Self-styled Painter: Don't be shy! Please, this is all I ask of you![wait] 01003[char:8]: But I don't think I would make a very good model for you.[wait] 01004Self-styled Painter: Oh, no need to be so modest! Please, this is all I ask![wait] 01005[char:8]: Oh, dear... What should I do?[wait] 01006[char:0]: Why don't you just let him? That'll get him off your back, at least.[wait] 01007[char:8]: All right. I guess this one time won't hurt.[wait] 01008Self-styled Painter: No problem, leave this to me! Oh, I feel a masterpiece in the making.[wait] 01009Self-styled Painter: Brilliant! You are the embodiment of beauty! A true goddess! Ah, my goddess![wait] 01010Self-styled Painter: It is finished! This may prove to be my greatest piece in history![wait] 01011[char:0]: This painting...[wait] 01012[char:0]: It's...terrible.[wait] 01013[char:8]: I suppose that's why he's [char:8c]self-styled.[char:8c][wait] 11034[char:d]: Thanks, [char:0].[wait] 11035[char:d]: I guess I shouldn't expect everyone to be like my brother. He would never judge a book[new] by its cover...unlike some people.[wait] 11028[char:d]: Men take everything at face value, don't they? They've got to try looking inside people more... That's what you do, right,[new] [char:0]?[wait] 01029 - Personality's important! - Well, she's gotta have...[wait] 01030[char:0]: Of course. What's inside is a lot more important than what's outside.[wait] 01031[char:d]: Hee hee! Thanks, [char:0].[wait] 01032[char:0]: (Well... Personality is important, of course, but if she's got looks and style, too... That makes her[new] more attractive.)[wait] 01033[char:d]: ...What are you thinking about?[wait] 11016Self-styled Painter: Oh, such a beautiful woman! Please! Please, I beg of you, let me draw your portrait![wait] 01017Beautiful Girl: Huh!? I-I'm sorry...[wait] 01018Self-styled Painter: What a fine young lady! I haven't felt so moved since I saw that girl with the purple hair! Please, this is all I ask![wait] 01019Beautiful Girl: But I don't think I'd make a very good model for you.[wait] 01020Self-styled Painter: There's no need to be so modest! Ah, my goddess! Please, this is all I ask![wait] 01021Beautiful Girl: I...have to go meet my boyfriend! Excuse me, please![wait] 01022Self-styled Painter: Ah...my goddess...[wait] 01023Self-styled Painter: Yes?[wait] 01024[char:d]: I heard that you draw portraits.[wait] 01025Self-styled Painter: Oh, I'm not in the mood for it now. I found my goddess, but now she has disappeared...[wait] 01026[char:d]: So...are you going to ignore me?[wait] 01027Self-styled Painter: I...I'm sorry![wait] 12000Self-styled Painter: I'm drawing portraits for just [color:2]10 Fol[color:0] each. How about it?[wait] 02001 - Buy a portrait of [char:0] - Buy a portrait of [char:5] - Don't buy a portrait[wait] 02007Self-styled Painter: I don't think you have enough money.[wait] 02008Self-styled Painter: You're already carrying too much. That's too bad. I really wanted to draw you a portrait.[wait] 02002Self-styled Painter: Here you go. What do you think? Pretty good, huh?[wait] 02003Self-styled Painter: Here you go. What do you think? Pretty good, huh?[wait] 11036[char:a]: There're a lot of [color:2]Lycanthropes[color:0] who can't control themselves once they've transformed. They[new] just go crazy![wait] 01037[char:a]: That's why most of my people prefer to live in isolated areas where they won't be able to[new] bother anybody.[wait] [center][color:3]Seafood Rice Bowl[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11020[char:0]: (I don't think the others would like it if I left them behind.)[wait] 12000Sailor: You wanna get to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]? It's [color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0] per person or [color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0] for the lot of you.[wait] 12001Sailor: You don't have enough money, man.[wait] 12002Sailor: Where you wanna go? Just gimme the money and I'll take you anywhere.[wait] [color:3] - Portmith (Muan Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] 12005Sailor: You can catch swordfish and sea bream in these parts![wait] 10000[char:4]: Well, here we are. Welcome to [color:1]Autanim[color:0], [color:1]Astral Kingdom territory[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:5]: Which way is [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0]?[wait] 00002[char:4]: We...we're going there?[wait] 00003[char:5]: Why shouldn't we?[wait] 00004[char:4]: Well, I...uh, I didn't say we shouldn't. I just...I don't think there's any reason for us to go there.[wait] 00005Sailor: You guys heading for [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0]? There's a ship headed there that departs from [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. That'd be your best bet.[wait] 00006Sailor: If you're in [color:1]Astral[color:0], you've got to visit [color:1]Astral City[color:0]. The liquor there is somethin' else![wait] 00007[char:5]: My, that sounds nice. What's it made from? Fruit? Rice? Maybe wheat?[wait] 00008Sailor: It's rice liquor, lady. What'd you think it was?[wait] 00009[char:5]: Is it strong?[wait] 00010Sailor: [char:84]Ehh, I'd call it normal. Not even 40 proof, I'd say. Now if you really wanna get hammered, [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]'s the place for you.[unk:4006:fe:1][new] Because it's so cold up there, they really know their liquor.[wait] 00011[char:5]: Let's go.[wait] 00012[char:0]: Go where?[wait] 00013[char:5]: Huh?[wait] 00014[char:0]: I mean, [color:1]Astral[color:0], or [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]?[wait] 00015[char:5]: Oh. Well, might as well hit the closest one first. Let's try [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 10016[char:5]: So this is what [color:1]Astral[color:0] looks like.[wait] 00017[char:0]: Where do you think [char:1] and the captain could be?[wait] 00018[char:5]: Who knows? We'll just have to search through every town until we find them.[wait] 00019[char:0]: It would be nice if we had something to go on.[wait] 00020[char:5]: Well, don't look at me. Let's try paying a visit to the castle after we've looked around the town.[wait] 00021???: You people travelers?[wait] 00022[char:5]: You could say that.[wait] 00025???: Where'd you come from? I don't see any tail on you.[wait] 00026[char:5]: Oh, I come from [color:1]Kraat[color:0], and uh, I lost my tail in a childhood accident.[wait] 00027???: Oh. Sorry. Didn't mean to bring it up.[wait] 00028[char:5]: No problem.[wait] 00029???: I am [char:7] Melle, knight in service of [color:1]Astral Kingdom[color:0].[wait] 00034[char:5]: My name's [char:5], and he's [char:0]. Good to meet you.[wait] 00030[char:7]: You must pardon me for being rude. Allow me to guide you to [color:1]Astral City[color:0]. The roads here are fraught with danger.[wait] 00031[char:5]: Hmm. What do you think, [char:0]?[wait] 00032 - Absolutely! - Thanks, but...[wait] 00033[char:0]: Sounds great to me! Thank you very much.[wait] 00035[char:0]: Thanks, but I'd prefer to take my time with our search. We don't want to pass them by without noticing.[wait] 00036[char:7]: Ah.[wait] 00037[char:7]: If [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0] is your destination, a ship will take you there from [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Try to exercise caution along the way.[wait] 00038[char:5]: Thank you.[wait] 10039[char:6]: [char:d], where could you possibly be? I've crisscrossed the world over and over. I haven't left a single stone unturned.[wait] 00040[char:6]: I'm not too late, am I, [char:d]?[wait] 00041[char:6]: No, it's too early to give up. I won't give up until I find you! [char:d], I know you're out there somewhere. I just know it![wait] 10042[char:6]: Excuse me. Have you seen a girl around here with wings like mine?[wait] 00043Male Citizen: Hmm. Well, you [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] stick out around here, so I probably would've remembered if I did.[wait] 00044[char:6]: I see.[wait] 00045[char:6]: [char:84]There are no leads in this town, either. I'm amazed I'm actually talking to people like this.[unk:4006:2c:1][new] It would've been unthinkable for me just a little while ago.[wait] 00046[char:6]: [char:84][char:0] taught me that doubt won't solve anything. You have to have the courage to believe in yourself.[unk:4006:22:1][new] Thank you, [char:0].[wait] 11022[char:5]: I'd like to say something, but I really don't know what. I feel like anything I say would make[new] me sound presumptuous.[wait] 11021[char:5]: You didn't have to join in the chaos like that, you know. Have you apologized to[new] [char:6] yet?[wait] 11000[char:1]: Hey [char:4], I want to talk to you about [char:0]... I wish I could do something about him. He's just so insensitive![wait] 01001[char:4]: Yeah, I hear you there.[wait] 01002[char:1]: Now that I think about it, I really hate it that he's always so nice to other women.[wait] 01003[char:5]: Oof...[wait] 01004[char:4]: Uh...[wait] 11005[char:1]: Hey [char:9], I want to talk to you about [char:0]... I wish I could do something about him. He's just so insensitive![wait] 01006[char:9]: I certainly can't deny that.[wait] 01007[char:1]: Now that I think about it, I really hate it that he's always so nice to other women.[wait] 01008[char:5]: Oof...[wait] 01009[char:9]: Hmmm.[wait] 11010[char:1]: Hey [char:5], I want to talk to you about [char:0]... I wish I could do something about him. He's just so insensitive![wait] 01011[char:5]: Yeah, that's certainly true.[wait] 01012[char:1]: Now that I think about it, I really hate it that he's always so nice to other women.[wait] 01013[char:5]: Oof...[wait] 01025[char:5]: ...[wait] 01014[char:0]: I, uh, I better keep my distance...[wait] 11015[char:1]: Ugh, you're such an idiot, [char:0]! You could at least pretend to care for a change![wait] 01016[char:0]: !?[wait] 11017[char:0]: I better stay away for now...[wait] 11018[char:3]: Funny... I can't shake the feeling that this is all going to happen again sooner or later.[wait] 11019Sailor: Hey, man, you all right?[wait] 11023[char:5]: You really need to take better care of [char:1], you know?[wait] 01024[char:0]: Wh-what're you talking about?[wait] 11101[char:0]: I've never seen so many artists in my life![wait] 11000[char:1]: I heard this town's full of artists. I'll get one to draw a cute portrait of me![wait] 11001[char:3]: It looks like the passion for art is the same, no matter who you are or where you're from.[wait] 11004[char:9]: I remember hearing that this town was full of artists.[wait] 11006[char:7]: This is a very pretty town, and it's even known in some parts as the City of Flowers.[wait] 11008[char:a]: Hah! Yah! There're so many good places to train in this town![wait] 11009[char:b]: Pictures aren't all that tasty, you know?[wait] 11011[char:c]: Art is the food that nurtures your soul, people! [char:0]! You'd better do some nurturing, too![wait] 11102[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11103[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] and look for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! It could help us find [char:1]![wait] 11104[char:5]: We might be able to locate the captain if we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! Let's go![wait] 11105[char:4]: We're going to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, let's get moving![wait] 11106[char:9]: Now, on to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. You must learn to never lose your focus, my boy.[wait] 11107[char:6]: Let us hurry to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]! I may find what I am looking for in there.[wait] 11108[char:7]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. I hope you find what you're looking for.[wait] 11109[char:0]: Where could [char:1] and [char:3] be?[wait] 11024[char:5]: They weren't here, either. I hope we didn't miss them somewhere.[wait] 11025[char:4]: It's always a pain looking for someone. Let's just hope we didn't miss them.[wait] 11026[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11027[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11028[char:7]: Are you guys ready to move on?[wait] 11110[char:0]: Let's go check out the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]![wait] 11029[char:5]: If that light was the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], then that would mean... Let's go! There's something I want to check out.[wait] 11030[char:4]: Who cares about some lame shooting star!? Let's move on to the next town already![wait] 11031[char:9]: That shining object must have fallen in [color:1]Muah[color:0]. I hope nobody was injured in the crash.[wait] 11032[char:6]: Just what could have been the source of that intense light? Frankly, I'm very worried...[wait] 11033[char:7]: It looks like that shining object landed in [color:1]Muah[color:0].[wait] 11111[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11034[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11035[char:5]: All right, back to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11036[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11037[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11038[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11117[char:7]: Your friend's in [color:1]Ionis[color:0], right? Well, let's go.[wait] 11039[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11040[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11041[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11118[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11119[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11120[char:4]: You might wanna go somewhere with more people if you're looking for someone.[wait] 11121[char:9]: Staying around the same place for so long makes my joints stiff.[wait] 11122[char:6]: I enjoy these sojourns once in a while. Now, let us continue with our journey.[wait] 11123[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11112[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11042[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11043[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11044[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11045[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11046[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11047[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11048[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11049[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11050[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11051[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11052[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11113[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11053[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11054[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11055[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11056[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11057[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11058[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11059[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11060[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11061[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11062[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11063[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11064[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11114[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11065[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11066[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11067[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11068[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11069[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11070[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11071[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11072[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11073[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11074[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11075[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11076[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11115[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. It's in the north of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11077[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11078[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11079[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11080[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11081[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11082[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11083[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11084[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11085[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11086[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11087[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11088[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11116[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11089[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11090[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11091[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11092[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11093[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11094[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11095[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11096[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11097[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11098[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11099[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11100[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] [center][color:3]Magician's Glove[color:0] acquired.[wait] Elderly Person: There's no honor in that line of work![wait] 12000Elderly Person: Don't give up just because you don't have a certain talent! As long as you keep trying, you'll[new] be sure to learn it in no time![wait] [center][color:3]Hard Knuckles[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Leather Greaves[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11049[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12008Innkeeper Man: Welcome! We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper Man: Welcome! It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Innkeeper Man: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Man: You don't have enough money.[wait] 12003One-eyed Mercenary: You don't want to mess with the monsters in [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]. I got paid to kill some monsters up[new] there, but I ended up getting wounded, and now I can't see with my left eye![wait] 12004Warrus the Mercenary: The [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0] are supposed to be the toughest warriors on this continent. I[new] wouldn't last a minute against any of them.[wait] 12005Messy Man: I heard the captain of the [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0] is one hell of a fighter.[wait] 12006Soldier: I think...*chomp*...I'll offer some of this...*gobble*...delicious seafood to Captain[new] [char:7]![wait] 12007Soldier: Hey...*chomp*...don't forget! [char:8c]All for one...*gobble* and one for all![char:8c][wait] 11046[char:7]: I'll never be able to return to [color:1]Astral City[color:0] again...will I?[wait] 11045[char:7]: This town is so peaceful. It makes me forget that we've been fighting.[wait] Inn [char:8c]The Painted Maiden[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11015[char:7]: Oh... [char:0], it's you.[wait] 01016[char:0]: Am I intruding?[wait] 01017[char:7]: Nah. I needed to kill some time anyway.[wait] 01018[char:0]: So, you were childhood friends with [char:4]?[wait] 01019[char:7]: Mm? Yeah.[wait] 01020[char:7]: I was an orphan, and Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] took me in when I was young.[wait] 01021[char:0]: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]? You mean [char:4]'s father?[wait] 01022[char:7]: Right. I guess you could say I was a like a little sister to him. 'Course, you could also say the roles are a little reversed these days...[wait] 01023[char:0]: Can I ask you a question?[wait] 01024[char:7]: What?[wait] 01025[char:0]: [char:84]Why do you think [char:4] is on the road?[unk:4006:6c:0][new] He's always going on about training to become a warrior, but he certainly didn't act like one when we arrived at [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 01026[char:7]: Training to become...a warrior!? Ah ha ha ha ha![wait] 01027[char:0]: What's so funny about that?[wait] 01028[char:7]: Heh heh heh heh... Oh, nothing. You probably shouldn't bring that up. You'd be surprised how shy he is.[wait] 01029[char:7]: Mm? I guess you're pretty familiar with him.[wait] 01030[char:0]: Not really.[wait] 01031[char:7]: I was an orphan, and Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] took me in when I was young.[wait] 01032[char:0]: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]? You mean [char:4]' father?[wait] 01033[char:7]: Right. I guess you could say I'm like a little sister to him. We grew up together...[wait] 01034[char:7]: But the way he acted toward his father... It was like kicking dirt in his face.[wait] 01035[char:7]: [char:84]Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] nominated [char:4] to become [color:4]knight captain[color:0] based on his military merit, but that only resulted in accusations of nepotism.[unk:4006:a9:1][new] [char:4] couldn't take the pressure, so he decided to pack up and run away from home![wait] 01036[char:0]: He did!?[wait] 01037[char:7]: Well, I never actually heard it from him, but that's the only thing it could have been![wait] 01038[char:7]: [char:84]If he actually had some self-esteem, he could've made a fine [color:4]knight captain[color:0]. [unk:4006:de:0][new] But doing what he did, he proved to the world that he didn't even trust his own father...[wait] 01039[char:0]: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring this up...[wait] 01040[char:7]: No, it's fine. I'm sorry I went off on you like that.[wait] 11041[char:7]: Warrior training... Hah hah hah![wait] 11042[char:7]: Why am I letting him rile me like this? I thought I was over him by now.[wait] 11044[char:7]: We're going to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], and we're going to make sure that no child ever[new] has to suffer again the way [char:d] did.[wait] 11043[char:7]: You've really gone too far this time. Imagine if you were her for a moment.[wait] 11000[char:7]: Oh, [char:0]...[wait] 01001[char:0]: What's wrong? You look down about something.[wait] 01002[char:7]: I dunno... I feel like I'm always showing myself to you at my worst.[wait] 01003[char:0]: Oh, don't be silly.[wait] 01004[char:7]: [char:84]I mean, Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] was killed, and I've been framed for his murder.[unk:4006:bd:0][new] All I've done is just whine about what could have been if [char:4] was there. I really hate myself for it.[wait] 01005[char:7]: But when I finally saw him in that [color:1]Portmith[color:0] bar, I said some things I really shouldn't have. It was really terrible of me.[wait] 01006[char:0]: [char:7]...[wait] 01007 - Cheer her up - Leave her alone[wait] 01008[char:0]: [char:84]...Well, I know you're at a bit of a mental crossroads here. But cheer up, okay?[unk:4006:f8:0][new] You can't expect to fight your enemies if you're plagued by self-doubt.[wait] 01009[char:7]: You're right. I'm sorry.[wait] 01010[char:0]: ...Well, I better get going.[wait] 01011[char:7]: Sorry, I'm a little depressed.[wait] 11012[char:7]: Mmm... [char:0]...[wait] 01013[char:0]: Cheer up a little, okay?[wait] 01014[char:7]: Sorry. I want to be alone for a bit...all right?[wait] 11047[char:c]: What's wrong, [char:0]? Something on your mind? Well, go ahead, tell your sis about it.[wait] 01048[char:c]: Okay, I'm not really your sister, but we can pretend, right?[wait] [center][color:3]Wimpy Sword[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Weapons Seller: We've artistically lined up a bunch of artistic fighting gear to help you fight more artistically![wait] 12001Weapons Seller: Always strive to fight more artistically![wait] 12002Young Knight: Do I need to find a great blacksmith just to get a better sword?[wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]The Art of War[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Old Lady: Alchemy's just for dreamers. You don't seriously think it can be done, do you?[wait] [center][color:3]Tuna Sashimi[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Grocer: Hey there! If you're looking for something special, I recommend the seafood. We just hauled it[new] in this morning![wait] 12001Grocer: Thanks. Come back soon![wait] 12002Mistress: The fish is great here, especially since we're right by the sea.[wait] Food Shop [char:8c]Decorous Foods[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [color:3] - Knowledge 2[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 1[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 1[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] 02006Advisor: Have you noticed that the skills you need to learn to acquire a specialty are sometimes not[new] displayed? That means that you need to visit other towns and purchase skill sets that contain[new] the missing skills. I guess that was a bit too obvious. Let me at least make it worth your[new] while by recommending a good skill. You should definitely learn Determination. This skill[new] decreases the skill points you need to learn other skills. It's especially useful if you intend[new] on learning a wide variety of skills. The Guildmaster, by the way, recommends learning the[new] skill Biology. This skill raises your HP, so it'll help you to take more damage than usual.[wait] [color:3]Knowledge 2[color:0] includes Music Knowledge, Item Knowledge, and Biology. [color:3]Sense 2[color:0] includes Determination, Danger Radar, Purity, and Poker Face. [color:3]Technical 1[color:0] includes Sketching, Knife, Whistling, and Imitation. [color:3]Combat 1[color:0] includes Power Burst, Guardbreak, Qigong, and Trance.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]Trove of Knowledge[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Elle: The artists in this town come here pretty often.[wait] 12001Elle: Thank you![wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Elle's Odds and Ends[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Umai-bo Candy 5[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mechanic's Toolbox[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fruit Syrup[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:6]: Were you just...? No, I must have been mistaken.[wait] 12000Girl: Come on, Grandma! Hurry![wait] 12001Old Lady: Now, now, there's no need to hurry. The [color:1]Arena[color:0]'s not going anywhere.[wait] 12002Lester: [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0] sits on top of a hill and can only be reached by boat or a series of caves full[new] of monsters. Only a fool would try to invade it.[wait] 12071Puffy: No way. Not after the last time.[wait] 11030[char:6]: How can people find pleasure in watching such a spectacle of carnage?[wait] Tatroi[unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:9]: Huh? What is this [char:8c]virtual[char:8c] nonsense you speak of?[wait] 01001Puffy: I told you, it's a virtual role-playing game! It may be a little too complex for old people like you, to be honest.[wait] 01002[char:9]: Old people!?[wait] 01003[char:9]: [char:84]I'll have you know, I am a respected veteran of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], and you treat me like some doddering old fool![unk:4006:c9:1][new] I tell you, young'uns these days! No respect![wait] 01004Puffy: Well, saying things like [char:8c]young'uns these days[char:8c] makes you sound pretty darn old, sir.[wait] 01005[char:9]: Dahh![wait] 11006Puffy: Rock![wait] 11007Puffy: Scissors![wait] 11008Puffy: Paper![wait] 01009Puffy: Ooh, too bad... First you had your right arm ripped off, and now I'm afraid your left one's[new] up next![wait] 01010Puffy: Ooh, I can hardly even bear to say it![wait] 01011Puffy: And so the story ends.[wait] 01012Puffy: Sorry, but that's all for now. Stop by the next time you're free, okay? See you![wait] 01013[char:9]: Nnngh! You think I'm done yet!? Come on, one more time![wait] 01014Puffy: Hee hee! I've got a live one here.[wait] 01015[char:0]: You should probably give it up for now, [char:9].[wait] 01016[char:9]: No! This isn't over yet![wait] 11029[char:6]: My sister was just so cute... I could hardly bear to say anything harsh to her.[wait] 11018[char:6]: What is it, [char:0]? Is there something bothering you?[wait] 01019[char:0]: Umm... Listen, [char:6]. What was your sister like?[wait] 01020[char:0]: I'm sorry if that's a personal question, but I was an only child, so I always wondered what was it like to have a sister...[wait] 01021[char:6]: Oh, it's quite all right. Hmm... She was a bit of a tomboy, but I still thought she was adorable.[wait] 01022[char:6]: She used to chase after me all the time, grabbing my clothes with her little hands.[wait] 01023[char:0]: Aww, that sounds pretty cute.[wait] 01024[char:6]: [char:84]There was just one thing about her, though. If she ever got angry, she would sulk for hours.[unk:4006:27:1][new] It was always a trial to make her feel better.[wait] 01025[char:0]: Huh...[wait] 01026[char:6]: [char:84]We had an argument one time. I've forgotten what it was about.[unk:4006:cb:0][new] I managed to make [char:d] extremely angry, and she would not talk to me for a week.[unk:4006:ff:0][new] In fact, she wouldn't even look at me. She didn't want me anywhere near her.[wait] 01027[char:0]: That kind of goes beyond sulking, I'd say...[wait] 01028[char:6]: Ah, but she was just so adorable. You couldn't blame her for anything.[wait] 11017[char:7]: It-it's not like I have any feelings for him or... Hey! What're you making me say,[new] [char:0]!?[wait] 12073[char:0]: Oh! We've forgotten about [char:7]![wait] 02008Puffy: Aaargh! It's a trap! You fall straight into a deep pit, never to return. The end! Well, sorry,[new] but that's it for this session. Come back whenever you're bored![wait] 02025 - Rock! - Scissors! - Paper![wait] 02026Puffy: Rock![wait] 02027Puffy: Scissors![wait] 02028Puffy: Paper![wait] 02006Puffy: Now, first I want you to just close your eyes. Perfect. And now... You're walking in a cave[new] when the path splits in two. Which way do you go?[wait] 02007 - I think I'll go right. - I'm going left. - Hold on, what!?[wait] 02010Puffy: Oh, stop being such a fuddy-duddy. Have a little fun once in a while![wait] 02009Puffy: Aaargh! There's a corpse sprawled on the ground, splattered and shredded so[new] badly that I'd probably faint if I saw it! What do you do?[wait] 02011 - Search the corpse. - Pray for his soul. - Keep going.[wait] 02012Puffy: Are you sure? Really sure? Really, really, reeeally sure?[wait] 02013 - Let me search it already. - I'll just keep going instead. - I'll pray for his soul instead.[wait] 02014Puffy: Darn, he didn't fall for it.[wait] 02015Puffy: You search the splattered corpse and you find...*gasp*! One [color:3]Flare Bomb[color:0] and [color:2]120 Fol[color:0]![new] Here you go![wait] 02016[char:0]: Sorry?[wait] 02017Puffy: You search the splattered corpse, but you don't find anything.[wait] 02018Puffy: So, what do you do now?[wait] 02019 - Keep going. - Pray for him.[wait] 02020Puffy: Unbelievable. You can't desecrate a corpse and then act like you care about him, you[new] know!? Anyway, moving along...[wait] 02021Puffy: You're telling me you'd actually do that in a real adventure? Or are you just lying to impress[new] me? Anyway, you pray for his soul and hope he's gone to a better place. Now, moving[new] along...[wait] 02022Puffy: Oh no! A chimera jumps out of the shadows! Since you're a wimpy little Level 1 fighter,[new] your chances of winning are...next to nothing. So, what do you do? If you decide to[new] fight, we'll have to settle it with Rock Scissors Paper.[wait] 02023 - I think I'll kick its butt. - I'll use a [color:3]Flare Bomb[color:0][color:3]. - I'll run for my life.[wait] 02024Puffy: Wow! You're going mano-a-mano? How Don Quixote of you! Okay, Rock Scissors[new] Paper, on the count of three. Ready? One...two...three![wait] 02031Puffy: It's a tie! One more time, now. One...two...three![wait] 02029Puffy: Wow! You deliver a critical hit, which immediately kills the deadly chimera![wait] 02030Puffy: You search the chimera and find a [color:3]Murky Potion[color:0], which you take.[wait] 02032Puffy: Too bad. The chimera first rips out your right arm, and then your left leg and left hand at[new] the same time![wait] 02033Puffy: And then...No! I...I can't go on any more! It's just too horrible! Oh well. I'm sorry, but that's it[new] for this session. Come back whenever you're bored![wait] 02034Puffy: Ooo, nice move.[wait] 02035Puffy: You toss the [color:3]Flare Bomb[color:0], and it blows the chimera into smithereens! Okay, I'll have to[new] take back your [color:3]Flare Bomb[color:0] now.[wait] 02036[char:0]: Sorry?[wait] 02074[center]You've lost a [color:3]Flare Bomb[color:0].[wait] 02037Puffy: Hey, you can't do that! You're not carrying one. Okay, let's try this again.[wait] 02038Puffy: All right, start running in circles.[wait] 02039[char:0]: Sorry?[wait] 02040Puffy: Come on, run around a bit. How do you expect me to get into this game if you're not into it?[wait] 02041[char:0]: Um...okay...[wait] 02042[char:0]: *Pant pant* How...how was that?[wait] 02043Puffy: I've seen better. Well, you manage to escape, but...[wait] 02044Puffy: Uh-oh! It looks like you might be lost. Actually, you really are lost! Where could you possibly[new] be? You walk around a bit until you find yourself at a crossroads. Now, what do you[new] do?[wait] 02045 - Ahead - Right - Left - Back[wait] 02046Puffy: Hm? What could this be?[wait] 02047Puffy: And now, the climax! You finally reach the cave of the [color:0]Archfiend Naos[color:0]! Naos smiles at you in an[new] evil manner as he begins to speak to you. [char:8c]You puny, miserable gnat! It couldn't have[new] been easy for you to have fought your way here. But it ends now![char:8c] What do you do?[wait] 02048 - I'll fight! - I'll use an item. - I'll run for it.[wait] 02049Puffy: [char:0] swings his sword at Naos! But the attack has no effect![wait] 02052Puffy: Ooo, very smart. So? What do you want to use?[wait] 02053 - [color:3]Will Potion[color:0][color:3] - [color:3]Nuclear Bomb[color:0][color:3][wait] 02054Puffy: [char:0] drinks the [color:3]Will Potion[color:0]! His GUTS increase by 30%![wait] 02055Puffy: All right, I'll have to take away one of your [color:3]Will Potions[color:0].[wait] 02056[char:0]: Sorry?[wait] 02075[center]You've lost a [color:3]Will Potion[color:0].[wait] 02058Puffy: Hey, you can't do that! You're not carrying one. Let's try this again, okay?[wait] 02076[center]You hand over a [color:3]Nuclear Bomb[color:0].[wait] 02057Puffy: [char:0] attacks! He pulls out a [color:3]Nuclear Bomb[color:0] and throws it at Naos! The impact slams[new] Naos into a wall for 65,000 points of damage! You have defeated Naos![wait] 02050Puffy: Noas opens his mouth wide and breathes out a scorching fire! [char:0] is hit for 63,000[new] points of damage![wait] 02051Puffy: [char:0] has died![wait] 02063Puffy: I'm sorry, but that's it for this session. Come back whenever you're bored![wait] 02059Puffy: You did it! You gain 100 skill points, and receive [color:2]600 Fol[color:0] and a [color:3]Saber[color:0].[wait] [center][color:3]Saber[color:0] acquired.[wait] 02072Puffy: You did it! You receive [color:2]600 Fol[color:0] and a [color:3]Saber[color:0]![wait] 02060Puffy: Wait! Naos isn't quite dead! He drags himself up and begs for mercy. Do you give him some[new] medicine?[wait] 02061 - Give him a [color:3]Blueberry[color:0][color:3]. - Give him nothing. - You take the medicine![wait] 02077[center]You give away a [color:3]Blueberry[color:0].[wait] 02065Puffy: What? Me? Okay, give me your medicine.[wait] 02066 - Give her a [color:3]Blueberry[color:0][color:3]. - Give her a [color:3]Murky Potion[color:0][color:3]. - Don't give her anything.[wait] 02078[center]You hand over a [color:3]Blueberry[color:0].[wait] 02079[center]You hand over a [color:3]Murky Potion[color:0].[wait] 02069Puffy: You can't do that, you don't have any![wait] 02062Puffy: Naos regains his health by eating the [color:3]Blueberry[color:0], but then decides to run away! So...[wait] 02067Puffy: Naos drinks the medicine, and...[wait] 02068Puffy: Ack! *Cough cough* What did you give me!?[wait] 02064Puffy: Unable to recover, Naos falls back to the ground, dead. So...[wait] 12070Puffy: ...[wait] 12003Puffy: Hey, good looking. Wanna do something fun? It's only [color:2]600 Fol[color:0] a pop.[wait] 02004 - Yes - No[wait] 02005Puffy: You don't have enough money, baby.[wait] 12004Tok the Mercenary: Everybody in this business knows who he is. You can count on one hand the number of[new] warriors who can use the Edarl fighting style as skillfully as Sir [char:9].[wait] 12000Tok the Mercenary: Do you know who rules the [color:1]demon world[color:0]?[wait] 02002Tok the Mercenary: Oh. Okay, then.[wait] 02003Tok the Mercenary: I think he's called Asmo...something like that.[wait] 11000[char:7]: True praise is only bestowed upon those whose mind and body move as one. Those are[new] the words we [color:1]Astralians[color:0] live by.[wait] Adventurer: Hey! I found that, so it's mine! Go look for one yourself if you want it so bad![wait] 12000Adventurer: You can find a few precious gems in the [color:1]Astral Caves[color:0]. There's a trick to finding them,[new] but you'll know it if you see it.[wait] 12001Child: There's this group of people called the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] that went away before I was born. Do you[new] know why?[wait] 11021[char:3]: There's a child with an artificial limb who's not even the age of ten, I hear. You need to be[new] pretty strong-willed to use one of those... It's amazing.[wait] 11011[char:0]: What's wrong? You look like something's bothering you.[wait] 01012[char:3]: Ah, [char:0]... Well, I was just thinking about [char:9]'s left arm.[wait] 01013[char:0]: Ah, that... Pretty impressive, huh? The way he can swing that sword with only one arm.[wait] 01014[char:3]: It sure is. I bet he was downright unstoppable back when he had both hands to work with.[wait] 01015[char:0]: Yeah... Too bad we'll never get to see it with our own eyes.[wait] 01016[char:3]: You know, on my world--on [color:1]Earth[color:0]--they have artificial limbs to replace any arms or legs you lose.[wait] 01017[char:3]: [char:84]The limbs they have these days connect right up with your nervous system, and you can move them just like you would move the real thing.[unk:4006:a9:1][new] That kind of technology has really advanced far.[wait] 01018[char:0]: Wow... [color:1]Earth[color:0] is really something. If [char:9] had one of those, he'd be able to use his arm again![wait] 01019[char:3]: Of course, it's a very painful process. You have to go through a long stretch of rehabilitation before you're 100 percent.[wait] 01020[char:3]: [char:84]I was just thinking how [char:9] would be right back to normal if he had one of those...[unk:4006:3:1][new] Shame it'll never happen.[wait] 11022Soldier: Ah, Captain [char:7]...[wait] 11023Soldier: More, more... *Huff huff huff*[wait] 12000Sentry: That's the biggest entertainment venue in all of [color:1]Astral[color:0]: the [color:1]Arena[color:0] of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[new] Skilled fighters from all over the world come here to go one-on-one against a variety[new] of monsters for fame and fortune.[wait] 12002Swordsman: I heard that Sir [char:9] was planning on returning to [color:1]Astral[color:0],[new] but that he'd be keeping it low-key.[wait] 12001Swordsman: [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] wouldn't be the same without its [color:1]Arena[color:0]! It's great 'cause they let you use spells,[new] too. That makes it a good place to train for just about anyone![wait] 12003Soldier: Do you think Captain [char:7]'s going to battle it out in the [color:1]Arena[color:0]? I hope she[new] does; her fighting style's like a work of art![wait] 12004Soldier: Mmm, Captain [char:7] fighting at the [color:1]Arena[color:0]... I'd pay good money to see that![wait] 10000[char:0]: What's happening?[wait] 00001[char:5]: What is that place?[wait] 00002Sentry: That's the biggest entertainment venue in all of [color:1]Astral[color:0]: the [color:1]Arena[color:0] of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Skilled fighters from all over the world come here to go[new] one-on-one against a variety of monsters for fame and fortune.[wait] 00003[char:5]: The audience sounds like they're really into it. I might want to check it out later.[wait] 10004[char:9]: [color:4]Argosy[color:0], with your [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] persona gone for good, I suppose there's no fulfilling my main goal in life now.[wait] 00005[char:9]: [char:84]I wanted to pass on my knowledge of the sword to someone before old age sidelined me for good,[unk:4006:3f:1][new] but now what am I supposed to do?[wait] 10006[char:a]: Whew. Guess there's only so much training I can do in the [color:1]Arena[color:0].[wait] 00007[char:a]: Think I'll head someplace with a bunch of mountains. Everybody trains up in the mountains, right?[wait] 00008[char:a]: Well, here goes![wait] 00009Pupil A: Master! Please wait![wait] 00010Pupil B: Master! You forgot your prize![wait] 00011Pupil C: Master![wait] 00012Pupil D: Master![wait] 00013Pupil E: Master![wait] 00014Pupil F: Master![wait] 00015Pupil G: Master![wait] 11034[char:4]: My name is [char:a]. I'm on a journey to train![wait] 01035[char:4]: But I still have a lot of training ahead of me! Have I mentioned that I'm training yet!?[wait] 01036[char:4]: In fact, I'm gonna train and train until I'm the freakin' king of martial arts![wait] 01037[char:1]: Ha ha hah! You sound just like him![wait] 01038[char:a]: I'm not sure how I feel about this...[wait] 11039[char:a]: My name is [char:a], and I'm gonna keep training until I'm the top martial artist in the[new] world! No, that's too wordy. I'm gonna be the best in the... ow! I just bit my tongue...[wait] 01040[char:0]: You're fine just as you are, [char:a].[wait] 11041[char:4]: H-hey! Wait a minute![wait] 01042[char:4]: Hwaaaah![wait] 01043[char:4]: Behind you, behind you![wait] 01044[char:1]: Ah ha ha ha hah! Oh, my sides are killing me![wait] 11029[char:4]: Did I do something to [char:7], or what?[wait] 11028[char:c]: [char:7]'s so much fun to be around. Can you believe how sassy she is?[wait] 11000[char:c]: Hey, [char:7]. Wanna hang out?[wait] 01001[char:7]: If it's to go boy hunting, forget it. I hate people who try to make moves on every single person they meet, [char:c].[wait] 01002[char:c]: Whadaya mean, [char:8c]every single person[char:8c]!? I happen to be holding out for Mr. Right![wait] 01003[char:7]: Oh, really? And what kind of person is Mr. Right to Miss [char:c] here?[wait] 01004[char:c]: Well...[wait] 01005[char:c]: ...I'd like someone strong, with a nice, muscular body.[wait] 01006[char:7]: Uh huh.[wait] 01007[char:c]: I love the sight of a man swinging his sword in battle, viciously cutting down his enemies![wait] 01008[char:7]: Uh... I see...[wait] 01009[char:c]: [char:4] would be just right, in fact.[wait] 01030[char:7]: !?[wait] 01031[char:c]: He's rough 'n tumble, he's reliable... A guy like that, I'd trust him no matter what he wanted me to do.[wait] 01010[char:7]: I... I'm not so sure about that.[wait] 01011[char:c]: Oh?[wait] 01012[char:7]: [char:84]Well, I mean, he may not look it, but he did run away from home. He never came back, either...[unk:4006:40:1][new] He prefers to just wriggle around the world like some worthless maggot![wait] 01013[char:c]: Well, that's not so bad is it? That makes him feel more [color:2]human[color:0], sorta.[wait] 01014[char:7]: You like that kind of man, [char:c]?[wait] 01015[char:c]: Uh huh.[wait] 01032[char:7]: You like men like him!?[wait] 01033[char:c]: Uh huh. That's right.[wait] 01016[char:c]: Oh, wait a minute... You don't happen to have a thing for him, do you?[wait] 01017[char:7]: Oh, no no no no no no! You can have him all to yourself, [char:c]! I don't care![wait] 01018[char:c]: Oh, really? Hmm...[wait] 01019[char:4]: Hey, what's up?[wait] 01020[char:7]: !!![wait] 01021[char:c]: Oh, [char:4]! You're just in time. Listen, [char:7] and I were talking, and...[wait] 01022[char:7]: Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Don't you say anything else, [char:c]![wait] 01023[char:c]: Why not?[wait] 01024[char:7]: Look, just don't![wait] 01025[char:7]: [char:4]! I don't really think anything of you in any way! You got that!?[wait] 01026[char:4]: Huh? What're you talkin' about?[wait] 01027[char:c]: Hee hee hee! You two are not very good at this.[wait] 12000Sailor: You going to [color:1]Astral City[color:0]?[wait] 10031[char:9]: Always keep your eyes open in your travels.[wait] 10000[char:0]: Wait, are you...?[wait] 00001???: Ah yes, we've met before. Are you traveling to [color:1]Astral[color:0] as well?[wait] 00002[char:0]: Yes. Is that where you're headed?[wait] 00003???: I can't help but notice you're traveling as a couple. Mind if I hear your story?[wait] 00004???: I've been traveling the world for many a year now. I'm sure there's something I might be able to help you out with.[wait] 00005[char:5]: Well...[wait] 00006???: Searching for your friends, are you? That's a bit of a tall order, I imagine. This is hardly a small place you're in.[wait] 00007???: Hmm...well, how about I join you in the search, then?[wait] 00008???: I might be a bit on in years, but even without the use of my left arm, [char:9] Bernbeldt's not going to drag you down.[wait] 00009[char:9]: How does that sound, travelers?[wait] 00010 - I would be honored! - Thank you, but...[wait] 00011[char:0]: [char:9] Bernbeldt? I can't believe it! You're the hero of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]![wait] 00012[char:9]: Well, it's an honor to see that youngsters like you still remember my name, yes. But that's an old, old, tale. No need to be polite.[wait] 00013[char:0]: [char:84]Uh, right. Sure. Well, thank you very much, er, [char:9]. My name is [char:0] Farrence.[unk:4006:72:1][new] You can call me [char:0].[wait] 00014[char:5]: And I'm [char:5] Silvestri. Please, sir, just call me [char:5].[wait] 00015[char:9]: To tell the truth, I happened to witness your fighting skills at the [color:1]Arena[color:0] earlier.[wait] 00016[char:0]: Oh, you did?[wait] 00017[char:9]: Oh yes. And if you'll forgive me for being trite, you've got talent. A little rough still, yes, but I'd say the spark is definitely there.[wait] 00018[char:0]: R-really?[wait] 00019[char:5]: Oh, don't start with that. He's just being polite.[wait] 00020[char:9]: Ha ha hah! Perhaps it'd be better for him if he took it that way, yes. You need to keep your eyes on the prize, as they say.[wait] 00021[char:0]: Ha ha, I suppose so. This is the first time anyone's ever complimented my swordsmanship.[wait] 00022[char:9]: Who taught you? The fundamentals remind me of the Edarl school, but something about it... It's very different.[wait] 00023[char:0]: My father taught me the fundamentals.[wait] 00024[char:9]: My goodness! Well, he taught you the basic skills well, and you've altered them as needed for the battlefield. That takes skill.[wait] 00025[char:5]: Oh, [char:0]! The boat's leaving![wait] 00026[char:0]: Let's get on.[wait] 00027[char:9]: Talented blood and a talented master! I thank my stars I came to this place today. My luck must truly be boundless.[wait] 12004[center][char:9] has joined the party![wait] 00028[char:0]: I, er, appreciate your offer, but we'll go ahead by ourselves.[wait] 00029[char:5]: We've got some things to deal with. Private matters.[wait] 00030[char:9]: Ah. Well, that's quite a shame.[wait] 12001[char:5]: That's a bad idea. Don't you realize what'll happen to us if we enter [color:1]Astral City[color:0]?[wait] 12002[char:7]: I can't be seen in [color:1]Astral City[color:0] right now. I'll just wait for you here.[wait] 12003[char:7]: Are you ready? Let's go.[wait] 12000Guard: Look, you're free to do what you want, but I'm telling you, avoid these caves. The only[new] people who go into them are adventurers or drunks.[wait] 12001Guard: I wouldn't go in there if I were you.[wait] 10000Guard: Ah, Lady [char:7]. It's unsafe to be by yourself... Grahghhh![new] 00001Guard: What, what are you doing!? Rrrngh![new] 10002[char:5]: I think we'll be pretty safe in here for a while.[wait] 00003[char:7]: Why are you doing this?[wait] 00005[char:7]: [char:84]I feel like I'm about to cry, I'm so happy for what you've done for me,[unk:4006:bc:0][new] but what would you do if it turns out I'm lying about the whole thing?[wait] 00006[char:5]: He's kind to everybody he meets. It's like a disease.[wait] 00007[char:7]: Sure seems that way.[wait] 00008[char:5]: I know I wouldn't be half as reckless risking myself like this if it were just me.[wait] 00009[char:7]: Smart lady.[wait] 00010[char:5]: [char:84]We should get going, [char:0]. We need to regroup with the others as soon as possible.[unk:4006:fe:0][new] If we waste any more time here, who knows how long it'll be before we reach the next town?[wait] 00011[char:0]: Right.[wait] 00012[char:7]: Are you looking for someone?[wait] 00013[char:5]: Well, yes.[wait] 00014[char:7]: Could you take me with you? I think I might be able to help you out with that.[wait] 00015[char:5]: [char:84]I think we'll pass. I'm sorry, but I really don't want to associate with you any longer.[unk:4006:38:1][new] I mean, don't you realize what kind of position you could put us in!?[wait] 00016 - ... - Well, let's hear her out.[wait] 00017[char:7]: All right. I'll just stay here, then. I promise I won't bother you anymore.[wait] 00018[char:7]: Thank you so much for everything. I'll never forget what you've done for me.[wait] 00019[char:0]: We ought to at least hear her out. Maybe she has some kind of clue for us.[wait] 00020[char:5]: Whatever. Knock yourself out.[wait] 00021[char:7]: [char:84]Have you heard of a gem called the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]?[unk:4006:75:0][new] It's an ancient relic from the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] age that lets you see anything or anyone you like.[unk:4006:3e:1][new] I heard that it's located somewhere inside the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0].[wait] 00022[char:0]: So, what, you think that'll show us where [char:1] and the captain are?[wait] 00023[char:7]: Yes. Probably.[wait] 00024[char:5]: You're not too sure, are you?[wait] 00025[char:7]: Not really, no.[wait] 00026[char:5]: Well, now what? We could head for [color:1]Silvalant[color:0], or we could go to that [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] place. Either way, there's not much for us to go on.[wait] 00027 - To the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0][color:3]! - Let's try some other towns.[wait] 00028[char:0]: If we had that [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], maybe we could use it to find out where [char:1] and the captain are! I say we give it a shot![wait] 00029[char:7]: I know, I know, but the old stories say the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is behind a hidden door, someplace separate from the main one.[wait] 00030[char:5]: Oh. Well, that figures, doesn't it?[wait] 00031[char:5]: Umm, so...where is the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]?[wait] 00032[char:7]: [char:84]North of here, as the crow flies.[unk:4006:5b:0][new] If you leave [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] and follow the mountains to your right, you'll find a cave. It's on the other side of that.[wait] 00033[char:7]: Unfortunately, I don't know anything about where the hidden door might be located. I'm sorry.[wait] 00034[char:7]: [char:84]But actually, I heard a rumor once that it's somewhere beyond the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0].[unk:4006:dc:0][new] Once you find the main gate, perhaps you could try searching the mountains to the rear.[wait] 00035[char:0]: All right. Let's head for the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], then.[wait] 00036[char:7]: Could you at least let me go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] with you and help you find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]?[wait] 00037[char:7]: I promise I'll get out of your sight after that. You'll never see me again.[wait] 00038[char:5]: ...[wait] 00039[char:0]: I appreciate the thought, [char:7], but I think we'll keep searching our way a while longer.[wait] 00040[char:7]: All right. I'll just stay here, then. I promise I won't bother you anymore.[wait] 00041[char:7]: Thank you so much for everything. I'll never forget what you've done for me.[wait] 12002[char:7]: I don't think I should go back to [color:1]Astral City[color:0] right now.[wait] 12003[char:7]: I can't be seen in [color:1]Astral City[color:0] right now. I'll just wait for you here.[wait] 12004[char:7]: Are you ready? Let's go.[wait] 10000[char:7]: Well, here's [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. You can use the waterway to reach [color:1]Astral City[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:0]: Thank you very much.[wait] 00002[char:5]: I really appreciate it. I would've been nervous if it were just [char:0] and me.[wait] 00003[char:7]: You shouldn't be. [char:0]'s skill with a sword is plain as day.[wait] 00004[char:5]: Don't compliment him too much. It'll go right to his head.[wait] 00005[char:0]: [char:5]![wait] 00006[char:7]: Heh heh. Well, I have my duties as a knight that I must attend to. So if you will excuse me.[wait] 11101[char:0]: It's so hot here, and I get a feeling it's not just because of the climate.[wait] 11000[char:1]: Whew, it's hot! I need a nice, cold drink.[wait] 11001[char:3]: I like the idea of the [color:1]Arena[color:0]: a venue that exists purely to honor the spirit of combat.[wait] 11002[char:5]: Everybody here's in such good shape. I wonder if that's typical of all [color:2]Highlanders[color:0].[wait] 11003[char:4]: If you're looking for me, I'll be at the [color:1]Arena[color:0]. I'll take a good fight over a drink any day![wait] 11004[char:9]: This is where we first met, my boy. Why, it feels almost like yesterday![wait] 11005[char:6]: I realize that the [color:1]Arena[color:0] may be a good place for relieving one's stress. And yet...[wait] 11006[char:7]: [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] is home to the largest [color:1]Arena[color:0] in all of [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11007[char:8]: It's difficult to find a good answer when you're thinking on your own, isn't it?[wait] 11008[char:a]: Awooo! This town really pumps up my blood![wait] 11009[char:b]: Ugh, it's so hot here![wait] 11011[char:c]: My heart flutters, my body shivers, my head feels light... Don't you just love watching contact sports?[wait] [center][color:3]Grains[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12001Miss: I heard that a famous swordsman recently visited [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. I wonder if he's still[new] here.[wait] 12000Miss: Another adventurer ventured into the [color:1]Astral Caves[color:0] today. I don't care if it's a good training[new] ground, it's much too dangerous![wait] 12002Manly Man: I have heard that [color:1]ruins of the Old Race[color:0], even dating back to before the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], can[new] be found all across the world. Rumor has it that a large one can be found on the outskirts[new] of [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 12000Tool Shop Owner: We've got plenty of items for you to use in battle![wait] 12001Tool Shop Owner: Come back soon![wait] Item Shop [char:8c]The Fighting Merchant[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Ed: If you're planning on fighting in the [color:1]Arena[color:0], you'll want the best weapons you can afford![wait] 12001Ed: Good luck![wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]Ed's Hardware[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11011[char:4]: Oh brother... [char:7] goes around like she's the bloody queen.[wait] 11000[char:0]: What's up, [char:4]? You're staring into space.[wait] 01001[char:4]: [char:84]Huh? Oh. I was just thinkin' how much [color:1]Astral[color:0] has changed. [char:7]'s men really got a fire in 'em these days.[unk:4006:68:1][new] Like they're more enthusiastic now...or just more than they were when I was around, at least.[wait] 01002Soldier: Seeing Captain [char:7] in action, it really inspires me to wanna give my all for her.[wait] 01003Soldier: [char:84]You got that right. With Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] fallen and his son [char:4] out of the country,[unk:4006:4:1][new] Captain [char:7]'s the only person who can lead the [color:1]Astral Knight Corps[color:0]! That's all the more reason we need to support her.[wait] 01004Soldier: We'll need to train harder than ever, and we'll need to protect [color:1]Astral[color:0] more fervently than ever before.[wait] 01005Soldier: Yeah. You're right.[wait] 01006Soldier: ...Still, today was a helluva day, huh? Remember what Captain [char:7] said to us?[wait] 01007Soldier: Ohh yeah! She was all [char:8c]Incompetent![char:8c] and [char:8c]You embarrass me![char:8c] and [char:8c]Damn you all![char:8c][wait] 01008Soldier: Man, there's something about Captain [char:7]'s voice... I can feel my spine tingle whenever she chews me out.[wait] 01009Soldier: You too!? Ohh, it's like, whenever she's yelling at someone else, I think about how wonderful it'd be if it was me instead...[wait] 01010Soldier: Yeah, exactly. Ahh, Captain [char:7]... I'd love it if she were to actually beat me up someday.[wait] [center][color:3]Paper Scrap[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11000[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12007Innkeeper Woman: Welcome! We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper Woman: Welcome! It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Innkeeper Woman: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Woman: You don't have enough money.[wait] 12003Adventurer: It's a bit far, but if you go west from here, you'll end up at the port town of [color:1]Tropp[color:0].[wait] 12004Middle-aged Man: You can take a boat up the river from here that'll take you to [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0].[wait] 12005Bartender: How's it going?[wait] 12006Yama: This is my first time ever going to the [color:1]Arena[color:0]![wait] Inn [char:8c]The Sleepy Gladiator[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Crystal[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Modern Senior: Watching those fights at the [color:1]Arena[color:0] gets my old blood pumpin' again.[wait] [center][color:3]Wealth Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:8]: Do you know how difficult it is to live your life carrying the sins of your past? Don't you[new] understand?[wait] 12000Restaurateur: If you wanna fight well, you've gotta eat well, too![wait] 12001Restaurateur: Thanks a lot![wait] 11000[char:8]: Have you heard? The prizes awarded at the [color:1]Arena[color:0] of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] change from person to person,[new] depending on your profession.[wait] Food Shop [char:8c]Feast of Victory[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [color:3] - Knowledge 2[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 2[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 2[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] [color:3]Knowledge 2[color:0] includes Music Knowledge, Item Knowledge, and Biology. [color:3]Sense 2[color:0] includes Determination, Danger Radar, Purity, and Poker Face. [color:3]Technical 2[color:0] includes Eye for Detail, Penmanship, Animal Training, and Machinery. [color:3]Combat 2[color:0] includes Godspeed, Sidestep, Body Control, and Recast.[wait] 02006Advisor: Since we're in [color:1]Tatroi[color:0], it seems like a good time to talk about Combat Skills. If you've already[new] earned a few, you might be aware that you can't just use them on command.[new] These skills are activated randomly when you deliver or receive an attack.[new] By increasing a skill's level, however, you can increase the frequency of its activation,[new] as well as its effectiveness. In other words, it's important to continuously level up these[new] skills. My skill recommendation is Godspeed. This will increase your speed on the battle field,[new] and sometimes teleport you right in front of your target when you attack![wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]Hero's Wisdom[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Meteor Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] Elderly Person: I wasn't very well off when I was your age, but I never[new] resorted to stealing. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.[wait] 12000Elderly Person: When I was a young boy, we were in the middle of a series of wars that were far more[new] violent and bloodier than the fighting you see today. They were called the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0].[wait] [center][color:3]Devil's Ramen[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:1]: Do you always take people's stuff without asking, [char:0]?[wait] [center][color:3]Chocolate Banana[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:b]: Hey! What're you doing!? That's mine![wait] 12000Youth: I'm one of the Monster Catchers. But so far, I've only managed to capture a few weak ones.[wait] 12001Youth: You'll see. Some day, I'm gonna make an appearance in that fighting pit and make the[new] crowds go wild.[wait] 12002Fighter Girl: Combos are where it's at! Nothing feels better than smoothly flowing from one[new] attack to the next![wait] 12003Young Boy: I'd recommend Alchemy and Customization, and maybe Crafting.[wait] 12004Man: Whoa, did you see that!? This is some edge-of-the-seat stuff![wait] 12005Young Girl: There're so many people here. I wonder how many there are.[wait] 12006Man: Excuse me, but have you seen my son? I seem to have lost him in this crowd.[wait] 12007Elderly Person: Bah! Just ten years ago, I could have hacked that monster into pieces![wait] 12008Elderly Person: Exciting, isn't it?[wait] 12009Man: What the!? Where did he pull that move out of? Was he just saving it this whole time?[wait] 12010Young Boy: Do swordfighters make a lot of money?[wait] 12011Swordsman: That's disappointing. He might be popular, but he sure doesn't know how to fight.[wait] 12012Man: Ho-hum. I think I'll go to the bathroom or something.[wait] 12013Young Girl: What's that monster called?[wait] 12014Mother: Well, dear, it's called...[wait] 12015Swordsman: Judging by that sword swing, I'd say he knows the Edarl fighting style.[wait] 12016Old Lady: It's very difficult to master Music and Performance because they require many different[new] talents.[wait] 12017Sailor: I'm really supposed to be at work, but there's no way I'm missing this match.[wait] 12018Young Boy: Whoa! Did you see that!? Awesome![wait] 12019Swordsman: I can't stand it! I'm a fighter, not a spectator! *Sigh* If only I was strong enough.[wait] 12020Youth: Wow! It's exactly like everyone told me it would be! That trip from [color:1]Eckdart[color:0] was so worth it.[wait] 12021Man: I wouldn't jump from the stands if I were you. Those monsters would just pounce on you.[wait] 12022Teen Girl: You know something? I think you'd look pretty dashing fighting down there![wait] 12023Elderly Person: Hee hee! These fights have got me excited like a little boy![wait] 12024Man: What the...!? That move left an afterimage![wait] 12025Elderly Person: I'm starting to lose my initial excitement. I hope those fighters start showing a bit[new] more pizzazz out there.[wait] 12026Teen Girl: I heard that the storyline changes a bit depending on who you choose to bring into your[new] party.[wait] 12027Youth: The [color:1]Arena[color:0] sure is an excitin' place. Ain't nothin' like it back home![wait] 12028Young Girl: Could someone tell that old man to pipe down?[wait] 12029Elderly Person: What're you doing!? You're completely open! Guard your side, guard your...Good! Now,[new] hit him from above! From above, you numbskull![wait] 12030Teen Girl: This is way too much excitement for me to handle. I think I'm gonna pass out if I[new] watch anymore![wait] 12031Teen Girl: The level of a specialty is based on the average levels of the required skills.[wait] 12032Man: See that girl next to me? She's hot![wait] 12033Man: That dude's really strong![wait] 12034Young Boy: I'm gonna fight in the [color:1]Arena[color:0] someday too! But I'm a bit scared when I think about it.[wait] 12035Old Lady: When I was your age, there was a man who was something of a hero of the [color:1]Arena[color:0].[wait] 12036Man: I think I'd be able to make some really powerful weapons if I were to become a blacksmith.[wait] 12037Gramps: Hoo, boy. Watching all this fighting really takes me back![wait] 12038Young Girl: That monster's scary![wait] 12039Teen Girl: Oh, come on! I can't see anything from here![wait] 12040Young Boy: Come on, you can do it![wait] 12041Teen Girl: That fighter's amazing! I think he's gonna win![wait] 12042Gal: I can just forget about my worries when I'm here.[wait] 12043Gal: Are you a swordfighter? Aren't you going to fight?[wait] 12044Man: I wish my eyesight was better so I could see what's going on.[wait] 12045Young Boy: Let's go closer to the front![wait] 12046Man: Um... Just one more match and then I'll go home, okay?[wait] 12047Gal: Come on, let's go somewhere else. Somewhere where we can be...alone.[wait] 12048Young Girl: This is a bit too violent for young children, isn't it?[wait] 12049Youth: Did you manage to talk to everyone in the stands? I managed to do it, so I'm[new] sure you can.[wait] 12050Swordsman: There're a lot of strong fighters competing today. I'm sure it hasn't been easy for the[new] Monster Catchers![wait] 12051Young Girl: How can they move around like that with all that heavy armor on?[wait] 12052Elderly Person: You've got it! Keep it up![wait] 12053Young Boy: You can do it, Daddy![wait] 12054Man: That monster's just way too strong![wait] 12055Gal: Do I dare go closer to the edge of the stands? Close enough to, *gulp*, get hit by flying blood!?[wait] 12056Teen Girl: It's almost over. I've got to keep my faith in him![wait] 12057Man: Woo-ha! It's the most exciting sport in the world![wait] 12058Swordswoman: A swordswoman lives and dies by her sword[wait] 12059Young Boy: Dad! Have you seen my dad?[wait] 12060Teen Girl: Is Robert going to show up or not?[wait] 12061Old Lady: Oh my god, oh my god!!! Haha, look at me, acting like a teenager.[wait] 12062Man: Whoa! Steady... Steady... Phew! I thought I was going to fall over![wait] 12063Young Boy: I can't hear a thing with everyone making so much noise.[wait] 12064Teen Girl: Woo, keep it up! You've got it![wait] 12065Elderly Person: I wonder if Tammy's all right.[wait] 12066Tammy: Oooh, my back...[wait] 12067Man: You think anyone can beat those monsters in the top rank?[wait] 12068Man: You've really gotta be a guy to appreciate this sport![wait] 12069Elderly Person: *Snort* Wha...? Oh dear, I think I fell asleep again.[wait] 12070Teen Girl: I love [color:2]Highlander[color:0] swordfighters! They're just so dynamic![wait] 11049[char:1]: Wow... I'm amazed.[wait] 11050[char:3]: Hmm... So this thing called the [color:1]Arena[color:0] actually exists?[wait] 11051[char:5]: This is such a rush. Fighting in front of such a huge crowd... I'd find it a little tough to[new] concentrate.[wait] 11052[char:4]: Pfft, these guys are all wusses. Just looking at 'em pisses me off![wait] 11053[char:9]: Your enemy is not just the opponent you fight... There is also the battle within yourself[new] to think about.[wait] 11055[char:7]: Only the perfect combination of skill, body, and heart will earn you a name here. That is the[new] [color:1]Astral[color:0] way.[wait] 11058[char:a]: Aren't these fights the best?[wait] 11054[char:b]: This is so awesome! But these guys are no match for my high kick![wait] 11056[char:d]: Impressive. With an arena this large, you can really go all out...[wait] 11057[char:c]: Oh, for crying out loud! What the heck is wrong with you!? Try dodging, moron![wait] 10000???: Pfft. Buncha puppets, the whole lot of 'em.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Pardon?[wait] 00002???: Look at 'em. All dancing to a useless heap of drilled-in techniques. There's no hope of any of 'em ever reaching the next level.[wait] 00003???: I've wasted my time coming here.[wait] 10004Announcer: Look out! We've got a new challenger![wait] 00005[char:a]: I can't believe how strong they all were.[wait] 00006[char:a]: I'm gonna be just as strong someday! I don't care how much training it takes![wait] 00007[char:a]: Here goes![wait] 10008Announcer: Look out! We've got a new challenger![wait] 00009[char:a]: Hey! You're that kid from before![wait] 00010Luka: I told you, [char:a]! I told you I'd try harder so I wouldn't lose next time![wait] 00011Luka: C'mon, [char:a]! Fight me! And don't go easy on me, either![wait] 00012Announcer: [char:84]What a surprise this is! Another [color:2]Lycanthrope[color:0], the mystical race of legend, in this very arena! It's [color:2]Lycanthrope[color:0] versus [color:2]Lycanthrope[color:0]![unk:4006:2b:2][new] What a rare treat this is![wait] 00013[char:a]: I'm not giving up the championship yet![wait] 11006[char:1]: Wow! [char:4] is amazing![wait] 11017[char:1]: I hope [char:4] is all right...[wait] 11007[char:3]: I gotta hand it to him, [char:4] is one talented fighter![wait] 11018[char:3]: Too bad for [char:4], I suppose...[wait] 11008[char:5]: I had no idea what would happen when he jumped in there...but he really pulled it[new] off.[wait] 11019[char:5]: Sheesh! Don't jump in like that if you're just gonna get your butt kicked...[wait] 11009[char:6]: I would expect nothing less out of [char:4] by this point.[wait] 11020[char:6]: Why is he willing to go through all this just for the sake of fighting...?[wait] 11010[char:a]: Whoa! Maybe I should jump in, too![wait] 11021[char:a]: It doesn't matter who won or lost! It's all about the attitude you bring into battle! I knew[new] you had it in you, [char:4]![wait] 11011[char:8]: That's [char:4] for you... Incredible.[wait] 11022[char:8]: [char:4]... I hope this doesn't put you off for too long.[wait] 11012[char:9]: Well done. That's the sort of form I like to see in a fighter.[wait] 11023[char:9]: Mmm... That's the sort of form I like to see in a fighter. Losing the battle doesn't make that[new] any less true.[wait] 11013[char:b]: Wowwww! That was awesome![wait] 11024[char:b]: Oooh, too bad, [char:4]![wait] 11014[char:7]: Gah! I was practically in a panic here.[wait] 11025[char:7]: Ugh! Why does he have to worry me sick like this!?[wait] 11015[char:d]: Hee hee... I've never seen [char:4] having so much fun before.[wait] 11026[char:d]: Oh dear... [char:4]...[wait] 11016[char:c]: Ha haaaahhh! Nice job, [char:4]![wait] 11027[char:c]: Hah hah! That [char:4]. What a bum![wait] 11000[char:4]: Gah! What is that!? You call that fighting!?[wait] 01001[char:4]: This is pathetic! You people don't know the first damn thing about attacking, do you!?[wait] 01002[char:4]: I think it's time for a little hands-on instruction![wait] 01003[char:4]: You guys are horrible! I'll show you how it's done![wait] 11004[char:4]: Hah! Down for the count already?[wait] 11005Announcer: And down he goes! The challenger is down![wait] 11028[char:0]: You don't like this sort of thing, do you?[wait] 01029[char:8]: No, it's not that... Why do you ask?[wait] 01030[char:0]: You don't look very happy, is all.[wait] 01031[char:8]: No, I'm all right. I'm sorry if I made you worry.[wait] 01032[char:6]: It can be hard to watch someone hurt or get hurt by others. I know.[wait] 01033[char:8]: ...Let's say that, for whatever reason, your sister did something to hurt someone. What would you do?[wait] 01034[char:6]: I could hardly imagine her doing that. She was kind to everyone she met.[wait] 01035[char:6]: But hypothetically speaking, if my sister did hurt someone, I would take her side and help her make up for it.[wait] 01036[char:8]: You would take her side?[wait] 01037[char:6]: If my sister was forced to do something like that, it would be partially my fault for not being there to help her.[wait] 01038[char:8]: I don't think that's true at all. You've given her everything you have already![wait] 01039[char:8]: Ah...I mean, I'm sure that's what your sister would say if she were here.[wait] 01040[char:6]: Heh. That's a strange thing to say, but it's very nice to hear. It makes me feel like there is still hope for me.[wait] 01041[char:0]: ...Are you crying, [char:8]?[wait] 01042[char:8]: Huh? ...No, it's nothing. I'm sorry.[wait] 11044[char:6]: Did...did I say something wrong?[wait] 11043[char:8]: I'm sorry... It's nothing.[wait] [center][color:3]Baselard[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sandals[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Crown[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Scrap Iron[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Gal: Are you thinking of competing?[wait] 12001Warrior: Monsters shouldn't be allowed to split.[wait] 12002Warrior: The trick is to give them no chance to attack![wait] 12003Girl: All the girls I know dream of being chosen to hand out the victory bouquets.[wait] 12004Adventurer: I heard that there's a group of adventurers that specialize in capturing monsters alive to use[new] them in the [color:1]Arena[color:0] matches. I'm sure you have to be a pretty seasoned fighter to be able to[new] do that.[wait] Arena of Tatroi[unk:4006:78:0] 11015[char:6]: A correct way of wielding power? How would you even define [char:8c]correct[char:8c]?[new] That definition would change from person to person, I think.[wait] 01016[char:0]: Well... I think the most important thing is that you don't cause harm to other[new] people's lives without good reason.[wait] 01017[char:6]: Certainly... Of course, if everyone felt that way, we would never have war in the[new] first place.[wait] 11000[char:6]: Is there any point in fighting just for the sake of fighting? Spilling your own blood in a place like this?[wait] 01001[char:0]: It's only natural for people to strive to become stronger. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.[wait] 01002[char:6]: You have a point. But tell me, [char:0], why do you want to become stronger?[wait] 01003 - Because I want to protect others. - Because I want to improve myself. - Strength itself has no meaning.[wait] 01004[char:0]: Well, I suppose it's because there are things I want to protect. Sometimes words just aren't enough against violence.[wait] 01005[char:6]: [char:84]Perhaps you can say that power itself is irrational violence. If more strength is the only thing that can overcome strength itself,[unk:4006:ab:1][new] then it leads to an endless chain of escalation...and that is disturbing to me.[wait] 01006[char:0]: Because I want to improve myself through training. That's one of the main goals of any competition.[wait] 01007[char:6]: [char:84]I would like to think people are as pure-minded as that, but I am afraid I cannot.[unk:4006:d9:0][new] When someone loses, they blame it on luck and curse their opponent... All that winds up creating is needless resentment.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Well, there's no point in being strong in and of itself, is there? It's a tool, just like any other. It all depends on how you choose to use it.[wait] 01009[char:6]: [char:84]But what happens when someone possesses strength but not the maturity to use it correctly?[unk:4006:15:1][new] If it is a tool, then it is also [color:2]human[color:0] nature to want to use that tool, no matter the consequences.[wait] 01010[char:0]: You're a [color:0]symbologist[color:0], [char:6]. Do you find the power you wield to be...something menacing?[wait] 01011[char:6]: [char:84]I don't want to fight needless battles, even if they are with my enemies.[unk:4006:c5:0][new] The power I have is merely a tool to help me find my sister.[wait] 01012[char:0]: But even if you don't fight, [char:6], it's not like power is ever going to go extinct in this world.[wait] 01013[char:0]: So wouldn't it be best to pass on to others the best way to harness that power? That's the way my father taught me, anyway.[wait] 01014[char:6]: Did he? He sounds like a sensible father.[wait] 11025[char:a]: You just watch! This tournament's gonna be over in a heartbeat! If anyone gets in[new] my way, I'm gonna kick their heads in![wait] 01026Luka: Wow! You're awesome, [char:a]![wait] 01027[char:0]: (Hope he'll be all right...)[wait] 11018[char:a]: I'm gonna win this, all right? Don't worry![wait] 01019Luka: You sure, [char:a]? Good luck, man...[wait] 01020[char:0]: What's up, [char:a]?[wait] 01021[char:a]: This kid just asked me to win the [color:1]Arena[color:0] championship for him.[wait] 01022Luka: [char:84]I've been placed under this really strong curse...[unk:4006:ae:0][new] But if [char:a] can win the championship, I bet I can beat my problems, too.[wait] 01023[char:0]: Huh...well, don't disappoint the guy, [char:a]![wait] 01024[char:a]: Hah! Relax! It's in the bag![wait] 12001Greenhorn Patrol: Captain [char:7] has been locked up in the palace dungeon.[wait] 12000Greenhorn Patrol: Welcome to [color:1]Astral City[color:0].[wait] 12002Girl: This is [color:1]Astral City[color:0], a town full of strong people![wait] 12003Tool Shop Owner: Remember that using items intelligently is part of any winning strategy.[wait] 12004Tool Shop Owner: Thanks.[wait] 12005Grocer: You can't become strong without a well-balanced diet.[wait] 12006Grocer: Thank you.[wait] 10000[char:0]: So this is [color:1]Astral City[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:5]: Let's find some lodging first. We'll inquire about our friends later.[wait] 10002[char:0]: Something up, [char:4]?[wait] 00003[char:4]: Nothin'.[wait] 00004???: You there! Are you [char:4]!?[wait] 00005[char:4]: Damn, not her. What is it, [char:7]!?[wait] 00006[char:7]: Hah! Finally come back to grovel at Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s feet, have you?[wait] 00007[char:4]: Shut up. I'm just passin' through.[wait] 00008[char:7]: I figured as much. When you're done here, kindly see yourself out. Nobody likes you here anymore.[wait] 00009[char:4]: [char:84]What did you say, woman!? Why did you join the [color:1]Corps[color:0] in the first place!? It's dirt on all their faces![unk:4006:59:1][new] The [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0] ain't nothin' but a bunch of whiny losers![wait] 00010[char:7]: [char:84]If you're going to insult anyone, then insult me.[unk:4006:90:0][new] An insult to the [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0] is an insult to the leader of our guard, to Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] himself![wait] 00011[char:4]: ...[wait] 00012[char:7]: [char:84]Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] is an exemplary leader.[unk:4006:88:0][new] People ridiculed him behind his back as an over-protective father, but he believed in you with all his heart.[unk:4006:32:1][new] And look what you did to him![wait] 00013[char:4]: I don't wanna ride on my parents' prestige.[wait] 00014[char:7]: [char:84]Are you saying that Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] pushed you to become [color:4]knight captain[color:0] because you were his son? You think he's that bad of a leader!?[unk:4006:77:1][new] How much more proof do you need to admit that you were right for the job!?[wait] 00015[char:7]: You can't believe in anything, so you decided to betray everyone! I'll never forgive you for it.[wait] 00016[char:4]: That woman thinks she can get away with anything.[wait] 00017[char:0]: You know her?[wait] 00018[char:4]: Yeah. Just an acquaintance.[wait] 10019Arachmene: Heh heh. That toy's a little too much for you, children. Hand it over to me now, why don't you?[wait] エラー キャラ管理番号に空きがありませんでした。[wait] 00020Arachmene: What!?[wait] 00021[char:0]: Not if I can help it![wait] 00022Arachmene: If you dare to stand in the way of my king's orders, I will take all of you on at once![wait] 10023[char:1]: What could that [char:8c][color:1]bladeless sword[color:0][char:8c] be? And why did the monsters want it so badly?[wait] 00024[char:9]: [char:84]The [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]. One swing of it in the hands of [color:4]Argosy[color:0] was enough to dispatch the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] during the war.[unk:4006:8f:1][new] One of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]'s finest moments.[wait] 00025[char:9]: We need to see [color:4]Lias[color:0]. The rest can wait until then.[wait] 10026[char:1]: What could that [char:8c][color:1]bladeless sword[color:0][char:8c] be? And why did the monsters want it so badly?[wait] 00027[char:7]: Well, the truth is...[wait] 00028[char:4]: I'll tell 'em, [char:7].[wait] 00029[char:7]: All right, [char:4].[wait] 00030[char:4]: I heard that the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0] was the weapon that sent the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] back into his world in the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0].[wait] 00031[char:3]: He mentioned that he entrusted it to a man named [color:4]Lias[color:0]. Who's he?[wait] 00032[char:4]: My old man.[wait] 00033[char:4]: Let's go. I'll lead the way. You can get the whole story from him.[wait] 10034[char:1]: What could that [char:8c][color:1]bladeless sword[color:0][char:8c] be? And why did the monsters want it so badly?[wait] 00035[char:7]: The [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]. I heard once that Sir [char:9] and my father used it during the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0].[wait] 00036[char:7]: Let's go to Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s mansion. We can talk there.[wait] 10037Soldier: Whew! Thanks very much! That was a close one.[wait] 00038[char:1]: I'm glad we made it in time.[wait] 00039[char:3]: We're looking for a man named [color:4]Lias[color:0]. Do you know anything about him?[wait] 00040Soldier: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0], you mean? I'm afraid the [color:4]knight captain[color:0] was assassinated several days ago.[wait] 00041[char:3]: What!? So we're already too late...[wait] 00042[char:5]: No. If we were, there wouldn't be monsters combing the town for the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0].[wait] 00043Soldier: Who are you guys?[wait] 00044[char:3]: Oh, excuse us. We are on a mission from the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to [color:1]slay the Archfiend[color:0]. Here is our proof.[wait] 00045Soldier: That [color:1]emblem[color:0]![wait] 00046Soldier: Please pardon my rudeness. His Majesty has ordered us to give you our full cooperation.[wait] 00047[char:3]: We are looking for the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]. We'd heard [color:4]Lias[color:0] was in possession of it, but we didn't know about his passing.[wait] 00048Soldier: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] had the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]? You mean the sword that was used to defeat the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] in the war?[wait] 00049[char:0]: That's the sword [color:4]Argosy[color:0] was talking about![wait] 00050Soldier: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s mansion is not far from here. Why don't you try searching there? I'd be happy to take you over there.[wait] 00051[char:1]: Really? You'd do that for us?[wait] 00052Soldier: Well, you see how things are right now. I'll report this to the king, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about.[wait] 12000Greenhorn Patrol: How could this have happened?[wait] 10000[char:0]: There she is![wait] 10001[char:9]: I'll go see how [color:4]Lias[color:0] is doing. Take that monster's head to the castle and explain to them what happened.[wait] 10002[char:7]: [char:84]I'll take this monster's head and return to the castle.[unk:4006:8c:0][new] I'm sure the king will have some kind of reward in return, so please wait and rest up at the inn for now. Until tomorrow, then.[wait] 00003[char:4]: Hold it. I'm going with you.[wait] 00004[char:7]: Whatever.[wait] 10005[char:7]: You planning to run off by yourself again?[wait] 00006[char:4]: ...[wait] 00007[char:7]: Am I such a bad person? Would it be so hard for you to share your pain with me for a change?[wait] 00008[char:7]: I don't care if you never turn to face me, as long as your back's always in my sight.[wait] 00009[char:4]: That sure doesn't sound like you.[wait] 00010[char:4]: Let's go. We're supposed to be equals, right?[wait] 12000Gwyn the Sage: If you walk outdoors a lot, you may want to forage around the boulders you see sometimes.[new] [color:0]Herbs can often[color:0] be found in such areas.[wait] 12001Swordsman: The Train specialty can make life difficult because it lowers your combat abilities, but you'll[new] gain much more experience as a reward.[wait] 10004[char:7]: They'll find me if I try to visit Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] at his home. We'd better get out of here fast.[wait] 10000[char:7]: Here it is.[wait] 10001Soldier: Oh, you found it? Well, that's a relief.[wait] 00002Soldier: [char:84]You can take the sword anywhere you like. You'll need it in your battle against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], won't you?[unk:4006:18:1][new] I'm sure the late Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] would have wanted it that way.[wait] 00003[char:3]: Thank you.[wait] [center][color:3]Force Sword[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] 12002[char:0]: Hey, what's up? Oh, is the door locked?[wait] 02003[char:4]: ...[wait] 10000[char:0]: Let's go after her.[wait] 12000[char:0]: Hey, what's up? Oh, is the door locked?[wait] 02001[char:4]: ...[wait] Gim the Smith: There is certainly some risk involved in Customizing, but this is not the kind of risk you[new] should be taking![wait] 12000Gim the Smith: Let me tell you a little bit about the Customization specialty. I can't tell you much,[new] this being the source of my income, but let me just say the key is to combine good[new] weapons with valuable metals. Being stingy and using only cheap weapons won't get you[new] far.[wait] [center][color:3]Shortbow[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Adventurer: Depending on whether you enter from [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] or [color:1]Astral City[color:0], you'll end up taking a different[new] route through the [color:1]Astral Caves[color:0].[wait] 12000Sentry: No one is allowed to enter the castle at this time![wait] 12001Sentry: The assassin could still be in the area![wait] [center][color:3]Weird Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Rod[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Mercenary: You'd think there'd be a [color:1]Book of Techniques[color:0] lying around here somewhere, this being the[new] Kingdom of Swords and all.[wait] 12001Patrol Guard: I don't mean to brag, but I think [color:1]Astral City[color:0] is the safest place in the world.[wait] 12002Patrol Guard: I heard the soldiers guarding the [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] entrance of the [color:1]Astral Caves[color:0] were found dead.[new] There weren't any witnesses, but they're saying it was Captain [char:7] who[new] killed them. I can't believe it![wait] 12003Patrol Guard: Why was Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] attacked by that monster? Nothing like this has happened before.[wait] 12004Weapons Seller: I make the weapons and armor for the [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0], so you know you're getting quality![wait] 12005Weapons Seller: Thanks.[wait] 12000Patrol Guard: Stay inside! The assassin's still on the loose![wait] [center][color:3]Brass Knuckles[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Left-handed Mercenary: [color:1]Astral[color:0] isn't at war with the armies of the [color:1]demon world[color:0] like [color:1]Van[color:0] and [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] are. But many[new] [color:2]Highlanders[color:0] are fighting over there as mercenaries.[wait] 12001Erudite Lloyd: Have you heard of the [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0]? They're a race of beautiful people with bird-like[new] wings. They really are a lot like angels.[wait] 12000Sentry: This is [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0].[wait] 12001Sentry: Feel free to enter.[wait] 10000[char:5]: That's a bad idea. Don't you realize what'll happen to us if we enter [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0]?[wait] 10001[char:3]: We are here to see the king.[wait] 00002Sentry: Please wait one moment.[wait] 00003Sentry: Go ahead.[wait] 10004[char:3]: We are here to see the king.[wait] 00005Sentry: Please wait one moment.[wait] 00006[char:0]: [char:7]![wait] 00007[char:7]: Hi, [char:0]! Hi, everybody! How's the journey coming? Smoothly, I hope.[wait] 00008[char:0]: It's going great! We managed to find our missing companions. Thanks to your guidance, I should add.[wait] 00009[char:7]: All I did was mention the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. Maybe that pointed you in the right direction, but everything after that was all your own doing.[wait] 00010[char:1]: My name's [char:1]. Nice to meet you.[wait] 00011[char:3]: I'm [char:3]. Pleasure.[wait] 00012[char:7]: Pleasure is mine. I am [char:7], captain of the [color:1]Astral Knight Corps[color:0].[wait] 00013[char:1]: A [color:4]knight captain[color:0]? But you're a woman![wait] 00014[char:7]: Gender doesn't factor into the equation.[wait] 00015[char:7]: Shall I take you to the king, then?[wait] 00016 - Could you lend us a hand? - Don't ask for anything[wait] 00017[char:0]: [char:7], if you're interested, I'd very much appreciate your help in our quest.[wait] 00018[char:7]: You'd like me to join you?[wait] 00019[char:0]: Yes.[wait] 00020[char:4]: Fine by me. Adding another whiny girl to the mob ain't no skin off my nose.[wait] 00021[char:7]: Ah! Thanks a lot.[wait] 00022[char:7]: Well, I'm all for it. How about we discuss it with the king, then? That's who you're here to see.[wait] 00023[char:7]: Shall I take you to the king, then?[wait] [center][color:3]Robe[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Sentry: You are not allowed to go any further![wait] 12001Sentry: His Highness is in the throne room just ahead.[wait] 12002Sentry: Please be on your best behavior in front of His Highness.[wait] 12003Sentry: I am sure His Highness has doubts about the whole incident as well.[wait] 12004Sentry: This is the first time a monster has managed to sneak into [color:1]Astral City[color:0].[wait] 12005Symbology User: I have heard of certain symbols being hidden in various parts of the world. Visiting these areas[new] may allow me to acquire rare spells that I have never even heard of.[wait] Astral Castle[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Soldier: They've beefed up security around here. I think you better stay away from the castle for a while once you're out.[wait] 00001Soldier: I can't believe you actually killed your father, Lady [char:7], and there are dozens of friends here who agree with me.[wait] 00002Soldier: We'll find a way to clear your name. Please, just be patient a little while longer![wait] 00003[char:7]: Those words mean a lot to me. Thank you.[wait] 00004Soldier: Be careful, then.[wait] [center][color:3]All About Herbs[color:0] acquired.[wait] Sage: Yes, knowledge doesn't mean anything if you don't have anything to mix. That does not[new] mean you should steal those items, though.[wait] 12000Sage: You'll need to learn many skills to be able to mix [color:1]herbs[color:0], like the [color:0]Herbology[color:0] skill, for example.[wait] Inner Courtyard[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:7]: Father, please forgive me. I want to visit your grave more often, but my work keeps taking me all over the place.[wait] 00001[char:7]: But still, my subordinates' faith is the most reliable thing I have in my life.[wait] 00002[char:7]: I was accused of a murder I didn't commit, but they still believed in me and proved my innocence.[wait] 00003[char:7]: Thanks to them, I was reinstated into the [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0].[wait] 00004[char:7]: Perhaps I wouldn't even be here today if it weren't for [char:0] and the rest. I honestly can't thank them enough.[wait] 00005[char:7]: I hope you're still watching over me, Father. Every day, I swear I will strive to improve myself![wait] 00006Soldier: Captain [char:7]! Are you around?[wait] 00007[char:7]: Right here! I'll be done in a moment.[wait] [center][color:3]Fruit[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Sentry: If you don't have any business here, I suggest you leave.[wait] Dungeon[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:7]: Who's there?[wait] 00001[char:0]: [char:7]!?[wait] 00002[char:7]: [char:0]. Can I help you with something?[wait] 10003[char:7]: Whadaya want?[wait] 10004[char:7]: Can I help you with something?[wait] 10005[char:7]: [char:0]. Were you worrying about me?[wait] 00008 - Take her with you - Leave[wait] 00034[char:5]: [char:0]?[wait] 00035[char:0]: [char:5], I want to believe in [char:7].[wait] 00036[char:5]: Oh, don't be so stupid! I mean, I'd like to myself.[wait] 00037[char:5]: [char:84]But don't you remember our mission here? [unk:4006:74:0][new] If we get too far involved in this, we might be thrown in for good ourselves! I can't afford to let that happen![wait] 00038[char:0]: But...I dunno.[wait] 00039[char:0]: I'm sorry, [char:7]. We just can't get involved.[wait] 00040[char:7]: No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put it on you in the first place.[wait] 00041[char:7]: Don't worry. I'll figure out something.[wait] 00006[char:7]: Ah, don't give me that look. I'll think of something, okay?[wait] 00007[char:0]: [char:7]...[wait] 00009 - Nothing. - I want to know the truth. - I'm disappointed in you![wait] 00061 - Nothing. - I want to know the truth.[wait] 00010[char:0]: No, nevermind.[wait] 00011[char:7]: Could you just leave me alone for now?[wait] 00012[char:7]: If you aren't here for anything, then let me be.[wait] 00016[char:0]: Did you really kill the [color:4]knight captain[color:0]?[wait] 00017[char:7]: I've told everyone a thousand times.[wait] 00018[char:7]: How could I possibly even lay a hand on the man who took me in as an orphan and raised me as his own daughter!?[wait] 00019[char:7]: [char:84]Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s spirit is going to wander across this land forever, searching for revenge that'll never come![unk:4006:3f:1][new] Dammit! I've got to find the killer and get him with my own hands![wait] 00020[char:0]: But if you didn't do it, then how'd you end up here!?[wait] 00021[char:7]: That's what I want to know.[wait] 00022[char:7]: A soldier claimed he saw me murder Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]. He said he saw me with his own two eyes.[wait] 00023[char:7]: [char:84]I imagine it was a [color:1]demon world[color:0] assassin who disguised itself as me, but I don't have anything to prove that with.[unk:4006:46:1][new] I don't even have an alibi. I was alone on patrol at the time.[wait] 00024[char:0]: That's horrible![wait] 00025[char:7]: That's what I want to know.[wait] 00026 - If I could... - Leave[wait] 00027[char:0]: Is there anything we could do for you?[wait] 00028[char:7]: Can you get me out of here?[wait] 00029[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00030[char:5]: No way! That's impossible![wait] 00031[char:7]: I know I'm asking you for too much. I just can't have it end like this! Please, you've got to believe me![wait] 00032[char:5]: This is crazy.[wait] 00033 - Take her with you - Leave[wait] 00043[char:0]: I'm sorry, [char:7]. I...I don't know what to say.[wait] 00044[char:7]: It's all right.[wait] 00045[char:7]: [char:0], could you help me?[wait] 00046[char:7]: Nevermind.[wait] 00047[char:7]: You don't have to worry about me. I'll get myself out of this mess. You've got your own problems.[wait] 00048[char:7]: You don't have to worry about me. I'll get myself out of this mess. You've got your own problems.[wait] 00013[char:0]: I've totally lost faith in you. Assassinating your own father! How could you do that? It's horrible![wait] 00014[char:7]: [char:84]What did you say!? You don't even know anything about this! What right do you have to lecture me like that!?[unk:4006:3b:1][new] Get the hell out of here![wait] 00015[char:7]: If giving people crap's the only thing you're good at, then get out.[wait] 10049[char:5]: Absolutely not![wait] 12003Sentry: ...[wait] 10051[char:0]: There's no turning back now.[wait] 00052[char:5]: [char:0]! Are you insane!?[wait] 00053[char:0]: Of course not.[wait] 00054[char:0]: Come on, [char:7], let's get going. We gotta get out of [color:1]Astral[color:0] first.[wait] 00055[char:7]: Thank you. Guess I'll be saying goodbye to my home, then.[wait] 00056[char:5]: Well, I mean, I know the real killer's out there somewhere, but this is crazy.[wait] 00057[char:0]: We need to hurry.[wait] 00058[char:7]: They'll block off the boats once they see I'm missing. Could you get me through the [color:1]Astral Caves[color:0]?[wait] 00059[char:0]: All right. Oh, and we'll need a hood or something to hide your face with. A disguise, just in case.[wait] 00060[char:7]: Right.[wait] 10050[char:0]: We've got to help [char:7]![wait] 12002Prisoner: Let me out![wait] 12001Sentry: If you're visiting someone, make it quick.[wait] 12000King of Astral: I pray that you will succeed in your mission to vanquish [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 12003[char:7]: Good luck. I'll be praying for you to return here victorious.[wait] 10000King of Astral: I thank all of you for dealing with this grave situation before it grew any worse.[wait] 00001[char:9]: Yes, my liege.[wait] 00002King of Astral: There's no need for such stiffness, [char:9]. I would like to think we're on better terms than that by now.[wait] 00003King of Astral: [char:84]I am told that [color:4]Lias[color:0] is safe and his injuries are non-life-threatening.[unk:4006:ec:0][new] If you will forgive my imprudence, I am happy that this affair brought us back together for the first time in a dozen years.[wait] 00004[char:7]: But what goal did that monster assassin have? Why did she disguise herself as me to attack Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]?[wait] 00005King of Astral: I do have my ideas, but I am afraid I must keep them to myself for now.[wait] 00006[char:7]: I understand, Your Majesty.[wait] 00007King of Astral: More importantly, we must find some way to reward all of your efforts.[wait] 00008[char:7]: Oh. Yes, my lord.[wait] 00009[char:7]: [char:84]I would like to thank all of you for your quick and effective support.[unk:4006:a8:0][new] Without you, my honor as a knight would have been irreversibly destroyed.[wait] 00010[char:7]: Thank you.[wait] 00011[char:0]: Oh, not at all.[wait] [center][color:3]Lunar Talisman[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10012King of Astral: That [color:1]emblem[color:0]![wait] 00013[char:3]: We have come on a mission from the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 00014King of Astral: I see. Hmmm.[wait] 00015King of Astral: Minister, take the guards out of the room.[wait] 00016Minister: Yes, sir.[wait] 00017King of Astral: To business, then. Our kingdom has been gifted with certain phrases related to the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00018[char:3]: Phrases, Your Majesty?[wait] 00019King of Astral: Yes.[wait] 00020King of Astral: [char:8c][color:1]Anguish not over your fate[color:0][char:8c][wait] 00021King of Astral: [char:8c][color:1]Instead, gather forth your courage[color:0][char:8c][wait] 00022King of Astral: [char:8c][color:1]And may your strength be everlasting[color:0][char:8c][wait] 00023King of Astral: [char:8c][color:1]Generations to come will thank you[color:0].[char:8c][wait] 00024[char:3]: Is that all, Your Highness?[wait] 00025King of Astral: [char:84]It is, and I am afraid I have little idea what these four phrases could mean. I have never given it much thought.[unk:4006:88:1][new] After all, it is not my purpose to know what my individual piece of the puzzle means.[wait] 00026[char:5]: [char:8c][color:1]Anguish not over your fate[color:0][char:8c]?[wait] 00027[char:5]: [char:8c][color:1]Instead, gather forth your courage[color:0][char:8c]?[wait] 00028[char:5]: [char:8c][color:1]And may your strength be everlasting[color:0][char:8c]?[wait] 00029[char:5]: [char:8c][color:1]Generations to come will thank you[color:0][char:8c]?[wait] 00030[char:5]: Just sounds like a random proverb to me.[wait] 00031King of Astral: [char:84]I must admit, I agree with you. But all the same, the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] gave you that [color:1]emblem[color:0] for good reason.[unk:4006:72:1][new] He knew you could unlock the secret.[wait] 00032[char:5]: I understand now. Thank you, Your Majesty.[wait] 00033[char:7]: My liege, I would like to join this party in their travels. Do I have your permission to do so?[wait] 00034King of Astral: [char:7], if it is what you desire, then I will not stop you. I will ask you for one thing, however.[wait] 00035[char:7]: Yes?[wait] 00036King of Astral: Never forget your pride as a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]. Do you understand?[wait] 00037[char:7]: Yes, my lord! Thank you.[wait] 12004[center][char:7] has joined the party![wait] 00038King of Astral: I pray that your journey will bear fruit for us all. Ah, and take this, too.[wait] 00039King of Astral: Allow me to grant you this [color:1]Book of Techniques[color:0]. I wish you the best of luck.[wait] 00040King of Astral: I wish you the best of luck.[wait] 00041King of Astral: [char:84]It appears that you have visited every nation.[unk:4006:9a:0][new] It would be best for you to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] with all those [color:1]emblems[color:0] and make your report.[wait] 00042[char:3]: Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you very much.[wait] [center][color:3]Feather Pen[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Royal Musician Osato: I am working on a new musical piece for the king and queen.[wait] 12002[char:7]: How're things going? Are your travels going well?[wait] Corps Captain's Quarters[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Soldier in love with [char:7]: You...you're the ones who helped Captain [char:7]! How...how is she? Is she doing[new] all right? Please tell her that a group of us who believe in her are looking for evidence to[new] prove her innocence, and that [char:4], the son of Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0], is leading the[new] investigation. Please tell her to be patient, and that we won't give up until we've succeeded![wait] 10000Soldier: Lady [char:7]?[wait] 00001Soldier: What are you doing?[wait] 00002Soldier: Lady [char:7], what have you done!?[wait] 00003[char:7]: Ergh!!![wait] 00004Soldier: Call the guard! It's Lady [char:7]! She's attacked Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]!!![wait] [center][color:3]Magic Clay[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Soldier: I just brushed past Captain [char:7] a few minutes ago. I think I'm in heaven![wait] 12001Soldier: Captain [char:7]'s in jail!? Tell me that's not true![wait] 12003Soldier: Is it true, Captain [char:7]!? Are you really going away!? This is a very sad[new] day for me.[wait] 12002Soldier: This is just a rumor, but I heard that the monster attacked Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] because it was looking for[new] something in his house.[wait] 12004Soldier: Mmm, Captain [char:7] is looking good as always.[wait] 12005Soldier: That's a nasty rumor! Captain [char:7] would never do something like that! It's[new] just...not true.[wait] 12007Soldier: Captain [char:7], please stay safe in your travels.[wait] 12006Soldier: That really boils my blood! Disguising itself to look like Captain [char:7]...that[new] bastard![wait] Knight Corps Room[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:7]: [char:4], where are you?[wait] 00001[char:7]: I don't know if I can go on without you anymore.[wait] Astral Caves[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:4]: Sorry.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Let's hurry.[wait] 00002[char:4]: Right![wait] 12002[center]Health restored![wait] 12000[char:8c]To [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] →[char:8c][wait] 12001[char:0]: (It won't open.)[wait] [center][color:3]?WEAPON[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000[char:8c]To [color:1]Astral City[color:0] →[char:8c][wait] 10005[char:7]: You just don't let up, do you?[wait] 00006[char:9]: [char:7]! Do you have any idea what you've just done!?[wait] 00007[char:7]: Ha ha! You mean how I killed that old fossil?[wait] 00008Darthwidow: Everything would've gone perfectly fine if you hadn't come along.[wait] 00009[char:9]: A [color:1]demon world[color:0] assassin![wait] 00010Darthwidow: Damn you all. Prepare to die where you stand![wait] 10011[char:9]: Well, it's settled. Let's return to town. I fear for [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s life.[wait] 10000Darthwidow: Damn, you guys are obstinate! Everything would've gone perfectly fine if you hadn't come along.[wait] 00001[char:4]: What!?[wait] 00002Darthwidow: Damn you all. Prepare to die where you stand![wait] 10003[char:4]: Damn you! Why'd you have to go after my dad!?[wait] 00004[char:7]: [char:84]Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] was one of the heroes of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]. Any demon would have a bone to pick with him for that reason alone.[unk:4006:65:1][new] Regardless, we'd better return to the castle. I'm worried about Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0].[wait] Highland Caves[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:7]: Aren't you looking for your friends? There're no towns beyond here.[wait] 10001[char:6]: Whew. Traveling outside your homeland is more taxing than I imagined. I'm feeling a dizzy spell coming on.[wait] 00002[char:7]: Well, that's not very reassuring to hear. I thought you had more in you than that. Are you telling me I was wrong?[wait] 00003[char:6]: Oh, [char:7]! Why are you still here?[wait] 00004[char:7]: It's kind of a long story, but essentially, it'd be a bad idea for me to walk around in public right now.[wait] 00005[char:6]: Oh, I see.[wait] 00006[char:6]: So what are you going to do now, [char:7]?[wait] 00007[char:7]: I was thinking about tracking down this person I know, this idiot who went and left the country without even bothering to tell me.[wait] 00008[char:6]: Well, would you join us, then? At least for a little while?[wait] 00009[char:7]: [char:84]Heh, I suppose I could.[unk:4006:6f:0][new] Besides, splitting now would leave a bad taste in my mouth. I'd probably wind up always worrying if you're still alive or not.[wait] 10010???: [char:7], wait! Please![wait] 00011[char:7]: You weren't gonna join [char:0] then?[wait] 00012[char:6]: I don't want you to be by yourself. It's too lonely.[wait] 00013[char:7]: Don't give me your sympathy! I may be in exile, but I am still a proud member of the [color:1]Astral Knight Corps[color:0]![wait] 00014[char:6]: If you keep tensing yourself up like that, you'll reach the breaking point sooner or later. That is what compelled me to be here.[wait] 00015[char:7]: ...[wait] 00016[char:6]: Feel free to talk about it whenever you're ready. For now, though, could you come with us? At least for a little while?[wait] 10000[char:5]: Hold it![wait] 00001[char:7]: ...[wait] 00002[char:5]: Could you come back for a bit? [char:0] and everyone want to see you.[wait] 00003[char:7]: You came here to tell me that?[wait] 00004[char:5]: Well, yeah. Is that bad?[wait] 00005[char:7]: ...[wait] 00006[char:7]: You wouldn't be here unless [char:0] told you to go fetch me, right?[wait] 00007[char:5]: I...well, yes, basically.[wait] 00008[char:5]: Let me explain, though. We can't let ourselves get involved with any trouble in this world. We've got to avoid it at all costs.[wait] 00009[char:7]: The [color:4]Runes[color:0] said something about that, didn't they? Something about your temporal axes being sealed off?[wait] 00010[char:5]: [char:84]I can't tell you everything, but we're here because there's something of vital importance we need to accomplish.[unk:4006:4d:1][new] The people we're searching for are here for the same reason.[wait] 00011[char:5]: [char:84]So I just wanted to be sure we don't wind up sabotaging our own efforts here. That's all.[unk:4006:38:1][new] It's not that I thought you were a killer or anything.[wait] 00012[char:7]: That's all I needed to hear. Thank you.[wait] Van y Silvalant Caves[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Combo Link[color:0] acquired.[wait] Purgatorium[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:4]: ...[wait] 00001[char:6]: I'm searching for my sister.[wait] 00002[char:4]: Eh?[wait] 00003[char:6]: I'm looking for my sister. We've been separated since childhood.[wait] 10004[char:6]: [char:84]I somehow managed to survive being thrown off a cliff, but my parents were killed, and they took away my sister.[unk:4006:79:1][new] I don't even know if she's dead or alive.[wait] 00005[char:6]: [char:84]I can never forget it. I can't get it out of my mind. That overwhelming sense of doom... That [color:0]shield with the crimson seal[color:0]...[unk:4006:ef:1][new] There couldn't be more than one of those in the world![wait] 00006[char:4]: A [color:0]shield with a crimson seal[color:0]? Wait, that isn't the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], is it? The most famous Edarl sword master the world's ever known?[wait] 00007[char:6]: You know him!?[wait] 00008[char:4]: Nah, it couldn't be. I've gotta be mixin' them up somehow.[wait] 00009[char:6]: Oh. I see.[wait] 00010[char:4]: [char:84]So you're looking for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] to find your sister and her abductors, right? [unk:4006:dd:0][new] Well, let's go, then. It'll be tough for you to go beyond here by yourself.[wait] 00011[char:6]: Right.[wait] 00012[char:4]: Yo, you're late! What the hell were you doing?[wait] 00013[char:5]: Sorry 'bout that.[wait] 10014[char:9]: Now then, the old tales say the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is stored in the deepest, most remote part of the entire temple.[wait] 00015[char:0]: So we just have to explore as deep inside as we can, then. Right?[wait] 00016[char:9]: You got it. I can't help but be concerned for that [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] we ran into, though.[wait] 00017[char:9]: He seemed to be in a bit of a rush, but I hope he's not completely unaware of the danger he's exposing himself to.[wait] 00018[char:5]: Well, I don't want to see him die helplessly in here. Let's go find him.[wait] 00019[char:9]: I second that.[wait] 12002[char:8c]The red light is thy enemy; the blue light is thy true path.[char:8c][wait] 10000[char:0]: Is that [char:6]!?[wait] 00001[char:5]: We gotta help him![wait] 10002[char:9]: That was a close call.[wait] 00003[char:6]: Thank you all so much.[wait] 00004[char:9]: I don't know if I would call you courageous or not, but I do know that [char:8c]wise[char:8c] is certainly not the word I'm looking for.[wait] 00005[char:6]: ...[wait] 00006[char:9]: Would you like to tell us a little about yourself now? It's going to get a lot rougher from here on in.[wait] 00007[char:6]: Well, I'm looking for my sister. We have been separated since childhood.[wait] 10008[char:6]: [char:84]I somehow managed to survive being thrown off a cliff, but my parents were killed, and they took away my sister.[unk:4006:79:1][new] I don't even know if she's dead or alive.[wait] 00009[char:6]: [char:84]I can never forget it. I can't get it out of my mind. That overwhelming sense of doom... That [color:0]shield with the crimson seal[color:0]...[unk:4006:ef:1][new] There couldn't be more than one of those in the world![wait] 00010[char:9]: A [color:0]shield with a crimson seal[color:0]!?[wait] 00011[char:6]: You know him!?[wait] 00012[char:9]: No. I shouldn't say more until I'm sure of it.[wait] 00013[char:6]: Oh. I see.[wait] 00014[char:9]: You must be searching for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] so you can find your sister and her kidnappers. Would you mind traveling with us?[wait] 00015[char:6]: Oh, of course not! In fact, I'd love to.[wait] 12000[char:8c]Thy path opens from a steep road.[char:8c][wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Resistance[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000[char:8c]Thy road may not always be the same.[char:8c][wait] Purgatorium Inner Sanctum B1F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: What the...where are we!?[wait] 00001[char:3]: This is definitely not the work of an underdeveloped planet.[wait] 00002[char:5]: ...[wait] Purgatorium Inner Sanctum B2F[unk:4006:78:0] 12002The door won't open.[wait] Purgatorium Inner Sanctum B3F[unk:4006:78:0] Purgatorium Inner Sanctum B4F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Angel Statuette[color:0] acquired.[wait] Purgatorium Inner Sanctum B5F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Magic Film[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Young Lady: Welcome to the port town of [color:1]Tropp[color:0].[wait] 12002Youth: I heard there's a special ship service to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]![wait] 12001Youth: You can take a ship from the harbor to [color:1]Eckdart[color:0]. From there, you can walk to [color:1]Ionis[color:0], and[new] further on to [color:1]Van City[color:0].[wait] 11030[char:1]: It's so strange to think that we're 300 years in the past. The towns and scenery don't[new] look all that different from our time.[wait] Tropp[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:7]: This would be the town of [color:1]Tropp[color:0]. Not that I mind being here, but you do realize we've overshot [color:1]Tatroi[color:0], right?[wait] 01009[char:0]: [char:8]'s right, you know. You've got something that nobody else has, so don't worry about it so much.[wait] 01010[char:1]: Like what? What do you find charming about me, [char:0]?[wait] 01011[char:0]: Uh... Well, like...uh...[wait] 01012[char:0]: Well, there's your clumsiness, your scatterbrained behavior...um, and all the off-kilter ideas you have...[wait] 01013[char:1]: Oh, come on! Did you really need to lay it all out like that!?[wait] 01014[char:0]: No, no! I just meant that...uh, you know, I just see those as kind of your...charming qualities, is all...yeah...[wait] 01015[char:1]: Uh!?[wait] 01016[char:8]: Hee hee hee.[wait] 01017[char:0]: Just forget about it, [char:1]. Even if you looked like [char:8], it wouldn't suit you at all.[wait] 01018[char:1]: Why not!?[wait] 01019[char:0]: [char:84]Look, even if you suddenly magically acquired [char:8]'s looks, you'd still be the same girl inside, right? [unk:4006:36:1][new] You'd still be the same old clumsy, scatterbrained [char:1] in the end.[wait] 01020[char:1]: Get out of my face, [char:0]! I hate you![wait] 01021[char:0]: Wait a minute, [char:1]! I'm just saying, everyone has their own set of charming qualities![wait] 01022[char:8]: You won't get anywhere with her like that. She's a very innocent young girl. You should try to understand that more, [char:0].[wait] 01023[char:0]: ...Sorry.[wait] 01024[char:8]: There's someone else you should be apologizing to.[wait] 11000[char:1]: Please, [char:8]! I want to become your student![wait] 01001[char:8]: Student of what? What are you talking about?[wait] 01002[char:1]: I want to become a beautiful woman just like you, [char:8].[wait] 01003[char:8]: ...I, I'm not...[wait] 01004[char:1]: How can I be as attractive as you? Please, tell me your secrets![wait] 01005[char:8]: Wait a minute, [char:1]. I'm glad you hold me in such high esteem, but I'm really not doing anything special.[wait] 01006[char:1]: But compared to you, it's like I'm still just a kid. I don't have any charm at all.[wait] 01007[char:8]: Oh, don't say that, [char:1]. You've got your own special charm. Everyone does.[wait] 01008 - [char:8]'s right. - It really doesn't suit you, [char:1].[wait] 11025[char:1]: [char:0]... Did you really mean what you just said? Do you really like me the way I am now?[wait] 11026[char:8]: You're such a cute girl, [char:1].[wait] 11027[char:8]: I think you better apologize to [char:1].[wait] 11028[char:8]: Try to choose your words a bit more carefully next time, all right?[wait] 11029[char:9]: There's only one way to end this cycle of violence and bring about real peace: defeat the[new] [color:4]Archfiend[color:0].[wait] [center][color:3]Victory Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:d]: Why, [char:0]!? I thought I could trust you![wait] 11129[char:d]: This town is so pretty.[wait] 12003Mother: That's a good question, honey. I wish I knew.[wait] 12002Mother: They do look juicy. Maybe Mommy should buy some on the way home.[wait] 12001Child: Mommy, why was the sky shining like that?[wait] 12000Child: Mommy, look. The fruit looks really juicy![wait] 12005Street Vendor: It's been much easier to import these plum-apples, thanks to the special [color:1]Portmith[color:0] service.[wait] 12004Street Vendor: Get your finest plum-apples here! Shipped straight from [color:1]Kraat[color:0]! Get them while you can![wait] 12008Youth: I heard that huge mansion on the other side of the ocean used to belong to the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0][new] family, but it recently got sold off.[wait] 12007Youth: What the heck was that flash of light?[wait] 12006Youth: You see that huge mansion on the other side of the ocean? I heard the owner's totally loaded.[wait] 11000[char:a]: [char:b], you're amazing! I wish you'd teach me some of your feline martial arts![wait] 01001[char:b]: Oh, sure![wait] 01002[char:b]: Ah-hem! Let us begin with the fundamentals.[wait] 01003[char:b]: Roll your hand into a fist, bring it up next to your face...[wait] 01004[char:b]: And say, [char:8c]Meow![char:8c][wait] 01005[char:a]: [char:8c]Meow[char:8c]...?[wait] 01006[char:b]: Yeah. Come on, do it![wait] 01007[char:a]: Roll your hand into a fist, bring it up next to your face...[wait] 01008[char:a]: ...Meow.[wait] 01009[char:b]: No no no! That's not cute at all![wait] 01010[char:b]: C'mon, do it more prettier![wait] 01011[char:a]: Meow![wait] 01012[char:b]: Noooo! Sexier![wait] 01013[char:a]: Mee-yaooow![wait] 01014[char:b]: No, that's not it![wait] 01015[char:a]: Meow![wait] 01016[char:b]: No! Put more love in it![wait] 01017[char:a]: Mee-yowww![wait] 01018[char:b]: Meow! That was super cute, [char:a]![wait] 01019Child: Mom, what's that guy doing?[wait] 01020Mother: Sshhh! Don't stare at him![wait] 11023[char:b]: You wanna try too, [char:0]!?[wait] 01024[char:0]: N-no... I'm fine.[wait] 01025[char:b]: Bahhhh.[wait] 11021[char:a]: The feline martial arts are a surprisingly complex form of combat![wait] 01022[char:0]: ...I, I see.[wait] 11026[char:0]: What are you guys talking about?[wait] 01027[char:3]: Oh, hey, [char:0]. We were just discussing how we'd classify my [color:1]symbology[color:0].[wait] 01028[char:5]: I've never seen you use anything besides offensive [color:1]symbology[color:0], Captain. Can you use any healing spells, like [char:1]?[wait] 01029[char:3]: [char:1] here taught me some recovery [color:1]symbology[color:0], but I'm just no good at casting it.[wait] 01030[char:1]: Every person has their own set of [color:1]symbology[color:0] they're most capable of using. Like I'm just not good with offensive [color:1]symbology[color:0] at all.[wait] 01031[char:0]: I'm not good with [color:1]symbology[color:0] in the first place. Never studied it, either. What kind do you use, [char:5]?[wait] 01032[char:5]: Hmm... Well, no such thing exists on our home planet, so neither myself nor the captain have ever used it before.[wait] 01033[char:0]: Wha!? So you learned all the [color:1]symbology[color:0] you know here, [char:3]? That's incredible![wait] 01034[char:3]: Really?[wait] 01035[char:1]: Cause he had a VERY talented teacher. Isn't that right, [char:3]?[wait] 01036[char:3]: Uh...yeah. Yeah.[wait] 01037[char:5]: Huh...wonder what kind of special training she gave you.[wait] 01038[char:1]: Hee hee. You know...this and that...[wait] 01039[char:3]: That's enough, [char:1]! Don't say anymore![wait] 01040[char:1]: Aww, why not? I mean, after all I--[wait] 01041[char:3]: Please! Please, don't tell anyone about my training![wait] 01042[char:5]: Captain...what did you do?[wait] 01043[char:3]: What did--nothing! I didn't do anything. Just training, that's all. [color:1]Symbology[color:0] training![wait] 01044[char:5]: Then what are you trying so hard to hide!?[wait] 01045[char:1]: We're not trying to hide anything. Really![wait] 01046[char:3]: No, no, no! Listen, [char:1]... You keep it a secret, and I'll buy you as many parfaits as you can eat![wait] 01047[char:1]: Parfaits! Ooh, I'm up for that! Sorry people, but our training will just have to be our little secret![wait] 01048[char:5]: Captain! That's not fair![wait] 01049[char:3]: And don't you bring up this subject about our training anymore either, [char:0].[wait] 01050[char:1]: Sorry, [char:0].[wait] 01051[char:3]: Let's go, [char:1].[wait] 01052[char:1]: Okay![wait] 01053[char:5]: Captain...what on earth did you do?[wait] 01054[char:0]: More like, what was he forced to do?[wait] 11055[char:5]: What kind of training did the captain undertake? Now I'm getting curious.[wait] 11124[char:4]: I don't remember a thing about what happened...[wait] 11125[char:6]: That woman...[wait] 11126[char:a]: How could I just faint like that? Hopefully it's nothing a little training won't solve.[wait] 11127[char:5]: Captain! What happened just now!? What...what...what did [char:c] do to us!?[wait] 01128[char:3]: What do you mean? Listen, could you stop shaking me like that? I'm kind of dealing with a[new] bout of nausea right now...[wait] 01075[char:0]: ...I better get out of here. She's gonna make me drink that if she sees me.[wait] 01076[char:c]: Ooh, [char:4]! What perfect timing![wait] 01077[char:4]: Mm? What? ...Oh, you givin' that to me? Nice! I was just gettin' thirsty, actually.[wait] 01078[char:c]: Ooh, [char:6]! You're just the man I need for this![wait] 01079[char:6]: Yes? My, what a commotion here.[wait] 01080[char:c]: Ooh, [char:a]! You're free right now, aren't you?[wait] 01081[char:a]: I was on my way to training.[wait] 01082[char:c]: Enough of your lip, boy! Get over here![wait] 01083[char:a]: Y-y-y-y-yes, ma'am![wait] 01084[char:c]: Ooh, [char:3]! What perfect timing![wait] 01085[char:3]: Mmm? What for? Hey, you got quite a crowd here.[wait] 01086[char:c]: Ooh, [char:0]! What perfect timing![wait] 01087[char:0]: Ulp![wait] 01088[char:c]: Whadaya mean, [char:8c]ulp[char:8c]!? C'mon, you aren't doing anything right now! Drink this love potion for me![wait] 01089[char:0]: Why do I have to drink that crazy stuff!? No, N-O, no way![wait] 01090[char:c]: What's the matter, boy? My potion not good enough for you!?[wait] 01091[char:0]: Well, who the heck would buy a [color:2]one-Fol[color:0] love potion!? Nobody, that's who![wait] 01092[char:c]: I priced it for the sake of all the forlorn lovers in the world! Man, you really don't trust me, do you?[wait] 01093[char:0]: It's not that. I'm just saying that I don't want to drink it.[wait] 01094[char:c]: You hate me, don't you, [char:0]!? You're always so cold to me![wait] 01095[char:0]: Oh, all right, all right! Just stop crying! I'll drink it if it'll make you feel better![wait] 01096[char:c]: There you go! This would've been much easier if you had just said yes from the get-go.[wait] 01097[char:c]: Gather 'round, everybody! This young guy is a total bust with the girls...but just one swig of this potion, and he'll be a changed man![wait] 01098Young Lady: Oooh![wait] 01103[char:0]: *Sigh* Well, I guess it won't kill me. Here goes nothing![wait] 01104[char:0]: *Gulp gulp gulp* Gahhh! This tastes horrible![wait] 01105[char:0]: Urrrp... What's this stuff made of...?[wait] 01106[char:c]: ...[wait] 01107[char:0]: Ugh! I've just about had it with this...[char:c].[wait] 01108[char:0]: ...Why have I never noticed this before?[wait] 01109[char:0]: [char:c]... My heart is full of untamed love for your soul.[wait] 01110Youth: Oh ho ho![wait] 01111Youth: Whoa![wait] 01112Young Lady: It really works![wait] 01113[char:c]: Heh...uh... You see that, everybody? My love potion works instantly! It's absolutely the real deal![wait] 01114[char:0]: Ahh...such a charming girl you are![wait] 01115[char:c]: Oooh! You do go on, don't you? Please, not while everyone's watching![wait] 01116[char:0]: I... I want to... I... I... I, iiiiiiiiii... Brrrrrecccchhhh.[wait] 01117[char:c]: Aaaaaagggghh![wait] 01118Youth: Wow... That stuff must taste horrible.[wait] 01119Youth: Ugh... The girls would hate me even more if I drank that.[wait] 01120Youth: Yeah, you're right.[wait] 01121[char:c]: Hmm... Guess taste is more important than I thought. I think I'll make a strawberry flavor next time.[wait] 01122An hour later...[unk:4006:0:0] 01123[char:0]: Ugh...where...where am I? [char:c] had me do something, and...I don't remember anything afterwards...[wait] 11056[char:c]: Step right up, folks, step right up and marvel at my fabulous wares![wait] 01057[char:c]: Here is my latest product for everyone! It's [char:c] Brand's very own love potion! Guaranteed to snare that special someone![wait] 01058Youth: Ooooohh![wait] 01059Young Lady: This looks really suspicious.[wait] 01060Youth: No it doesn't! It's...it's the dream of every young man in the nation![wait] 01061Young Lady: Oh really? Every young man in the nation must be pretty desperate, then.[wait] 01062[char:c]: For one day only, I'm bringing you this love potion at a price that can't be beat![wait] 01063Youth: How much is it, lady?[wait] 01064[char:c]: I hope you're ready for this... All of this for only [color:2]one Fol[color:0]![wait] 01065Youth: Wow![wait] 01068Young Lady: Come on. This is getting seriously suspicious now.[wait] 01069Youth: Yeah... I'm not so sure about that price, either.[wait] 01070Young Lady: Why don't you drink it? Show us how it works![wait] 01071[char:c]: Ooh...uh, I don't...[wait] 01072Youth: Yeah! Drink it![wait] 01073[char:c]: Mmm, what to do...[wait] 01074 - I got a bad feeling about this... - I should watch a little longer.[wait] [char:7]: Only the lowest of scum try to steal from their own friends.[wait] [center][color:3]Holy Mist[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:a]: I'm gonna straighten you out with the impact of my fists! Now, come at me![wait] 12000Young Lady: Wow, how scary! That meteor came out of nowhere.[wait] 12001Young Lady: I love this weather![wait] 12002Dallan's Son, Rod: You can get a great view of the ocean from my house![wait] 12003Dallan's Son, Rod: My dad took me to that place near [color:1]Kraat[color:0] where that big thing fell out of the sky![wait] 12004Soldier: Look at her gazing out across the ocean. She looks so beautiful...[wait] 12005Soldier: Whether to [color:1]Van[color:0] or to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0], I will follow you to the end, Captain [char:7]![wait] 11077[char:7]: This is the last we'll see of [color:1]Astral[color:0]. Once we've crossed the ocean, we'll be in [color:1]Van[color:0].[wait] 11076[char:a]: You need to align your mind and body through training so you won't lose your senses even[new] after transforming![wait] 11000Mazzoi: Move it! Come on, would you hurry it up!?[wait] 01001Mana: Y-yes, sir.[wait] 01002Mazzoi: My gosh, you're quite possibly the worst excuse for a maid I have ever known.[wait] 01003Mana: I apologize, sir...[wait] 01004[char:1]: Who's that stuck-up weirdo?[wait] 01005Gal: That's the eldest son of the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family. He's always abusing poor Mana, his maid.[wait] 01006Jennifer: Poor, poor Mana...[wait] 01007Mazzoi: Come on, quit screwing around.[wait] 01008Mana: Yes, sir.[wait] 01009[char:1]: It must be terrible, getting yelled at like that constantly...[wait] 01010[char:0]: Yeah, I bet it is.[wait] 11011[char:1]: I really wish we could help that poor girl somehow.[wait] 11059[char:1]: Hee hee... I bet Mr. [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0]'s going to be the most loving father in the world once his kid[new] is born![wait] 11012Mazzoi: Come on, Mana, move it.[wait] 01013Mana: Yes, sir.[wait] 01014Mana: ![wait] 01015Mazzoi: H-hey! Mana![wait] 01016Mazzoi: Man, you've got to be the clumsiest girl in the world.[wait] 01017Mana: Hee hee... I apologize.[wait] 01018[char:1]: Whoa! Things sure seem different between them now.[wait] 01019[char:0]: You said it. He's like a different person.[wait] 01020Jennifer: Ah, you mean the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] boy and Mana? Well, they've been through quite a bit, you could say.[wait] 01021Jennifer: The [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family apparently got themselves in some serious trouble. They've got debts running up to [color:2]a hundred million Fol[color:0]![wait] 01022[char:1]: A hundred million!?[wait] 01023[char:0]: A hundred million!?[wait] 01024Mana: [char:1]! [char:0]![wait] 01025Mana: Thank you so much for all your help![wait] 01026[char:0]: Oh, no! We...we hardly did anything for you to be thanking us.[wait] 01027[char:1]: ...Speaking of which, I heard you're dealing with some serious debt right now. Are you going to be all right?[wait] 01028Mana: It's all been paid back. We sold off the mansion, the antiques...everything. The maids have all been let go, too.[wait] 01029Mazzoi: [char:84]I kind of fell into a panic once things started really turning sour...and that's when I turned to gambling.[unk:4006:68:1][new] That only served to put us even deeper in the hole. I feel like such a loser.[wait] 01030Mazzoi: [char:84]Mana was the only support I had the whole time. She kept telling me not to give up, not to run away.[unk:4006:4a:1][new] No matter how badly I lashed out at her, she was always there for me.[wait] 01031[char:1]: Is that right? You're really amazing, Mana.[wait] 01032Mana: Oh, no, no! There's nothing amazing about me! I just wanted to do whatever I could to serve him.[wait] 01033Mazzoi: Ha ha... I really don't deserve someone like Mana.[wait] 01034Mazzoi: ...I was a horrible, horrible person to her. I loved her, but I wanted to test her out, so I acted the complete opposite...[wait] 01035Mazzoi: But I've changed. I make an honest living nowadays. I don't want to put Mana through any more abuse.[wait] 01036Mana: Ohh... I told you, you didn't have to keep bringing that up, sir.[wait] 01037Mazzoi: And I told you, you are no longer a maid to me. You don't have to act like that all the time.[wait] 01038Mana: Oh, right! I need to repay you for the [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] you gave me. I want you to have this. It's not much, but please, take it.[wait] [center][color:3]Luscious Gratin[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Scrumptious Pizza[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Delectable Cheese[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Treasured Gorgonzola[color:0] acquired.[wait] 01039[char:0]: This much...!?[wait] 01040Mana: I made them myself. I hope you enjoy them.[wait] 01041Jennifer: Oh, Mana's cooking is the best in town! You've got to teach me your secrets sometime, Mana![wait] 01042Mazzoi: Hey, try not to run her ragged right now, okay? She's due soon.[wait] 01043Jennifer: Oh, I know! Quit worrying all the time.[wait] 01044[char:1]: ...She's due?[wait] 01045Mazzoi: Ha ha...To tell you the truth, we're going to have a child soon![wait] 01047[char:0]: A child!?[wait] 01046[char:1]: A child!?[wait] 01048Mana: Oh, it's not that [char:8c]soon,[char:8c] sir... We've got a good six months ahead, don't we?[wait] 01049Mazzoi: Ha ha ha! I'm sorry. I'm just so happy for us. I never imagined I'd become a father![wait] 01050Mana: Well, we had best be going. It was wonderful to see you again.[wait] 01051[char:1]: Oh, me too. Hope we can do it again![wait] 01052Mazzoi: Shall we be going, Mana?[wait] 01053Mana: Yes, sir.[wait] 01054Mazzoi: You're never going to kick that habit, are you? You don't have to call me [char:8c]sir[char:8c] anymore.[wait] 01055Mazzoi: Here, grab my hand. I don't want you slipping here.[wait] 01056Mana: Yes...dear.[wait] 01057[char:1]: I'm glad for Mana. She looks so happy.[wait] 01058[char:0]: Yeah...she does.[wait] 11060[char:c]: I think I'll try for more of a sweet flavor next time, like strawberry...or maybe lemon![new] Something sour might work better.[wait] 11061[char:1]: How'd it go?[wait] 01062[char:5]: ...I just don't think the captain sees me as a romantic possibility.[wait] 01063[char:1]: Oh, that's not true.[wait] 01064[char:5]: I dunno...[wait] 01065[char:1]: [char:3] was floored by you, couldn't you tell?[wait] 01066[char:5]: Really? He thought I was coming down with something.[wait] 01067[char:1]: No, he's just embarrassed! Trust me, I know these things.[wait] 01068[char:5]: Heh heh... I wish I were that confident. Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to wait for him to make the first move.[wait] 01069[char:1]: Wait for him?[wait] 01070[char:5]: Right. He still hasn't fully worked out the knots inside of his heart. I'm going to wait until he has.[wait] 01071[char:1]: [char:5]...[wait] 01072[char:5]: I'm sorry to make you worry about me, [char:1].[wait] 01073[char:1]: Oh, no! I'm always on your side, [char:5].[wait] 01074[char:5]: I appreciate that, [char:1].[wait] 11075[char:1]: Hmm... Being a grown-up is pretty hard, isn't it?[wait] [center][color:3]Ugly Accessory[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12001Gal: Oh my god, have you heard? That light crashed somewhere a bit north of [color:1]Kraat[color:0]![wait] 12000Gal: Oh my god, have you heard? There's something called a super specialty that's even[new] cooler than a specialty![wait] 11013[char:3]: Compared to [color:1]Van[color:0], this place feels like an oven.[wait] 11000[char:9]: So [color:4]Argosy[color:0]...I mean, the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], used you to kill anyone who put up [color:0]resistance[color:0] against the demons?[wait] 01001[char:d]: It wasn't just me. There were other children who were brainwashed and used as the demons' advance guards.[wait] 01002[char:9]: My goodness...[wait] 01003[char:d]: Most of them never came back from their first mission...[wait] 01004[char:9]: Used as disposable pawns. But I suppose they were enough to instill fear and uncertainty into the public.[wait] 01005[char:d]: Yeah, you're right.[wait] 01006[char:9]: I still find it amazing that even the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] succumbed to the curse of the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0].[wait] 01007[char:d]: Yes, but the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] is really the one to blame for all of this.[wait] 01008[char:9]: [char:d]... When I think of all you've been through, I find it nearly impossible to tell you to forget about your revenge.[wait] 01014[char:9]: However, if you follow the path of vengeance, you'll wind up losing your free will. Be careful.[wait] 01009[char:d]: As you get older, you worry more about other people, don't you?[wait] 01010[char:9]: Ha ha ha ha ha! Well, just remember that you've got the support of the people around you.[wait] 01015[char:9]: I suppose I shouldn't lecture people so much in my old age.[wait] 01011[char:d]: Thank you, [char:9].[wait] 11012[char:d]: It's really true, though... I have all of you with me now.[wait] [center][color:3]Howling Fox Cider[color:0] acquired.[wait] Sailor: Hey, whoa! What're you doing!? That's why I like the ocean; it's too dangerous on land![wait] 12002Sailor: Special service to [color:1]Portmith[color:0]! It's [color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0] per person or [color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0] for the lot of you![wait] 12008Sailor: That's not enough money, man.[wait] 12000Sailor: Man, what I'd do for a juicy tuna steak... I'm talking bluefin tuna, not yellowfin.[wait] 12001Sailor: Man, what I'd do to be able to travel all the oceans of the world![wait] 12004Sailor: Where're you going? Gimme the money and I'll take you anywhere.[wait] [color:3] - Autanim (Astral Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] 12006Sailor: That's not enough money, man.[wait] 12003Sailor: You wanna get to [color:1]Eckdart[color:0]? It's [color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0] per person or [color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0] for the lot of you.[wait] 12007Sailor: Sorry. The ship for [color:1]Eckdart[color:0]'s under repairs right now.[wait] 11050[char:4]: Cross the ocean and we'll find [color:1]Van[color:0], then [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]. You don't want to screw around with the[new] monsters over there![wait] 11051[char:9]: Countless young men departed from this port on their way to the front lines of the [color:1]Demonic[new] Wars[color:0].[wait] 10006[char:7]: Why don't we stop by [color:1]Astral[color:0] first before sailing off?[wait] 00007[char:7]: A lot of people live there. I bet we could get some information on our friends.[wait] 10000[char:5]: Speaking of which, weren't we headed for [color:1]Astral[color:0]?[wait] 00001[char:5]: They said we could catch a ship to [color:1]Astral Castle[color:0] over in [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 10002[char:4]: Weren't we headed for the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]?[wait] 00003[char:4]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]'s further north of here, man.[wait] 10004[char:5]: Weren't we headed for the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]?[wait] 00005[char:0]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is further north from here, isn't it?[wait] 11036[char:1]: I hope Mr. [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] manages to find Mana.[wait] 11001[char:0]: Hey, isn't that the guy from the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family?[wait] 01002[char:0]: Um...you're from the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family, aren't you?[wait] 01003Mazzoi: Yes. Who're you?[wait] 01004[char:0]: Oh, pardon me. I'm an acquaintance of Mana's.[wait] 01005Mazzoi: Mana's?[wait] 01006[char:0]: Yes. Where is she, by the way? I haven't seen her around.[wait] 01007Mazzoi: Ah ha ha ha ha hah! She actually has friends!?[wait] 01008[char:0]: What's so strange about that?[wait] 01009Mazzoi: Heh heh... No, I was just surprised, is all.[wait] 01010Mazzoi: I let Mana go... Fired her.[wait] 01011[char:1]: Why!? Why'd you have to do that? She worked so hard for you![wait] 01012Mazzoi: Pfft! She didn't bring me my [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] the other day. She ignored my direct order, so I fired her.[wait] 01013[char:1]: You've got to be joking! That was the reason you fired her!?[wait] 01014Mazzoi: Heh heh... That's right... That was the only thing.[wait] 01015[char:1]: Mr. [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0]?[wait] 01016Mazzoi: [char:84]That girl... She listened to everything I told her without complaining even once.[unk:4006:18:1][new] All the maids I had before quit after they'd had enough of me, but she was different...[wait] 01017Mazzoi: Eventually I started testing her to see how much she'd take before finally breaking.[wait] 01018Mazzoi: Heh... I suppose I noticed too late. Ever since Mana left the mansion, it's like all the colors of the world have gone away.[wait] 01019Mazzoi: [char:84]I eat the greatest [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] cuisine in the world every day, but it just doesn't taste the same anymore...[unk:4006:80:1][new] My luxurious mansion, the view outside... Everything just looks so gray now.[wait] 01020Mazzoi: Mana was my only... She was my everything.[wait] 01021[char:1]: Mr. [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0]...[wait] 01022Mazzoi: Listen. You said you were friends with her. Do you have any idea where she might be right now?[wait] 01023[char:0]: Well...[wait] 01024[char:1]: You'd probably know that better than anyone else.[wait] 01025Mazzoi: Me?[wait] 01026[char:1]: Where would Mana go, do you think? Any place come to mind?[wait] 01027Mazzoi: ...[wait] 01028[char:1]: Well, why don't you go there and see her, then!? If she's who you want, then go get her back! You may never get another chance![wait] 01029Mazzoi: I hope she'll forgive me...[wait] 01030[char:0]: She will. I know it. She's waiting for you.[wait] 01031Mazzoi: Oh, thank you! Thank you![wait] 01032[char:1]: So in the end, Mr. [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] loved Mana, too.[wait] 01033[char:0]: ...Too?[wait] 01034[char:1]: What? Come on, do you think she'd work so hard for him if she hated his guts? And Mana worked really, really hard![wait] 01035[char:0]: Oh.[wait] 11037[char:1]: Don't talk to me, [char:0]! I hate you![wait] 01038[char:0]: No, listen, I'm really sorry, all right? Come on, listen to me.[wait] 11039[char:1]: There isn't a woman in the world who doesn't want to be pretty. Why can't you see that?[new] You idiot.[wait] 01040[char:0]: I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that.[wait] 01041[char:1]: ...[wait] 01042[char:0]: You don't have to aspire to be anyone else, [char:1]. I think you're perfectly cute just[new] the way you are.[wait] 01043[char:1]: But...there's no way I'm good enough for you just yet.[wait] 01044[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 11045[char:1]: Aw, never mind. You just wait 'til I'm prettier! See if I talk to you then![wait] 11049[char:5]: I'm sorry. I want to be alone for now.[wait] 11046[char:0]: [char:5]...[wait] 01047[char:5]: I'm sorry, [char:0]. Could you leave me alone for now?[wait] 01048[char:0]: Sure...[wait] 10000[char:5]: That light! What's that!?[wait] 10002[char:4]: What the hell!?[wait] 00003[char:5]: Was that a meteoroid?[wait] 10004[char:9]: What in the world!?[wait] 00005[char:5]: Was that a meteoroid?[wait] 10006[char:7]: What's that!?[wait] 00007[char:5]: Was that a meteoroid?[wait] 00008[char:6]: There's no magic in the world that could make a light so intense![wait] 10001[char:5]: What was that? A meteoroid?[wait] 00009[char:0]: That wasn't the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] just now, was it?[wait] 10010[char:6]: The [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]?[wait] 10011[char:4]: The [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]? Wossat?[wait] 00012[char:0]: Oh, uh...[wait] 00013[char:4]: That was one hell of a light. I reckon it landed over on the [color:1]Muan continent[color:0].[wait] 10014[char:9]: The [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]?[wait] 00015[char:0]: Oh, uh...[wait] 00016[char:9]: Judging by the path of that light, I believe it hit the [color:1]Muan continent[color:0].[wait] 10017[char:7]: The [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]? What's that?[wait] 00018[char:0]: Oh, uh...[wait] 00019[char:7]: If I had to guess where that light was headed, I'd say straight for the [color:1]Muan continent[color:0].[wait] 00020[char:5]: It might be a good idea to check it out. I'm curious about what happened.[wait] 00021 - You wanna go way back there? - I've got to see this![wait] 00022[char:0]: You want to go all the way back there?[wait] 00023[char:4]: Yeah! That's gonna be a pain, y'know.[wait] 00024[char:9]: Aren't you interested in what it could be?[wait] 00025[char:6]: I would love to see it myself, actually. I can't help but wonder how something like that could shine so brightly.[wait] 00026[char:7]: Well, I'm a bit interested myself.[wait] 00027[char:5]: [char:84]It's true that getting to [color:1]Muah[color:0] from here isn't exactly straightforward.[unk:4006:c7:0][new] Maybe we can find someone willing to take us to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] over at the port.[wait] 00028[char:0]: Makes sense.[wait] 00029[char:0]: I'd really like to see it. Let's go.[wait] 00030[char:4]: Whaaa!?[wait] 00031[char:9]: Wonderful.[wait] 00032[char:6]: Absolutely.[wait] 00033[char:0]: I think what we just witnessed was the landfall of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0].[wait] 00034[char:5]: The [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0]?[wait] 00035[char:0]: [char:84]Yeah. It fell from the sky long, long ago according to the legends.[unk:4006:d0:0][new] They called it the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0], but no one had any idea where it came from.[unk:4006:4:1][new] It landed north of [color:1]Kratus[color:0]--a giant, strange, metal thing shaped like a ship. I think that's what we saw just now.[wait] 00036[char:5]: Interesting.[wait] 00037[char:5]: Let's head for port, then. We can try to find someone willing to take us to [color:1]Portmith[color:0] from there.[wait] 11101[char:0]: It's a really pretty town. I like the sea breeze, too![wait] 11000[char:1]: Look at those beautiful white houses! I'd love to live in a place like this.[wait] 11001[char:3]: This looks almost like a resort town. I wouldn't mind settling down in a place like this.[wait] 11002[char:5]: The water's so blue and the buildings are so beautiful. I love it.[wait] 11003[char:4]: Aw, man... I like the bar here, but I can never have a drink in peace. You'll see what I mean.[wait] 11004[char:9]: Make sure you don't overexert yourself in this heat.[wait] 11006[char:7]: It's hard to believe that this town and [color:1]Astral City[color:0] exist on the same continent, isn't it? I like that kind of variety.[wait] 11008[char:a]: *Sniff sniff* Something smells good![wait] 11011[char:c]: I heard there's a really good restaurant here! Wanna grab a bite there, [char:0]?[wait] 12001Dallan's Wife: My husband took off for [color:1]Muah[color:0] with our son. *Sigh* Just like moths drawn to a flame.[wait] 12000Dallan's Wife: My husband's always goofing around instead of doing any work. I'm really beginning to[new] give up on him![wait] Dallan's House[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Seafood Pasta[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12006Youth: The [color:3]Seafood Pasta[color:0] here's really awesome.[wait] 11003[char:b]: Ooo, I love port towns! They always have such deeelicious fishy food![wait] Food Shop [char:8c]Plumbee's[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11002[char:3]: Just don't bring it up again. Please.[wait] 11000[char:1]: Trust me, [char:0], I'm dying to tell you about what happened. But I promised[new] [char:3] I wouldn't, so that's that.[wait] 11001[char:1]: Yum... I love parfaits![wait] 02010 - 10 oz. Steak[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Seafood Pasta[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Stew[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:0][color:3] - I'm fine, thanks.[wait] 12000Plumbee's Waitress: Welcome to Plumbee's. What would you like to eat?[wait] [center][color:3]10 oz. Steak[color:0] acquired.[wait] 02005Plumbee's Waitress: I'm sorry, sir, but you don't have enough money. Please come back again later.[wait] 02007Plumbee's Waitress: It doesn't look like you can carry any more of that food item. Please come again![wait] [center][color:3]Stew[color:0] acquired.[wait] 02004Plumbee's Waitress: Please come again![wait] 02011 - Fruit Parfait[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Apple Pie[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Sherbet[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:0][color:3] - I'm fine, thanks.[wait] 02012 - Fruit Parfait[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Apple Pie[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Sherbet[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:0][color:3] - I'm fine, thanks.[wait] 02013 - Fruit Parfait[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Apple Pie[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0][color:3] - Sherbet[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:0][color:3] - I'm fine, thanks.[wait] 02002Plumbee's Waitress: Would you like some dessert?[wait] [center][color:3]Apple Pie[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sherbet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Boiled Mushrooms[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Cola[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Bodom: How's it going?[wait] 12001Adventurer: I was hired to look for precious metals in [color:1]Van[color:0]. The problem is, I don't even know where to begin![wait] 12003Man: I heard there was a huge explosion near [color:1]Kraat[color:0]. Something about a meteor?[wait] 12002Man: I just moved here from the town of [color:1]Durss[color:0]. [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]'s no place for ordinary folk these[new] days. It's just too dangerous![wait] 12005Jennifer: Did you see that bright light coming from [color:1]Muah[color:0]? It looked like something huge fell out of[new] the sky and crashed there. Isn't that scary?[wait] 12004Jennifer: Hi, sweetie.[wait] 12006Dallan: Adventuring all the time must be really tiring. You should try doing nothing all day for a[new] change.[wait] 12007Dallan: Wow! What do you think that strange thing falling through the sky was? Ah, who cares when[new] I've got this bottle of fine wine in my hand! Am I right? Am I right?[wait] 11092[char:6]: The [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] live high up in the mountains of [color:1]Van[color:0]. That's where we used to live, too. My[new] family and I...[wait] Bar [char:8c]The Blue Lagoon[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000Jennifer: Ooh! It's that cute boy from before.[wait] 01001Jennifer: Huh? Where does the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family live? That's a good question, come to think of it.[new] They don't live in [color:1]Tropp[color:0], that's for sure.[wait] 11002Jennifer: I heard the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family's son went on a journey in search of his beloved Mana! Can you[new] believe it? That's so romantic![wait] 11003Jennifer: I'm happy for Mana, she just looks so happy. I wish somebody out there would[new] sweep me off my feet like that![wait] 01004Jennifer: Hmm... You know, you aren't so bad-looking yourself.[wait] 11005Jennifer: There was a girl selling love potions earlier, you say? Oh, how did I miss it... Too bad I[new] wasn't there to see.[wait] 11022[char:7]: Could you let me be by myself for now?[wait] 11023[char:7]: Sorry to make you listen to my whining.[wait] 11006[char:0]: What's wrong?[wait] 01007[char:7]: Oh, it's nothing, [char:0].[wait] 01008 - C'mon, let's talk about something happy! - Is it about [char:4]? - I better not bother her.[wait] 01009[char:0]: Don't look so gloomy, then! C'mon, let's keep it happy around here![wait] 01010[char:0]: ...No good, huh?[wait] 01011[char:7]: Sorry, I'm not in the mood right now...[wait] 01012[char:0]: ...Is it about [char:4]?[wait] 01013[char:7]: ...[wait] 01014[char:0]: Well, don't beat yourself up over it. You don't have any control over him...[wait] 01015[char:7]: [char:84]I told [char:4] about Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s death because I had lost my temper.[unk:4006:d0:0][new] Now that I look back on it, it was a pretty heartless thing to do.[wait] 01016[char:0]: [char:7]...[wait] 01017[char:7]: I should have known better than anyone else how much pride he had in his father...[wait] 01018[char:0]: [char:84]It's not like you and [char:4] are never gonna see each other again. [unk:4006:9f:0][new] [char:7], if you regret how you acted earlier, you still have a chance to make up for it later.[wait] 01019[char:0]: Besides, it's not like he's the sort of guy who'll die of depression from what you told him.[wait] 01020[char:7]: That's true.[wait] 01021[char:7]: I feel a little bit better now. Thanks, [char:0].[wait] 11059[char:5]: Heh heh heh! You're such a pushover, old man.[wait] 11060[char:5]: Boy, you're a tougher customer than I thought. You won't catch me next time, though![wait] 11061[char:9]: I'm not about to let some kid beat me. Kah ha ha hah![wait] 11062[char:9]: Mnnngh... I'm getting too old, I guess...[wait] 11063Jennifer: Oh my, so the old man won, did he? That's wonderful![wait] 11064Jennifer: Oh my, so the young lady won, did she? That's wonderful![wait] 11024[char:5]: Today is the day we fight, old man![wait] 01025[char:9]: Hah! I'm not about to lose to some silly little girl![wait] 01026[char:0]: Hey! You guys can't have a duel here! There's too many people around! It's dangerous![wait] 01027[char:5]: Oh, [char:0], we aren't having that kind of a duel! It's a drinking contest.[wait] 01028[char:9]: That's right. I've got to show these people that the younger generation's no match for me![wait] 01029[char:0]: Oh... I see, I guess...[wait] 01030[char:5]: So, who're you betting on, [char:0]?[wait] 01031[char:0]: Huh? I, uh, I don't like to gamble...[wait] 01032[char:5]: Oh, don't be a stick-in-the-mud! This is the match of the century![wait] 01033[char:9]: When it's time for action, [char:0], a real man needs to put it all on the line.[wait] 01034[char:5]: I know! How about if [char:0] picks the loser, then he has to pay both of our tabs?[wait] 01035[char:9]: Splendid idea![wait] 01036[char:5]: Ooh, this is exciting! I'm feeling tingly already![wait] 01037[char:0]: Let's not get carried away...[wait] 01038[char:5]: Oh, don't give me that! Come on, place your bet.[wait] 01039 - I think [char:5] will win. - [char:9]'s gonna win.[wait] 01040[char:0]: All right... I'm betting on [char:5] to win.[wait] 01041[char:5]: Well done, [char:0]! That was a smart bet.[wait] 01093[char:9]: Nnngh... Make me out for a fool, will you?[wait] 01042[char:0]: All right... I'm betting on [char:9] to win.[wait] 01043[char:9]: Hah hah hah! Wait 'til you witness the depths of my drinking powers![wait] 01094[char:5]: Hmmm. Underestimating me just 'cause I'm a woman? Well, you'll regret it.[wait] 01044[char:5]: Come on, [char:0]! Give us a signal![wait] 01045[char:0]: Yeah, yeah... You guys ready? On your mark...get set...go![wait] 01046[char:5]: Looks like I've won, old man.[wait] 01047[char:9]: Nnnnnngh... Defeat, at the hands of a young lady! I'm getting too old for this...[wait] 01048[char:5]: Well, [char:0], aren't you glad you bet on me? [char:9], you gotta cover the tab for tonight, okay?[wait] 01095[char:9]: *Sigh* Time waits for no man, I suppose.[wait] 01096[char:5]: Hah! Hope you don't mind if we order a whole table-load, old man.[wait] 01049[char:5]: All right, [char:0]! I hope your wallet's prepared for the party I've got in mind![wait] 01097[char:5]: Barkeep! Get me a pitcher of Below Decks![wait] 01050[char:0]: You're gonna drink more!?[wait] 01098[center][char:0] paid the bill ([color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0]).[wait] 01051[char:9]: Women today...completely different from the old days...[wait] 01052[char:9]: Haaah hah hah hah! Victory is mine! Remember that the next time you pick on an old man.[wait] 01053[char:5]: Dammit! How did I lose!?[wait] 01054[char:9]: Apparently you aren't as good at reading people as you thought, [char:0]. I look forward to more drinking on your tab.[wait] 01055[char:5]: Whew... You're stronger than I thought, old man. Good thing I took out that insurance policy.[wait] 01056[char:0]: By insurance, you mean me?[wait] 01099[center][char:0] paid the bill ([color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0]).[wait] 01057[char:9]: [char:84]Well done, [char:0]! I knew I could count on you. We're going to have a feast tonight![unk:4006:45:1][new] Come on, [char:5]. How 'bout you and I sit a little closer and share a few drinks?[wait] 01058[char:5]: Ergh! They call that sexual harassment in my world, you know![wait] 11065[char:5]: Captain...don't you think it's pretty hot in here?[wait] 01066[char:3]: No, not really.[wait] 01067[char:5]: I've been feeling hot lately...[wait] 01068[char:3]: What? Is something wrong, [char:5]?[wait] 01069[char:5]: Captain... I...[wait] 01070[char:3]: I hope it's not a fever. This journey must be tiring you out.[wait] 01071[char:5]: ...[wait] 01072[char:3]: Well, don't overexert yourself. I can't have you getting sick before we get back to [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] 01073[char:5]: Captain...[wait] 01074[char:3]: Let's head to the inn. Can you stand?[wait] 01075[char:5]: No, I'm... I'm fine now. Just had a little too much to drink.[wait] 01076[char:3]: Oh... Well, we should still get you some rest.[wait] 01077[char:5]: I'm gonna go get some fresh air outside.[wait] 01078[char:3]: Sure, but remember to get back to the inn soon, okay?[wait] 01079[char:5]: Yes, Captain.[wait] 11088[char:3]: I know what I have to do, but I just can't bite the bullet... I'm pathetic, I know.[wait] 11080[char:3]: I've been nothing but a burden on [char:5] this whole trip. As a commanding officer, I[new] might be a total failure.[wait] 01081[char:0]: Oh, you are not! Don't you realize how much your presence means to [char:5],[new] [char:3]? I mean, even I can see that.[wait] 01082[char:3]: I know, but I... I...[wait] 01083[char:0]: [char:3]...[wait] 01084[char:3]: I need more time. Even if I wind up hurting [char:5]'s feelings... I've got to spend[new] some more time thinking about this.[wait] 01085[char:0]: It's all right. I'm sure [char:5] would understand even if it takes a little while.[wait] 01086[char:0]: I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't be barging in on your affairs...[wait] 01087[char:3]: Don't worry about it... Thank you, [char:0].[wait] 11089Jennifer: Ahh, star-crossed lovers... How romantic![wait] 11090Jennifer: Ooh, the melancholy written all over that man's face... It's so beautiful! I love that look![wait] 11091Jennifer: The lady who just left... She really gave it her all, didn't she? I was cheering for her[new] over here![wait] 12000Morgan: There're some tough monsters roaming around [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]. You'd better upgrade your weapons[new] before going there.[wait] 12001Morgan: Take care of yourselves.[wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]Neptune's Trident[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Eggs and Dairy[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fine Tuna Sashimi[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fountain Pen[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Faerie Mist[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Girl: Welcome to the port town of [color:1]Eckdart[color:0].[wait] 12001Girl: This is my dog, Lucky. Isn't she cute?[wait] 12003Mister: You'll find some really high quality items here that you won't find anywhere else. Have[new] a good look around.[wait] 12004Traveler: This is my first time on the [color:1]Silvalant continent[color:0]. It's so different from [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 12005Oroshi the Peddler: I'm just a peddler, but you might find something to your liking![wait] 12006Oroshi the Peddler: Thanks a lot![wait] 11135[char:d]: I decided to rest over here. I'd just cause a commotion if I walked out in the open.[wait] 11134[char:a]: When you train every day, your body learns to move before your mind tells it to![wait] Eckdart[unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:4]: I told you, you got the wrong idea![wait] 01001[char:7]: How could I!? I saw it with my own eyes! Stay away from me! You're disgusting![wait] 01002[char:4]: Wait, you got it all wrong! Man, how can I explain this to you!?[wait] 01003[char:0]: (They practically sound like a husband and wife...)[wait] 11004[char:1]: Hey, is [char:4] seeing other women or something?[wait] 01005[char:0]: No. Why?[wait] 01006[char:1]: Oh? Well, [char:7] looked pretty furious, so...[wait] 11007[char:5]: I... I don't think I've seen anything like that before.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Ha ha ha...[wait] 01009[char:5]: But I think it might be cute if you tried it, you know.[wait] 01010[char:0]: Give me a break.[wait] 11027[char:d]: Hee hee... Aren't you a cute one?[wait] 01028Dog: *Whine*...[wait] 11011Dog: Rrrrr...[wait] 01012Girl: No! Don't growl at him! He's not going to hurt you.[wait] 01013Dog: Rrrarf! Arf arf arf arf arf![wait] 01014Girl: I said, stop it![wait] 01015[char:d]: Are you afraid of dogs, [char:0]?[wait] 01016[char:0]: Afraid? No. I like 'em, actually. It's not all that strange to be scared if one barks at you, though, is it?[wait] 01017[char:d]: He's just trying to figure out if you're gonna hurt his master or not.[wait] 01018Dog: Rrrr...[wait] 01019[char:d]: There, there... I'm your friend.[wait] 01020Dog: Rrrrrrrr...[wait] 01021[char:d]: You wanna be burned to ashes?[wait] 01022[char:d]: See? You just need to get the right signal across.[wait] 11023Girl: That was awesome, lady! I kept telling him to stop barking, but he'd never listen to me![wait] 01024[char:d]: Hee hee... Well, you just need to understand the dog's feelings.[wait] 01025[char:0]: ...[wait] 01026Dog: *Whine*...[wait] 11032[char:a]: Hang on, I'm just checking this order.[wait] 11029[char:a]: Whew... I gotta admit, I'm getting a little tired. Almost there, though![wait] 01030[char:0]: Huh? You still aren't done with that delivery?[wait] 01031[char:a]: Well, [char:5] had some stuff for me, too. Let's see... Ten bottles of Black Dragon,[new] ten bottles of Below Decks...[wait] 11077[char:5]: I'm not about to let [char:c] get the best of me![wait] 11068[char:1]: Hmm... I'm sure they'll make up soon enough, right?[wait] 11069[char:1]: This guy tried to pick me up![wait] 01070[char:0]: Wha!? What'd you say?[wait] 01071[char:1]: Oh, [char:0]! I turned him down, of course![wait] 01072[char:0]: Oh... Well, yeah, of course. Must've been a pretty hard-up guy to try flirting with you, though.[wait] 01073[char:1]: What!? Ugh! I'm sorry I ever said anything![wait] 11074[char:1]: Oh, don't mind me! I'll just go out with the next guy who flirts with me, see if I don't.[wait] 01075[char:0]: Hey, wait a minute...[wait] 11076[char:3]: *Sigh*... [char:5]'s as childish as the rest of them. She throws tantrums over the[new] silliest things...[wait] 11033[char:5]: You've got quite a big mouth for a girl your age. Is your mouth the only part of you that doesn't resemble a child?[wait] 01034[char:c]: Eeeeeeee! What're you acting so proud of, you wrinkle-faced prune!?[wait] 01035[char:5]: I am not wrinkle-faced! Like you got any room to talk! Your chest is as flat as an ironing board![wait] 01036[char:c]: You wanna go? Let's do it! Right 'ere![wait] 01037[char:0]: Whoa, whoa! What's going on!?[wait] 01038[char:3]: Ah, it's the same old thing as always...[wait] 01039[char:1]: [char:c] was picking on [char:5] a little, and it wound up escalating into this big fight.[wait] 01040[char:3]: By the time we finally noticed, things were already out of control...[wait] 01041[char:0]: Well, we better stop them.[wait] 01042[char:0]: Look, you two. Calm down.[wait] 01043[char:c]: Who do you like more? Me, or that old hag?[wait] 01044[char:0]: Whaaaaa!?[wait] 01045[char:5]: Come on, [char:0], tell her! Tell that crazy brat she means nothing to you![wait] 01046[char:c]: Which is it? The old hag!?[wait] 01047[char:5]: Or the crazy brat!?[wait] 01048[char:5]: Well!?[wait] 01049[char:c]: Well!?[wait] 01050[char:1]: Good luck, [char:0]![wait] 01051[char:3]: You're our only hope![wait] 01052[char:0]: Well, if I had to choose, I like someone elegant and well-refined...like [char:8].[wait] 01053[char:0]: Well, if I had to choose, I like someone strong and dignified...like [char:7].[wait] 01054[char:0]: Well, if I had to choose, I like someone cute and delicate...like [char:d].[wait] 01055[char:0]: Well, if I had to choose, I like someone bright and bouncy...like [char:b].[wait] 01056[char:0]: I... Come on, I can't answer something like that![wait] 01057[char:1]: You're horrible, [char:0]! Don't you care about me at all!?[wait] 01058[char:0]: No! I didn't mean it like that! [char:3], help me out here![wait] 01059[char:3]: Hey, leave me out of this![wait] 01060[char:c]: Ugh! This isn't accomplishing anything! Let's fight for it! A race to see how many guys try to pick us up before we meet again![wait] 01061[char:5]: You're on, you little twit![wait] 01062[char:c]: Just you watch! I'll show you the difference between me and some old hag![wait] 01063[char:5]: Hmph! I'd like to see you out-charm me, you little twit![wait] 01064[char:5]: Hmph![wait] 01065[char:c]: Hmph![wait] 01066[char:3]: Ugh... Why does [char:5] have to get involved in something like this?[wait] 01067[char:1]: So what started this whole argument, anyway?[wait] 11078[char:a]: Hey, [char:0].[wait] 01079[char:0]: !!![wait] 01080[char:a]: You've been following me around all this time, haven't you? Did you think I wouldn't notice?[wait] 01081[char:0]: [char:a], you're acting weird today! What happened to the old [char:a] we all know?[wait] 01082[char:a]: Oh, don't be silly. I'm the same [char:a] as always![wait] 01083[char:0]: That smile! It's scaring me![wait] 01084[char:a]: Oh...? Is there something wrong with this smile?[wait] 01085[char:0]: Yeah, there's something wrong! It's scary! C'mon, give me the old [char:a] back! What the heck happened to you!?[wait] 01086[char:a]: *Sigh* If you still don't believe it, then I'd happily take you somewhere we could be alone...[wait] 01087[char:0]: !!![wait] 01088[char:a]: In any case... It's time to punish you for tailing me.[wait] 01089[char:0]: Ahhhh!!![wait] 01090[char:a]: Heh heh... It's so cute how you tremble like that.[wait] 01091[char:0]: Huh!?[wait] 01092[char:a]: That face...just darling.[wait] 01093[char:0]: [char:a]! What are you talking about!? I'm a guy![wait] 01094[char:a]: Gender doesn't have anything to do with love.[wait] 01095[char:0]: Yes it does![wait] 01096[char:a]: *Sigh* Well, if you aren't gonna be helpful, then I've got ideas of my own.[wait] 01097[char:0]: What? What kind of ideas!?[wait] 01098[char:a]: I'd do anything for love! I could... I couuulllddd...[wait] 01099[char:a]: Bregggghhhhhh...[unk:4006:0:0] 01100[char:0]: [char:a]! You all right!?[unk:4006:0:0] 11132[char:a]: Ah, youth! Is there no better thing in life!?[wait] 11133[char:d]: I'm happy for them... It was getting so tantalizing, watching the two of them.[wait] 11131[char:1]: All's well that ends well, I guess... I was worried I'd never get to see you again,[new] [char:0].[wait] 11101[char:c]: Uh oh...[wait] 01102[char:0]: I heard all about it from [char:3]. Why'd you have to screw everything up, [char:c]? This is all your fault![wait] 01103[char:c]: I, I didn't expect this to happen... I didn't do it on purpose, y'know?[wait] 01104[char:0]: No, I really don't know, [char:c].[wait] 01105[char:c]: I was just trying to make a love potion! Not a body-switching potion![wait] 01106[char:0]: A love potion? Sheesh, you haven't given up on that yet!? Wasn't your last attempt a total failure?[wait] 01107[char:c]: That's why I didn't give up! This time, I was gonna make my [char:c] Brand Super Hyper Perfect Special Love Potion![wait] 01108[char:0]: Ugh... Whatever, just get everyone back to normal, okay?[wait] 01109[char:c]: ...I can't.[wait] 01110[char:0]: What did you say?[wait] 01111[char:c]: I said, I can't. I told you, it was all an accident. I didn't think that would happen. It's not like I've got an antidote prepared or anything...[wait] 01112[char:0]: Come on now... Are you kidding me?[wait] 01113[char:c]: Well I suppose it's just a potion, so it ought to wear off by itself if we just wait long enough... I think.[wait] 01114[char:0]: Look, don't try to avoid responsibility like that! What happens if it doesn't wear off!?[wait] 01115[char:c]: Don't worry about it. I'm sure things'll just work themselves out.[wait] 01116[char:5]: [char:c]?[wait] 01117[char:c]: Gyah![wait] 01118[char:5]: Come here for a sec, would you? I've had it with you. It's time you learned a lesson...[wait] 01119[char:c]: Well, glad to see you're back to normal! See? All's well that ends well, right? ...Right?[wait] 01120[char:5]: Yeah, you're right. It's a good thing I'm back in my body.[wait] 01121[char:c]: Yeah! Yeah! So you aren't mad anymore, right?[wait] 01122[char:5]: [char:c], one should take responsibility for one's actions.[wait] 01123[char:c]: Wait! Hold on! [char:0], help me![wait] 01124[char:0]: *Sigh* Problem solved, I guess.[wait] 01125[char:1]: [char:0]![wait] 01126[char:0]: Gahh![wait] 01127[char:0]: What're you doing, [char:1]!?[wait] 01128[char:1]: Oh, thank heavens! I'm back to my real body! Now it won't be weird hanging out with you again, [char:0]![wait] 01129[char:1]: Mm-hmm... This is the way I like it. There's no way I could live being that muscle-macho man. No way![wait] 01130[char:0]: Muscle-macho man...?[wait] 12002Girl: Lucky, behave![wait] 12001Young Man: *Sigh* That girl's really cute, but...I guess she already has someone she likes.[wait] 12000Young Man: A lot of trade passes through this town. That's why everyone here's so rich.[wait] 12002Soldier: What would look good on Captain [char:7]? A ruby, maybe? I don't know if I can[new] afford one, though.[wait] 12003Soldier: H-Hey! [char:8c]All for one, and one for all![char:8c] remember!? Hm...a ruby... How much would one cost?[wait] 11018[char:9]: The [color:1]kingdom of Van[color:0] has always acted as a leader among the four kingdoms in our struggles[new] against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. The [color:0]king of Van[color:0]'s certainly no pushover.[wait] 11016[char:9]: We'll have to be careful not to get sick ourselves.[wait] 11000[char:a]: ...Ugh. Lay off me.[wait] 01001[char:0]: !?[wait] 01002[char:a]: Don't talk to me if it's not important, okay?[wait] 01003[char:0]: ...[char:a]?[wait] 11017[char:9]: Ah, that takes me back to my youth.[wait] 11015[char:4]: Whew! I was gettin' kinda worried there for a bit...[wait] 11004[char:4]: Ahh! I can't face [char:0] anymore! Not like this![wait] 01005[char:4]: [char:84]I've always dreamed of picking strawberries with him, or having picnics on [color:1]Metorx[color:0] with him,[unk:4006:3c:1][new] or even going on dates and eating parfaits together with him! Now my dreams will never come true![wait] 01006[char:4]: [char:84]I wanted to walk together with him, holding hands... I wanted to have dinner with him. I wanted to do so much![unk:4006:c0:1][new] Oh, this is horrible! The worst! All my dreams and hopes, gone![wait] 01007[char:4]: Ahhh! What am I going to do now!?[wait] 01008[char:0]: [char:4]! What are you doing here?[wait] 01009[char:4]: [char:0]![wait] 01010[char:0]: What's wrong, [char:4]? You look kind of pale... What, are you crying? What happened!?[wait] 01011[char:4]: Don't...[wait] 01012[char:0]: Don't?[wait] 01013[char:4]: Don't look at meee!!![wait] 01014[char:0]: What the...?[wait] 12001Young Lady: Did you figure out what that thing was?[wait] 11014[char:7]: I never even thought about leaving [color:1]Astral[color:0] back in my [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0] days...[wait] 11011[char:d]: Oh, [char:0]! Have you seen my brother around?[wait] 11010[char:5]: That wasn't such a bad thing, I suppose...[wait] 11012[char:5]: He better not catch another cold anytime soon...[wait] 11000[char:a]: [char:5]... Why don't you fight with a sword, or a bow, or something?[wait] 01001[char:5]: [char:84]Me? Umm... Well, think of it this way. I wouldn't want to be helpless if I'm ever caught without a weapon in battle.[unk:4006:77:1][new] It's easier to spring to the aid of your friends if you aren't carrying a bunch of stuff.[wait] 01002[char:a]: Amazing... You're really brave![wait] 01003[char:5]: Er...what?[wait] 01004[char:a]: Such a delicate young woman, sacrificing her silky, graceful hands to the grueling rigors of battle... I couldn't bear such a thought.[wait] 01005[char:5]: Huhh!? C-come on, knock it off! People are watching us...[wait] 01006[char:a]: Heh heh, you're so bashful, [char:5]. I like that too. You really are the ideal woman.[wait] 01007[char:a]: Please, take care of yourself...[wait] 01008[char:0]: ...[char:a]'s acting kind of strange, isn't he?[wait] 01009[char:5]: Yeah, he is, but there's something about him that I...[wait] 01015[char:5]: Ah! No, never mind![wait] 11013[char:7]: I'm so envious of [char:5]... Agh! What am I saying!?[wait] 12000Young Lady: You can have this. I just picked it up over there, but I don't know what it is.[wait] [center][color:3]?FOOD[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11053[char:6]: I apologize. My parents were killed not far from here, so I can't help but be reminded[new] of it.[wait] 11010Female Citizen: Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] is not the sort of person you can sum up in a sentence or two. Her story[new] could take up volumes.[wait] 11000[char:8]: I'm searching for a man who goes by the name of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]. Do you know anything about him?[wait] 01001Female Citizen: The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]? Sorry, I can't help you.[wait] 01002[char:8]: I see... He was in [color:1]Ionis[color:0] earlier, so I thought maybe he would still be nearby...[wait] 01003Female Citizen: Well, why don't you try asking Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0], then?[wait] 01004[char:8]: Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0]?[wait] 01005Female Citizen: She knows everything. Not just about things around town, but all over [color:1]Van[color:0], too. Even the bigwigs around here have to answer to her.[wait] 01006Female Citizen: She collects a lot of information around here, so if the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] is nearby, she would know about it.[wait] 01007[char:8]: Where is she?[wait] 01008Female Citizen: She lives in the house at the highest spot in town.[wait] 01009[char:8]: Thank you very much.[wait] 11011[char:a]: *Huff*... Just a little more...! I can't rest yet...![wait] 01012[char:0]: What're you doing, [char:a]?[wait] 01013[char:0]: ...Whoa! Look at all those bottles![wait] 01014[char:a]: I bought some wine at [char:4]'s request. I'm delivering it to him now.[wait] 01015[char:a]: I bought some wine at [char:9]'s request. I'm delivering it to him now.[wait] 01016[char:a]: Carrying around heavy objects... It's really wonderful training![wait] 01017[char:0]: ...He probably just foisted that off on you 'cause he was too lazy to do it himself. There's no way you can carry all this![wait] 01018[char:a]: Well, that's why I said yes! If it weren't heavy, it wouldn't be training, now would it?[wait] 01019[char:a]: And I'm not delivering them just yet, either.[wait] 01020[char:0]: ...Huh?[wait] 01021[char:a]: [char:84]Now that I bought the wine, I'm gonna run a lap around town.[unk:4006:be:0][new] After that, ten times up and down the steps, then my normal squat regimen.[wait] 01022[char:a]: Ah, I better get moving while I'm still warmed up! Catch you later after I deliver these![wait] 11023[char:c]: Yesss? What is it, my dear? Oh, it's just you, [char:0].[wait] 11051[char:6]: Is [char:a] all right? Perhaps we should rest in town a while longer.[wait] 11041[char:d]: I figured it was probably something like that, but it's still kind of anti-climactic.[wait] 11024[char:d]: Mmm? You look kinda different somehow. Did you change your look or something?[wait] 01025[char:a]: Something like that, yeah.[wait] 01026[char:d]: Huh?[wait] 01027[char:a]: Aren't you going to ask why?[wait] 01028[char:d]: Why what?[wait] 01029[char:a]: Why I changed my look.[wait] 01030[char:d]: All right, why?[wait] 01031[char:a]: ...Because I thought you might like it, [char:d].[wait] 01032[char:d]: Heh...ha ha hah! What happened? Did someone put you up to this or something?[wait] 01033[char:a]: Well, that's pretty cruel... All I wanted was to have some of your attention.[wait] 01034[char:d]: Oh please! Where did you learn that move from?[wait] 01035[char:a]: Move?[wait] 01036[char:d]: Ha ha ha ha![wait] 01037[char:a]: You're a pretty tough girl, [char:d]...[wait] 01038[char:d]: [char:84]I have pretty high standards, you know.[unk:4006:68:0][new] I like someone who's gentle, and strong, and someone who's able to protect me when the going gets tough. Someone like my brother.[wait] 01039[char:a]: So your brother's in the picture now... That's a classic bitter-rival situation right there.[wait] 01040[char:d]: Ha ha ha... You're acting pretty funny today, [char:a]. I gotta go find my brother, okay? See you.[wait] 11052[char:6]: Ah, wonderful. This was frankly starting to get annoying.[wait] 11049[char:5]: Don't worry about [char:c] anymore. I think I've gotten the message across[new] to her this time.[wait] 01050[char:0]: (What did she do?)[wait] 11048[char:5]: Where are you, [char:c]!? You can run, but you can't hide![wait] 11042[char:5]: No... I must be imagining things... Someone tell me I'm imagining things...[wait] 01043[char:0]: ...Is something wrong, [char:5]?[wait] 01044[char:5]: [char:0]! I... I really am [char:5] now, ain't I!?[wait] 01045[char:0]: Huh? What's going on here? Did you hit your head or something?[wait] 01046[char:5]: Nooo! I'm fine! It's this body that's the problem![wait] 01047[char:5]: Ahhh... What the hell did [char:c] do to us!? When I find 'er, I'm gonna make her pay for this![wait] [center][color:3]Round Shield[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Big Warrior: Is it true that [color:1]Van[color:0]'s trying to form an [color:1]expedition to kill the Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 12001Handsome Guy: The climate's great and the people are friendly. Yes, sir, [color:1]Eckdart[color:0]'s a great place to live.[wait] 11000[char:8]: Where is this Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0], anyway?[wait] 11005[char:8]: I...I don't like this...[wait] 11006Handsome Guy: Such a reserved woman...![wait] 11001Handsome Guy: Uh...hey. Where're you from?[wait] 01002[char:8]: Me? Uh...[wait] 01003Handsome Guy: Would you like to get a drink or something somewhere?[wait] 01004[char:8]: Me!? Uh...[wait] 11025[char:1]: Uh... Listen, [char:0], did you hear that just now?[wait] 01026[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01027[char:1]: Oh! Never mind! It's no big deal.[wait] 11028[char:1]: Something's wrong with [char:a], I think...[wait] 11029[char:1]: Well... That was certainly a surprise.[wait] 11007[char:1]: Say, [char:a]... How long do you think it'll take before [char:0] finally notices me?[wait] 01008[char:a]: ...[wait] 01009[char:1]: Am I really not that attractive? I mean, I know I'm not pretty, I know I don't have any style...[wait] 01010[char:a]: ...[wait] 01011[char:1]: Hey, maybe [char:0] is just too shy to make the first move. Maybe that's it.[wait] 01012[char:a]: ...[wait] 01013[char:1]: ...Or maybe he doesn't see me as anything more than a little sister.[wait] 01014[char:a]: *Sigh* How long are you going to talk about other men in front of me like that?[wait] 01015[char:1]: ...Huh?[wait] 01016[char:a]: I wanted to try and help you talk things through...but I've just about reached my limits here.[wait] 01017[char:1]: Wait. [char:a]...what!?[wait] 01018[char:a]: [char:84]I'm not sure you're one to talk when it comes to [char:0], you know. [unk:4006:ae:0][new] You haven't even noticed how much you mean to me, [char:1].[wait] 01019[char:1]: Huh!? What!? What's wrong with you, [char:a]!?[wait] 01020[char:a]: If I were him, [char:1], I wouldn't do anything to make you sad![wait] 01021[char:1]: Oh, [char:0]...[wait] 01022[char:a]: ...[wait] 01023[char:1]: [char:a]...[wait] 01024[char:a]: I guess I don't stand a chance. [char:0]'s the one you really want.[wait] 11034[char:3]: Well, I suppose it is partly our own fault for being there. We'll have to be more careful next[new] time.[wait] 11033[char:3]: Am I gonna be like this the rest of my life!? I can't live like this![wait] 11030[char:3]: [char:0]! Oh, [char:0]! It's terrible![wait] 01031[char:0]: Huh? What are you talking about, [char:3]?[wait] 01032[char:3]: Ahhh! I-I wasn't imagining things! I've turned into [char:3]! What about my training!?[wait] 11055[char:b]: My tummy's rumbling.[wait] 11056[char:6]: I wonder why cats have such an obsession with eating birds...[wait] 11035[char:b]: ...[wait] 01036[char:6]: ...[wait] 01038[char:6]: ...[wait] 01037[char:b]: ...[wait] 01039[char:b]: Mmmm...[wait] 01040[char:6]: ...Um, [char:b]? Is something the matter? Can I help you with something?[wait] 01041[char:b]: Mmm... Looks yummy.[wait] 01042[char:6]: Agh!!![wait] 01043[char:b]: Oh, uh, I mean, never mind! Tee-hee![wait] 01044[char:6]: Oh... I see...[wait] 01045[char:b]: ...[wait] 01046[char:6]: ...[wait] 01047[char:b]: ...[wait] 01048[char:6]: ...[wait] 01049[char:b]: Mmmm...[wait] 01050[char:6]: ...[wait] 01051[char:b]: I'm hungry![wait] 01052[char:6]: Agh! I, I don't think I'm very palatable![wait] 01053[char:b]: Really? Ohhh, I'd kill for some wings right now.[wait] 01054[char:6]: Help... Somebody, help me...[wait] [center][color:3]Fresh Juice[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Romantic Man: Where does this ocean begin...and where does it end?[wait] 12001Old Man: There's a nice ocean breeze in the air, isn't there, dear?[wait] 12002Old Lady: The view from here's always incredible, isn't it, dear?[wait] 11052[char:1]: We're lucky we're still able to do something about this problem. Those poor people[new] who turned into stone didn't even know what hit them.[wait] 11053[char:8]: I wonder if one day I'll be able to look fondly back at all the memories that make me feel[new] sad today.[wait] 11000[char:3]: [char:8], are you sure you want to go through with this revenge of yours?[wait] 01001[char:8]: That...that's all I have left.[wait] 01002[char:3]: Are you sure about that? It just looks like you're throwing in the towel to me.[wait] 01003[char:8]: Maybe I am, but such is the path that I've chosen.[wait] 01004[char:3]: Well, what will happen after you've gotten your revenge? Do you know?[wait] 01005[char:8]: I...I'm too busy dealing with the present to think about that. Sorry to make you worry about me.[wait] 01006[char:3]: No, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that.[wait] 11007[char:3]: Living for nothing but revenge? That's no way to live...[wait] 01008[char:8]: I appreciate you worrying about me, but...[wait] 01009[char:3]: [char:8]...[wait] 11010[char:8]: I understand well enough. But I...I still...[wait] 01011[char:0]: You don't have to hold it all in yourself. We're here for you.[wait] 01012[char:8]: Thank you.[wait] 11013[char:5]: What on earth were they talking about? They had quite a scene going, whatever it was...[wait] 11014[char:8]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]... So that's where the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] is...[wait] 11015[char:4]: Man, [char:a]'s late.[wait] 11016[char:9]: Bah, he's late...[wait] 11017[char:4]: Ahh, nothin' like a little drink by the ocean now 'n then![wait] 01018[char:4]: Yo, [char:0]! You up for a little training too!?[wait] 01019[char:0]: N-no, no, I'm fine![wait] 01020[char:0]: (He's still not done drinking!?)[wait] 11021[char:9]: There's something about gazing into the ocean, a drink in your hand... Don't you find it[new] wonderful?[wait] 01022[char:9]: Ah, this taste in my mouth... I wish it could last forever.[wait] 11040[char:8]: So is this the real [char:a] we're seeing, or...?[wait] 11041[char:8]: Is [char:a] all right?[wait] 11023[char:8]: This might be the first moment we've had together to just sit and chat.[wait] 01024[char:a]: Yes. That's true.[wait] 01025[char:8]: [char:84]When I first met you, I thought you were a pretty...well, interesting kid.[unk:4006:fa:0][new] But now that we've been traveling together, I realized that you're a really nice and hard-working guy. I'm sorry I misjudged you.[wait] 01026[char:a]: Oh, I don't mind.[wait] 01027[char:a]: I...I thought you were going to disappear on us, [char:8].[wait] 01028[char:8]: ...Huh?[wait] 01029[char:a]: I won't pry into your private life, but you always look so sad, somehow. I was worried you'd disappear if I so much as touched you.[wait] 01030[char:8]: ...[wait] 01031[char:a]: Every time I see you, I feel like my heart's going to be ripped in half...[wait] 01032[char:a]: Ah... I'm sorry. You must think I'm sounding kinda weird...[wait] 01033[char:a]: I...I just... I want to be there for you.[wait] 01034[char:8]: [char:a]...?[wait] 01035[char:a]: I want you to believe in me more...to rely on me more. I always wonder what it would be like if I could be that man for you...[wait] 01036[char:8]: Heh heh heh... You are kinda weird today. But thanks.[wait] 01037[char:a]: I wasn't joking, you know.[wait] 01038[char:8]: Huh?[wait] 01039[char:a]: Nothing. See you later...[wait] 11050[char:1]: I'm so glad for [char:5]![wait] 11051[char:8]: I'm happy for them... It was getting so tantalizing, watching the two of them.[wait] 11049[char:a]: You know what? In the end, my body's totally the best out there! I feel like it's practically[new] laid out the red carpet for my return! Man, it's good to be home![wait] 11048[char:a]: Blerrrggghhh.[wait] 11042[char:a]: Ah! [char:0]! Help me out here![wait] 01043[char:0]: What is it, [char:a]?[wait] 01044[char:a]: Noooooo! Can't you see who I am, [char:0]!?[wait] 01045[char:0]: Huh...?[wait] 01046[char:a]: I hate this! This's all [char:c]'s fault! Myaaoo!!![wait] 01047[char:0]: ...[char:c]?[wait] [char:5]: I hope you're not going to try to talk your way out of this.[wait] 12000Adventurer: I've heard of a special fighting technique that's been handed down through [color:0]Van's royal family[color:0].[new] Makes you want to find out what it is, eh?[wait] 12001Miss: If you go west from here, you'll arrive at [color:1]Ionis[color:0]. [color:1]Van City[color:0]'s just ahead of that.[wait] 11055[char:5]: I still don't buy this whole business about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. How was this monster created[new] in the first place?[wait] 11004[char:d]: Ugh... You better not mess with me, 'cause nothing good's gonna come out of it, lemme tell you.[wait] 11005Pleasant Youth: If something's bothering you, why don't you share it with me? I don't want you feeling lonely[new] all by yourself![wait] 11000Pleasant Youth: Oh! Hey! Wait a sec![wait] 01001[char:d]: Ugh...what do you want?[wait] 01002Pleasant Youth: Whew...finally made it to ya... *Huff huff*... Could you give me your name, at least? That's all I'm asking.[wait] 01003[char:d]: You don't know when to give up, do you?[wait] 11019[char:b]: Myaow, [char:0]! Tell me, did I just make [char:a] cry? Huh? Did I!?[wait] 01020[char:0]: No, he's okay.[wait] 11021[char:b]: Oh... So he was just running a fever after all, huh?[wait] 11006[char:b]: Ooogh...[wait] 01007[char:a]: ...Why are you so scared?[wait] 01008[char:b]: I, I'm afraid of wolves. If I let my guard down, you're gonna chomp me down with your teeth, aren't you?[wait] 01009[char:a]: Now why would I do that? I won't, I promise.[wait] 01010[char:b]: ...Really?[wait] 01011[char:a]: Really. You know how much I'd like to be friends with you...[wait] 01012[char:b]: *Purr* Meow, I like it when you pet my head! It feels nice![wait] 01013[char:a]: Heh heh. You've got such beautiful hair. It's bright as the sun...[wait] 01014[char:b]: Mrow!?[wait] 01015[char:b]: You were gonna chomp on me just now, weren't you!? You were trying to get my guard down![wait] 01016[char:a]: Ahh! Why must I be born a [color:2]Lycanthrope[color:0]!? Why must I strike so much fear in your heart!?[wait] 01017[char:b]: [char:a]?[wait] 01018[char:a]: [char:84]This is all my fault. It wouldn't be an issue if I wasn't a werewolf in the first place.[unk:4006:3c:1][new] I'll keep trying my best...until I don't scare you anymore.[wait] 11022[char:0]: What was that!?[wait] 01023[char:c]: Ahh! [char:0]![wait] 01024[char:0]: What's going on over there? I heard a crash...[wait] 01025[char:c]: What? Oh, no! You're, you're just imagining things! It's nothing![wait] 01026[char:c]: Uh, see ya later![wait] 11054[char:1]: Have you found [char:c] yet?[wait] 11027[char:1]: ...[wait] 01028[char:0]: What's wrong, [char:1]? What're you sighing for?[wait] 01029[char:1]: *Sigh* I guess this isn't a dream after all. I'm done for...[wait] 01030[char:0]: Huh? What happened, [char:1]? Did you eat something strange again?[wait] 01031[char:1]: ...[char:0]. Promise me you won't be surprised when you hear this.[wait] 01032[char:0]: W-what...?[wait] 01033[char:1]: I am [char:3].[wait] 01034[char:0]: ...Huh?[wait] 01035[char:1]: I know you don't believe me, but it's true.[wait] 01036[char:0]: ...What?[wait] 01037[char:1]: I can't believe it myself, but since you saw me as [char:1], I have no choice but to accept it.[wait] 01038[char:0]: Um...are you serious!?[wait] 01039[char:1]: Yes. Sadly, I don't have any way of proving what I just said, but...you do know [char:1] doesn't talk like this, right?[wait] 01040[char:0]: So...it's really true?[wait] 01041[char:1]: Mm-hmm.[wait] 01042[char:0]: But how did this happen? Everything was normal not too long ago.[wait] 01043[char:1]: Probably...or I should say almost certainly. It happened while we were watching [char:c] doing one of her experiments.[wait] 01044[char:0]: An experiment? Ah! You mean that noise from before?[wait] 01045[char:1]: That's the one. She was mixing something that smelled kind of funny. I thought maybe it was some kind of aromatherapy thing...[wait] 01046[char:1]: [char:84][char:1] and [char:5] and the rest were watching too, but then there was this huge explosion...[unk:4006:22:1][new] She must've mixed them wrong.[wait] 01047[char:1]: When I inhaled the smoke from it, I lost consciousness.[wait] 01048[char:0]: ...And when you woke up, I guess you had switched bodies.[wait] 01049[char:1]: [char:84]Probably. That's really the only way I can describe it.[unk:4006:bd:0][new] If [char:5] were here, she'd probably be screaming about how unscientific this whole thing is.[wait] 01050[char:0]: So [char:c] was behind this... Man, she's nothing but trouble.[wait] 01051[char:1]: Ha ha. Well, curiosity isn't a bad thing, I don't think.[wait] 01052[char:0]: Well, for now, [char:1]... I mean, [char:3]... Let's go search for [char:c] and find out what's up.[wait] 01053[char:1]: Yeah, sounds good. Good luck with that, [char:0]... I'll go look for myself.[wait] 12000Child: I wanna grow up to be a musician![wait] 12001Female Citizen: I'm planting these flowers to make the town look even prettier![wait] 12002Male Citizen: Performing music has such a strange effect. Sometimes it boosts your energy. At other[new] times, it makes you feel more confident.[wait] 11083[char:3]: The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] sounds like a dangerous foe. We need to be careful.[wait] 11027[char:a]: I shall dedicate my life to the feline martial arts![wait] 11028[char:a]: Meow![wait] 11029[char:a]: Come on, [char:4]! Join me![wait] 01030[char:4]: I've had enough, thanks...[wait] 11031[char:a]: Come on! Keep it sexy, and [char:8c]meow![char:8c][wait] 01032[char:4]: Gimme a break...[wait] 01033[char:a]: Oh, everyone's a little embarrassed at the start! Come on, let's go![wait] 01016[char:7]: What...are you doing?[wait] 01017[char:4]: I, uh...this is part of our training...[wait] 01018[char:7]: Get away from me! You people are sick![wait] 01019[char:4]: Wait![wait] 01020[char:a]: Wow, looks like you got your hands full, [char:4].[wait] 01021[char:5]: What...are you doing?[wait] 01022[char:4]: I, uh...this is part of our training...[wait] 01023[char:5]: I...I see. Okay, hang in there! I, uh, better get going now...[wait] 01024[char:4]: She's definitely got the wrong idea about this...[wait] 01025[char:a]: Wow, looks like you got your hands full, [char:4].[wait] 01026[char:4]: Oh, and you don't?[wait] 11000[char:a]: Keep it pretty, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01001[char:a]: Keep it sexy, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01002[char:a]: Keep it lovely, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01003[char:4]: What are you doing?[wait] 01004[char:a]: Ah, hello there, [char:4]. I'm trying to learn the feline martial arts that [char:b] taught me.[wait] 01005[char:4]: Feline martial arts!?[wait] 01006[char:a]: Yeah, I was a little embarrassed myself at first, but now that I'm actually doing it, it's amazing how complicated it is![wait] 01007[char:4]: That complicated, huh?[wait] 01008[char:a]: [char:84]Oh, don't look at me like that! Trying your hand at different kinds of martial arts is all part of the training process.[unk:4006:56:1][new] C'mon, try it, [char:4]![wait] 01009[char:4]: I...I guess...[wait] 01010[char:a]: Let's go! Keep it pretty, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01011[char:4]: Keep it pretty, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01012[char:a]: Keep it sexy, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01013[char:4]: Keep it sexy, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01014[char:a]: Keep it lovely, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01015[char:4]: Keep it lovely, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 11034[char:5]: [char:a] still isn't here...?[wait] 11039[char:7]: Thank you very much for your kind words. However, I am far outclassed by the other ladies[new] in town...[wait] 11040Nice Middle-aged Man: Heh heh... You're a modest one, huh? I'd just love to wait on you hand and foot sometime.[wait] 11035Nice Middle-aged Man: Miss, I...I think you dropped something.[wait] 01036[char:7]: Oh, excuse me. Thank you very much.[wait] 01037Nice Middle-aged Man: My, you're a very dignified-looking lady. Such soft-looking eyes... You're beautiful.[wait] 01038[char:7]: ...Huh?[wait] 11051[char:c]: What was that all about? I've never seen [char:a] act so desperate.[wait] 01052[char:0]: Oh... So you didn't do anything to him this time, [char:c]? I figured you must have.[wait] 01053[char:c]: Hey, what's with that!? You can't pin this one on me, I guarantee you that![wait] 01054[char:c]: I'm serious![wait] 11055[char:c]: What is up with [char:a]? And why is he triggering my maternal instinct? Oh, no! I'm[new] not falling for his type, am I!?[wait] 11056[char:c]: What the heck is with him!? I feel like a total idiot for getting all excited![wait] 11082[char:3]: I always liked how he gives 100 percent to everything he does, but I guess that's backfired on[new] us now...[wait] 11041[char:c]: *Sigh* A good man's hard to find these days.[wait] 01042[char:a]: What sort of man do you like, [char:c]?[wait] 01043[char:c]: Me? Hmm... Well, someone who's not like you, at least.[wait] 01044[char:a]: Well, that's harsh... You should know how much I feel for you, [char:c].[wait] 01045[char:c]: Whoa, what!? Wh-wh-what'd you just say!?[wait] 01046[char:a]: Whenever I see you smile, it makes me feel so happy... Don't you understand me, [char:c]?[wait] 01047[char:c]: What? What!? Whaaaat!?[wait] 01048[char:c]: Awww... Are you crying!? Look, don't cry...okay?[wait] 01049[char:a]: ...No, it's all right. I'll try my best to become the sort of man you'd care about...[wait] 01050[char:c]: [char:a]...[wait] 11057[char:1]: Sshhhhhh! We're right at the good part![wait] 01058[char:0]: Huh? What're you watching?[wait] 11059[char:1]: Ooohhh![wait] 01060[char:0]: Nice...[wait] 01061[char:1]: [char:5] looks sooo happy![wait] 01062[char:0]: She does. It's great to see them finally going places for a change.[wait] 01063[char:4]: Wow, that stiff-neck did that? Damn, I'm impressed![wait] 01064[char:6]: Nice work, [char:3]![wait] 01065[char:a]: Whoa! [char:3]! Awesome![wait] 01066[char:8]: Whew, who knows what would've happened if he hadn't bought those earrings.[wait] 01067[char:9]: Ah, youth![wait] 01068[char:b]: Hooray! They're in love![wait] 01069[char:7]: [char:5] looks delighted. Good for her.[wait] 01070[char:d]: If he hadn't bought her those earrings, then I don't know what would've happened to them.[wait] 01071[char:c]: Ooh, nice one! That's gotta be good for an extra few points for his man meter.[wait] 01072[char:0]: When did you get here!?[wait] 01073[char:4]: Mm? Ah, who cares? We better get out of their way, though.[wait] 01074[char:6]: Ahh, no need to concern yourself about that. Let's give them some space.[wait] 01075[char:a]: No point worrying about little things like that. Let's get out of here before they notice us![wait] 01076[char:8]: Heh heh heh... We'd better get out of here.[wait] 01077[char:9]: Ah, it doesn't matter. We're going to be noticed soon. Let's get out of here.[wait] 01078[char:b]: Huh? I was watchin' since the very beginning! Come on, let's go before they find us.[wait] 01079[char:7]: I don't like peeping like this, but... Hey, let's get outta here! They're gonna notice us before long.[wait] 01080[char:d]: Hee hee... We'd better get going.[wait] 01081[char:c]: Ahh, who cares!? That doesn't matter! All's well that ends well, right? Come on, let's get outta here![wait] 12000Sailor: You going to [color:1]Tropp[color:0]? It's [color:2][var:4] Fol[color:0] per person or [color:2][var:5] Fol[color:0] for the lot of you.[wait] 12002Sailor: If you don't have the money, I can't let you on board.[wait] 12001Sailor: Which port you headed for? Just gimme the money and I'll take you anywhere.[wait] [color:3] - Tropp (Astral Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] 12003Sailor: I can eat anything: sea squirts, sea cucumbers, you name it. Recently, I discovered that[new] abalone tastes better dried than cooked.[wait] 10000[char:0]: Hey, wasn't that [char:1]?[wait] 00001[char:5]: It was! Let's go after her![wait] 11006[char:b]: Nyah? I don't get it.[wait] 11007Romantic Man: We were destined to meet...[wait] 11001Romantic Man: Hey... You're pretty cute. Where'd you come from?[wait] 01002[char:b]: Oh um, someplace really far away![wait] 01003Romantic Man: Oh, from over the ocean? How romantic...[wait] 01004[char:b]: Huh? Whadaya mean?[wait] 01005Romantic Man: Heh heh heh... You're pretty good at dodging a guy's questions, aren't ya?[wait] 11024[char:7]: Why am I letting this little trifle bother me so much? I'm pathetic. If I had only thought[new] about it for even a little...![wait] 11008[char:7]: ...[wait] 01009[char:a]: Something bothering you, [char:7]?[wait] 01010[char:7]: ...Mmm? Oh, [char:a]... It's nothing important...[wait] 01011[char:a]: Oh... Seeing you troubled like this...you look so pretty.[wait] 01012[char:7]: ...What?[wait] 01013[char:a]: Ah, sorry... I was just taken a bit when I saw your profile.[wait] 01014[char:7]: Whaa!?[wait] 01015[char:a]: [char:7]... Am I not strong enough for you...?[wait] 01016[char:7]: Wha? No, I... I mean, what!? I, I don't... I didn't...![wait] 01017[char:a]: Don't worry, I know. Another man's already taken up residence in your heart...[wait] 01018[char:7]: Noooo, no no no! I, I don't care about [char:4] at all![wait] 01019[char:a]: I knew it was true all along... But I don't care! I... I...![wait] 01020[char:a]: I swear I will give you my life...my full allegiance... That's how they do it in the [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0], isn't it!?[wait] 01021[char:7]: ...!!![wait] 01022[char:7]: Look, [char:a], knock it off! I don't appreciate being made fun of like this![wait] 01023[char:a]: Heh heh. Ahh, you're such a cutie...[wait] 11031[char:c]: Great, now I don't have as much to pick on [char:5] about... Ooh, but maybe I could[new] pick on her about how lovey-dovey she is all the time! That could work![wait] 11030[char:b]: Meow! Hooray! Now I can have you hug me again, [char:0]![wait] 11029[char:b]: [char:c]... I'm gonna get you...[wait] 11025[char:b]: No way...this is can't be...[wait] 01026[char:0]: What's going on, [char:b]? You don't seem like yourself.[wait] 01027[char:b]: Ahh! I knew it! I really have become [char:b]! How could this happen!? It's completely unscientific![wait] 01028[char:b]: Wait a minute! Does this mean that [char:b]'s inside my body now!? No! This can't be![wait] 12001Karner: Surprised to see me taking a walk? Even I know that I need to exercise sometimes to stay[new] in decent shape.[wait] 12000Karner: I'll be looking forward to the good news. Hang in there.[wait] Karner's Mansion[unk:4006:78:0] 11000Karner Maid A: I'm afraid Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] is not in.[wait] 01001Karner Maid B: I'm afraid Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] is not in.[wait] 01002Karner Maid C: I'm afraid Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] is not in.[wait] 11037Karner: With a proclamation as grand as that, I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what[new] happens next.[wait] 11038Karner Maid A: I'm surprised Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] has taken a liking to you.[wait] 01039Karner Maid B: This is not something that happens every day.[wait] 01040Karner Maid C: Please be careful.[wait] 11003Karner Maid A: Welcome.[wait] 01004Karner Maid B: Good afternoon.[wait] 01005Karner Maid C: Do you have business with Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0]?[wait] 01006[char:0]: Eh? Uh...[wait] 01007???: It's all right. Let him in.[wait] 01008Karner: So, how can I help you?[wait] 01009[char:0]: I'm here because you know about everything that happens in [color:1]Van[color:0].[wait] 01010Karner: Hah! I don't know who you heard that from. Collecting info here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.[wait] 01011[char:8]: ...Oh, [char:0]. What're you doing here?[wait] 01012[char:0]: Oh, uh... You know...[wait] 01013Karner: Sounds like you have a bit of a story here. I'd like to hear about it. The other stuff can wait till later.[wait] 01014[char:8]: When I was a child, my parents lost their lives at the hands of a certain man...[wait] 01015[char:8]: I want to get revenge for them, no matter what it takes![wait] 01016Karner: Hmm... I see, I see. What is this man's name, if I may ask?[wait] 01017[char:8]: He is called the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0].[wait] 01018Karner: The hero of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]? I have heard some rather fishy rumors about him lately.[wait] 01019[char:8]: Please! Please, could you tell me where the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] could be!?[wait] 01020Karner: I understand your situation, but I can't simply let you know for free.[wait] 01021Karner: I'd like to get some information in exchange. If I find it useful, I'll be happy to tell you all I know about the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0].[wait] 01022[char:8]: ...Information?[wait] 01023Karner: Anything is fine, as long as I decide it's useful.[wait] 01024[char:0]: The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] will be defeated soon! An age of peace is near![wait] 01025Karner: Hah! I'm not sure you can really call that information. More of a tall tale than anything else.[wait] 01026[char:0]: I'm not lying! It's true![wait] 01027Karner: ...And who's going to defeat him?[wait] 01028[char:0]: I don't know yet. It could be us![wait] 01029Karner: Ha ha ha ha ha ha hah![wait] 01030Karner: Well, all right. A promise is a promise. You wanted the location of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]?[wait] 01031Karner: [char:84]It's been said that the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] is in cahoots with the demons.[unk:4006:e1:0][new] Someone even saw him appear from a dark hole that materialized out of thin air.[wait] 01032[char:8]: Demons... So he's hiding in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]?[wait] 01033Karner: Perhaps. A hero like that implicated with demons is a little hard to believe, of course.[wait] 01034Karner: It could be the real thing, but it could also be a fake. I have no way of knowing that.[wait] 01035[char:8]: No, you've given us more than enough. Thank you very much.[wait] 01036Karner: Oh, don't thank me. Thank this boy here. I'd love to see if he's just another big mouth...or the first real hero I've seen in a while.[wait] 12005Karner Maid A: Welcome to the residence of Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0].[wait] 02006Karner Maid B: Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] is currently relaxing in the lounge.[wait] 02007Karner Maid C: Please do come in.[wait] 12002Karner Maid A: This is the residence of Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0].[wait] 02003Karner Maid B: Is there anything we can help you with?[wait] 02004Karner Maid C: Unfortunately, Madam [color:4]Karner[color:0] is currently away on business.[wait] [char:c]: So...little [char:0] wants to try to pick [char:c]'s pockets. Biiig mistake...[wait] 12000Selena: Hello, are you looking for something? A beautiful jewel will always bring out the best in you.[wait] 12001Selena: Thank you. Please take good care of your purchase.[wait] 12002Female Citizen: That ring is so pretty.[wait] 11016[char:c]: No point sitting around worrying all day. You gotta just go and do it, y'know?[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]The Jewel in Her Eye[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:3]: What are you looking at?[wait] 01001[char:5]: Huh? Oh, uh, nothing.[wait] 01002[char:3]: Hoh, those are nice earrings--very intricate design...[wait] 01003[char:5]: Hmm, I didn't think you would be interested in these kinds of things, Captain.[wait] 01004[char:3]: Uh, that's not what I said.[wait] 01005[char:5]: Hee hee...[wait] 01006[char:5]: I'll pass on them. I'm not sure they look good on me.[wait] 01007[char:3]: You sure?[wait] 01008[char:5]: ...It'd be better if these went to someone they'd look good on. If I bought them, they'd just be stuck in my jewelry box forever.[wait] 01009[char:3]: [char:5].[wait] 01010[char:5]: Captain! You...![wait] 01011[char:3]: I think these would look just fine on you, [char:5]. Or am I being too pushy?[wait] 01012[char:5]: ...Thank you. I love them![wait] 11014[char:5]: What're you grinning at me for!?[wait] 11013[char:3]: Wh-what's up with you, [char:0]? Smiling at me like that...[wait] 12000Osato's Dad: Welcome! You know, when I was a boy, everybody wanted a silver trumpet. We all knew[new] that only a true bandleader knew how to play one.[wait] 12001Osato's Dad: I get the feeling there are fewer musicians today who can play the silver trumpet.[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Dibson Instruments[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [color:3] - Knowledge 2[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 3[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 2[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] [color:3]Knowledge 2[color:0] includes Music Knowledge, Item Knowledge, and Biology. [color:3]Sense 3[color:0] includes Effort, ESP, and Aesthetic Design. [color:3]Technical 3[color:0] includes Performance, Smithing, Technology, and Operation. [color:3]Combat 2[color:0] includes Godspeed, Sidestep, Body Control, and Recast.[wait] 02006Advisor: Many specialties require that the person learning them has specific innate talents. But[new] don't worry, not all hope is lost just because you don't have the talent![new] Sometimes, you can acquire a talent with practice. By repeatedly performing a[new] specialty without fear of failure, you may eventually acquire the necessary talent.[new] At this guild, we recommend learning the Aesthetic Design skill. It's a handy skill that[new] raises many of your attributes at once.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]Golden Wisdom[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Fickle Woman: Welcome to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! Lots of people here practice Item Creation.[wait] 12001Boy: Someday, I'm gonna craft a really awesome sword![wait] 11051[char:1]: Hey, [char:0]. Promise me you'll never leave me again, okay? I was so lonely without you![wait] 11052[char:6]: I never knew how wide the world was until I joined you on this journey. When I was a child,[new] the town I lived in was the whole world to me. That seems like such a long time ago.[wait] 11053[char:d]: I have only myself to blame, as this is the path I've chosen for myself. But I don't regret[new] anything.[wait] Ionis[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Look, over there![wait] 00001[char:9]: [color:4]Argosy[color:0]!?[wait] 00002Crimson Shield: I have no idea what you're talking about.[wait] 00003???: You killed my family! My mother...my father...my brother![wait] 00004Crimson Shield: You have the wrong man.[wait] 00005???: The wrong man!? Don't give me that nonsense! Prepare to die![wait] 00006[char:3]: Whoa, hang on now. Are you sure this is the right guy?[wait] 00007???: There's no mistaking him! It couldn't be anyone else![wait] 00008???: Ergh...this isn't over![wait] 00009Crimson Shield: Try to value your life a little more, woman.[wait] 00010[char:0]: Are you all right?[wait] 00011???: Who're you?[wait] 00012[char:3]: Oh hey, [char:0]! And [char:5], too! You're both still in one piece![wait] 00013[char:3]: What's wrong, [char:5]?[wait] 00014[char:5]: Captain. Getting popular lately, aren't we?[wait] 00015[char:3]: What? We see each other for the first time in ages, and that's what you say to me? Didn't you just see what happened!?[wait] 00016???: Is something the matter?[wait] 00017[char:5]: Huh? Oh, er...no, no. I mean, hello. My name is [char:5].[wait] 00018???: Oh! I'm [char:8]. [char:8] Froesson.[wait] 00019[char:1]: [char:8]! I thought you were going to get yourself killed! Please, don't do anything like that again![wait] 00020[char:8]: [char:1], I'm sorry to make you worry about me.[wait] 00021[char:3]: I had a bit of an accident earlier that knocked me out, and she took care of me.[wait] 00022[char:5]: Something wrong?[wait] 00023[char:8]: Oh, no, it's nothing.[wait] 00024[char:6]: The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] killed your parents? And your brother?[wait] 00025[char:8]: Y-yes...[wait] 00026[char:6]: [char:84]Quite a coincidence, then. My parents were killed as well, and now I am on a quest to find my missing sister.[unk:4006:99:1][new] And the worst part of it is that I'm still not certain who the killer was.[wait] 00027[char:8]: Oh. Well, I don't have any wings.[wait] 00028[char:6]: No, you wouldn't. I think my sister would be more cute than beautiful by this age, assuming she's still alive.[wait] 00029[char:3]: How about we all go inside? You two can talk after that.[wait] 12002[center][char:3] has joined the party![wait] 11026[char:d]: It may take more than the head of [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] to atone for what I've done.[wait] 01027[char:d]: Thank you, though. I'm glad you were there for me.[wait] 01028[char:d]: My brother's already told me that he'll stand by me and help shoulder the burden a little.[new] That alone is something incredible... I feel like someone's watching over me.[wait] 11029[char:6]: I cannot leave [char:d] alone again. My mind is resolute on the matter.[wait] 01030[char:6]: Perhaps I am trying to atone for my own crime...the crime of being unable to protect[new] my own family.[wait] 01031[char:6]: But really, to be honest, that is nothing but a secondary goal in my eyes. I...[new] I am a terrible brother, I know.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Stop it! You've got the wrong idea! She was manipulated by demons![wait] 01009[char:d]: Forget about it, [char:0]. This crime... I'm going to have to face it sooner or later.[wait] 01010[char:0]: [char:d]...[wait] 01011[char:d]: I was responsible for the deaths of many, many people. You have every right to hate me.[wait] 01012[char:d]: But killing me wouldn't change anything.[wait] 01013[char:d]: I'm going to defeat the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] and bring peace back to the world. It's the only way I can atone for what I've done...[wait] 01014Boy: Nnngh...*sniff*[wait] 01016[char:d]: I'm sorry...[wait] 01017Boy: [char:8c]Sorry[char:8c] isn't gonna bring my father back![wait] 01018[char:6]: Please, stop this! [char:d] is my sister. She was controlled by demons.[wait] 01019[char:d]: I don't want you to be dragged into this, [char:6]! This crime... It's something that I have to face sooner or later.[wait] 01020[char:6]: If you're a criminal, [char:d], let me shoulder half the crime. You don't have to be so hard on yourself![wait] 01021[char:d]: [char:6]...[wait] 01022[char:6]: No punishment, no matter how strict, will wash away the crimes of the past.[wait] 01023[char:6]: We have to build a world you can be happy in. Defeating the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] is the only way we can do that.[wait] 01024Boy: Nnngh...*sniff*[wait] 11000Boy: You killed my father![wait] 01001[char:d]: ...[wait] 01002Boy: My father was a noble knight... Why'd you do it!?[wait] 01003Youth: Hey, is that the [color:4]Deathwing[color:0]!?[wait] 01004Miss: How terrifying... She doesn't even look like she could hurt a fly![wait] 01005Zack the Sage: Don't you think we ought to call the [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0]?[wait] 01006Boy: Give him back! Give me back my father! Now![wait] 01007 - I'd better do something. - I'll wait and see what happens...[wait] 01015[char:d]: Thank you for supporting me, [char:0].[wait] 01025[char:d]: Thank you for supporting me, [char:6].[wait] 11049Fickle Woman: Hm? Have we met before?[wait] 11050Strong-minded Lady: What? Is there something on my face?[wait] 11032[char:0]: Whew... Hopefully it'll dry out now...[wait] 01033[char:0]: Ahh...it's nice and warm out.[wait] 01034Fickle Woman: Um, excuse me![wait] 01035Fickle Woman: I'm so madly in love with you! Please, would you be my boyfriend?[wait] 01036[char:0]: Huhh!? What're you talking about?[wait] 01037Fickle Woman: ...You're right. What came over me just now? I'm sorry to bother you.[wait] 01038Strong-minded Lady: Hold it! Tryin' to get a leg up on me!?[wait] 01039[char:0]: What?[wait] 01040Strong-minded Lady: Don't settle for that little girl! Why don't you pick me instead? I'll show you one helluva time![wait] 01041[char:0]: Ehh...[wait] 01042Fickle Woman: She, she's lying! I love you far more than she does! You can't go wrong with me![wait] 01043[char:0]: Huh!? What is going on here!?[wait] 01044Lulu: I'll save you! Just come along with me...[wait] 01045Strong-minded Lady: Ah! He got away![wait] 01046Fickle Woman: Oh, no...[wait] 01047Strong-minded Lady: I'll find him![wait] 01048[char:c]: [char:84]Hee hee hee! Just as I thought! Turning the love potion into perfume was the breakthrough I needed! Hee hee...[unk:4006:f9:1][new] A real genius learns from her mistakes. Now, what will happen next?[wait] 11054[char:c]: What do you want!? I don't need your pity![wait] 11055[char:b]: I'm getting a bit hungry.[wait] 11000[char:0]: [char:c], there's something that's been on my mind for a while...[wait] 01001[char:c]: (Oooh! Could this be it? Could this finally be the setup to his confession of love!?) [wait] 01002[char:c]: (Oh, but we're from two different worlds! It'll never work out!)[wait] 01003[char:c]: No, [char:0]! Don't say it![wait] 01004[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01005[char:c]: (Oh, but perhaps our love will be enough to overcome the obstacles in our way! Ohh! Oh, this is crazy!)[wait] 01006[char:c]: Well...if that's how you really feel, [char:0]...umm...[wait] 01007[char:0]: Uh... I was just wondering how that wand of yours worked.[wait] 01008[char:c]: Figure that out by yourself! Hmph![wait] 01009[char:0]: Did I do something wrong?[wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic?[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Strong-minded Lady: I'm going to write a book about how great I am and publish it around the world! Then[new] everyone will read it and fall in love with me![wait] 12001Zack the Sage: I finally found myself a [color:3]Philosopher's Stone[color:0], only to lose it in a failed attempt to[new] craft it into a piece of jewelry.[wait] 11002[char:c]: When life hands you lemons, throw 'em back! Or...something like that. The point is, let's[new] hang in there, okay?[wait] 11000[char:5]: Oh heavens... [char:0], what's up?[wait] 01001[char:0]: Uh...[wait] [center][color:3]Creaky Rod[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Elderly Person: If you've mastered a skill, you might want to write a book about it.[wait] 11012[char:3]: I'm never going to hold another meeting at a bar.[wait] 11000[char:c]: Look ooouuut![wait] 01001[char:0]: Whaa! That's cold![wait] 01002[char:c]: Oh, no... I spilled my potion all over you, [char:0]![wait] 01003[char:0]: [char:c]! You did that on purpose! Ugh, my hair's all stuck together...[wait] 01004[char:c]: I'm so sorry! I'll make some [color:3]Twice-cooked Pork[color:0] for you later, okay?[wait] 01005[char:c]: See ya![wait] 01006[char:0]: Hey! Wait a minute! Sheesh...[wait] 01007[char:0]: *Sniff* Well, it doesn't smell bad... I don't think it's poisonous, either. I'm sure it'll just dry by itself soon enough.[wait] 01008[char:c]: Hee hee! Mission underway![wait] 11009[char:6]: Listen, I know I have been rude to him...but still![wait] 01010[char:d]: Look, it wasn't anything like that![wait] 01011[char:6]: [char:d], you have to understand... You have to do things like that in the right[new] order first...[wait] [center][color:3]Walls of the Soul[color:0] acquired.[wait] Sensitive Guy: Stealing from others will never come to any good. You should work honestly to acquire the[new] objects that you desire.[wait] 12000Sensitive Guy: I recently discovered that working hard at something can really make a difference. I[new] mean, what's the point if you give up just because you don't have talent, right?[wait] 12001Young Lady: You see that really emotional man over there? I heard he had an epiphany recently.[wait] 12002Girl: Autumn always makes me feel a bit more sentimental.[wait] 11100[char:5]: I heard that [color:1]Ionis[color:0] is famous for its fabrics and clothes.[wait] 11013[char:a]: Wow, [char:5]! I didn't know there was a special technique where you use your[new] nails![wait] 11014[char:1]: Someday, I'm gonna be a superwoman just like [char:5]![wait] 01015[char:0]: Huh...?[wait] 11016[char:5]: Mm? What is it?[wait] 01017[char:0]: No... It's nothing.[wait] 01001[char:5]: Keep it sexy, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01002[char:1]: Keep it lovely, and [char:8c]meow[char:8c]![wait] 01003[char:a]: Ooh! Very good, both of you![wait] 01004[char:3]: So this is the feline martial arts I've heard so much about...[wait] 01005[char:a]: You oughta try it too, [char:3]! It's a great way to lose weight![wait] 01006[char:3]: I think I'll pass, thanks.[wait] 01007[char:3]: ...Also, [char:1]'s one thing, but the sight of [char:5] saying [char:8c]Meow![char:8c] doesn't exactly match her age too well.[wait] 01008[char:5]: Captain!?[wait] 01009[char:3]: You heard that!? Oh, uh, I...eh...nev-never mind![wait] 01010[char:5]: I hope you're ready to eat those words![wait] 01011[char:3]: Wait...wait a minute, [char:5]! Calm down, calm down![wait] 01012[char:3]: Ow! Oh! Oogh! Oof![wait] 11033Lulu: I'm an only child, so I really wish I had a brother. I asked my mom to make one for me, but[new] she told me it was impossible! I wonder why...[wait] 11018[char:0]: Whew...thanks. You saved me there.[wait] 01019Lulu: You're welcome, cutie![wait] 01020Lulu: Ummm... Listen, uh, I think...I think...I think I love you![wait] 01021[char:0]: Oh no! You too!?[wait] 01022Lulu: What's wrong, big guy? Don't you like me?[wait] 01023[char:0]: Uhhh...[wait] 01024Lulu: Come on, don't you like me?[wait] 01025[char:0]: Uhh... I don't even know how I feel just yet. I mean, we've just met.[wait] 01026Lulu: Oh, that's okay! It doesn't matter how long we've known each other! All that matters is me...and you![wait] 01027[char:0]: No, I think there's more to it than just that![wait] 01028[char:3]: [char:0]! [char:0], where are you!?[wait] 01029[char:0]: Oh, excuse me! I think my friend's calling![wait] 01030Lulu: No! Wait a minute, big guy![wait] 01031Lulu: Hey! Heh heh, he's just so bashful. I'll get him sooner or later![wait] 01032[char:c]: Mmmm... So its effectiveness isn't affected by age. Very interesting![wait] 11060[char:c]: It's so much fun to pick on [char:5] sometimes![wait] 11061[char:3]: What's [char:5] so upset about?[wait] 11034[char:5]: Listen, [char:0]... We've got to do something about [char:c]. She won't stop chasing after all the men in town.[wait] 01035[char:c]: Oh, come on! I gotta find one while I'm still young, don't I? Can't very well do it when I'm old and wrinkled.[wait] 01036[char:5]: What was that?[wait] 01037[char:c]: Hmmm? I don't remember anyone saying your name, [char:5].[wait] 01038[char:0]: Uh, speaking of which... [char:c], what kind of guy are you looking for? I'm assuming you aren't just casting around blindly.[wait] 01039[char:c]: Hmm... Well...[wait] 01040[char:c]: I suppose I want someone who's reliable, and someone who can make decisions... In other words, the boss type of guy.[wait] 01101[char:5]: What!?[wait] 01102[char:c]: Like... [char:3], for example. Ooh, I think he fits the mold pretty well![wait] 01041[char:5]: Whaat!?[wait] 01042[char:c]: It's true that he's a little older than me, but that makes me feel like he'll be there for me when I need him, y'know?[wait] 01043[char:5]: Whaaat!?[wait] 01044[char:c]: What's wrong, [char:5]? Why are you acting so surprised?[wait] 01045[char:5]: Are you serious about what you just said?[wait] 01046[char:c]: Totally serious. Very, very serious.[wait] 01047[char:5]: Ugh... He may look dependable, but you'd be amazed at how reckless he actually is. In fact, he's about as undependable as you can get![wait] 01048[char:c]: I'm sure I can live with that. It kind of makes him seem all the more lovable.[wait] 01049[char:5]: [char:84]He's really harsh on people, and he usually overlooks the important matters.[unk:4006:e3:0][new] But sometimes he's very gentle, and... Ahhh, what am I saying!?[wait] 01050[char:3]: Hello, you two. It's rare to see [char:0] with you both.[wait] 01051[char:5]: !!![wait] 01103[char:c]: [char:3]![wait] 01052[char:c]: Hey, [char:3], listen... Looking at me from a man's perspective, do you find me attractive at all?[wait] 01053[char:3]: Huh? Uh, well...you're always in a nice and bright mood, so that's pretty good, I suppose.[wait] 01054[char:5]: Ugh! Captain, you're such an idiot! I've had enough of this.[wait] 01055[char:3]: Hey! Wait a second![wait] 01056[char:3]: What did I do?[wait] 01057[char:c]: Heh heh! This is why I just can't get enough of picking on [char:5]...[wait] 01058[char:0]: ...Man, you can't let your guard down around this girl for a second...[wait] 01059[char:3]: Huh?[wait] 11097[char:6]: *Sigh*... What am I to do with that girl?[wait] 11098[char:6]: Does everyone else in this town think I would make a tasty snack as well? I certainly hope[new] not![wait] 11099[char:3]: The old feline instinct in action, huh? Very interesting.[wait] 01071[char:0]: ...[wait] 01072[char:b]: ...[wait] 01073[char:0]: ...I see your point.[wait] 01074[char:b]: Mmm, yummy...[wait] 01075[char:6]: !!![wait] 01076[char:3]: Hey, knock it off, you two.[wait] 01077[char:6]: [char:3]! Oh, thank goodness you're here![wait] 01078[char:3]: [char:b], [char:6] is your friend. Do you eat your friends, [char:b]?[wait] 01079[char:b]: 'Course not! 'Cause they're my friends![wait] 01080[char:3]: Well, if you don't eat your friends, then stop chasing after [char:6]. All right?[wait] 01081[char:b]: Okay! I'm sorry, [char:6].[wait] 01082[char:6]: Whew... Thank you. That was a close call.[wait] 01083[char:3]: Ah, don't worry about it. But [char:0], what the heck were you thinking? Don't take [char:b]'s side here.[wait] 01084[char:0]: ...Ahh![wait] 01085[char:0]: I...I don't know what came over me... I took one look at [char:6]'s wings, and then...all of a sudden...[wait] 01086[char:3]: Hmm... I suppose the [color:2]Fellpool[color:0] are descendants of cats, after all.[wait] 01087[char:0]: I...I'm sorry, [char:6].[wait] 01088[char:6]: No. It's quite all right.[wait] 01089[char:0]: No, no, no! [char:b], listen to me! [char:6] is your friend. Would you eat your friends?[wait] 01090[char:b]: 'Course not! 'Cause they're my friends![wait] 01091[char:0]: No, you wouldn't. That's why you shouldn't chase [char:6] around.[wait] 01092[char:b]: Okay! I'm sorry, [char:6].[wait] 01093[char:6]: Whew... Thank you. That was a close call.[wait] 01094[char:0]: You need to watch [char:b] like a hawk sometimes.[wait] 01095[char:6]: Ha ha...[wait] 11062[char:6]: Ah! You are just in time, [char:0]. Could I ask you for your help here?[wait] 01063[char:b]: Nyah?[wait] 01064[char:0]: Now look, [char:b]. Why do you have to keep chasing [char:6] around?[wait] 01065[char:b]: It's not like I'm bullying 'im or anything![wait] 01066[char:0]: So then, why are you chasing him?[wait] 01067[char:b]: Whenever I see a bird, I just gotta catch it! That's why![wait] 01068[char:0]: [char:6] isn't a bird. You should know that.[wait] 01069[char:b]: But when I see him flap those wings around, ooh...I just start drooling![wait] 01070 - I suppose... Yes... - No, no, this is crazy![wait] [center][color:3]Revival Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Maya the Adventurer: I'll be leaving soon for [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Yup, you guessed it, to compete in the [color:1]Arena[color:0]! Wish me luck![wait] 11049[char:8]: It seems like something always needs to be sacrificed to gain something else.[wait] 11000[char:0]: Whew... Thanks, [char:3]. You saved me.[wait] 01001[char:3]: Huh? What do you mean? I just needed something from you, that's all.[wait] 01002[char:0]: Well, still, you saved me back there![wait] 01003[char:3]: Mm... I did?[wait] 01004[char:0]: Oh, absolutely! I've had it with [char:c] and all those stupid potions she makes![wait] 01005[char:3]: Ha ha! Well, curiosity isn't a bad thing, you know.[wait] 01006[char:0]: You're too easy on her, [char:3]![wait] 01007[char:3]: You think so?[wait] 01008[char:0]: Not that being easy on her is a bad thing, but I think it's time we finally had a bit of a chat with her... A serious one![wait] 01009[char:3]: Yeah.[wait] 01010[char:0]: Next time you see [char:c], read her the riot act for me, okay? She needs a real authority figure to set her straight![wait] 01011[char:3]: Okay.[wait] 01012[char:0]: Are you listening to me, [char:3]!?[wait] 01013[char:3]: Oh, yeah... I hear you.[wait] 01014[char:0]: ...[char:3]?[wait] 01015[char:3]: Yes... Hearing your voice makes me feel so relaxed...[wait] 01016[char:0]: Agh!?[wait] 01017[char:3]: What are you so embarrassed about? Heh heh. Ah, but seeing your rosy face makes you look all the more adorable...[wait] 01018[char:0]: Eyahhh...![wait] 01019[char:3]: Mmm...ohh... Seeing the hair on your tail stand on end like that... Oh, I'm like putty in your hands![wait] 01020[char:0]: [char:3]! Snap out of it![wait] 01021[char:3]: What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine.[wait] 01022[char:0]: No, you're not![wait] 01023[char:5]: Just one moment![wait] 01024[char:0]: [char:5]![wait] 01025[char:5]: What are you doing, Captain!?[wait] 01026[char:0]: [char:5]! Help me![wait] 01027[char:5]: [char:0] is all mine![wait] 01028[char:0]: Not you too, [char:5]![wait] 01029[char:3]: Hey! No you don't! [char:0] isn't just anyone's![wait] 01030[char:0]: That's right! ...Er, wait, that's not the point![wait] 01031[char:5]: Can't you see that [char:0] doesn't want you!? Just get out of here, Captain![wait] 01032[char:3]: ...Mmm?[wait] 01033[char:5]: ...Oh...[wait] 01034[char:5]: Ah! What am I doing...!?[wait] 01035[char:3]: No, I'm the one who should apologize...[wait] 01036[char:0]: Um... [char:3]? [char:5]?[wait] 01037[char:3]: Mm? ...Oh, [char:0]. What's up? You look a bit shaken.[wait] 01038[char:0]: ...Oh, thank goodness! You're all back to normal![wait] 01039[char:3]: Oh, right. Hey, [char:0], there was something I needed from you.[wait] 01040[char:3]: I'm sorry about this, but could you lend me some money? I've kind of gone over budget, so...[wait] 01041[char:0]: ...Oh, sure. Here you go.[wait] 01050[center][color:2]600 Fol[color:0] handed over.[wait] 01042[char:3]: Thanks.[wait] 01043[char:5]: Captain! Wait![wait] 01044[char:0]: Is it...over?[wait] 01045[char:c]: Hmm... I suppose the potion stops working once it all evaporates.[wait] 01046[char:c]: [char:84]And if it worked on [char:5], too... [unk:4006:91:0][new] That means it doesn't matter if the person already has someone on their mind. Hee hee, I'm an absolute genius![wait] 01047[char:c]: [char:84]But I better do something about the potion's effect between the same gender.[unk:4006:fa:0][new] I certainly don't want to have to deal with that sort of thing...[wait] 01048[char:c]: So I'll just take this component...and work it like this...and... Ha haaaa! Mission accomplished![wait] [center][color:3]Weird Shoes[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Paralysis Mist[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:a]: Is that some kind of new training!? Umm...I've got to say, I don't really like that kind of[new] training.[wait] 12000Lulu: Is there really a Santa Claus? If I put a shoe by my pillow, will he leave a present in it?[wait] 11016[char:a]: My master always told me that the secret to life was to always look ahead and[new] approach every event with an open mind.[wait] 11000[char:0]: Oh, sorry to startle you.[wait] 01001[char:d]: ...No, it's okay.[wait] 01002[char:d]: I was sent here on a few missions back when I was still called [color:4]Deathwing[color:0].[wait] 01003[char:d]: I'm afraid what would happen if anyone remembered me. It's making me very anxious.[wait] 01004[char:d]: I've decided to atone for my crimes, but hiding like this makes me feel so pathetic.[wait] 01005[char:0]: [char:84]You're not pathetic! You're always trying to shoulder all of the burden by yourself, [char:d].[unk:4006:4:1][new] Can't you at least let me help you with some of the weight for a change?[wait] 01006[char:d]: Hee hee... You're very kind, [char:0].[wait] 01007???: Stop!!![wait] 01008[char:0]: ...[char:6]?[wait] 01009[char:d]: [char:6]...!?[wait] 01010[char:0]: What's the matter, [char:6]?[wait] 01011[char:6]: [char:84]Everything is the matter! As long as I still breathe...even before that, we still have a mission to fulfill![unk:4006:7c:1][new] We cannot afford to sit here idly over inconsequential matters![wait] 01012[char:d]: Look, [char:6], you've got the wrong idea here![wait] 01013[char:d]: Ow-oww! That hurts, [char:6]! ...I'll see you later, [char:0].[wait] 01014[char:d]: [char:6], please![wait] 01015[char:0]: What was that all about?[wait] 11097[char:0]: I heard the people here are good at Item Creation. They must have really nimble fingertips.[wait] 11014[char:1]: The bartender here keeps giving me mango drinks, even when I order something else. You think he's doing it on purpose?[wait] 11015[char:3]: I'd like to look into Item Creation a bit more.[wait] 11016[char:5]: I heard that the people of this town are really good at Item Creation. They might be able to offer a few tips.[wait] 11017[char:4]: Gimme some good food and good alcohol, and I'll be a happy camper![wait] 11018[char:9]: This is a good place to stock up on items. Better buy some now before we move on.[wait] 11019[char:6]: I wonder what brought the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] to this town.[wait] 11020[char:7]: The people here are really skilled in the art of Item Creation. It really shows in the quality of the items they sell.[wait] 11021[char:8]: I hope we may yet find some hint as to where the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] may be.[wait] 11022[char:a]: A town with lots of hills is a great place to train![wait] 11023[char:b]: Item Creation's really strange. How do you think they do it?[wait] 11024[char:d]: I don't feel comfortable among all these people.[wait] 11025[char:c]: They've got a guild here, right? Let's see if I can fool my way into their members' hall![wait] 11098[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11026[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11027[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11028[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11029[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11030[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11031[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11032[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11033[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11034[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11035[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11036[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11037[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11099[char:0]: Let's go meet with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]![wait] 11038[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11039[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11040[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11041[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11042[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11043[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11044[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11045[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11046[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11047[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11048[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11100[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11049[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11050[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11051[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11052[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11053[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11054[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11055[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11056[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11057[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11058[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11059[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11060[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11101[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11061[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11062[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11063[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11064[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11065[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11066[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11067[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11068[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11069[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11070[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11071[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11072[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11102[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11073[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11074[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11075[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11076[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11077[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11078[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11079[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11080[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11081[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11082[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11083[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11084[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11103[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11085[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11086[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11087[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11088[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11089[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11090[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11091[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11092[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11093[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11094[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11095[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11096[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 11000[char:0]: Ah ha! [char:c]![wait] 01001[char:c]: Gehh![wait] 01002[char:0]: Listen, you! You just put me through a heap of trouble, you know that!?[wait] 01003[char:c]: I really should thank you for all that. You got me some really valuable data![wait] 01004[char:0]: D...data!?[wait] 01005[char:c]: And as for proof of my thanks... Here you go! The home cooking that I promised![wait] 01006[char:0]: ...You didn't put anything in here, did you?[wait] 01007[char:c]: Hey, that's not a bad idea.[wait] 01008[char:0]: ...[char:c]...[wait] 01009[char:c]: Ooh, look! Everyone's here![wait] 01010[char:1]: ...What're you two talking about?[wait] 01011[char:c]: Mm? Oh, it's a secret![wait] 01012[char:1]: Oh, really? Something that you can't share with the rest of us. I see.[wait] 01013[char:0]: ...Get me out of here...[wait] 12000Weldy: There's nothing like a home-cooked meal after a hard day's work.[wait] 12001Weldy: Thank you very much![wait] 12002Youth: Now, let's see, what should I cook today? You probably already know this, but you can't[new] eat ingredients until you've cooked them.[wait] Food Shop [char:8c]Food for Thought[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:3]: Hello there, [char:0]. Sorry for the trouble earlier.[wait] 01001[char:5]: I wanted to practice my cooking skills a little. Problem is, I didn't have enough money[new] to buy all the ingredients... Sorry about that.[wait] [center][color:3]Egg Fried Rice[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Hamburg Steak[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fried Egg[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Stir-Fry[color:0] acquired.[wait] 11002[char:3]: Huh. Guess cooking's a lot harder than it looks.[wait] 01003[char:5]: It sure is.[wait] 11048[char:1]: Thanks, [char:0]. I think we just saved Mana one serious chewing out.[wait] 11049[char:1]: I thought you were a better person than that, [char:0]...[wait] 11050[char:1]: I know what you were trying to get across, but that doesn't mean I agree with it...[wait] 11054[char:1]: Hmm... [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0], huh?[wait] 11051Mana: Thank you so much! I promise, I will never forget this.[wait] 11052Mana: What do I have to do to find some [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] around here?[wait] 11053Mana: Now what will I do? My master will be so upset at me...[wait] 11004[char:1]: [char:0], are you shopping too?[wait] 01005Mana: Aww...you're out of it?[wait] 01006Shop Owner: Yeah, we really don't get much [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] in all that often, unfortunately.[wait] 01007Mana: Oh no... What am I gonna do? My master will be so angry at me...[wait] 01008[char:1]: That Mana girl sounds like she's in trouble. Let's see if we can help her out, [char:0].[wait] 01009 - Ignore her - Talk to her[wait] 01010[char:0]: Mmm... Nah, we better leave her alone.[wait] 01011[char:1]: Why!? She looks like she needs help...[wait] 01012[char:0]: [char:84]There's not much we can do.[unk:4006:51:0][new] She's a maid for the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family, not for us. It's not like a bunch of outsiders like us can rescue her from the place or anything.[wait] 01013[char:1]: ...I guess you are right, but still...[wait] 01014[char:0]: Excuse me...[wait] 01015Mana: Agh![wait] 01016[char:0]: You...you don't have to be that surprised.[wait] 01017Mana: Ah, I'm sorry...[wait] 01018[char:0]: There's nothing to be sorry about. It was my fault for sneaking up on you like that.[wait] 01019Mana: No...I'm sorry.[wait] 01020[char:0]: ...[wait] 01021[char:1]: It sounds like you're in a bind. What's up?[wait] 01022Mana: [char:84]Well, I came here because my master wanted me to buy some [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0], [unk:4006:6:1][new] but I can't find a single place in town that has them for sale.[wait] 01023[char:0]: [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0]!? That stuff's practically impossible to find![wait] 01024Mana: Yes, but my master insists on it. Ahh, he's going to scold me again...[wait] 01025Mana: Ah, hello again...[wait] 01026[char:1]: You aren't looking for [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0] again, are you?[wait] 01027Mana: [char:84]I am, actually. I explained everything to him when I came home, but he still insists that I find it for him.[unk:4006:66:1][new] Ahh, he's going to yell at me again...[wait] 01028[char:1]: What a terrible person![wait] 01029Mana: Oh, no! He's not a bad person at all! If I wasn't such a...a...[wait] 01030[char:0]: Sorry, but we don't have any either.[wait] 01031[char:1]: Yeah. I'd definitely give you some if we had any, but...[wait] 01032Mana: I...I'm sorry. It's not something you guys have to worry about...[wait] 01033 - Give her your [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0][color:3] - Keep your [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0][color:3][wait] 01034[char:0]: Here, there's something I'd like you to have.[wait] 01035Mana: Oh, no! I could never take this from you![wait] 01036[char:0]: It's fine. Besides, won't your master get angry if you come back without any [color:3]Creamy Cheese[color:0]?[wait] 01037Mana: I don't mind if he's angry. I am just one of his maids...[wait] 01038[char:1]: What are you talking about? Don't look down on yourself like that.[wait] 01039[char:0]: [char:1]'s right. Please, we want you to take this.[wait] 01040Mana: ...All right. Thank you very much. Oh, my name is Mana. What's yours?[wait] 01041[char:0]: My name's [char:0]. This is [char:1].[wait] 01042[char:1]: Nice to meet you, Mana.[wait] 01043Mana: Nice to meet you too, [char:1].[wait] 01044[char:0]: We can't just give this to her. We may never find any more.[wait] 01045[char:1]: Why!? She looks like she needs help...[wait] 01046[char:0]: [char:84]There's not much we can do.[unk:4006:51:0][new] She's a maid for the [color:0]Mazzoi[color:0] family, not for us. It's not like a bunch of outsiders like us can rescue her from the place or anything.[wait] 01047[char:1]: ...I guess you are right, but still...[wait] [center][color:3]Anklet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Deluxe Fruit Platter[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12004Innkeeper Girl: We've been expecting you. I can take you to your room immediately.[wait] 12000Innkeeper Girl: Hello there. It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Girl: You don't seem to have enough money.[wait] 12003Adventurer: I've been traveling the world trying to learn a fighting technique. I still don't know how[new] to go about doing that, though.[wait] 11000[char:b]: Are all of my friends gone? Gone forever?[wait] Inn [char:8c]Innspiration[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: You sure about this, [char:8]?[wait] 00001[char:8]: Yes. Please, let me go with you for just a bit longer.[wait] 00002[char:3]: All right.[wait] 00003[char:5]: All set here. Ready to head off?[wait] 00004[char:3]: Mm? Oh. Yeah.[wait] 00005[char:0]: We're going to...[color:1]Van[color:0], was it?[wait] 00006[char:3]: Yep. The kingdom to the west of [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 00007[char:3]: [char:84]I heard that the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] is enlisting fighters to form a group with the purpose of [color:1]vanquishing the Archfiend[color:0].[unk:4006:75:1][new] If we paid him a visit, I bet he can give us some info on [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 00008[char:8]: I have to admit I'm a little surprised. I didn't think you all were on a quest to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], ruler of the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00009[char:5]: We're not forcing you to go. It's your choice.[wait] 00010[char:8]: I want to come along. I promise I won't hinder you.[wait] 00011[char:5]: Off we go then. To the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 10012[char:1]: What!? [char:8] left by herself?[wait] 00013[char:1]: But...why? Did I do something wrong?[wait] 00014[char:4]: Uh, or me?[wait] 00015[char:3]: No, it's nothing like that.[wait] 00016[char:5]: All set here. Ready to head off?[wait] 00017[char:3]: Mm? Oh. Yeah.[wait] 00018[char:0]: We're going to...[color:1]Van[color:0], was it?[wait] 00019[char:3]: Yep. The kingdom to the west of [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 00020[char:3]: [char:84]I heard that the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] is enlisting fighters to form a group with the purpose of [color:1]vanquishing the Archfiend[color:0].[unk:4006:75:1][new] If we paid him a visit, I bet he can give us some info on [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 00021[char:4]: [char:84]Still, you guys are really throwing me for a loop here. I thought you were just looking for some missing friends,[unk:4006:24:1][new] and now you're gunning for [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], king of the [color:1]demon world[color:0]? I had no idea that's what you guys were up to.[wait] 00022[char:5]: We're not forcing you to go. It's your choice.[wait] 00023[char:4]: Oh, I'm goin'. You don't think I want a piece of that action?[wait] 00024[char:5]: Off we go then. To the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 10025[char:3]: You sure about this, [char:8]?[wait] 00026[char:8]: Yes.[wait] 00027[char:9]: Well, superb. I'm sure we'll all have need of your abilities sooner or later.[wait] 00028[char:5]: All set here. Ready to head off?[wait] 00029[char:3]: Mm? Oh. Yeah.[wait] 00030[char:0]: We're going to...[color:1]Van[color:0], was it?[wait] 00031[char:3]: Yep. The kingdom to the west of [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 00032[char:3]: [char:84]I heard that the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] is enlisting fighters to form a group with the purpose of [color:1]vanquishing the Archfiend[color:0].[unk:4006:75:1][new] If we paid him a visit, I bet he can give us some info on [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 00033[char:9]: [char:84]Still, this is something of a surprise.[unk:4006:83:0][new] I thought you were merely searching for your lost friends, but now you're going on about defeating [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], king of the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00034[char:5]: We have to do it, no matter what gets in our way.[wait] 00035[char:9]: You seem resolute enough.[wait] 00036[char:5]: Off we go then. To the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 10037[char:3]: Mornin'.[wait] 00038[char:8]: Good morning.[wait] 00039[char:0]: Do you know what happened to [char:1]?[wait] 00040[char:5]: I thought she was with you this whole time.[wait] 00041[char:3]: I'm sorry. Not long after we arrived, we fell under monster attack and got separated.[wait] 00042[char:0]: What!?[wait] 00043[char:3]: I was seriously injured during the battle, and she found me unconscious.[wait] 00044[char:8]: [char:84]I didn't see any woman nearby when I found [char:3]. Monsters would much sooner kill a person than to bother with kidnapping[unk:4006:63:1][new] one, so I'm sure she must have retreated to someplace safe.[wait] 00045[char:5]: Well, we'd best be going, then.[wait] 00046[char:5]: All set here. Ready to head off?[wait] 00047[char:3]: Mm? Oh. Yeah.[wait] 00048[char:0]: We're going to...[color:1]Van[color:0], was it?[wait] 00049[char:3]: Yep. The kingdom to the west of [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 00050[char:3]: [char:84]I heard that the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] is enlisting fighters to form a group with the purpose of [color:1]vanquishing the Archfiend[color:0].[unk:4006:75:1][new] If we paid him a visit, I bet he can give us some info on [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 00051[char:6]: [char:84]What a surprise! You told me earlier you were looking for some lost companions. Who would have known you wanted to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0],[unk:4006:a9:1][new] ruler of the [color:1]demon world[color:0]? That's a rather lofty goal you have![wait] 00052[char:5]: Well, I'm not going to force you to join us if you aren't interested.[wait] 00053[char:7]: [char:84]Oh, I definitely want to join you.[unk:4006:69:0][new] There's no doubt that the one who framed me for the attack on Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] was from the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00054[char:6]: [char:84]I'd like to accompany you all for as long as I can.[unk:4006:90:0][new] Trust me, if I ever start dragging you down, I'll happily part ways with you right then and there.[wait] 00055[char:5]: Off we go then. To the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 12005[center][char:8] has joined the party![wait] [color:3] - Knowledge 3[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 3[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 2[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] 02006Advisor: Have you been practicing your Item Creation? You can create some useful items using[new] Compounding, Crafting, and Machinist. Machinist in particular allows you to create items that[new] boost your success rate in Item Creation. You may want to master this specialty as soon[new] as possible. At this guild, we recommend learning the Mental Science skill. Improving this skill[new] will increase your MP, allowing you to use special arts and [color:1]symbology[color:0] more often.[wait] [color:3]Knowledge 3[color:0] includes Mental Science, Faeriology, and Piety. [color:3]Sense 3[color:0] includes Effort, ESP, and Aesthetic Design. [color:3]Technical 3[color:0] includes Performance, Smithing, Technology, and Operation. [color:3]Combat 2[color:0] includes Godspeed, Sidestep, Body Control, and Recast.[wait] 12009Soldier: We will continue to protect the world together with you, Captain [char:7]![wait] 12010Soldier: Your wish for a better world inspires us all, Captain [char:7]![wait] 11000[char:7]: Our job is to always protect the world from the clutches of the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0].[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]Gods of Creation[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Pork Soup[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Old Lady: The final result isn't important. What matters is that you've put all your heart into what you've[new] made.[wait] 12000Miss: Did you all come here from [color:1]Astral[color:0]? It's still a long way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0], so make sure you[new] leave prepared.[wait] [center][color:3]Fire in the Sky[color:0] acquired.[wait] [char:4]: What the hell, [char:0]!? You know, I used to trust you, man.[wait] 12000Bar Owner: Hey there.[wait] 12001Skilled Artisan: You'll find that Item Creation is a lot easier when your specialty level is high.[wait] 11012[char:4]: This place's growing on me-- especially when the drink and food are just as good as in [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11013[char:9]: Our battle against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] has been nothing but a vicious circle. Every time we[new] chase him back into the [color:1]demon world[color:0], he amasses his strength and strikes again.[wait] Bar [char:8c]The Inventor's Conundrum[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:4]: Yo, barkeep! Get me some booze![wait] 00001[char:5]: What's up with that order?[wait] 00002[char:0]: Yeah. You could stand to be a bit more polite.[wait] 00003[char:5]: No, it's not that.[wait] 00004[char:5]: I mean, you can't just ask for [char:8c]booze.[char:8c] That's too vague. There're all kinds of different types![wait] 00005[char:4]: I don't care what it is, 'long as I can keep it down![wait] 00006[char:5]: [char:84]Fair enough. Get this man the cheapest stuff you've got. It's not like it matters.[unk:4006:52:1][new] No matter what you drink, you start yammering away for hours on end, and then you complain about your head in the morning.[wait] 00007[char:4]: Hey![wait] 00008[char:5]: Oh, lighten up! I'm just teasing.[wait] 00009[char:5]: What else you got, bartender?[wait] 00010Bar Owner: Well, how about this? It's called the Sturdy Beauty.[wait] 00011[char:5]: Sounds good. I'll take it.[wait] 00012Bar Owner: Well, how about this? It's called Below Decks.[wait] 00013[char:5]: That tastes pretty dry, doesn't it? I'll have some of that.[wait] 00014[char:0]: Wow, [char:5], since when do you know so much about the liquor here?[wait] 00015[char:5]: There's a lot about me you don't know.[wait] 00016[char:1]: Umm, I'll just have a pineapple shake, thank you.[wait] 00017Bar Owner: Right-o![wait] 00018[char:1]: Umm, I'll just have a blueberry shake, thank you.[wait] 00019Bar Owner: Right-o![wait] 10020[char:5]: Can I make an order, bartender?[wait] 00021Bar Owner: Sure. What'll it be?[wait] 00022[char:5]: Hmm, how about that unfiltered stuff over there?[wait] 00023Bar Owner: Oh my, I see you know your drink, my dear. Very flavorful, more so than you'd expect from the price.[wait] 00024[char:5]: Hee hee![wait] 00025[char:5]: Well, kind sir, how well're you holding your liquor these days?[wait] 00026[char:9]: [char:84]Don't you patronize me like that! Liquor is the same as water to me.[unk:4006:10:1][new] You ask me, there's nothing like sitting down and relaxing with a nice mug of Fearfire.[wait] 00027[char:5]: My! Quite the expert, aren't you?[wait] 00028[char:0]: Wow, [char:5], since when do you know so much about the liquor here?[wait] 00029[char:5]: There's a lot about me you don't know.[wait] 00030[char:5]: Right?[wait] 00031[char:9]: Hmph.[wait] 00032[char:1]: Umm, I'll just have an apple shake, thank you.[wait] 00033Bar Owner: Right-o![wait] 10034[char:5]: Can I make an order, bartender?[wait] 00035Bar Owner: Sure. What'll it be?[wait] 00036[char:5]: Let's see, is that Below Decks over there?[wait] 00037Bar Owner: It sure is! You really know your stuff.[wait] 00038[char:5]: Oh, I suppose.[wait] 00039[char:0]: Wow, [char:5], since when do you know so much about the liquor here?[wait] 00040[char:5]: There's a lot about me you don't know.[wait] 00041[char:1]: Umm, I'll just have a strawberry shake, thank you.[wait] 00042 - I'll take a rain check on this. - Here, lemme get in on this...[wait] 00043[char:0]: Let me have a pineapple soda, please.[wait] 00044Bar Owner: Right-o![wait] 00045[char:0]: I think I'll try something, too.[wait] 00046[char:1]: Wait a minute, [char:0]! You aren't old enough to drink yet![wait] 00047[char:0]: I know, sheesh. You don't have to worry like that, [char:1]. I'll have a pineapple soda, please.[wait] 00048Bar Owner: Right-o![wait] 00049[char:3]: So, are we all good now?[wait] 00050[char:5]: Oh. Yeah.[wait] 00051[char:8]: I'm sorry, but I'm not feeling so good right now. I'll be outside for a bit. Excuse me.[wait] 00052[char:3]: Oh, uh, yeah, sure.[wait] 00053[char:3]: Ahem! Now, then.[wait] 00054Bar Owner: Here you go! Nice and chilled, just for you.[wait] 00055[char:4]: Yeah! 'Bout time, man![wait] 00056[char:9]: My, look at how clear that is. Very nice indeed.[wait] 00057[char:5]: Ooh, here it is![wait] 00059[char:1]: Oh, um, the shake is mine.[wait] 00060[char:4]: Hohhh!!! Damn, that's the stuff right there![wait] 00061[char:9]: Let me try that.[wait] 00062[char:7]: I'm not a fan of alcohol myself.[wait] 00063[char:5]: Oooh! This is really good![wait] 00064[char:5]: Here, [char:0], you should try a little bit.[wait] 00065[char:0]: No, I shouldn't.[wait] 00066[char:5]: Oh, come on, [char:0]! Stop being such a stick-in-the-mud.[wait] 00067[char:9]: Mmm, this aroma, this feel, this aftertaste...it's beyond comprehension![wait] 00068[char:9]: Mmm! This aroma, this taste. It's been a good year for this label, no doubt about that.[wait] 00069[char:7]: Oh! Say, this isn't harsh at all![wait] 00070[char:5]: See? I told ya![wait] 00071[char:1]: Sir! This isn't what I ordered! You gave me mango, but I asked for pineapple![wait] 00072[char:1]: Sir! This isn't what I ordered! You gave me mango, but I asked for blueberry![wait] 00073[char:1]: Sir! This isn't what I ordered! You gave me mango, but I asked for apple![wait] 00074[char:1]: Sir! This isn't what I ordered! You gave me mango, but I asked for strawberry![wait] 00075Several hours later...[unk:4006:3c:0] 00076[char:3]: Oh, brother.[wait] 00077[char:3]: C'mon, [char:0], get up.[wait] 00078[char:3]: You're gonna catch cold, [char:5].[wait] 00079[char:3]: Oh, great. [char:1]'s out too. Wonderful.[wait] 00080[char:3]: You guys...[wait] 00083[char:0]: Nnngh...oh, [char:3]...[wait] 00084[char:3]: Mm? What is it, [char:0]?[wait] 00085[char:0]: I can't eat another bite...zzzz...[wait] 00081[char:0]: I guess that's what [char:1] gets for carrying on with [char:5] like that.[wait] 00082[char:0]: Still, of all people, I sure wouldn't have expected [char:1] to end up like this.[wait] 00086[char:6]: Say, what happened to [char:8]?[wait] 00087[char:3]: Hmm, good point. Where is she?[wait] 00088[char:3]: Oh, [char:8].[wait] 10089[char:0]: You all right, [char:1]?[wait] 00090[char:1]: Oooh, [char:0]! You little stinker! ...Zzz.[wait] 10091[char:0]: Are you all right, [char:5]?[wait] 00092[char:5]: Hic... Captain... Listen, I... I...[wait] 10093Bar Owner: Don't worry about it. I'm closing up for the day.[wait] 11000[char:3]: Loose lips really do sink ships, don't they?[wait] 01001[char:0]: They sure do...[wait] 11002Bar Owner: Whoa, that wound looks serious. Did you get mauled by a tiger or somethin'?[wait] 01003[char:3]: Heh heh... Something like that, yes.[wait] 11010[char:3]: I'm amazed how strong everyone is on this planet. We've got a lot of ground to[new] make up, I'd say.[wait] 11011[char:9]: I wish you could help me achieve some closure in my life... Never mind what I said.[new] I'm just talking to myself.[wait] 11004[char:3]: [char:84]Just speaking hypothetically here, let's say there were such things as artificial limbs, [unk:4006:37:1][new] man-made arms and legs that you could use just like the ones you lost. Given the choice, would you want one?[wait] 01005[char:9]: Hohh... That's an interesting question.[wait] 01014[char:9]: Crutches and walking sticks are about the best we can hope for... What, do you want to become a doctor or something?[wait] 01006[char:3]: No, nothing like that. I just...well, I figured it'd be nice if you had something to replace your left arm with...[wait] 01007[char:9]: I remember when it first happened, I was willing to endure any pain necessary to get my arm back.[wait] 01015[char:9]: [char:84]But now there's a younger fighter out there, far more talented than I would be today even if I had both hands.[unk:4006:8f:1][new] I'd prefer to devote my time to help him grow instead of chasing some old dream.[wait] 01008[char:3]: I see.[wait] 01009[char:0]: [char:9] has high hopes for me. I better not disappoint him.[wait] 12000Vyer: Each weapon here has been crafted with the highest precision. Feel free to take a[new] look.[wait] 12001Vyer: Take good care of those weapons.[wait] 12002June: You'll find most of the items needed for Item Creation at our store. Please take a look around.[wait] 12003June: Hope you create something nice.[wait] 12004Youth: You can discover what an unknown item is by Appraising it. To acquire Appraising, you'll[new] have to learn...um, a whole bunch of skills.[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Creator's Workshop[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11010[char:5]: You're hiding something, aren't you?[wait] 11011[char:c]: What is it, man? Is there some food stuck to my pert, little button nose, or what?[wait] 11000[char:5]: [char:c], your clothing sure doesn't look like anyone else's.[wait] 01001[char:c]: Huh!? R-r-r-r-really?[wait] 01012[char:5]: Yeah. The fabric looks kind of different, too.[wait] 01013[char:c]: Oh! Well, I mean, you know... I made it! Yeah! It just sorta came up through Item Creation... ha ha ha![wait] 01002[char:5]: I think you're lying.[wait] 01014[char:c]: *Gulp* Heh. Oh, uh, why do you say that?[wait] 01015[char:5]: Hmmm...[wait] 01003[char:c]: I mean, look at you, [char:5]! Your clothes are pretty weird, too![wait] 01004[char:5]: What!?[wait] 01005[char:c]: [char:84]Look at that miniskirt of yours! The slit goes practically all the way up your thighs![unk:4006:49:1][new] I mean, I can't say I'm not impressed, but you definitely don't see people going around like that every day![wait] 01006[char:5]: It's called fashion, you know! There's nothing wrong with a little personal flair.[wait] 01007[char:c]: Hohh... You must be pretty good at making clothes. Teach me sometime, won't you?[wait] 01008[char:5]: Well, you should teach me first, [char:c]. If you can actually make that fabric with Item Creation, I'd love to know how.[wait] 01009[char:c]: Urrghh...[wait] [center][color:3]Hot Pot of Shadows[color:0] acquired.[wait] Old Lady: Aaatchoo! Oh, my. Sorry, did you need anything?[wait] [center][color:3]Critical Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Leaping Titan Cider[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Sentry: Welcome to [color:1]Van City[color:0]! It's actually called [color:1]Van y Ille[color:0], but nobody uses that name because[new] it's so hard to pronounce.[wait] 12001Old Lady: Aaatchoo! Oh, my.[wait] 11041[char:1]: The leaves are so pretty here.[wait] 11043[char:d]: Leaves are so beautiful in the fall. Just gazing at them makes me feel so at ease. Funny, isn't[new] it?[wait] 11042[char:5]: I like towns with this kind of warm, inviting architecture. They remind me of the kind of[new] cities that used to exist on [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] Van y Ille City[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: Let's meet with the king first.[wait] 00001[char:5]: Do you think he'd allow a bunch of total strangers to see him? I mean, that would be like me asking to see the president.[wait] 00002[char:3]: Well, what else can we do? It's not like we've got an in with anyone.[wait] 00003[char:5]: No, I suppose not.[wait] 00004[char:4]: [char:84]Oh, I doubt there are that many people jumping at the opportunity to [color:1]fight with the Archfiend[color:0].[unk:4006:19:1][new] I reckon it'll be much easier than you expect.[wait] 00005[char:6]: That is a good point.[wait] 00006[char:4]: Ain't it?[wait] 10007[char:3]: Let's meet with the king first.[wait] 00008[char:5]: Do you think he'd allow a bunch of total strangers to see him? I mean, that would be like me asking to see the president.[wait] 00009[char:3]: Well, what else can we do? It's not like we've got an in with anyone.[wait] 00010[char:5]: No, I suppose not.[wait] 00011[char:9]: I'll handle this.[wait] 00012[char:3]: Huh?[wait] 00013[char:9]: Just let me do the talking.[wait] 10014[char:3]: Let's meet with the king first.[wait] 00015[char:5]: Do you think he'd allow a bunch of total strangers to see him? I mean, that would be like me asking to see the president.[wait] 00016[char:3]: Well, what else can we do? It's not like we've got an in with anyone.[wait] 00017[char:5]: No, I suppose not.[wait] 00018[char:7]: Oh, I don't think there're that many people volunteering to [color:1]vanquish the Archfiend[color:0]. It might be easier than you expect.[wait] 10019[char:3]: Let's meet with the king first.[wait] 00020[char:5]: Do you think he'd allow a bunch of total strangers to see him? I mean, that would be like me asking to see the president.[wait] 00021[char:3]: Well, what else can we do? It's not like we've got an in with anyone.[wait] 00022[char:5]: You do have a point.[wait] 11006[char:6]: That orb you carry, [char:8]... Where did you obtain it? It is different from any weapon or [color:1]symbology[color:0] I have ever seen.[wait] 01007[char:8]: Oh, this...?[wait] 01008[char:6]: You are neither [color:2]Fellpool[color:0] nor [color:2]Highlander[color:0], and I cannot see you as a [color:2]Lycanthrope[color:0], either.[wait] 01009[char:8]: I, uh...[wait] 01010[char:3]: Ah, that stuff doesn't really matter so much, does it?[wait] 01011[char:3]: What good does it do for us to know where she came from? That's what I think.[wait] 01012[char:3]: Besides, whatever power she has, isn't it all the better for us that she's on our side instead of the enemy's?[wait] 01013[char:6]: I apologize. I was merely curious...[wait] 01014[char:8]: No... I'm not offended or anything.[wait] 11017[char:8]: What?[wait] 01018[char:0]: Well, uh, you know, learning a skill that nobody's ever seen before... That must require a[new] heck of a lot of training to master, I figured. So, uh, I just thought that was pretty[new] incredible, is all.[wait] 01019[char:0]: Wait... Hey, what, what'd I say wrong?[wait] 01020[char:8]: Nothing. It's not that... Thanks, [char:0].[wait] 11021[char:8]: It's really nothing incredible, actually. And I certainly didn't engage in very much training,[new] no...[wait] 11015[char:6]: I apologize. It is a bad habit to have, I know. Everyone has certain things in their life they[new] prefer not to share with others, after all...[wait] 11016[char:3]: What's a lady if she doesn't have one or two secrets, eh? No reason to go prying into[new] them unnecessarily.[wait] 11022[char:0]: Are you all right?[wait] 01023[char:6]: I've acted much too harshly towards her. I doubted her from the start, and I saw her as a threat...[wait] 01024[char:6]: It was all my fault that she was forced to do what she did...not anyone else's![wait] 01025[char:0]: [char:6]! You can't blame yourself like that![wait] 01026[char:0]: ...Maybe it's rather mean to be saying this, but it was perfectly understandable why you were suspicious of [char:8].[wait] 01027[char:0]: I mean, she wasn't a [color:2]Fellpool[color:0] or a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], or anything else for that matter. Anyone would find that a little strange.[wait] 01028[char:0]: But that's not the important thing now... Didn't you say that you had inherited the will of [char:d], [char:6]?[wait] 01029[char:6]: The will...of [char:d]?[wait] 01030[char:0]: [char:84]Right. You were going to avenge her and kill the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0].[unk:4006:e5:0][new] That was what [char:d] would've wanted to accomplish herself, wasn't it?[wait] 01031[char:6]: [char:84]The will of [char:d]... You're right. I have taken on her dream. I cannot allow myself to stay depressed.[unk:4006:bb:1][new] [char:d] would be terribly angry at me.[wait] 11032[char:6]: [char:d]...[wait] 11005[char:4]: Oh, come on! Don't be such a tightwad! I'm not gonna spend it on booze or anything, I promise![wait] 11001[char:4]: Come on, can't ya spot me some cash?[wait] 01002 - Okay. - Forget it![wait] 01003[char:4]: Thanks a bunch![wait] 12002[center][color:2]1,000 Fol[color:0] handed over.[wait] 01004[char:4]: Gehh, don't be such a tightwad![wait] 11000[char:3]: They're all discussing something at the inn, but they told me that no men were allowed... What[new] could that be all about? I mean, [char:5]'s in there, and she never does this kinda thing.[wait] 11033[char:c]: Our group's really starting to rock now.[wait] 01034[char:0]: You're right. I've never felt so confident about our party before.[wait] 01035[char:c]: I can't wait to see what happens once the sheen wears off.[wait] 01036[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01037[char:c]: You know what they say... The more people in a group, the more their emotions well up to the surface.[wait] 01038[char:0]: Oh...[wait] 01039[char:c]: I bet [char:5]'s going to get particularly busy soon. Oooh, what fun! La de da de da...[wait] 01040[char:0]: I'm not really sure what she's talking about...[wait] [center][color:3]Smith's Hammer[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Oroshi the Peddler: I'm just a peddler, but you might find something to your liking![wait] 12001Oroshi the Peddler: Thanks a lot![wait] 12002Aerina: You'll need some delicious ingredients to cook a delicious meal.[wait] 12003Aerina: Hope you cook up something good![wait] 12004Elderly Person: Ah... A truly impressive weapon! Oh, don't mind me. I'm just a retired blacksmith.[wait] 11000[char:9]: There are many ways of the sword, my boy, and each one has its own special techniques.[wait] 11001[char:c]: Oh my god, have you seen the bodies on these soldiers? Woof! I wonder if any of them would[new] be interested in a cute, single inventor.[wait] 12000Sentry: The [color:0]king of Van[color:0] has apparently been worrying for some time now about how to [color:1]defeat the[color:0][new] [color:1]Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 11002[char:3]: The [color:1]kingdom of Van[color:0] is apparently the largest of the four kingdoms. It's certainly the[new] largest in size, and I'm sure the king holds a lot of authority as well.[wait] 11003[char:8]: The king here must be doing an excellent job of ruling these people. I've noticed that[new] anyone can freely enter and leave the castle.[wait] 11001[char:0]: (He's asleep.)[wait] 11000[char:c]: The sheen will be off soon...[wait] 12000Carefree Leetha: In this season when the leaves begin to dry, a multitude of emotions gather within my soul,[new] coloring it like the leaves that carpet the ground. *Sigh* ...It's all so poetic.[wait] 12001Youth: Everybody calls it [color:1]Van Castle[color:0], but its official name is [color:1]Van y Ille Castle[color:0]. Sounds musical,[new] doesn't it?[wait] 11027[char:a]: There're many different schools of martial arts, and each one has its own special techniques![wait] 11028[char:b]: So [char:5] was telling me that her absolute favoritest drink in the world is, umm...[new] Crazy Bull! Or Mad Cow, or something...[new] And [char:3] told me that his favorite food is...um... was it shroomushes?[new] Wait, that doesn't sound right![wait] 11000[char:0]: What're you two up to?[wait] 01001[char:1]: Oh, [char:0].[wait] 01002[char:d]: We were just talking about how beautiful the leaves are.[wait] 01003[char:1]: Strange, isn't it? Some of the leaves turn red, but some of them are yellow instead.[wait] 01004[char:0]: Yeah...I never really thought about it, but it is kinda strange.[wait] 01005[char:d]: Hee hee.[wait] 01006[char:1]: I like the red ones. Too bad they don't come in pink.[wait] 01007 - Wait a second... - Figures she'd say pink.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Mmm, I think pink leaves would be a little weird.[wait] 01009[char:1]: Weird? No they wouldn't! Back me up, [char:d]. Pink would look great on leaves, right?[wait] 01010[char:d]: I...hmm, I don't know...[wait] 01011[char:1]: Oh, not you too, [char:d]! Well, what kind of color would you want, then?[wait] 01012[char:0]: Ha ha... There she goes again.[wait] 01013[char:1]: Are you picking on me?[wait] 01014[char:0]: Oh, no, not at all. It's just cute, is all.[wait] 01015[char:1]: Oh? Really? Tee hee hee![wait] 01016[char:d]: Hee hee hee![wait] 01017[char:1]: Oh, hey. What kind of color do you like, [char:d]?[wait] 01018[char:d]: Me? Hmm... How about...maybe white? It would make this place look like it was out of a fairy tale.[wait] 01019[char:1]: Wow! That would be incredible![wait] 01020[char:0]: Yeah. I bet it'd look like snowfall once they all fell to the ground.[wait] 01021[char:d]: White is nice, but I think gray would be the best.[wait] 01022[char:1]: Gray!? ...You don't hear people saying that's their favorite color very often.[wait] 01023[char:d]: Oh? I think gray is wonderful.[wait] 01024[char:d]: Seeing monsters turn to ashes at your feet is just so refreshing. Hee hee.[wait] 11026[char:d]: Mmm? Something wrong?[wait] 11025[char:1]: Man, [char:d] can be downright scary sometimes.[wait] 11020[char:d]: Sometimes I wish I could live a life just as pure and righteous as the one he's led.[wait] 11000[char:d]: Thank you...for saving me.[wait] 01001Royal Symbologist: Oh, don't worry about it. I know all about how evil the demons can be.[wait] 01002[char:d]: But...I owe you my life.[wait] 01003[char:d]: Not only that, you also gave me the will to live again![wait] 01004Royal Symbologist: All I did was share a bit of ancient lore with you.[wait] 01005Royal Symbologist: Of course, if you're still looking like that, the lore may have been a little off.[wait] 01006[char:d]: ...No. It was completely accurate.[wait] 01007[char:d]: I was able to switch, but now I'm back to my original body.[wait] 01008Royal Symbologist: Well, you look like you're brimming with life now. Far more than you were before.[wait] 01009[char:d]: Is that how I look now?[wait] 01010Royal Symbologist: It seems we were both very lucky to have run into each other.[wait] 01011[char:d]: Oh, yes![wait] 01012Royal Symbologist: Well, I had best get back to work.[wait] 01013[char:0]: [char:d], was that [color:0]symbologist[color:0] the one who saved your life?[wait] 01014[char:d]: Yes. He's an extremely talented [color:0]symbologist[color:0], and he's really nice, too.[wait] 01015[char:0]: Did you like him?[wait] 01016[char:d]: Well, he's a really great guy... I've just always thought he was out of my league.[wait] 01017[char:0]: Huh... Guess the best I can do is second place, then.[wait] 01018[char:d]: Hee hee! You'd have to learn [color:1]symbology[color:0] first.[wait] 01019[char:0]: ...I'll let you know when I do.[wait] 12000Loitering Girl: That was so mean of Bob! He told me he couldn't love me because my reflection doesn't[new] show up![wait] 12000Weapon Shop Owner: If you're looking for high-quality weapons, look no further than our shop![wait] 12001Weapon Shop Owner: Thanks a lot![wait] [color:3] - Knowledge 3[char:8d][color:2][var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 3[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 3[char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3][wait] 02008Advisor: The Counter skill cannot be activated by just learning it. It can only be activated[new] by pressing a specific button during combat. If you're getting a bit bored with the way battles[new] normally play out, you can try using this Combat Skill to add a new level of depth to your battle[new] encounters. Also, our guild recommends learning the Feint skill. This skill improves your[new] chances of hitting a target when in combat.[wait] [color:3]Knowledge 3[color:0] includes Mental Science, Faeriology, and Piety. [color:3]Sense 3[color:0] includes Effort, ESP, and Aesthetic Design. [color:3]Technical 3[color:0] includes Performance, Smithing, Technology, and Operation. [color:3]Combat 3[color:0] includes Feint, Counter, Hasten Speech, and Concentration.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]School of War[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 01008[char:0]: It is what I need to protect everyone. I want it to become my shield...something to protect those who are dear to me.[wait] 01009[char:9]: [char:84]I see. Create your own shield to protect your friends with...[unk:4006:38:1][new] So that's where your strength comes from, that there are people you feel you must watch over.[wait] 01010[char:9]: [char:84]But being a shield also means submitting yourself to danger.[unk:4006:7:1][new] If satisfying your own personal agenda leads you to an untimely death, then what would those you left behind think about you?[unk:4006:ec:1][new] It would just sadden those you wanted to protect. Make sure you keep that in mind.[wait] 01011[char:0]: It is what I need to defeat my enemies. It is a force like a sword that gives me the power to forge ahead.[wait] 01012[char:9]: [char:84]So to you, strength is the power to defeat the enemies in your way...[unk:4006:32:1][new] Something that allows you to impose your will upon the world?[wait] 01013 - Yes - No[wait] 01014[char:9]: I see. Now I understand why you seek strength.[wait] 01034[char:9]: [char:84]The power to attack is an important thing, when you have the unflagging confidence to go through with it.[unk:4006:62:1][new] At the same time, it's also a double-edged sword. It can hurt those you hold close just as easily as it can your enemies.[wait] 01015[char:9]: I have seen many swordsmen stray off the path in their quest for pure strength. Try not to rely on it too much.[wait] 01016[char:9]: Having the power to hurt others is similar to peering into a vast abyss. Make sure you don't lose yourself in the process.[wait] 01017[char:0]: ...Yes, sir. I will keep that in mind.[wait] 01018[char:0]: No... Power isn't everything to me. If power was enough to solve every problem, then I am no different from the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 01019[char:0]: [char:84]I want the power to protect those close to me, but I'll need to earn that power in the first place if I want to do that...[unk:4006:4f:1][new] I just want the strength not to regret the things that come as a result of my power.[wait] 01020[char:9]: Mmm... Sounds like the memory of your father's death lurks behind your quest for strength.[wait] 01021[char:9]: [char:84]Listen, [char:0]. Never forget why you're striving to become stronger.[unk:4006:1e:1][new] As long as that remains in your heart, you will never stray from the path.[wait] 01022[char:0]: Yes, sir... Thank you.[wait] 01023[char:0]: It is what I need to stay on the right path. I want it to become the bond that keeps me disciplined.[wait] 01024[char:0]: [char:84]If those bonds are weakened and my heart is corrupted, then my swordsmanship is nothing more than a form of violence.[unk:4006:60:1][new] I believe that if you do not keep your heart and soul on the correct path, then you have no right to bear a sword.[wait] 01025[char:9]: [char:84]Hmm... When enough of them come together, even drops of water can move mountains.[unk:4006:98:1][new] Strength is not merely power but also the compass that guides that power.[wait] 01026[char:9]: [char:84]Mind over matter, as they say. Keep your head focused on the correct path.[unk:4006:26:1][new] The tree of power cannot grow unless it is firmly rooted in your heart.[wait] 01027[char:9]: Just try not to be as hard on others as you are on yourself, all right? It'll turn you into a cranky old man like me.[wait] 01004[char:0]: The path never really ends like that, does it?[wait] 01005[char:9]: ...A never-ending path? If you keep thinking you're only halfway there, then that means there will always be room for improvement.[wait] 01006[char:9]: ...So, what does [char:8c]strength[char:8c] mean to you?[wait] 01007 - The power to protect my friends. - The power to defeat my enemies. - The power to build my character.[wait] 01028[char:0]: Couldn't you entrust someone else with the path?[wait] 01029[char:9]: You could. Looking to the work of others can help you achieve heights that would have otherwise been inaccessible.[wait] 01030[char:0]: So our goal is to set an example for the next generation, then?[wait] 01031[char:9]: Mmhmm... A man obtains the power to walk the path precisely because he can see something at the end of it.[wait] 11000[char:9]: Pardon me if this is too personal a question, [char:0], but what does the path of a swordsman mean to you?[wait] 01036[char:9]: What is it that drives you to keep swinging your sword?[wait] 01001[char:0]: [char:84]When I first started, I think I just wanted to be like my father.[unk:4006:c8:0][new] When my father died, I kept it up because I didn't want to let my mother down...[unk:4006:f:1][new] Gradually, I wanted to become stronger for the sake of everyone around me.[wait] 01002[char:9]: [char:84]The desire to grow stronger is an important thing. It's what drives you to refine and improve your skills.[unk:4006:9c:1][new] But what do you think you'll do once you reach the highest level possible?[wait] 01003 - There's never really an end. - I'd entrust it to someone else. - I'd serve as a role model.[wait] 11032[char:9]: Don't worry about it. I apologize for bothering you.[wait] 11033[char:4]: You know what? Bargain hunting is actually a helluva lot of fun![wait] 12000Teen Girl: My boyfriend's coming back from [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] tomorrow! I'm going to whip up the best meal[new] he's ever had![wait] 12001Sentry: Pass through.[wait] 00025Minister: The king awaits. Sir [char:9], please come in.[wait] 00011Minister: Ah, you must be the volunteers. Please come in. The king is waiting.[wait] 00002Sentry: You.[wait] 00003Sentry: [char:84]I apologize for the trouble. Reports have come in lately indicating a rise in monster activity.[unk:4006:2e:1][new] There's concern that this marks the return of [color:4]Deathwing[color:0], so we've expanded security measures all across the region.[wait] 00004[char:0]: [color:4]Deathwing[color:0]?[wait] 00005Sentry: [char:84]Yes. Several years ago, there was a string of killings targeting important officials at the hands of the so-called [color:4]Deathwing[color:0],[unk:4006:92:1][new] a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl.[wait] 00006Sentry: We haven't heard of any sightings lately, but the king has ordered us to stay on guard nonetheless.[wait] 00007[char:3]: A [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0]? What's that?[wait] 00008Sentry: [char:84]A race of people with wings on their backs. They're said to be very capable [color:0]symbologists[color:0],[unk:4006:11:1][new] but normally they live in remote mountainous areas, away from other settlements.[wait] 00009[char:6]: A [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl!? How could one of my kind do such a thing?[wait] 00010Sentry: I don't want to believe it myself, but we have multiple eyewitnesses. You people are a rare sight down here.[wait] 10000Sentry: State your business, strangers.[wait] 00001[char:3]: We're here to [color:1]slay the Archfiend[color:0]. Can you let us see the king?[wait] 10012Sentry: State your business, strangers.[wait] 00013[char:9]: Well, that's rather rude, don't you think?[wait] 00014Sentry: Y-you...you're...![wait] 00015[char:9]: Yes, that's right. We'd like to see the king, if we could. We're here to [color:1]vanquish the Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 10026[char:3]: Let us see the king, please.[wait] 00027Sentry: Yes, sir, Mr. [char:3]! Please wait one moment.[wait] 00028Sentry: Right this way.[wait] 12000Sentry: As someone who lives and dies by the sword, I'm really jealous of [color:2]Highlanders[color:0]. It must be nice[new] to be born with a natural talent for sword fighting.[wait] 12001Down-to-earth Girl: Basically, whatever talents you have determine what things you'll be good at doing.[wait] Van y Ille Castle[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Vanck the Sage: Apparently, there was once a magical mirror that could replicate exactly any object[new] that was reflected in it.[wait] [center][color:3]Primavera[color:0] acquired.[wait] Royal Artist: I put my soul into this drawing! If you want it so badly, why don't you draw it yourself!? It's[new] much cheaper that way! [wait] 12000Royal Artist: A picture imbued with the artist's spirit becomes magical in nature. As for me, if I want a[new] magical picture, I just draw it myself. It's certainly much cheaper than buying one![wait] 12000Soldier: I'm slacking off, but don't tell anybody.[wait] Stairs (1F to 2F)[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Julie the Maid: It's weird how Romy and I hooked up. We hit it off just because our names were similar[new] to those of the hero and heroine in this one story, and we just started dating from[new] there.[wait] Stairs (2F to Balcony)[unk:4006:78:0] 12001Julie the Maid: O Romy, Romy! Wherefore art thou Romy?[wait] 02002Romy the Sentry: Oh, Julie! I'm coming, my love![wait] 02003Commander: Romy! What the hell do you think you're doing away from your post!? Get back here at[new] once![wait] 02004Romy the Sentry: I-I'm s-sorry, s-sir![wait] 02005Julie the Maid: No! Don't take him away from me! Romyyy!!![wait] 02006Romy the Sentry: Wait for me, Julie! I will find you, wherever you are![wait] 02007Commander: Enough!!![wait] 12000Commander: I've had enough of you clowning around! Do I make myself clear!?[wait] 12001Romy the Sentry: *Gulp* Y-yes, s-sir![wait] [center][color:3]Secrets of the Earth[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ruby Wand[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic![color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Brainy Roy: I've been studying geology for a very long time now. I now know that there's a high[new] possibility a legendary precious stone exists in the [color:1]abandoned mine[color:0] on [color:1]Mt. Metorx[color:0]. The stone's[new] called [color:3]Mithril[color:0]. Maybe if I had a [color:3]Pickaxe[color:0], I could dig it up somewhere in the mine.[wait] 12001Symbologist: We're running out of ideas. Perhaps we need to create a powerful weapon of our own.[new] But how will we enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0]?[wait] 12002Excited Scholar: I'm studying the different races on this planet. Recently, I discovered that a race of[new] cat-like people called the [color:2]Lesser Fellpool[color:0] still exists. Mmm... Girls with cat ears...[wait] 10000[char:0]: We sure have been through a lot, huh...[wait] 00001[char:1]: You said it.[wait] 00002[char:5]: But it's a little weird, isn't it? I mean, seeing traces of an advanced civilization on the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00003[char:3]: [char:84]There's also traces of an advanced civilization on [color:1]Roak[color:0].[unk:4006:d4:0][new] It's not outside the realm of possibility to imagine some advanced race teleporting into the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as well.[wait] 00004[char:5]: I guess.[wait] 00005[char:3]: Ahh, you're such a worrywart sometimes. Then again, that's gotten our ship out of more than a few scrapes in the past.[wait] 00006[char:0]: We'll have to leave everyone tomorrow...[wait] 00007[char:5]: I'll miss them.[wait] 00008[char:3]: We'd better leave early in the morning. That way, they won't see us go.[wait] 12000Maid: Nobody has anything cheerful to say these days. I'm getting sick of it![wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Sadness[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Heartbroken Enore: If somebody gave you a hundred presents, would you be able to love that person a[new] hundred times over? It doesn't work like that...does it? It's about how much time you spend[new] with that person and how much you understand each other, isn't it? *Sigh* If only I'd realized[new] that sooner.[wait] Balcony[unk:4006:78:0] 12002King of Van: The lives of my people are now completely in your hands. I wish you luck.[wait] 12001King of Van: I pray that you will return safely with the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 12000King of Van: Make sure you return to me once you have met all the other kings.[wait] 12003Minister: Please keep our discussions on the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] a secret to prevent any unnecessary[new] confusion.[wait] 12004Queen: I pray that there is light at the end of your journey.[wait] 10017King of Van: Brilliantly done! You are more than powerful enough to deal on equal terms with the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00018[char:3]: Thank you, sir.[wait] 00019King of Van: [char:84]But there is another issue--specifically, the location of the [color:1]demon world[color:0] entrance, and how to open it.[unk:4006:b2:1][new] Both are closely guarded secrets, not to be shared freely with just anyone.[wait] 00020[char:3]: ...[wait] 00021King of Van: As a rule, the [color:1]demon world[color:0] entrance cannot be opened from this side. One may only open it if coming from the [color:1]demon world[color:0] itself.[wait] 00022King of Van: [char:84]There was once someone foolhardy enough to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. He returned, albeit near death.[unk:4006:cf:1][new] His story revealed exactly how appropriate the term [char:8c][color:1]demon world[color:0][char:8c] really is.[unk:4006:89:1][new] He said it was a truly frightful place, one that he could scarcely believe even existed.[wait] 00023King of Van: Do you still wish to continue?[wait] 00024[char:3]: Yes, sir.[wait] 00025King of Van: Very well.[wait] 00026[char:5]: Your Majesty, are you saying there is no way whatsoever to open the entrance from this side?[wait] 00027King of Van: [char:84]Not as a rule, mind you. There are ways to break that rule, of course.[unk:4006:7:1][new] After all, it was people on our side that first established a connection between our world and the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00028[char:3]: On our side?[wait] 00029King of Van: Yes. People call them the [color:1]Old Race[color:0]. I'm sure all of you have heard some tales about them. Their real name is the [color:2]Muah[color:0].[wait] 00030[char:0]: The [color:2]Muah[color:0]? Is that the same [color:1]Muah[color:0] as the name of the kingdom?[wait] 00031King of Van: [char:84]Legend has it they named the land they were created on after themselves.[unk:4006:fe:0][new] To put it another way, they first lived in the area now known as the [color:1]Muan Kingdom[color:0].[wait] 00032[char:0]: So they called themselves the [color:2]Muah[color:0] from the very beginning?[wait] 00033King of Van: [char:84]Correct. Another legend says the [color:2]Muah[color:0] did not grow from children, but appeared on the land as fully grown adults.[unk:4006:c1:1][new] They were incarnated by the will of the gods, taking up the name given to them.[wait] 00034[char:5]: So they just appeared one day? That can't actually be true.[wait] 00035King of Van: The [color:1]Old Race[color:0] created a secret treasure and used it to open a gate to another world--the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00036[char:3]: What did they do that for? It sounds almost like suicide.[wait] 00037King of Van: [char:84]Sadly, their motives have not survived in the legends we have today. The treasure they made is known as the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[unk:4006:e3:1][new] It is said to be a gem, scarlet in color, about the size of your fist.[wait] 00038[char:0]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]... They say whoever holds it can look into whatever he wishes.[wait] 00039King of Van: [char:84]I am familiar with the rumors, yes.[unk:4006:94:0][new] I'm sure there are those who pin their hopes on the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], seeing it as the answer to all their problems.[wait] 00040King of Van: [char:84]The [color:2]Muah[color:0] shared information on the whereabouts of the [color:1]Eye[color:0] with the royal houses of four kingdoms.[unk:4006:4c:1][new] That way, no one could get his hands on the treasure unless he learned the total sum of information that all four kingdoms received.[wait] 00041[char:5]: [char:84]So if there ever was some kind of emergency that required the use of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0],[unk:4006:2:1][new] you'd need the cooperation of all four different kingdoms?[wait] 00042King of Van: [char:84]Precisely. And since I have already shared all this with you,[unk:4006:e5:0][new] I now officially charge you with the top-secret duty of finding and procuring the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00043King of Van: Minister! It is time.[wait] 00044Minister: Yes, Your Majesty![wait] 00045Minister: Here you are.[wait] 00046[char:3]: What's this?[wait] 00047King of Van: [char:84]Carry this [color:1]emblem[color:0] with you, and meet with the kings of each country.[unk:4006:ea:0][new] This [color:1]emblem[color:0] is proof that you possess the [color:1]truth[color:0] about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00048King of Van: [char:84]Come back here once you have gathered the information from the other kingdoms. [unk:4006:fb:0][new] Then, and only then, will I share with you our own nation's secret.[wait] 00049King of Van: I will also grant you this [color:1]Book of Techniques[color:0]. I hope it will aid you in your travels. I wish you the best of luck.[wait] 00050[char:3]: Thank you, sir.[wait] 10000King of Van: [char:9]! My word, it's really you! How delightful it is to see you as well as ever.[wait] 00001[char:9]: Thank you, Your Highness.[wait] 00002King of Van: Indeed, having a time-tested hero on our side is a reassuring thought for all of us.[wait] 00003[char:9]: Oh, I am merely one member of this group. You'll need to discuss details with this young man over here.[wait] 00004King of Van: Ah.[wait] 10005King of Van: These are the ones you spoke of?[wait] 00006Minister: They are, my lord.[wait] 00007King of Van: I hear that you have stepped up to vanquish [color:4]Asmodeus, the Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 00008[char:3]: Yes, sir.[wait] 00009King of Van: And do you have confidence in your chances of accomplishing this feat?[wait] 00010[char:3]: I wouldn't know, sir.[wait] 00011King of Van: Mmm. Fair enough. If you were the sort who boasted of sure victory against the unknown, I would have dismissed you immediately.[wait] 00012King of Van: Very well. I should like to test you first, however. There's no point continuing unless I am confident of your skill.[wait] 00013Minister: Oh, my. This must be the first time in years that we've done this.[wait] 00014King of Van: Indeed. Bring them to the [color:1]Trial Chamber[color:0].[wait] 00015[char:0]: The [color:1]Trial Chamber[color:0]?[wait] 00016King of Van: You'll see soon enough.[wait] 10051King of Van: It would appear that you have met with all the kings in the land.[wait] 00052[char:3]: Yes, Your Majesty.[wait] 00053[char:3]: [char:84]We learned of the [color:2]Muah[color:0]'s past from the [color:0]king[color:0] [color:0]of Muah[color:0], a cryptic set of phrases from the [color:0]king of Astral[color:0],[unk:4006:5a:1][new] and the location of the hidden entrance to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] from the [color:0]king of Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 00054King of Van: I see. And you have received [color:1]emblems[color:0] from all of these kings as proof?[wait] 00055[char:3]: We have, Your Majesty.[wait] 00056King of Van: Then it is time for you to visit the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0].[wait] 00057[char:0]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]!?[wait] 00058[char:6]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]!?[wait] 00059[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]!?[wait] 00060[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]!?[wait] 00061[char:4]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]!?[wait] 00062[char:5]: We didn't find anything the first time we visited.[wait] 00063King of Van: Ah, so you have been there before. Well then, no need for any explanation. Head for the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] as soon as possible.[wait] 00064King of Van: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is located on the northern tip of [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 00065King of Van: However, in order to reach the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], you must avoid the main entrance and search for a hidden door instead.[wait] 00066[char:0]: A hidden door? Where do you think it could be?[wait] 00067King of Van: [char:84]I am unaware of the exact location. However, it is said to be behind the main gate.[unk:4006:4f:1][new] Perhaps you could try to make your way behind the temple itself and conduct your search there.[wait] 00068[char:0]: Yes, Your Majesty.[wait] 00069King of Van: There is no time to lose. I hope to hear good news from your expedition.[wait] 10070King of Van: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]! I knew you would be able to do it.[wait] 00071King of Van: Now it is time to storm the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00072[char:3]: Yes, my lord. We are told that the gate to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] lies in a deserted island southwest of [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 00073King of Van: I believe in you. Victory will be yours before long.[wait] 00074King of Van: Who are you?[wait] 00075???: Glad to see you vermin are doing well. [color:1]Astral[color:0] and [color:1]Muah[color:0]'s defenses are pathetic as usual.[wait] 00076???: I was wondering what you little rats were scheming, but I suppose I had nothing to worry about after all. Ah ha ha ha ha![wait] 00077Arachmene: [char:84]You're too late! Too late! The great [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] has already completed his new weapon.[unk:4006:92:1][new] The only option all of you have left is complete, unconditional surrender.[wait] 00078[char:0]: Like hell we do! We'll never surrender to the likes of you![wait] 00079Arachmene: Ah ha ha ha! We'll see how long that bravado lasts.[wait] 00083[char:4]: Bastards![wait] 00084[char:9]: You deranged murderers! You will pay for this![wait] 00085[char:6]: And so tragedy unfolds anew.[wait] 00086[char:7]: How could you![wait] 00087[char:8]: That's...that's terrible![wait] 00096[char:4]: This is seriously messed up. I swear I'll make them pay for this![wait] 00097[char:9]: We haven't a moment to spare![wait] 00098[char:6]: I swear we will fight to avenge the victims![wait] 00099[char:7]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]! You'll pay for this![wait] 10080King of Van: What was that!?[wait] 00081Arachmene: Ha ha ha. The fun's already begun! We figured you'd like a real-world example, so he's just destroyed a village.[wait] 00082[char:0]: He what!?[wait] 00088Arachmene: Surrender at once! You have no choice.[wait] 00089[char:0]: Don't you run![wait] 00090Soldier: [char:84]Your Majesty, terrible news! Our guards report that the [color:1]village of Durss[color:0] has been destroyed in a gigantic explosion![unk:4006:ad:1][new] They say there's absolutely no hope of survivors![wait] 00091King of Van: How could this be![wait] 00092King of Van: [char:84]Organize an immediate expedition force and set up rescue operations with [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]'s soldiers! I don't care if there's no hope! [unk:4006:c2:1][new] We're not going to give up on them![wait] 00093Soldier: Yes, sir![wait] 00094[char:3]: We must storm the [color:1]demon world[color:0] at once. If that weapon strikes [color:1]Van[color:0] or [color:1]Astral[color:0], it would be an utter catastrophe.[wait] 00095[char:5]: I'm afraid you're right.[wait] 10100King of Van: Well done, everybody! There is no doubt in my mind that history will laud you as heroes.[wait] 00101King of Van: [char:84]We have a long road ahead of us before we can hope to attain true peace,[unk:4006:3e:1][new] but the fall of the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that threatened our very existence can only be a blessing for us.[unk:4006:cf:1][new] On behalf of my nation, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are truly a legendary band of heroes.[wait] 00102[char:3]: Thank you, Your Majesty.[wait] Elda, Beleaguered Knight: No! Please don't take that away from me![new] I'd rather risk customizing it than having it stolen![wait] 12000Elda, Beleaguered Knight: I'm trying to decide whether I should Customize this sword. It's a tough decision to make,[new] considering I'll end up with a useless piece of junk if I fail.[wait] Armory[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Royal Symbologist: According to a monster we captured recently, [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], lord of the [color:1]demon world[color:0], is[new] trying to create a weapon of horrifying power. When I first heard that something had[new] crashed into [color:1]Muah[color:0], I honestly feared for the worst! That being said, that crash still[new] puzzles me.[wait] 12001Lidd the Sage: We are currently unable to open the gateway to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] at will. The monsters,[new] however, seem to be able to open and close it whenever they please.[wait] 12000Girl: This is [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0], where snow falls all year round.[wait] 12001Tool Shop Owner: Cold, isn't it? I can't complain, since it helps keep my wares well-preserved.[wait] 12002Tool Shop Owner: Come back soon.[wait] 12003Restaurateur: There's nothing like a hot meal on a cold day.[wait] 12004Restaurateur: Thank you.[wait] 11003[char:1]: Hmm... Which should I get?[wait] 11000[char:1]: Hmmm...[wait] 01001[char:0]: What's up?[wait] 01002[char:1]: Mm? Oh, nothing.[wait] 11005[char:4]: Arrrgh, it's cold! Hey, [char:0]! Do something about it, will ya!?[wait] 01006[char:0]: What do you want me to do!?[wait] 11004[char:9]: Cold climates like these produce the best alcohol in the world![wait] 11011[char:5]: Yeah, I'd definitely say dogs. He kinda reminds me of a German shepherd, come to[new] think of it.[wait] 01012[char:0]: Who does?[wait] 01013[char:5]: Who...? Oh, [char:0]! You don't have to play the fool with me![wait] 11007[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:5]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01008[char:5]: Dogs, I think. Big, fluffy ones.[wait] 01009[char:0]: Those big ones can be pretty cute.[wait] 01010[char:5]: Oh, yeah! They look so big and mean, but once you get to know them, they're like big lovable furballs.[wait] 12000Patrol Guard: Our citizens are not allowed to leave town without permission.[wait] 11006[char:a]: Wolves are the greatest animals in the world![wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:a]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:a]: What about wolves!?[wait] 01002[char:0]: What!?[wait] 01003[char:a]: Wolves! Wolves are better than cats or dogs! Their fur, their stature... Wolves are the best![wait] 01004[char:a]: [char:84]Dogs and wolves are kind of in the same family, but wolves beat 'em every time![unk:4006:f2:0][new] That strength! That dignified air! That agility! That fur! That glint they have in their eyes![wait] 01005[char:0]: ...Right. Dogs, then.[wait] 12000Patrol Guard: Nothing suspicious here... Hm? That's strange. I thought visitors weren't allowed to[new] come here except on official business.[wait] 11005[char:8]: I wonder if bitter memories can eventually turn into something sweet and wonderful, like a[new] bottle of aged wine.[wait] 11004[char:3]: Hmmm. Maybe I should get a dog once I'm back on [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:3]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:3]: I'd say dogs. Yeah, I like those tough-looking watchdogs the most.[wait] 01002[char:0]: That sounds like something you'd say, all right.[wait] 01003[char:3]: I like having a partner who can cover my back.[wait] 12000Patrol Guard: I've always wondered what that huge hourglass does. It doesn't seem to be showing the time.[wait] 10000[char:8]: (I suppose that fate just doesn't have it in the cards for us to be reunited.)[wait] 00001[char:8]: (Farewell, my brother. I'd just be bothering you if I pursued you any longer.)[wait] 11000[char:c]: Hmmm. Veeery interesting...[wait] 01001Lucien: ...What?[wait] 01002[char:c]: So have you fallen in love with [char:1]?[wait] 01003Lucien: W-what? No! What makes you say that!?[wait] 01004[char:c]: [char:84]Ohh, you don't have to act all surprised. [unk:4006:9c:0][new] You can't stop worrying about [char:1], wondering whether or not [char:0] is picking on her, right?[wait] 01005Lucien: Yeah...[wait] 01006[char:c]: You're a pretty nice kid. Definitely not like most men out there, anyway.[wait] 01007[char:c]: Listen, Lucien. If you want to win over [char:1], you better listen to my advice![wait] 01008Lucien: Uh...okay.[wait] 01009[char:c]: I hate to break it to you, but [char:1] is head-over-heels for [char:0].[wait] 01010Lucien: Oh...[wait] 01011[char:c]: If you want [char:1] to pay attention to you, you've got to grow up into a really, really cool guy![wait] 01012Lucien: A really cool guy...[wait] 01013[char:c]: You gotta be strong, tough, and really nice and kind, too![wait] 01014Lucien: Strong and tough...[wait] 01015[char:c]: You're already a nice guy, Lucien, so now all you have to do is become strong and tough.[wait] 01016Lucien: Okay.[wait] 01017[char:c]: You got a good future ahead of you, kid. I bet you'll grow up to be even taller than [char:0]![wait] 01018Lucien: You really think so?[wait] 01019[char:c]: You've got a cute face too, so I bet you'll be handsome as all get-out when you grow up![wait] 01020Lucien: Really!?[wait] 01021[char:c]: Yeah! I guarantee it![wait] 01022[char:c]: [char:84]Hmm...but I bet you're worried about the age difference between you two.[unk:4006:ed:0][new] Why don't you try coming after [char:1] in ten...no, five years?[wait] 01023Lucien: Okay! I'll be a big, strong guy by then![wait] 01024Lucien: Thanks a lot, ma'am![wait] 01025[char:0]: ...Look, this might not be the best kind of advice for a kid...[wait] 01026[char:c]: Oh, it's all right! He's got a great future ahead of him, no mistake about that.[wait] 01027[char:c]: [char:84]I mean, Lucien will be pretty shocked if you and [char:1] hook up,[unk:4006:da:0][new] but then he'll realize he really wanted the kind little lady who was giving him love advice all this time![wait] 01028[char:0]: You don't mean...[wait] 01029[char:c]: [char:8c]Ah, but of course! [char:c] was there to support me the whole time![char:8c][wait] 01030[char:c]: [char:8c][char:c]! I finally realized who's the real number-one in my life![char:8c][wait] 01031[char:c]: [char:8c]Oh, you and [char:1] finally found love? Well, congratulations.[char:8c][wait] 01032[char:c]: [char:8c]No... I...I've always wanted you all along![char:8c][wait] 01033[char:c]: Ooooooh, that'd be great! Eeeeeeeeek! Oh, I can't waaaait![wait] 01034[char:0]: ...Poor Lucien...[wait] 11035[char:7]: I'm trying to suppress my emotions with him, but...I'm afraid I'm just not cut out for it.[wait] 11059[char:1]: Aww... I thought for sure cats would win out.[wait] 11060[char:1]: I knew cats were cuter! And now I've got proof![wait] 11061[char:1]: If you asked every man, woman and child in town, I bet cats would come out as the clear[new] winner![wait] 11036[char:1]: Hey, [char:0], which do you like more: dogs or cats?[wait] 01037[char:0]: Uh, why are you asking me that all of a sudden?[wait] 01038[char:1]: Oh, just wondering. So which is it?[wait] 01039[char:0]: Umm... Dogs, I guess?[wait] 01040[char:1]: Really? But cats are a lot cuter.[wait] 01041[char:0]: [char:84]Well, there're a lot of cute dogs too. Besides, they're stronger, and smarter.[unk:4006:ed:0][new] You could probably get a dog to deliver a letter for you, for example.[wait] 01042[char:1]: Are you trying to make fun of me because of my carrier cat experiment way back when?[wait] 01043[char:0]: I'm not making fun of you. I'm just saying, a dog would've been a much better choice.[wait] 01044[char:1]: Cats are better.[wait] 01045[char:0]: No, dogs are better.[wait] 01046[char:1]: I bet everyone else would say cats.[wait] 01047[char:0]: No, I think they'd say dogs. I mean, I know which one I'd rather have with me on the road.[wait] 01048[char:1]: Ugh! All right, go ask everyone, then![wait] 01049[char:0]: ...Oh, brother. Guess I'll do that when I see them.[wait] 11050[char:1]: Look, more people like cats, okay!? I know this![wait] 01051[char:0]: Well, who knows for sure, huh?[wait] 11052[char:0]: Well, there you have it. Dogs are more popular.[wait] 01053[char:1]: What? But cats are so much cuter when they purr and stuff.[wait] 11054[char:0]: I guess people like cats more.[wait] 01055[char:1]: See? I told you. Cats are more popular![wait] 11056[char:0]: Well, it turned out to be a tie.[wait] 01057[char:1]: What? Then we'll just have to ask everybody in town, too.[wait] 01058[char:0]: Are you kidding me!?[wait] 11062[char:a]: You train everyday so your body can adapt to both heat and cold.[wait] 11063[char:a]: Ah...[wait] 01064[char:a]: Ahhhchoo![wait] [center][color:3]Two-handed Sword[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Tough Mercenary: I've really got my work cut out here. The monsters are tougher than hell![wait] 12001Soldier: Brr, it's cold out here. At least I can keep my heart warm with thoughts of Captain[new] [char:7]![wait] 12002Soldier: You're right. When it's cold, the best remedy is to think of Captain [char:7]! Ah...[new] Captain [char:7]...[wait] Silvalant City[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: I sure am glad to see you in good spirits, [char:1].[wait] 00001[char:1]: You too, [char:3].[wait] 00002[char:1]: Sounds like a lot's been going on while I was gone, huh?[wait] 00003[char:0]: Sure has. We're finally within arm's reach of [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]![wait] 00004[char:3]: [char:84]That we are. [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] is the [color:1]host[color:0] of the [color:1]petrification virus[color:0].[unk:4006:1d:1][new] If we can collect a blood sample from him, we ought to be able to make the medicine we need![wait] 00005[char:1]: Well, in that case, we better go see those kings as quickly as we can.[wait] 00006[char:3]: Shall we head for the castle, then?[wait] 12003[center][char:1] has joined the party![wait] 11011[char:b]: Dogs are scary! They pant all over you, and then CHOMP![wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:b]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:b]: I hate dogs! They tried to eat me![wait] 01002[char:0]: Eat you!?[wait] 01003[char:b]: I was napping in cat form once, and it was like, CHOMP! I was sooo surprised![wait] 01004[char:0]: Well, I'm glad you weren't hurt...[wait] 01005[char:b]: I put up a fight, and then he said, [char:8c]Don't be afraid, little girl![char:8c] That surprised me even more![wait] 01006[char:0]: ...Oh?[wait] 01007[char:b]: He was petting me for a bit and he said, [char:8c]You're a cute little one,[char:8c] but I wasn't gonna be fooled by that! I kicked him and ran off![wait] 01008[char:0]: ...[wait] 01009[char:b]: So I hate dogs! They're scary! You be careful too, [char:0]! They'll eat you![wait] 01010[char:0]: Y-yeah...[wait] 10000[char:0]: [char:1]!?[wait] 00001[char:1]: [char:0], I hate yooouuu!!![wait] 00003[char:1]: Ah![wait] 00002[char:0]: Ah![wait] 00004[char:1]: [char:0]![wait] 00005[char:0]: [char:1]![wait] 12000Patrol Guard: He was standing here just a second ago. Where the hell did he go!? Coward, come out[new] where I can see you![wait] 12001Santa the Dealer: You lookin' for some good stuff?[wait] 12002Santa the Dealer: Always a pleasure.[wait] 11000[char:c]: A little unrequited love won't hurt him. It'll just make him grow up into a handsome, yet[new] forlorn young man! And then... Yes, that's when I make my move! Hee hee hee...[wait] 01010[char:4]: Well, it's hella different from [color:1]Astral[color:0], no doubt...[wait] 01011[char:4]: Ha ha ha! Look at your nose! It's as red as a beet![wait] 01012[char:7]: [char:84]Shut up, you! Like you're in any position to laugh![unk:4006:9d:0][new] You hardly have any clothes on, and I can clearly see goosebumps all over your body![wait] 01013[char:4]: Tuh...you still don't have an ounce of charm in you, do you? I'm just trying to have a little fun, and you go right off on me.[wait] 01014[char:7]: Knights have no use for charm.[wait] 01015[char:7]: If it's some cutesy girl you want, why don't you stop bothering me?[wait] 01016[char:4]: Feh...ahh, forget it![wait] 01017[char:7]: ...Ah-choo![wait] 01018[char:4]: Look... Don't try to act all tough around me. If you're cold, just admit it.[wait] 01019[char:7]: It's not an act![wait] 01020[char:4]: Yeah, yeah, whatever.[wait] 01021[char:4]: Let's hit the bar. It'll be warmer in there.[wait] 01022[char:7]: I told you, I'm not cold at...at... Ah-choo![wait] 01023[char:4]: You're not cold, but I am. I wanna warm up with a nice mug o' somethin'.[wait] 01024[char:7]: Fine. Let's go get something to drink.[wait] 01025[char:7]: ...Thanks, [char:4].[wait] 01026[char:4]: Wh-what, where'd that come from!? I'm not doin' this for you, y'know.[wait] 01027[char:7]: What're you so embarrassed about?[wait] 01028[char:4]: Shut up! I'm not! Get movin' already![wait] 01029[char:7]: Ha ha ha ha...[wait] 01030Soldier: I...I'm so jealous![wait] 01031Soldier: Did you see Captain [char:7] smile just now!? Her face looked so flushed. Oh, such a delicate woman...[wait] 01032Soldier: Oh, Captain [char:7]... What do you see in that muscle-bound idiot?[wait] 01033Soldier: Well, nothing we can do about it. If Captain [char:7]'s happy with him, we'll just have to grin and bear it.[wait] 01034[char:9]: Well, this is certainly a change of pace from [color:1]Astral[color:0]...[wait] 01035[char:9]: [char:84][char:7], are you regretting that you joined us?[unk:4006:c8:0][new] You do realize that none of us knows whether we'll come out of this battle alive or not.[wait] 01036[char:7]: ...I am prepared for that.[wait] 01037[char:9]: All right then, but are you sure you want to leave things with [char:4] as they are right now?[wait] 01038[char:7]: Shhh! Don't let anyone hear that![wait] 01039[char:7]: ...I apologize. I didn't mean to be so loud...[wait] 01040[char:9]: No, it's my fault.[wait] 01041[char:9]: [char:84]...I've known the two of you ever since you were children.[unk:4006:91:0][new] Maybe that's why I can't help but see you as something like...my own child, in a way.[wait] 01042[char:7]: Thank you, Sir [char:9]...[wait] 01061[char:9]: Heh heh, but I doubt [color:4]Lias[color:0] and [char:4] would like the thought of that.[wait] 01043[char:9]: [char:84]Seeing the both of you constantly squabbling with each other... Well, it's tough to watch.[unk:4006:49:1][new] It'd be nice if you could go back to the friendly competition it used to be.[unk:4006:f9:0][new] Then I think [color:1]Astral[color:0] would become a much more stable place.[wait] 01044[char:9]: ...Ahh, but listen to me. It's amazing how bitter you get when you grow older.[wait] 01045[char:7]: Heh heh... That's not like you, Sir [char:9]. You need to be more positive.[wait] 01062[char:7]: I promise I'll come back home alive.[wait] 01046[char:9]: I'm very glad to hear that from you.[wait] 01047Soldier: Did you hear that?[wait] 01048Soldier: Captain [char:7], willing to give up her life...yet swearing she will return home alive! Ohh, I've never felt so moved in my life![wait] 01049Soldier: But it looks like Captain [char:7] still can't forget about [char:4] no matter what she does.[wait] 01050Soldier: Sure seems that way... What does she see in that muscle-bound idiot, anyway?[wait] 01051Soldier: [char:84]Well, nothing we can do about it. I mean, there's no denying that he's got real skills to back up the reputation he has.[unk:4006:67:1][new] There's no way we could beat him at anything.[wait] 11001Soldier: Oof... It's so cold, and yet Captain [char:7]'s right here with us...[wait] 01002Soldier: Ohh... Poor Captain...[wait] 01003Soldier: We've got to stay by her side![wait] 01004Soldier: Yes, and then... Oh, maybe love will be in the air...[wait] 01005Soldier: What're you talking about!? Have you forgotten our vow!?[wait] 01006Soldier: Of, of course not! How could I!?[wait] 01007Soldier: [char:8c]All for one, and one for all![char:8c][wait] 01008Soldier: [char:8c]All for one, and one for all![char:8c][wait] 01009[char:7]: Whew... Man, it's cold...[wait] 11052Soldier: Ahh... Captain [char:7]...[wait] 11053Soldier: Ahh... Captain [char:7]...[wait] 11059[char:c]: I will be the crafty leopard that stalks you in the night![wait] 01060[char:0]: (We're getting out of cat territory here...)[wait] 11054[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:c]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01055[char:c]: Of course cats! They're surprisingly capable animals, don't you think?[wait] 01056[char:0]: Capable? Uh, most people would say cute.[wait] 01057[char:c]: Yeah! That's what I'm saying! Those wily bastards use their cuteness as a weapon! That's what I want![wait] 01063[char:c]: Huh? You got a problem with that?[wait] 01064[char:c]: Right! So, that's why I wanna be like a cute little cat someday![wait] 01058[char:0]: ...[wait] 12001Sailor: I heard about you guys from the king. Where do you wanna go?[wait] [color:3] - Eckdart (Van Kingdom) [char:8d][color:2][var:7] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Deserted Island [char:8d][color:2][var:8] Fol[color:3] 12002Sailor: You don't have enough money, man.[wait] 12000Sailor: Who the hell are you guys!? You can't use this ship. Now get the hell out of here![wait] 10000[char:8]: I finally avenged my family.[wait] 00001[char:8]: But it was really everyone else's doing. I couldn't have done a thing if I were by myself.[wait] 00002[char:8]: I've made it this far because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.[wait] 00003[char:8]: I can't believe I didn't notice it until now. It's so painfully obvious, but it wouldn't have happened without you, [char:0].[wait] 00004[char:8]: That and [char:3]. Hee hee. I hope he and [char:5] are doing okay.[wait] 00005[char:8]: Strange. The view looks different to me now. It's beautiful.[wait] 00006[char:8]: I was using my revenge as a wall to hide from my own crimes.[wait] 00007[char:8]: There's no way I could face my brother like this.[wait] 00008[char:8]: I really don't know what I should do, but regardless, I'm heading on a journey to atone for my crimes.[wait] 00009[char:8]: I hope you'll be watching over me, [char:0], and everyone else, too![wait] 11006[char:8]: I'd love to have a nice, lazy, easy-going life...like a cat, you see.[wait] 11001[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:8]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01002[char:8]: I like cats more, I suppose. I like stray cats the most.[wait] 01003[char:0]: Stray cats?[wait] 01004[char:8]: They just seem so free and able to live each moment to the fullest. I always wished I could live like that.[wait] 01005[char:0]: [char:8]...[wait] 11000[char:9]: Can you come see me later, [char:0]? I'll be waiting in the castle.[wait] 01001[char:0]: What does he want?[wait] 01002[char:1]: Sounds like something important.[wait] 11003[char:9]: I have sorely misjudged you...[wait] 01004[char:0]: (...I totally forgot!)[wait] 11005[char:1]: Here you go.[wait] 01007[char:1]: It's a magic charm, [char:0]. It'll protect you from danger.[wait] 01008[char:0]: ...Thanks. I'll take good care of it.[wait] 01009[char:4]: Mmmm? You guys flirtin' or somethin'?[wait] 01010[char:3]: Ah... Looks like you got a good thing going here.[wait] 01011[char:0]: H-hey... It's not like that.[wait] 11012[char:1]: So which side had more votes? Cats or dogs?[wait] 01013[char:0]: (Uh oh... I forgot about it.)[wait] 01014[char:1]: Ugh! You totally forgot, didn't you? You're terrible![wait] 11087[char:0]: How do the people here deal with this cold?[wait] 11015[char:1]: There's something really romantic about winter wonderlands![wait] 11016[char:3]: I guess this kingdom's managed to keep the peace thanks to its soldiers.[wait] 11017[char:5]: Where there's snow, there's good alcohol. I can't wait to try some![wait] 11018[char:4]: Sorry to ditch you guys, but I've got a date with some great alcohol![wait] 11019[char:9]: Make sure you all get plenty of rest. The monsters around here aren't anything to trifle with.[wait] 11020[char:6]: It appears the people here have learned to survive by maintaining their strong bonds.[wait] 11021[char:7]: If h-heat is j-just a state of m-mind, s-so is c-cold![wait] 11022[char:8]: Everyone here seems to be so full of life in spite of the cold.[wait] 11023[char:a]: Th-this is p-perfect! I can t-train b-both my b-body and my s-soul to f-fight the c-cold![wait] 11024[char:b]: S-so...c-cold...[wait] 11025[char:d]: It's a bit easier to walk around here. Most people don't seem surprised to see a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl.[wait] 11026[char:c]: It's so cold! Won't some cute guy come over and keep me warm in his big, strong arms!?[wait] 11088[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11027[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11028[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11029[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11030[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11031[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11032[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11033[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11034[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11035[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11036[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11037[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11038[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11089[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11039[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11040[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11041[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11042[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11043[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11044[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11045[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11046[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11047[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11048[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11049[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11050[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11090[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11051[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11052[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11053[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11054[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11055[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11056[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11057[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11058[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11059[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11060[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11061[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11062[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11091[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11063[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11064[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11065[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11066[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11067[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11068[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11069[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11070[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11071[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11072[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11073[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11074[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11092[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11075[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11076[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11077[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11078[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11079[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11080[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11081[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11082[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11083[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11084[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11085[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11086[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 02006Advisor: Learning a fighting technique on its own won't do anything. But once you've learned the[new] technique, performing certain special arts may lead to you acquiring even fancier super[new] special arts! The chances of acquiring these moves, however, depend entirely on[new] your technique level and perseverance. Our guild recommends learning the[new] Hasten Speech skill. It is an absolutely invaluable skill for [color:0]symbologists[color:0], as it reduces the[new] time needed to cast a spell.[wait] 12009Swordsman: Have you learned any Combat Skills? They can really come in handy.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]Athena's Gift[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11005[char:7]: The important thing is that you train 'em right![wait] 01006[char:0]: Uh...yeah.[wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:7]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:7]: Huh? Umm... Maybe dogs.[wait] 01002[char:0]: I thought you'd say that! Why do you like them more?[wait] 01003[char:7]: Because a dog's unconditionally faithful to its master.[wait] 01004[char:0]: I see.[wait] 12000Sentry: Brr, it's cold. How long's this weather gonna last?[wait] 12001Sentry: I think my toes are going numb.[wait] 10000[char:3]: We wish for an audience with the king.[wait] 00001Sentry: That's the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0] [color:1]emblem[color:0]! One moment, please.[wait] 00002Minister: Please, right this way.[wait] 11004[char:6]: It was a very harrowing experience. I could hardly believe how tenacious he was[new] as he chased after me. The glint in his eyes, his smooth, supple motion... The mere[new] thought is enough to give me chills.[wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:6]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:6]: Hmm... If I had to make a choice, I think I would say dogs.[wait] 01002[char:0]: I would have guessed cats. Any particular reason why?[wait] 01003[char:6]: I was flying once when I was a child, and a cat attacked me because it thought I was a bird.[wait] 11009[char:d]: Watching those fluffy little dogs go around really warms my heart. ...Hey! I'm serious![wait] 11005[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:d]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01006[char:d]: Well... I like dogs more, I suppose. Smaller dogs. You know, the cute little fat ones.[wait] 01007[char:0]: Ha ha! That sounds about right for you, [char:d].[wait] 01008[char:d]: I could just eat them up! ...I mean, because they're so cute, you know. Heh heh heh.[wait] 11010[char:0]: What is it?[wait] 01011[char:9]: Hm? Oh, nothing. I was just reminiscing about the old days.[wait] [center][color:3]Regeneration Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] Sir Zell: What are you doing!? Great, now I have to worry about both humans and monsters![wait] [center][color:3]Leather Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Sir Zell: The monsters have been almost too quiet recently. I hope it's not the calm before the storm.[wait] 12001Sir Kelt: Maybe the monsters just stopped attacking because they were getting tired.[wait] 12002Soldier: I'm a huge fan of the [color:1]Three Heroes[color:0] of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]. I hope I get to play a huge role[new] like that someday![wait] 12003Piron the Sage: Legend has it that the world was once populated with only living incarnations of spell[new] symbols known as [color:4]Runes[color:0]. If that legend is true, where did our ancestors come from? Another[new] puzzle is evidence that indicates that the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] did not have tails.[wait] Silvalant Castle[unk:4006:78:0] 11011[char:8]: The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...[wait] 11012Soldier: The [color:1]Three Heroes[color:0] refers to [color:1]Astral[color:0]'s [color:4]Lias Warren[color:0], [char:9] Bernbeldt, and [color:4]Del Argosy[color:0],[new] the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]![wait] 01013Soldier: But I'm sure you already knew that.[wait] 11000[char:8]: ...Are you serious!?[wait] 01001Soldier: Of course I am! You think I'm lying?[wait] 01002[char:8]: No, I didn't mean that, but...[wait] 01003Soldier: [color:4]Argosy[color:0], the guy we call the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], was heralded as one of the [color:1]Three Heroes[color:0] of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]![wait] 01004Soldier: He was a brilliant swordsman! He drove the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] back into his own world.[wait] 01005[char:8]: So what is the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] up to now?[wait] 01006Soldier: I heard he went on a round-the-world training journey after the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0].[wait] 01007[char:8]: Why a journey? If he was a war hero, then why isn't he helping in the effort against the demons threatening us now?[wait] 01008Soldier: Well, you got a point, but the [color:1]Three Heroes[color:0] aren't exactly spring chickens anymore.[wait] 01009Soldier: Maybe they've decided to let the next generation of heroes take the stage instead.[wait] 01010[char:8]: ...I suppose.[wait] 12000Gardener: I've heard you can make accessories with all kinds of powers by crafting precious[new] metals. Have you given it a try?[wait] 12001John the Artist: Don't tell anybody, but the Art specialty's more useful than it might look! A lot of[new] determination helps, though.[wait] 11017[char:9]: Ah, there you are.[wait] 11007[char:0]: Did you want to see me?[wait] 01008[char:9]: Well, I've been traveling with you for a while, and I've gotten a fair idea of your skills in battle by this point.[wait] 01009[char:0]: Yes...?[wait] 01018[char:9]: Would you mind listening to one last request from me?[wait] 01010[char:9]: Ever since the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] sliced off my arm, I have been searching for someone to pass on my knowledge to.[wait] 01011[char:9]: Are you interested in learning the secret behind my skills?[wait] 01012[char:0]: Me!? Are you sure I'm good enough?[wait] 01013[char:9]: I have faith in you. That's why I'm offering.[wait] 01014[char:0]: Then I'd be happy to accept your offer.[wait] 11015[char:9]: I hope you have what it takes to make my skills truly your own.[wait] 01016[char:0]: Yes, sir! Thank you![wait] 11000[char:6]: Ah...[wait] 01001[char:0]: Sorry. I overheard you.[wait] 01002[char:6]: Oh, there is no need to be apologetic. Besides, I have already told you about my[new] parents and my sister.[wait] 01003[char:6]: But [char:d], a killer? Absolutely impossible! It must be some kind of mistake![wait] 01004[char:0]: [char:6]...[wait] 11005[char:6]: Wait. I remember a soldier at [color:1]Van Castle[color:0] talking about a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl called the[new] [color:4]Deathwing[color:0].[wait] 01006[char:6]: But...no, it can't be... That's not possible. I must have misheard him.[wait] 12000Scholar: There's supposed to be an [color:1]Old Race[color:0] ruin northeast of [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0], but it's much too[new] dangerous for me to explore on my own.[wait] 12000Young Soldier: I finally get to go home for the first time in a really long while. I've been here for months![wait] [center][color:3]Refreshing Syrup[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Old Sage: Sir [color:4]Jerand[color:0], the former royal [color:0]symbologist[color:0], was killed after getting caught up in the chaos[new] of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]. He was an exceptional man, and his death was a huge loss for this[new] kingdom.[wait] 12001Kannoy the Scholar: The entrance to the ruins, located northeast of here, is supposedly very difficult to[new] find. I understand it cannot even be seen at first glance.[wait] 11020[char:6]: My father once taught [color:1]symbology[color:0] to people from all across the world. Perhaps[new] that's why he was killed.[wait] 11000Royal Symbologist: You know, you look terribly familiar...[wait] 01001[char:6]: Yes, sir. My name is [char:6] [color:4]Jerand[color:0].[wait] 01002Royal Symbologist: Heavens! I was a student of your father's back in the day. If only I could have done more to help him...[wait] 01003[char:6]: [char:84]...I have not come here to chastise you. Please, you have nothing to be ashamed of. [unk:4006:f6:0][new] I just want to know the truth about who killed my parents and where my sister is.[wait] 01004Royal Symbologist: Given the situation back then, it would've had to been an assassin from the [color:1]demon world[color:0] who killed your parents.[wait] 01005[char:6]: I see... As for my sister?[wait] 01006Royal Symbologist: I have neither seen nor heard of her since the incident. However...[wait] 01007[char:6]: What else do you know!?[wait] 01008Royal Symbologist: This is merely a rumor, but I hear that a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl has been killing important figures all throughout the land.[wait] 01009[char:6]: Are you saying it might be [char:d] who's responsible!? There has to be some kind of mistake![wait] 01010Royal Symbologist: Please, calm down. It is only a rumor. The murders are a confirmed fact, but as for the killer... Who knows?[wait] 01011[char:6]: I see... I apologize for confronting you like this.[wait] 01012Royal Symbologist: I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.[wait] 11013Royal Symbologist: Ah... So you're traveling with [char:6], then?[wait] 01014Royal Symbologist: There are few experiences in my life more tragic than that one.[wait] 01015Royal Symbologist: I had heard that the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] was the man behind the killings, but I still remain[new] unconvinced. Why would such a noble and just swordsman be involved with such pure evil like[new] that?[wait] 01016Royal Symbologist: Perhaps a [color:1]demon world[color:0] assassin carried it out to smear the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]'s good[new] name...or for some other reason. I could stand here and conjecture about it all day, but[new] I'm afraid it wouldn't get us anywhere.[wait] 01017Royal Symbologist: I truly apologize for not being more help. I wish I could have done more for him.[wait] 01018Royal Symbologist: That's why I hope you can succeed where I failed. Please... Do what you can for him, all[new] right?[wait] 11019Royal Symbologist: Please, do what you can for [char:6], all right?[wait] 12000Royal Symbologist: My goal is to become a brilliant royal [color:0]symbologist[color:0], maybe even better than Sir [color:4]Jerand[color:0] himself.[wait] 12001Scholar: According to my research, there exists a parallel world inhabited by the gods who[new] created our world. From what I have gathered, it is called the [color:1]Oracle Room[color:0].[wait] Royal Symbologist's Quarters[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Yahma the Sentry: One year's way too short. I wish I had two.[wait] 12001Tohk the Sentry: I love the phrase [char:8c]game specs[char:8c]![wait] 12000Youth: We're somehow managing right now, but I don't think we'd last a minute against a full-on attack.[wait] 12001Young Boy: Lynne and her mom and dad went away somewhere.[wait] 12002Soldier: Captain [char:7]...[wait] 12003Soldier: We're should count ourselves lucky that we've got a home like [color:1]Astral City[color:0] and a leader[new] like Captain [char:7].[wait] 11000[char:3]: I'm beginning to think the constant invasions from the [color:1]demon world[color:0] have taken a much[new] larger toll on these people's lives than I ever imagined.[wait] 11001[char:5]: Everything looks so miserable here. Is the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] responsible for this, too?[wait] 11002[char:6]: It is always inspiring to see people who are willing to stand up to their problems without[new] losing faith.[wait] 11003[char:7]: It must be difficult to be forced to leave the place where you were born.[wait] Durss[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Smoke Mist[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Remia: I'm gonna make a whole bunch of snowmen![wait] 12001Mister: Ain't nobody living in that house no more.[wait] 11015[char:1]: This thing is called a snowman. It's too bad that we'd never get a chance to build one in [color:1]Kratus[color:0].[wait] 11016[char:a]: It's quiet around here, but the people are friendly![wait] 11017[char:b]: Look, [char:0], look! It's called a snowman! Isn't it the cutest thing?[wait] 10000Mother: Remia! Remia, time to go inside.[wait] 00001Remia: Yes, Mom![wait] 00002Remia: Look at that.[wait] 11012Remia: Just look at all the friends that snowman made! It couldn't have happened without all of you.[new] Thanks![wait] 01013[char:1]: The snowman won't be so lonely anymore.[wait] 01014Remia: That's right.[wait] 11009Remia: Let's make another snowman together! The more snowmen we make, the more fun it'll be![wait] 01010[char:1]: You said it. C'mon, [char:0], we've got some building to do.[wait] 01011Remia: I bet the snowman's happy he's not alone any longer.[wait] 11000[char:1]: You're really good at making snowmen![wait] 01001Remia: Heh heh, thank you! Let's make one together![wait] 01002[char:1]: Oh? With me?[wait] 01003Remia: He must be lonely by himself. It's more fun if he's got lots of friends![wait] 01004[char:1]: Well, then let's make some more snowmen together![wait] 01005Remia: Hooray! Aren't you happy, Mr. Snowman?[wait] 01006[char:0]: Here, lemme help too.[wait] 01007Remia: Sure.[wait] 01008Remia: Wow, look at his new friend![wait] 11000[char:d]: The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] fears the power created by the strong bonds between people. That's why[new] he's constantly trying to sow the seeds of war and destruction.[wait] Empty Home[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Lotion of Strength[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Mister: If you're looking for good weapons, you'd be better off traveling a bit further to[new] [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 12001Mister: Thanks. We don't get much business these days.[wait] 11000[char:9]: It wasn't always like this, my boy. I remember when this town was a thriving community.[wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]The Rusty Dagger[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Hexagram Card[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12003Remia's Mom: My daughter's really good at making snowmen.[wait] 12004Remia's Mom: Welcome. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Remia's Mom: Welcome! It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Remia's Mom: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Remia's Mom: You don't have enough money.[wait] 11000[char:8]: I have seen too many towns such as this that have been brought to ruin by monsters.[wait] Inn [char:8c]Refuge for the Lonely[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Tool Shop Owner: I'm thinking of just packing up and leaving.[wait] 12001Tool Shop Owner: Thanks a lot.[wait] 12002Temjin: Hello. It must have been cold out there.[wait] 12003Temjin: Feel free to stay here long enough to warm up.[wait] 12004Lady: Ever since the monsters began attacking us, we've been losing our villagers one by one...[wait] 12005Barkeep: We haven't had a visitor in ages. Take your time and relax here for as long as you like.[wait] 11000[char:4]: I can't take this gloom and doom anymore. Let's get the hell out of here.[wait] 11001[char:c]: Wow. Look at how they're trying to steer their own futures with their own hands![new] It's so inspiring![wait] Item Shop [char:8c]The Empty Potion[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Old Lady: If you travel east from here, you'll reach [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 12001Old Man: I know this village don't look like much, but it's the only home I've got. I ain't leaving no[new] matter what.[wait] 11048[char:0]: Wow...it's white all around.[wait] 11000[char:1]: There's snow everywhere![wait] 11001[char:3]: I don't think we'll be able to stay here much longer. Let's move on once we're rested.[wait] 11002[char:5]: This town feels so lonely; there doesn't seem to be anyone around.[wait] 11003[char:4]: What's with this dark mood?[wait] 11004[char:9]: It must be difficult for a small village such as this to recover from the wounds inflicted by the constant demon invasions.[wait] 11005[char:6]: There is a heaviness that permeates the air here. Is this also the effect of the demon invasions?[wait] 11006[char:7]: [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] sits at the front lines of the demon invasions. I'm sure the climate doesn't make it any easier to live here.[wait] 11007[char:8]: What a melancholy village. If only the monsters would leave them alone...[wait] 11008[char:a]: I'm sure I can cheer them up by demonstrating my martial arts! There's no harm in trying![wait] 11009[char:b]: Everyone here's so gloomy. Is it because of the monsters?[wait] 11010[char:d]: It's such a melancholy village. If only the monsters would leave them alone...[wait] 11011[char:c]: We've got to stay positive, people! If we defeat the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], life will return to this village, too![wait] 11049[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11012[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11013[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11014[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11015[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11016[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11017[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11018[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11019[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11020[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11021[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11022[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11023[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11050[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11024[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11025[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11026[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11027[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11028[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11029[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11030[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11031[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11032[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11033[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11034[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11035[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11051[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11036[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11037[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11038[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11039[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11040[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11041[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11042[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11043[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11044[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11045[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11046[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11047[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 12000Minister: The monsters in the labyrinth are quite strong. You may wish to train outside first if they[new] prove to be too difficult.[wait] Labyrinth of Champions[unk:4006:78:0] 10007Minister: Oh, my! Astounding! You actually made it through the labyrinth! Please, let us return to the king immediately.[wait] 10000[char:0]: Wait, do we go in here?[wait] 00001Minister: Oh, not that door. That will come later.[wait] 00002[char:5]: Later?[wait] 00003Minister: Oh, er, never mind. Just a bit of local lore.[wait] 00004Minister: Getting back to business, we must determine how far your abilities can take you.[wait] 00005Minister: [char:84]Go through this door, and do whatever it takes to reach the exit safely. Complete the task, and the trial is over.[unk:4006:a7:1][new] If you find it insurmountable, you may return here at any time.[wait] 00006Minister: I will be waiting at the exit.[wait] 10008Minister: I'm sorry, but if you don't leave via the exit, then you have not passed the trial. You must reach the exit in one piece. Good luck.[wait] 12001[char:8c]Exit Only[char:8c][wait] 12002[char:0]: (It won't open.)[wait] 11000[char:0]: (It's a bit too dangerous to go in on my own.)[wait] [center][color:3]Amulet of Flexibility[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000[char:8c]Where there is light, there is shadow.[char:8c][wait] 12000[char:8c]The true path lies in the shadows.[char:8c][wait] 12000[unk:400d:14][unk:400d:12][unk:400d:f][unk:400d:e][wait] 12000Toggle the [unk:400d:e] switch?[wait] 12000Toggle the [unk:400d:f] switch?[wait] 12000Toggle the [unk:400d:10] switch?[wait] 12000[char:8c]The true path shall not reveal itself in the light.[char:8c][wait] 12000Toggle the [unk:400d:12] switch?[wait] 12000Toggle the [unk:400d:13] switch?[wait] 12000Toggle the [unk:400d:14] switch?[wait] Old Race Ruins B1F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Roundel Dagger[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Orb of the Valkyrie[color:0] acquired.[wait] Old Race Ruins B2F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Meteorite[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10000???: You will not pass. Turn back now...[wait] 10002???: That [color:1]emblem[color:0]... I see.[wait] 00003???: You may pass. But you must not touch...[wait] 00004[char:0]: Don't touch what? What's that mean?[wait] 10001???: Come as often as you like; I will not allow those without the proper [color:1]emblem[color:0] to pass. Forget what you have seen here.[wait] [center][color:3]Robe of Deception[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Kitty Suit[color:0] acquired.[wait] Old Race Ruins B3F[unk:4006:78:0] Mt. Eckdart[unk:4006:78:0] 10004[char:0]: Whew... That looks like the last one. Better report back to [color:4]Foster[color:0], then![wait] 10000[char:9]: Hmmm. I've had the worst time finding a young swordsman to pass my skills onto.[wait] 00001[char:9]: Not training [char:0] when I had the chance feels like I've missed a very precious opportunity.[wait] 00002[char:9]: Ah, well, I've got a long time yet. No need to panic.[wait] 00003[char:9]: I've finally got some peace for a change. I could use a nice, leisurely walk now and then. Heh heh heh.[wait] 10000[char:0]: Whew... That looks like the last one. Better report back to [color:4]Foster[color:0], then![wait] 11000[char:1]: Hmm, that's weird.[wait] 01001[char:3]: What?[wait] 01002[char:1]: I have a feeling that someone's talking about me behind my back...[wait] 01003[char:1]: Oh well, never mind.[wait] 01004[char:1]: We need to find a town, don't we?[wait] 01005[char:3]: Oh, right. Yeah.[wait] 01006[char:3]: I know you've got your [color:1]symbology[color:0] or whatever, but I'm totally defenseless here with no equipment, no weapons, nothing.[wait] 01007[char:1]: Don't worry. I'll help you pick out something to impress the ladies once we find a town.[wait] 01008[char:3]: Uh...thanks.[wait] [center][color:3]Fine Shield[color:0] acquired.[wait] Demon World[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:d]: The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]![wait] 00001Crimson Shield: The [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl. Imagine seeing you alive.[wait] 10006[char:9]: [char:84]You have usurped the body of my brother-in-arms![unk:4006:b1:0][new] Your villainous behavior is nothing short of outrageous, and you will pay for it![wait] 00007Crimson Shield: And you believe you can do that with only one arm? Is that what you think, [char:9]!?[wait] 10002[char:8]: [char:84]The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]! The man who took everything away from me! I never thought I'd see you here.[unk:4006:7c:1][new] You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment![wait] 00003Crimson Shield: Pardon me. I appear to have acquired too many enemies, for I am afraid I do not even remember who you are.[wait] 00008[char:6]: My parents will be freed of their burden, right here, right now![wait] 00009Crimson Shield: I do not remember the issue in question, but if I killed them, their weakness in battle could hardly be my fault.[wait] 00010[char:6]: You monster![wait] 10011[char:6]: [char:d], I hope you're watching. My parents, my sister, I will avenge you all![wait] 00012Crimson Shield: The [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl? She was a useful tool to me, but dead, she means nothing.[wait] 00013[char:6]: You monster![wait] 10004[char:4]: [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], you used to be a soldier of honor. What're you doing letting yourself fall to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]!?[wait] 00005Crimson Shield: Honor? Reputation? Is that all you seek? If one has acquired absolute power, then what more would you need?[wait] 10014[char:3]: What happened to [char:8]? The girl with purple hair who was pursuing you?[wait] 00015Crimson Shield: Ah, her. If you cannot realize when you are outclassed, then you have no right to live.[wait] 00016[char:3]: I think I know what drove you now, [char:8]. [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]! The chain of suffering ends here![wait] 00020[char:9]: [color:4]Argosy[color:0]...[wait] 00021Argosy: It's wonderful to see you again, [char:9]. You still cared enough to call me your [char:8c]brother-in-arms,[char:8c] huh?[wait] 00022[char:9]: Yes. The [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0] was behind it all. That was what created your shadow form.[wait] 00023Argosy: It was. The shadow was controlling my body. I cursed myself over and over, but I could do nothing.[wait] 00024[char:9]: Mmm.[wait] 00025Argosy: I used to lose all memory whenever the shadow took over, but now the shadow and myself have changed places.[wait] 00026[char:9]: So the shadow is gone now. You can make up for everything you did![wait] 00027Argosy: No, not without the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0]. And besides, I don't have long to live.[wait] 00028[char:9]: I'm so sorry.[wait] 00029Argosy: Forget about it, [char:9]. This was bound to happen the moment I was caught inside the [color:1]Mirror[color:0].[wait] 00030Argosy: But there is a more important matter at hand. [color:1]Astral[color:0] is in mortal danger![wait] 00031[char:9]: What!?[wait] 00032Argosy: You must hurry! The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] is after the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0] I entrusted to [color:4]Lias[color:0] long ago.[wait] 00033[char:3]: What are you talking about!?[wait] 00034Argosy: I am [color:4]Argosy[color:0], the true face of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0].[wait] 00035[char:3]: What!? So who were we fighting all this time?[wait] 00036Argosy: That was my shadow, you could say.[wait] 00037[char:0]: What are you talking about!?[wait] 00038Argosy: [char:84]Near the close of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], I received a secret mission from the [color:0]king of Silvalant[color:0][unk:4006:47:1][new] to find the hidden treasure of the [color:1]Old Race[color:0].[wait] 00039Argosy: [char:84]But when I finally discovered the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0], I realized it was no treasure at all.[unk:4006:6e:1][new] The [color:1]Mirror[color:0] created a shadow form of my own body and used it to control my every move.[wait] 00040[char:6]: ...[wait] 00041Argosy: I used to lose all memory whenever the shadow took over, but now the shadow and myself have changed places.[wait] 00042[char:3]: The shadow's gone now, isn't it? So you can make up for everything you did![wait] 00043Argosy: No, not without the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0]. And besides, I don't have long to live.[wait] 00044[char:6]: I am sorry.[wait] 00045Argosy: Forget about it, young [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0]. This was destined to happen the moment I was caught inside the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0].[wait] 00046Argosy: But there is a more important matter at hand. [color:1]Astral[color:0] is in mortal danger![wait] 00047[char:3]: What!?[wait] 00048Argosy: You must hurry! The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] is after the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0] I entrusted to [color:4]Lias[color:0] long ago.[wait] 00049[char:3]: What are you talking about!?[wait] 00050Argosy: I am [color:4]Argosy[color:0], the true face of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0].[wait] 00051[char:3]: What!? So who were we fighting all this time?[wait] 00052Argosy: That was my shadow, you could say.[wait] 00053[char:0]: What are you talking about!?[wait] 00054Argosy: [char:84]Near the close of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], I received a secret mission from the [color:0]king of Silvalant[color:0][unk:4006:47:1][new] to find the hidden treasure of the [color:1]Old Race[color:0].[wait] 00055Argosy: [char:84]But when I finally discovered the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0], I realized it was no treasure at all.[unk:4006:6e:1][new] The [color:1]Mirror[color:0] created a shadow form of my own body and used it to control my every move.[wait] 00056[char:0]: I see.[wait] 00057Argosy: I used to lose all memory whenever the shadow took over, but now the shadow and myself have changed places.[wait] 00058[char:3]: The shadow's gone now, isn't it? So you can make up for everything you did![wait] 00059Argosy: No, not without the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0]. And besides, I don't have long to live.[wait] 00060[char:0]: I think I have to apologize.[wait] 00061Argosy: Forget about it, young swordsman. This was destined to happen the moment I was caught inside the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0].[wait] 00062Argosy: But there is a more important matter at hand. [color:1]Astral[color:0] is in mortal danger![wait] 00063[char:3]: What!?[wait] 00064Argosy: You must hurry! The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] is after the [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0] I entrusted to [color:4]Lias[color:0] long ago.[wait] 00017Crimson Shield: You made it this far. Go ahead! Try to entertain me![wait] 10018[char:0]: We did it?[wait] 00019???: Thank you for defeating him. The one who abused my name is gone. I have no regrets.[wait] 00065[char:0]: A [color:1]bladeless sword[color:0]?[wait] 00066[char:5]: We can't afford to let his warning go to waste. Let's go back to the castle right now![wait] 00067[char:3]: Do you think we can make it back to [color:1]Astral[color:0] in time?[wait] 00068[char:1]: Couldn't we use the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]? It was made for opening holes in space, wasn't it?[wait] 00069[char:5]: I suppose it's worth a shot.[wait] 12000Return to the Deserted Island?[wait] [center][color:3]Foot Insignia[color:0] acquired.[wait] 00001[char:5]: Pretty modern building, whatever it is.[wait] 00002[char:3]: So this is where we'll find [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 00003[char:3]: This looks a little...out of place for a [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] Deserted Island[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:4]: Man, are you sure the [color:1]demon world[color:0] entrance is on this island?[wait] 10001[char:9]: I certainly don't see anything out of the ordinary. Or anything at all, for that matter.[wait] 10002[char:6]: The entrance to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] is somewhere around here.[wait] 10003[char:7]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0] entrance is here? Seriously?[wait] 10004[char:5]: This place must be closely connected with the [color:1]demon world[color:0] somehow.[wait] 00008[char:4]: You scared?[wait] 00009[char:9]: There's nothing to be afraid of. You are far from alone![wait] 00010[char:6]: Come on, [char:1]. You are braver than that.[wait] 00011[char:7]: There's nothing to be scared of. We're here with you. C'mon, show some guts.[wait] 00012[char:0]: You don't have to be scared, [char:1]. I'm here with you.[wait] 00013[char:1]: You're right. We've got a world to save.[wait] 00005[char:0]: [char:3]. It's time to open the door![wait] 00006[char:3]: Right![wait] 00007[char:1]: We're...going in here?[wait] 00014[char:0]: Let's move![wait] 12000Return to [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0]?[wait] Planet Fargett[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: This is [color:1]Fargett[color:0]!?[wait] 00001[char:3]: I was briefed about this earlier, but it sure isn't a very hospitable place to live.[wait] 00002[char:5]: Agreed. Most of it is wasteland, really.[wait] 00003[char:1]: Is that why they're trying to invade [color:1]Earth[color:0]? To get more resources?[wait] 00004[char:5]: If that were the case, you'd think they would try engaging in trade or colonizing an uninhabited planet.[wait] 10005[char:5]: We've got hostiles![wait] 00006[char:3]: What!? How did they find out about our landing zone!?[wait] 00007[char:0]: What'll we do?[wait] 00008Fargett Soldier: This area has been completely secured. You are surrounded on all sides. Do not try to resist us.[wait] 00009???: This way! Hurry![wait] 00010[char:3]: Huh!? Let's move, everyone![wait] 00011[char:0]: [char:1]!? [char:1]! Where are you!?[wait] 00012[char:3]: [char:0], we've got to get out of here! We can't let the entire team get caught![wait] 00013[char:0]: [char:1]!!![wait] 12000Older Sister: Please defeat [color:4]Jie[color:0] once and for all. It's the only way our lives can improve.[wait] 12001Younger Sister: I wanna go home to [color:1]Vadgupe[color:0]. There's not enough space to play here![wait] 12013Resistance Soldier: Oh! S-sorry, I must have been distracted by... You were, um, looking for some items?[wait] 12003Resistance Soldier: Take care of yourselves, and good luck![wait] 12002Resistance Soldier: Make sure you're fully stocked on items before you leave.[wait] 11058[char:1]: The sky on this planet has a strange color. It's a bit scary, isn't it?[wait] 11060[char:3]: The sky here's nothing more than a dark vortex of electromagnetic waves. Maybe[new] that's all [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] wanted: to live under the beautiful blue skies of [color:1]Roak[color:0]. Maybe that's all[new] [color:4]Jie[color:0] wants as well.[wait] 11059[char:3]: Why is [color:4]Jie[color:0] attempting to invade [color:1]Earth[color:0]? Could it be to fulfill the [color:2]Muah[color:0]'s wish of returning to[new] [color:1]Earth[color:0]?[wait] 11065[char:8]: Now I know who was responsible for creating the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. I realize they were[new] desperate, but I don't know if I can forgive them.[wait] 11064[char:8]: It feels strange knowing that the people here are descendants of the [color:2]Muah[color:0].[wait] 11063[char:a]: What kind of martial arts do you think they practice here? I'm itching to find out![wait] 11067[char:d]: When I look up at that sky, I feel like I understand why the people here decided to create[new] [color:1]superhumans[color:0] such as [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and [color:4]Jie[color:0]. Nonetheless, I still don't know if I can forgive[new] them.[wait] 11066[char:d]: When I see the murky skies and the barren landscapes of this planet, I realize just how[new] blessed we are back home.[wait] 11068[char:c]: Remember, [char:8c]A bird in the hand[char:8c]...I mean, um, [char:8c]Rome wasn't built in a day.[char:8c] We've just gotta[new] keep pushing ourselves on![wait] Safe House[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:5]: Who are you?[wait] 00001???: I am Yvena, leader of the [color:1]anti-Revorse movement[color:0].[wait] 00002[char:3]: My name is [char:3] J. Kenny, of the Alliance.[wait] 00003Yvena: You're from [color:1]Earth[color:0], I see. What about the others?[wait] 00004[char:3]: They're all [color:2]Roakians[color:0]. Each one of them is a talented fighter, and they would be indispensable to this mission.[wait] 00005Yvena: All right.[wait] 00006[char:5]: We were ambushed back there.[wait] 00007Yvena: [char:84]I have to apologize. There was a major sting operation a few days ago, and the army seized several of our comrades.[unk:4006:62:1][new] They probably beat the info out of them.[wait] 00008[char:5]: This [color:1]safe house[color:0] isn't so safe then, is it?[wait] 00009Yvena: We have several [color:1]safe houses[color:0] set up across the land for situations like these. Only a small handful of comrades know this place.[wait] 00010[char:0]: Well, that's great, but we gotta go rescue [char:1] and the rest![wait] 00011[char:0]: Well, that's great, but we gotta go rescue [char:1]![wait] 00012Yvena: There's an [color:1]army camp[color:0] nearby where they're probably conducting their interrogation.[wait] 00013[char:3]: [char:84]It doesn't look like they share the same opinions about [color:0]human rights[color:0] that we do.[unk:4006:c0:0][new] We don't have much time to lose.[wait] 00014Yvena: Security shouldn't be tight for now at least. We'll set up a decoy at the front entrance.[wait] 00015[char:3]: Divert the enemy's attention? Sounds like a plan.[wait] 00016Yvena: The camp is southwest of this [color:1]safe house[color:0]. You guys can get in through the rear entrance.[wait] 00017[char:3]: Got it.[wait] 00018Yvena: Good luck out there.[wait] 10019[color:3]WARNING![color:0] Progressing beyond this point will make it impossible to return to ancient [color:1]Roak[color:0]. Please be careful when saving over older files.[wait] 11000Younger Sister: Who are you? Where are you from?[wait] 01001Older Sister: Are you the guys from [color:1]Earth[color:0] that Yvena brought here?[wait] 01002[char:0]: Oh...yes. We're here with [char:3] to defeat the dictator, [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0].[wait] 01003Older Sister: So you're the people... Well, thank you for coming all the way out here for us. I'm sorry we can't give you more of a friendly welcome.[wait] 01005Younger Sister: So you aren't from [color:1]Fargett[color:0]? Then let's listen to my sister together! She's gonna tell us about the [color:2]Muah[color:0] today.[wait] 01006[char:0]: The [color:2]Muah[color:0]?[wait] 01007Older Sister: Now, now, I'm sure they wouldn't care about any of that stuff. I'm sorry if she's bothering you.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Not at all. By the way, about the [color:2]Muah[color:0]... Do you mean the people who were thrown here from [color:1]Earth[color:0] long ago?[wait] 01009Older Sister: Oh, you know about them?[wait] 01010[char:0]: I heard about them from Yvena. She said that's where the original settlers of [color:1]Fargett[color:0] came from.[wait] 01011Older Sister: Oh...[wait] 01012Older Sister: ...Can I ask you a question?[wait] 01013[char:0]: Sure. What is it?[wait] 01014Older Sister: Is the sky really blue in your world?[wait] 01015[char:0]: The sky?[wait] 01016Older Sister: Is it true that when night falls, you can see lots of little lights in the sky?[wait] 01017[char:0]: Well... Yes, that's true...but...[wait] 01018Older Sister: I'm sure it must not be anything special to you guys...[wait] 01019[char:0]: ...[wait] 01020Older Sister: Oh... I'm sorry. Asking you all these weird questions...[wait] 01021Older Sister: But if that's what the [color:2]Muah[color:0]'s homeland was like, I can see why they were willing to break every taboo to return there.[wait] 01022Older Sister: It's just hard to believe that the land was so alive... That the air was clear and fresh... That the sky was blue.[wait] 01023Younger Sister: That place really exists? I'd sure like to live there sometime![wait] 01024Older Sister: Me too. I'm so jealous of the people that live there... It sounds like such an ideal place.[wait] 01025[char:0]: I'm sorry... I never really thought much about our sky and trees and everything.[wait] 01026Older Sister: Oh, don't apologize! I'm sorry if I disturbed you in any way.[wait] 01027[char:0]: Not at all... Um, once we defeat [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0], you're welcome at our place anytime.[wait] 01028Older Sister: ...Thank you. I hope we'll be around to see that day.[wait] 11035[char:1]: Hmm...[wait] 01036[char:b]: What's up, [char:1]? Is something on my face?[wait] 01037[char:1]: No...no, that's not it, but... Well, listen, [char:b]...[wait] 01038[char:b]: Hmm?[wait] 01039[char:1]: Can...can I touch your tail? It looks so fluffy.[wait] 01040[char:b]: Hah-wahh![wait] 01041[char:1]: How did you get it to be so fluffy!? C'mon, tell me![wait] 01042[char:b]: Hee hee! Well, the truth is...[wait] 01043[char:1]: Uh huh?[wait] 01044[char:b]: All you gotta do is a lot of puff-puffs, and it'll get really fluffy![wait] 01045[char:1]: Puff-puffs?[wait] 01046[char:b]: Yeah. Puff-puff.[wait] 01047[char:1]: Puff-puff...[wait] 01048[char:b]: Puff-puff.[wait] 01049[char:1]: Puff-puff, puff-puff.[wait] 01050[char:b]: Puff-puff, puff-puff.[wait] 01051[char:0]: What are those two up to?[wait] 11029Older Sister: I hope the day will come when I get to visit your world.[wait] 11030Older Sister: Blue skies, fresh air, a land vibrant with green... How I hate all of it...[wait] 01031[char:0]: Huh!?[wait] 01032Older Sister: Mm? Oh, nothing.[wait] 01033[char:0]: (Strange. For just a moment there, I could've sworn she was glaring right at me...)[wait] 11034Younger Sister: I wanna go see your home world too! Can I, huh?[wait] 11052[char:1]: Puff-puff, puff-puff...[wait] 11053[char:b]: Puff-puff, puff-puff...[wait] 11055Resistance Soldier: Ah, so relaxing...[wait] 01057Resistance Soldier: Agh! I gotta stop staring at 'em! Come on... You're a gentleman! You can't do this... Ohh, just a[new] little... Wait! No! No no no![wait] 11061[char:a]: There's never a bad time for training! In fact, now is the perfect time to double my[new] training![wait] 11062[char:a]: Yaaah! Watatatata tatatataaa! Haiii-yah![wait] 12007Resistance Soldier: It looks like you already bought this.[wait] 12006Resistance Soldier: I don't think you have enough money.[wait] 12005Resistance Soldier: Good luck![wait] 12004Resistance Soldier: Have you forgotten to learn any skills? I'm selling information on all skill sets.[new] What type of skill would you like to buy information on?[wait] 12014Resistance Soldier: What? Nothing, nothing at all! Um, you wanted some skill information?[wait] 12015 - Knowledge 1 - 3 - Sense 1 - 3 - Technical 1 - 3 - Combat 1 - 3[wait] [color:3] - Knowledge 1[char:8d][color:2] [var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Knowledge 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Knowledge 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3][wait] [color:3] - Sense 1[char:8d][color:2] [var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Sense 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3][wait] [color:3] - Technical 1[char:8d][color:2] [var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Technical 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3][wait] [color:3] - Combat 1[char:8d][color:2] [var:4] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 2[char:8d][color:2][var:5] Fol[color:3] [color:3] - Combat 3[char:8d][color:2][var:6] Fol[color:3][wait] 12009Resistance Soldier: Which skill set would you like to buy information on?[wait] 12008Resistance Woman: My job is to explain the contents of each skill set. Would you like to hear this information?[wait] 12010Resistance Woman: Which skill set would you like to see the contents for?[wait] [color:3]Knowledge 1[color:0] includes Mineralogy, Herbology, and Recipe. [color:3]Knowledge 2[color:0] includes Music Knowledge, Item Knowledge, and Biology. [color:3]Knowledge 3[color:0] includes Mental Science, Faeriology, and Piety.[wait] [color:3]Sense 1[color:0] includes Aesthetics, Resilience, Keen Eye, and Courage. [color:3]Sense 2[color:0] includes Determination, Danger Radar, Purity, and Poker Face. [color:3]Sense 3[color:0] includes Effort, ESP, and Aesthetic Design.[wait] [color:3]Technical 1[color:0] includes Sketching, Knife, Whistling, and Imitation. [color:3]Technical 2[color:0] includes Eye for Detail, Penmanship, Animal Training, and Machinery. [color:3]Technical 3[color:0] includes Performance, Smithing, Technology, and Operation.[wait] [color:3]Combat 1[color:0] includes Power Burst, Guardbreak, Qigong, and Trance. [color:3]Combat 2[color:0] includes Godspeed, Sidestep, Body Control, and Recast. [color:3]Combat 3[color:0] includes Feint, Counter, Hasten Speech, and Concentration.[wait] 12011Resistance Woman: That's pretty much it.[wait] 12012Resistance Woman: Please come back whenever you'd like to hear the contents of the various skill sets.[wait] Bio-lab[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Man, what the heck is this place? I've never seen vegetation like this before.[wait] 00001[char:3]: We must have the wrong location. The [color:1]army camp[color:0] is southwest of the [color:1]safe house[color:0]. Let's go back![wait] 10002[char:0]: We gotta get going! Who knows what they're doing to [char:1] even as we speak![wait] 10003[char:0]: Whoa! Look at that! I've never seen anything like these plants before.[wait] 00004[char:5]: An abandoned laboratory. This must be the [color:1]bio-lab[color:0].[wait] 00005[char:3]: Yep, and it looks like it's been shut down for a while. Guess they were trying to develop plants capable of thriving on this planet.[wait] 00006[char:5]: Hm, must have been pretty successful.[wait] 00007[char:3]: I guess. Let's go inside.[wait] 10008[char:5]: This used to be a [color:1]bio-lab[color:0], didn't it?[wait] 00009[char:3]: Yep, and it looks like it's been shut down for a while. Guess they were trying to develop plants capable of thriving on this planet.[wait] 00010[char:5]: Hm, must have been pretty successful.[wait] 00011[char:3]: I guess. Let's go inside.[wait] 12000Petra: My sister and I run the inn and item shop together.[wait] 12001Petra: You're welcome to visit the inn if you're feeling tired.[wait] 11022[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12006Innkeeper Lady: Hello, dearie. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Lady: Hello, dearie. It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12003Innkeeper Lady: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12004Innkeeper Lady: You don't have enough money, dearie.[wait] 12005Adventurer: It's become so much easier to travel outdoors since learning Scouting and Survival.[wait] 11021[char:c]: Nngh... What? Did you just call me beautiful...? Well, don't be silly! Of course I am! ...Zzz.[wait] 11020[char:8]: Did I really make the right choice? I wonder about it all the time.[wait] 11019[char:5]: Yuck, I'm covered in sand. I'd love a cool shower right now.[wait] Inn [char:8c]The Sandy Seabed[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:1]: Ooh, I bet that'd look so cute.[wait] 01001[char:b]: Yeah yeah yeah! Cute! Cuuuute![wait] 01002[char:1]: Oh, but don't tell [char:0] we talked about this, okay?[wait] 01003[char:b]: Okay! It'll be a secret. Our secret![wait] 01004[char:0]: What're you two talking about?[wait] 01005[char:1]: [char:0]!?[wait] 01006[char:0]: Mm? What are you so surprised about?[wait] 01007[char:1]: N-nothing.[wait] 01008[char:b]: Yeah! Nothing! No, uh uh, we weren't talking about how cute you are. Nothin'. Nope.[wait] 01009[char:1]: [char:b]![wait] 01010[char:b]: [char:84]Wait! No! I mean, we weren't imagining you in a pretty dress or anything![unk:4006:f4:0][new] Definitely not one with frilly ribbons and bouncy shoulders and cutesy wutesy bubbly wubblies![wait] 01011[char:1]: Oh, no...[wait] 01012[char:0]: ...I'd never put on anything like that.[wait] 01013[char:1]: You...you might look good in it![wait] 01014[char:0]: I don't care![wait] 01015[char:1]: Agh! I'm sorry![wait] 01016[char:b]: *Sniff*[wait] 11017[char:1]: I'm sorry, [char:0].[wait] 11018[char:b]: A pretty, dolled-up [char:0]... Kee hee hee! You'd be sooo cute![wait] 02006Advisor: You can only have up to 999 unused skill points at any time. Don't keep saving these points[new] or you might end up wasting them! Let's see, what skill should I recommend? How[new] about...Body Control? A high Body Control level reduces the time you're dazed. This works[new] when the enemy attacks from behind as well, so it really comes in handy.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]Mermaid's Gifts[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 12000Old Man: I still worry that another [color:1]Demonic War[color:0] could break out at any time.[wait] 12001Old Man: This is it...the end of the world...[wait] 12002Old Lady: He's always worrying about everything.[wait] 12003Old Lady: Can you believe what just happened? Maybe my husband was right to worry.[wait] 11000Stepmother [char:5]: [char:0]! [char:0], where are you!?[wait] 01001Cinder-[char:0]: What is it, mother?[wait] 01002Stepmother [char:5]: Don't you [char:8c]what is it[char:8c] me! Hurry up and get the cooking started.[wait] 01003Cinder-[char:0]: Yes...right away.[wait] 01004Stepsister [char:7]: [char:0]! [char:0]![wait] 01005Cinder-[char:0]: Yes, my sister? What do you need?[wait] 01006Stepsister [char:7]: My shoes are dirty. Polish them.[wait] 01007Cinder-[char:0]: Yes...right away.[wait] 01008Stepsister [char:8]: [char:0]! Oh, [char:0]![wait] 01009Cinder-[char:0]: Yes, my sister? What do you need?[wait] 01010Stepsister [char:8]: This button came off my clothes! Sew it back on.[wait] 01011Cinder-[char:0]: Yes...right away.[wait] 01012Stepsister [char:d]: [char:0]! [char:0]![wait] 01013Cinder-[char:0]: Yes, my sister? What do you need?[wait] 01014Stepsister [char:d]: This windowsill is covered with dust! Clean it off![wait] 01015Cinder-[char:0]: Yes...right away.[wait] 01016Stepsister [char:c]: [char:0]! Hey, [char:0]![wait] 01017Cinder-[char:0]: Yes, my sister? What do you need?[wait] 01018Stepsister [char:c]: Could you spot me some cash?[wait] 01019Cinder-[char:0]: Yes...right away.[wait] 01020Stepsister [char:b]: [char:0]! [char:0]! Where are you?[wait] 01021Cinder-[char:0]: Yes, my sister? What do you need?[wait] 01022Stepsister [char:b]: I'm bored. Do something funny![wait] 01023Cinder-[char:0]: Yes...right away.[wait] 01024Cinder-[char:0]: *Sniff*[wait] 01025Fairy God-[char:1]: Oh, [char:0]! Such a pitiful sight you are! I know! I've got just the surprise for you![wait] 01026Fairy God-[char:1]: And... Poof![wait] 01027Prince [char:3]: Oh [char:0], my love. We finally meet... I've come to take you away from all of this.[wait] 01028Cinder-[char:0]: [char:3]!?[wait] 01029Prince [char:3]: We'll hold the ceremony immediately. Come, let us return to my castle.[wait] 01030Cinder-[char:0]: I, uh... I...[wait] 01031Prince [char:3]: [char:84]It's understandable that you're at a loss for words, [char:0],[unk:4006:94:0][new] because I'm sure that no words could possibly describe just how happy you must be right now.[wait] 01032Cinder-[char:0]: But I...uh...[wait] 01033Prince [char:3]: You don't have to be so embarrassed. Though I must admit, your rosy cheeks only serve to make you all the more adorable...[wait] 01034Cinder-[char:0]: I...nooo![wait] 01035Prince [char:3]: Heh heh... Seeing the hair on your tail stand on end like that makes me feel all fuzzy inside...[wait] 01036Prince [char:3]: I wuv you, my dear wittle kitten...heh heh.[wait] 01037Cinder-[char:0]: Aaaaaaahhhhh!!![wait] 12000Sailor: Sail to [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]?[wait] Astral City[unk:4006:78:0] 00001[char:5]: Let's find some lodging first. We'll inquire about our friends later.[wait] 10002[char:5]: Let's head to the inn for the night, okay? We should get some rest.[wait] 10021[char:7]: They'll block off the boats once they see I'm missing. Could you get me through the [color:1]Astral Caves[color:0]?[wait] 00022[char:0]: All right.[wait] 10003[char:5]: Let's head to the inn for the night, okay? We should get some rest.[wait] 00004[char:4]: Yeah, I could use some sleep myself.[wait] 10005[char:7]: Excuse me, sir. You wouldn't happen to be [char:9], would you?[wait] 00006[char:9]: One and the same, yes.[wait] 00007[char:7]: It's me! Don't you remember me, sir? [char:7] Melle?[wait] 00008[char:9]: Ah, yes, now I remember. You're [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s daughter.[wait] 00009[char:7]: Yes! It's been such a long time![wait] 00010[char:9]: Indeed. Too long. Ten years, as I recall. Is [color:4]Lias[color:0] doing well?[wait] 00011[char:7]: Of course. We'd all be in trouble if we were without his leadership as captain of the [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0].[wait] 00012[char:7]: Ah, so we meet again. Are you traveling with this group?[wait] 00013[char:9]: Mm? You know them? I happened to come across them in the midst of my travels.[wait] 00017[char:9]: I'm here to pay the man a visit. Why don't you come by yourself later?[wait] 00018[char:7]: I'd be happy to guide you to Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s mansion. He's moved since last you've seen him.[wait] 00019[char:9]: Ah yes? Well, thank you.[wait] 10020[char:5]: Let's head to [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s place for the night, okay? We should get some rest.[wait] 10023[char:7]: Do you really have to go? Why can't you stay here? And why doesn't Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] try to stop you!?[wait] 00024[char:4]: I don't belong here yet.[wait] 00025[char:7]: Huh?[wait] 00026[char:4]: I have to get stronger, strong enough that my name remains for at least another 300 years.[wait] 00027[char:4]: Stronger than my father, stronger than the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]! And stronger than that other guy too.[wait] 00028[char:7]: I get it. But come back, all right? I'll be waiting for you.[wait] 00029[char:4]: Yeah.[wait] 00030[char:4]: You better be watching, [char:0]![wait] 10000[char:5]: Let's head to the inn for the night, okay? We should get some rest.[wait] 10001[char:5]: Let's head to the inn for the night, okay? We should get some rest.[wait] 00002[char:4]: Yeah, I could use some sleep myself.[wait] 10003[char:5]: Let's head to [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s place for the night, okay? We should get some rest.[wait] 10000[char:7]: Damn, you just won't give up![wait] 00001[char:4]: All the ships have been blockaded. If you want off the [color:1]Astral[color:0] cliffsides, this is the only exit you've got.[wait] 00002[char:5]: [char:4]![wait] 00003[char:0]: Isn't that [char:7]!?[wait] 00004[char:7]: [char:4]! C'mon, please let me go![wait] 00005[char:7]: You...you and I are friends, aren't we?[wait] 00006[char:4]: Who the hell are you!?[wait] 00007[char:4]: If you're gonna try imitating her, you could start by ordering me around, you fake! Not by pleading with me![wait] 00008[char:4]: [char:84]That girl ain't no princess. Never was, never will be![unk:4006:c9:0][new] And if you're trying to ruin [char:7]'s life, then I'll rip you apart right here![wait] 00009???: I don't remember you being any prince yourself.[wait] 00010[char:4]: [char:7]...[wait] 00011[char:7]: Heh...this just isn't my lucky day.[wait] 00012[char:4]: Whoa. You're one ugly mother...[wait] 00013[char:7]: Could you transform into something else? I could do without seeing that.[wait] 00014[char:7]: How 'bout if I make you regret ever laying a hand on Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]!?[wait] 00015Darthwidow: Kee![wait] 00016[char:0]: Get her![wait] 00017[char:7]: Thanks for believing in me.[wait] [center][color:3]Sweet Curry[color:0] acquired.[wait] Mom: For the last time, it's almost...! Excuse me, who're you?[wait] [center][color:3]Pebbles[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Mom: Will you two stop going on about it!? It's almost ready.[wait] 12001Boy: I'm hungry![wait] 12002Girl: Hey, boys aren't allowed to complain! Mommy, I'm hungry![wait] 02006Advisor: Have you been using the Writing specialty? If you reach a certain level of a skill, you[new] can use the Writing specialty to write a book about it. Anybody who reads the book can learn[new] the skill without using up any skill points! Unfortunately, you can't completely master a skill[new] just by reading books. After all, it's practice that makes perfect. On that note, the skill I[new] recommend is Penmanship. You can only acquire Writing by learning this skill.[wait] Skill Guild [char:8c]The Knight's Errand[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Life in Nature[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Padded Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12002Innkeeper: You don't seem to have enough money.[wait] 12009Innkeeper: Hello. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper: It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12003Symbologist: I am currently researching a phenomenon known as lycanthropy. There is a rare[new] race of people called [color:2]Lycanthropes[color:0], who apparently have the ability to transform[new] into wolves. I wonder how they do it.[wait] 12004Barkeep: How's it going?[wait] 12005Barkeep: Have you heard? Lady [char:7] apparently murdered her own adopted[new] father, Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0], in cold blood! You just never know with some people...[wait] 12006Barkeep: It's hard to keep on as usual when you know there're monsters among us disguised as[new] [color:2]humans[color:0].[wait] 12007Deadly Warrior: Don't ever stand right behind me. Even I can't control the killer instincts of my right arm.[wait] 12008Swordsman: Any time someone mentions the [color:1]Three Heroes[color:0] of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], the first name that pops[new] into my head is Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]![wait] Inn [char:8c]The Astral Oasis[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000Innkeeper: All right, I'll put you on the register right away then, Miss [char:5].[wait] 00001[char:5]: Thank you.[wait] 00002[char:5]: What should we do next, [char:0]? I think we should go and explore [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a bit.[wait] 00003 - Let's walk around town for a bit. - Let's call it a day.[wait] 00004[char:0]: I'm with you there. Let's take a look around. I'd like to do some weapon shopping, too.[wait] 00005[char:5]: Right. We'll meet back here when we're done.[wait] 10006Innkeeper: All right, I'll put you on the register right away then, Miss [char:5].[wait] 00007[char:5]: Thank you.[wait] 00008[char:5]: What should we do next, [char:0]? I think we should go and explore [color:1]Astral[color:0] for a bit.[wait] 00009[char:4]: I'm gonna wait here.[wait] 00010[char:5]: Oh, don't be like that, [char:4]! I don't know what happened here, but have some confidence, huh? Act like you belong here.[wait] 00012 - Let's walk around town for a bit. - Let's call it a day.[wait] 00013[char:0]: Let's look around a little more, all right, [char:4]? Besides, I'd like you to help me with some weapons. Sound good?[wait] 00014[char:4]: Yeah, you're right. Let's go![wait] 00015[char:5]: Right. We'll meet back here when we're done.[wait] 00016Innkeeper: [char:4]? Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s son? Uncanny resemblance.[wait] 00017Innkeeper: [char:4]? Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s son? Uncanny resemblance.[wait] 10067Innkeeper: Ah, welcome back, [char:5]. Are you resting here for the night?[wait] 00068 - Yes - No[wait] 00069Innkeeper: Very well. Have a good night.[wait] 00070Innkeeper: All right. Come back if you change your mind.[wait] 10018[char:5]: We don't need to rest here. [color:4]Lias[color:0] is taking care of us, remember?[wait] 10019[char:0]: Let's go after her.[wait] 10020[char:5]: Well, ready to go?[wait] 00021[char:4]: Yep.[wait] 00022[char:5]: But what about her, [char:4]?[wait] 00023[char:4]: Huh?[wait] 00024[char:5]: You know. Her.[wait] 00025[char:4]: It doesn't matter.[wait] 00026[char:4]: What's up?[wait] 00027Soldier: I bring you a gift from the king himself.[wait] 00028[char:4]: What is it?[wait] 00029Soldier: A token of appreciation for defeating the monster last night.[wait] 00030Soldier: I also bring a message from Lady [char:7].[wait] 00031[char:5]: What is it?[wait] 00032Soldier: If you are searching for someone, you should try visiting the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0].[wait] 00033[char:0]: Purga...torium?[wait] 00034Soldier: It's a [color:1]ruin of the Old Race[color:0], home to a hidden artifact called the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], or so I am told.[wait] 00035[char:4]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], huh? That sounds familiar. It's some kinda crystal ball that lets you see any person or thing you want, right?[wait] 00036Soldier: Yes, sir. That's what they say.[wait] 00037[char:4]: Well, I don't mind following [char:7]'s advice, but I wouldn't mind going from town to town on our way to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0], either.[wait] 00038[char:4]: I'll leave the choice up to you guys. I'm fine either way.[wait] 00039[char:5]: Hmmm. I'm leery of relying on an old tale like that. What do you think, [char:0]?[wait] 00040 - To the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0][color:3]! - Let's try some other towns.[wait] 00041[char:0]: If we had that [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], maybe we could use it to find out where [char:1] and the captain are! I say we give it a shot![wait] 00042Soldier: [char:84]Legend has it the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is behind a hidden entrance separate from the main one.[unk:4006:f1:0][new] If you ask me, it doesn't sound like the easiest thing to find.[wait] 00043[char:0]: Well, it's still better than nothing. Let's go.[wait] 00044Soldier: I see. Pardon me.[wait] 00045[char:5]: Umm, so...where is the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]?[wait] 00046[char:4]: [char:84]Well, that's due north of here. If we leave [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] and follow the mountains to our right, we'll find a cave that takes us right there.[unk:4006:76:1][new] She tell you where the hidden door was?[wait] 00047Soldier: I'm sorry, sir. I don't know the exact location.[wait] 00048Soldier: [char:84]There is a rumor, however, that it lies deeper inside, removed from the temple itself.[unk:4006:22:1][new] Perhaps you could search for an entrance behind the main door.[wait] 00049[char:0]: Thank you very much! We'll check it out right away.[wait] 00050[char:5]: Thanks for your advice. Say hello to [char:7] for us.[wait] 00051Soldier: Yes, ma'am. Please be careful, all of you, and good luck in your travels.[wait] 00052[char:0]: [char:84]I appreciate that, but I think it'd be better to keep gathering information in other towns [unk:4006:8:1][new] instead of looking for something that might not even be there.[wait] 00053Soldier: I see.[wait] 00054[char:4]: In that case, if we head due west of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0], we'll find a port town called [color:1]Tropp[color:0]. We'll be able to go to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] from there.[wait] 00055[char:5]: [color:1]Tropp[color:0], was it? All right. Let's try there first.[wait] 00056[char:0]: Sounds good.[wait] 00057[char:5]: Thanks for your advice. Say hello to [char:7] for us.[wait] 00058Soldier: Yes, ma'am. Please be careful, all of you, and good luck in your travels.[wait] 10059Innkeeper: Hey, did you guys hear?[wait] 00060Innkeeper: Rumor has it Captain [color:4]Lias[color:0] has been killed, and they say his daughter [char:7] did it! Shock, ain't it?[wait] 10061Young Man A: I'm gonna be the best swordsman in the world![wait] 00062Young Man B: Hah! You kiddin' me? You couldn't do that in a million years![wait] 00063Young Man A: I'll get you for that, you bastard![wait] 00064[char:9]: Hah hah. If you're gonna dream, you've gotta dream big, that's what I say.[wait] 00065Barkeep: Can't disagree with that. What more evidence do you need that we're finally at peace?[wait] 00066[char:9]: [char:0], the path of a swordsman is infinitely treacherous. But I know you have what it takes![wait] 12003Innkeeper: Hello. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 10000[char:5]: A bell? Did something happen?[wait] 10001[char:5]: A bell? Did something happen?[wait] 00002[char:0]: What's up, [char:4]?[wait] 00003[char:4]: That's a coded message from the [color:1]Astral Knight Corps[color:0].[wait] 00004[char:4]: You've got to be kidding me! How the hell could she do something like that!?[wait] 00005[char:4]: Wait, is that where she is?[wait] 00006[char:4]: I hope I can get ahead of her.[wait] 00007[char:0]: Hey! [char:4]![wait] 10008[char:0]: Let's go after her.[wait] 12004Assistant: I refuse to believe that Lady [char:7] could have ever done something so cruel to[new] Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]. All I can do right now is to believe that she will one day be allowed to return home.[wait] 12003Assistant: Please take care of yourselves.[wait] 12002Assistant: Thank you for all that you've done for Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] and Lady [char:7]. I am forever in[new] your debt.[wait] 12001Assistant: I'm sorry that we can't make your stay any more comfortable.[wait] 12000[char:7]: Thank you very much. My father has managed to escape with his life.[wait] Lias's Mansion 1F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:7]: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]! You have visitors![wait] 00001Lias: I'm coming, I'm coming! I thought I told you not to call me that in the house![wait] 00002[char:7]: Father, here are your guests.[wait] 00003Lias: [char:9]? Oh, [char:9]![wait] 00004Lias: How long has it been?[wait] 00005[char:9]: Too long. Glad to see you are well.[wait] 00006[char:9]: Where's the kid?[wait] 00007[char:9]: Is he in the castle?[wait] 00008Lias: I'll...tell you about that later.[wait] 00009Lias: By the way, who did you come with?[wait] 00010[char:9]: These are my traveling companions.[wait] 00011Lias: I see. Well, any friends of [char:9]'s are honored guests of mine.[wait] 00012Lias: Thank you for coming. Feel free to make the most of my humble abode during your stay in [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 12002Lias: The time has come for you to fight again. Good luck, my friend.[wait] 12001Lias: Make yourselves at home.[wait] 12000Lias: Yes, what is it? I suppose you don't think it's rude just barging into my room like that?[wait] 12003[char:9]: You might want to take some time to explore the streets of [color:1]Astral City[color:0], my boy. Unlike the[new] other kingdoms, you're free to enter the castle as well.[wait] Study[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:9]: You look haggard.[wait] 00001Lias: Oh? I guess so. Ever since my son left the house, perhaps.[wait] 00002[char:9]: What happened between you two?[wait] 00003Lias: The assistant captain post in the First [color:1]Knight Corps[color:0] opened up just as my son joined the force.[wait] 00004Lias: [char:84]I couldn't find anyone with the right field experience for the position, so I recommended [char:4],[unk:4006:28:1][new] a move that generated some very painful criticism.[wait] 00005Lias: They wound up putting him through the wringer, and I feel it was all my doing.[wait] 00006Lias: I should make it clear that [char:4] being nominated had absolutely nothing to do with him being my son.[wait] 00007[char:9]: I understand that, and I know perfectly well how talented he is, too.[wait] 00008[char:9]: He probably didn't realize how good he was back then.[wait] 00009Lias: That may be true, but perhaps I was rushing things a little too quickly.[wait] 00010[char:9]: And I'm sure it must have made him an extremely distrustful young man. Distrustful of the [color:1]Corps[color:0], of his father...even of himself.[wait] 00011Lias: Mmm. And [char:7] took the bulk of the pain, too. Don't mention [char:4] around her, all right?[wait] 00012Lias: [char:84]She... She... Well, she had a fondness for [char:4],[unk:4006:b4:0][new] so you could say this whole [color:4]knight captain[color:0] situation completely flipped that on its head.[wait] 00013[char:9]: [char:84]Ah, girls. Difficult to deal with at that age. If that's how bad things became, I doubt there's much you could do.[unk:4006:b7:1][new] Besides, time smooths everything over.[wait] 00014Lias: That's a nice thought, but who knows.[wait] 10015Lias: This is the sword that [color:4]Argosy[color:0] gave me during the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0].[wait] 00016[char:0]: The [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]? He wasn't kidding. This is nothing but a hilt.[wait] 00017[char:5]: Can I see it for a second?[wait] 00018[char:3]: A beam sword!?[wait] 00019[char:5]: And a high-powered one at that. I've never seen anything like this.[wait] 00020Lias: I was told it is an [color:1]Old Race[color:0] relic. He wielded it in the battle where we drove the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] back into his world.[wait] 00021[char:3]: This is it! Our ace in the hole against [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]![wait] 00022[char:5]: Agreed. It's probably the one thing he fears the most.[wait] 00023Lias: [char:84]I'm sure it would be best in your hands, then. Don't relax quite yet, though.[unk:4006:15:1][new] You may have the means, but you haven't won the battle yet.[wait] 00024[char:3]: Thank you, sir.[wait] 00025Lias: One moment, if I may.[wait] 00026Lias: I hear my son guided you here.[wait] 00027[char:0]: Yes, he did.[wait] 00028Lias: Mmm.[wait] 00029Lias: Well, sorry to keep you. Be careful.[wait] 00030[char:0]: Yes, sir. Thank you.[wait] 10031[char:7]: This sword was left in Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]'s care during the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], as I recall.[wait] 00032[char:0]: The [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]? He wasn't kidding. This is nothing but a hilt.[wait] 00033[char:5]: Let me see it.[wait] 00034[char:3]: A beam sword!?[wait] 00035[char:5]: And a high-powered one at that. I've never seen anything like this.[wait] 00036[char:7]: Amazing. I thought it was just a decoration.[wait] 00037[char:3]: This is it! Our ace in the hole against [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]![wait] 00038[char:5]: Agreed. It's probably the one thing he fears the most.[wait] 00039[char:3]: [char:7], you don't mind if we use this, do you?[wait] 00040[char:7]: No. I'm sure that's what he would have wanted.[wait] 00041[char:3]: Thank you.[wait] 10042[char:3]: We looked up and down the mansion, but this was the closest thing we could find.[wait] 00043[char:0]: The [color:1]Bladeless Sword[color:0]? He wasn't kidding. This is nothing but a hilt.[wait] 00044[char:5]: Let me see it for a moment.[wait] 00045[char:3]: A beam sword!?[wait] 00046[char:5]: And a high-powered one at that. I've never seen anything like this.[wait] 00047[char:3]: This is it! Our ace in the hole against [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]![wait] 00048[char:5]: Agreed. It's probably the one thing he fears the most.[wait] 12000Soldier: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] is not in a state to receive visitors. Please come back at a later time.[wait] Lias's Mansion 2F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:9]: [color:4]Lias[color:0]!?[wait] 10001Doctor: He'll need bed rest for a while, but there's no danger to his life.[wait] 00002[char:7]: Good to hear that.[wait] 00003[char:7]: Thank you. You're relieved from duty. I'll take over from here.[wait] 00004Soldier: Yes, Captain.[wait] 00005[char:7]: Well, you heard him.[wait] 00006[char:4]: Guess I'll be headin' back, then.[wait] 00007[char:7]: What, without even seeing your father?[wait] 00008[char:4]: How am I supposed to face him now? After all that's happened?[wait] 00009[char:7]: Look, whatever's going on in your mind, it doesn't matter. Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0] was constantly waiting for your return! He still is today![wait] 00010[char:4]: That's...why I can't bear to see him.[wait] 00011[char:4]: I'm not ready to face him just yet.[wait] 00012[char:7]: What?[wait] 00013[char:4]: Everything you said about me when we met in the city was true.[wait] 00014[char:4]: When I heard that my dad recommended me for [color:4]knight captain[color:0]...well, I was scared out of my mind.[wait] 00015[char:4]: My companions ridiculed me, my father got a black mark on his record, but most of all, I just lost all ability to believe in myself.[wait] 00016[char:4]: I knew I wouldn't have any place left to turn if this kept going on.[wait] 00017[char:7]: So that's why you left [color:1]Astral[color:0]?[wait] 00018[char:4]: Yeah. I wanted to be stronger. That's all there was to it.[wait] 00019[char:4]: You better not tell anyone about this. I couldn't say it to any of the other guys.[wait] 00020[char:7]: Heh heh.[wait] 00021[char:7]: [char:84]Growing up unsure of yourself... That makes you the same as any other knight or mercenary.[unk:4006:f6:0][new] The only difference is what you believe in.[wait] 00022[char:4]: Huh? Where did that come from?[wait] 00023[char:7]: Nothing, never mind.[wait] 00024[char:4]: A knight must dedicate himself to his master...[wait] 00025[char:7]: ...and a swordsman must dedicate himself to his blade.[wait] 00026[char:7]: Think you can believe in that now?[wait] 00027[char:4]: Heh. Guess we'll see.[wait] 00028[char:7]: Do you have any thoughts about returning?[wait] 00029[char:7]: If it'll help, I apologize for what I said before. Not that it'll be enough, will it?[wait] 00030[char:4]: Didn't bother me or nothin'.[wait] 00031[char:7]: So...[wait] 00032[char:4]: But I don't want to go back just yet.[wait] 00033[char:7]: Why not?[wait] 00034[char:4]: [char:84]There's this guy who's just utterly amazing with a sword. He isn't as experienced as I am, but I can tell he's really something.[unk:4006:9a:1][new] Like, it just feels like the guy's filled to the brim with talent.[wait] 00035[char:4]: I wanna go travel with him for a little while.[wait] 00036[char:7]: I'm not stopping you. You didn't even say anything to me before taking off last time.[wait] 00037[char:7]: If there's ever anything I can help you with, come back and see me. I'll be waiting.[wait] 00038[char:4]: Sure. If I ever feel like it.[wait] 00039[char:7]: Goodbye.[wait] 00040[char:7]: Dammit, how dim-witted can you get!? He's always been so damn self-centered! Always![wait] 10041[char:5]: We've got to go after her before she gets away![wait] Bedroom[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:9]: [char:7], what have you done!?[wait] 00001[char:7]: Ergh![wait] 00002[char:9]: Wait![wait] 00003[char:0]: Was that [char:7]!?[wait] 00004[char:9]: I can't believe this! It must be some mistake.[wait] 00005[char:5]: We've got to chase after her.[wait] 00006[char:9]: Right.[wait] Reception[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Humble abode, huh?[wait] 00001[char:5]: There's a huge market on [color:1]Earth[color:0] for antiques like these. You'd have to be an admiral-class officer to afford a place like this.[wait] 00002[char:5]: Well, might as well enjoy it while we can.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Yeah.[wait] 00004[char:5]: So, now what? We've got to keep searching for [char:1] and the captain.[wait] 00005 - Let's walk around town for a bit. - Let's call it a day.[wait] 00006[char:0]: I'm with you there. Let's take a look around. I'd like to do some weapon shopping, too.[wait] 00007[char:5]: Right. We'll meet back here when we're done.[wait] 10055Would you like to rest for the day?[wait] 00056 - Yes - No[wait] 10008[char:5]: Well, shall we get going?[wait] 00009[char:9]: Most definitely.[wait] 00010[char:7]: Are you sure you must go, Master [char:9]?[wait] 00011[char:9]: Yes. Please give my best to [color:4]Lias[color:0] once he regains consciousness.[wait] 00012[char:7]: Certainly.[wait] 00013[char:9]: And one more thing.[wait] 00014[char:7]: Yes?[wait] 00015[char:9]: You have to stop thinking about [char:4] all the time. You know as well as I do that he'll come back sooner or later.[wait] 00016[char:7]: No! I'm...I'm not thinking about him! I...he betrayed us! All of us![wait] 00017[char:9]: That may be the way you see it, but I'm sure he has his reasons.[wait] 00018 - Talk about [char:4]. - Say nothing.[wait] 00019[char:0]: Hey, you don't mean our [char:4], do you?[wait] 00020[char:7]: You've met him!?[wait] 00021[char:0]: Assuming we're talking about the same person.[wait] 00022[char:7]: Well, at least he's alive, then.[wait] 00023[char:7]: If you ever run into him again, there's something I want you to say. Tell him I said he's a huge jerk.[wait] 00024[char:0]: Uh, sure.[wait] 00025[char:0]: (He'd kill me for sure if I said that.)[wait] 00026[char:7]: So, what's your plan now?[wait] 00027[char:0]: We're searching for our lost companions.[wait] 00028[char:7]: Do you have any clue where they are?[wait] 00029[char:0]: Not a one.[wait] 00030[char:7]: Well, why don't you try the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], then?[wait] 00031[char:0]: Purga...torium?[wait] 00032[char:7]: It's an [color:1]Old Race[color:0] ruin. It's said that an artifact called the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is hidden there.[wait] 00033[char:9]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], eh? I've heard of it. A crystal ball that projects any sight or person the bearer wishes to see.[wait] 00034[char:7]: That's what I hear.[wait] 00035[char:5]: Hmmm. I'm leery of relying on an old tale like that. What do you think, [char:0]?[wait] 00036 - To the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0][color:3]! - Let's try some other towns.[wait] 00037[char:0]: If we had that [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], maybe we could use it to find out where [char:1] and the captain are! I say we give it a shot![wait] 00038[char:7]: It won't be easy to find. Legend has it that the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is behind a hidden entrance separate from the main one.[wait] 00039[char:0]: Well, it's still better than nothing. Let's go.[wait] 00040[char:5]: Umm, so...where is the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]?[wait] 00041[char:7]: [char:84]North of here, as the crow flies.[unk:4006:5b:0][new] If you leave [color:1]Tatroi[color:0] and follow the mountains to your right, you'll find a cave. It's on the other side of that.[wait] 00042[char:7]: Unfortunately, I don't know anything about where the hidden door might be located. I'm sorry.[wait] 00043[char:7]: [char:84]But actually, I heard a rumor once that it's somewhere beyond the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0].[unk:4006:dc:0][new] Once you find the main gate, perhaps you could try searching the mountains to the rear.[wait] 00044[char:0]: Thank you very much! We'll check it out right away.[wait] 00045[char:5]: Well, thanks for all you've done for us, [char:7]. Tell [color:4]Lias[color:0] we said hello, too.[wait] 00046[char:7]: Sure. Safe travels.[wait] 00047[char:0]: [char:84]I appreciate that, but I think it'd be better to keep gathering information in other towns [unk:4006:8:1][new] instead of looking for something that might not even be there.[wait] 00048[char:7]: I suppose you're right. My apologies for bringing it up.[wait] 00049[char:0]: Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that. I appreciate you trying to help, though.[wait] 00050[char:7]: [char:84]If you want to try another town, there's always [color:1]Tropp[color:0]. That's a port town to the west of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[unk:4006:14:1][new] If that doesn't turn up anything, you can try taking a boat to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 00051[char:5]: [color:1]Tropp[color:0], was it? All right. Let's try there first.[wait] 00052[char:0]: Sounds good.[wait] 00053[char:5]: Well, thanks for all you've done for us, [char:7]. Tell [color:4]Lias[color:0] we said hello, too.[wait] 00054[char:7]: Sure. Safe travels.[wait] 10004Would you like to rest?[wait] 00005 - Yes - No[wait] 10001[char:7]: [char:0], what should I do about the way I feel?[wait] 00002[char:7]: 300 years in the future? You think I believe that?[wait] 00003[char:7]: Even now, I can't help but expect you to be there whenever I turn around.[wait] [center][color:3]Rod of Jewels[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Elven Cap[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10000[char:5]: This is where he lives? The man who saved your life?[wait] 00001[char:6]: It is. It's just as I remember it.[wait] 00002[char:6]: [color:4]Foster[color:0]! It's me! [char:6]![wait] 00003Foster: [char:6]? Goodness me! Welcome back, my friend.[wait] 00004[char:6]: I'm glad you're still in good shape, [color:4]Foster[color:0].[wait] 00005Foster: And would these be your friends, [char:6]?[wait] 00006[char:5]: Hello. My name is [char:5].[wait] 00007[char:0]: I'm [char:0].[wait] 00008Foster: Well, this is a surprise. You're usually pretty bashful around strangers.[wait] 00009[char:6]: Oh, come now.[wait] 00010Foster: Hah hah hah! Come in, all of you.[wait] 12001Foster: Oh! You've found your sister, have you? That's wonderful.[wait] 12000Foster: I hope you're reunited with your sister soon, [char:6]...[wait] 10028Foster: Thank you for everything.[wait] Foster's Cabin[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Foster: Well then, [char:6], have you found your sister yet?[wait] 00001[char:6]: No...[wait] 00002Foster: Well, don't give up. I know you will see her again someday.[wait] 00003[char:6]: Absolutely. By the way, are you still hunting? I don't see your bow.[wait] 00004Foster: I...uh, haven't done much hunting lately, no.[wait] 00005[char:6]: Why not?[wait] 00006Foster: I couldn't even if I tried. There are more monsters around the forest than there used to be.[wait] 00007[char:6]: Oh, that's a shame.[wait] 00008Foster: I remember when you and I used to go out hunting all the time, [char:6].[wait] 00009 - Let's take them out! - ...[wait] 00010[char:0]: I'm sure fate brought us here for a reason. How about we all go and clear the monsters out?[wait] 00011[char:5]: Good idea.[wait] 00012Foster: Oh, no! I'd never dream of asking something so dangerous of my guests![wait] 00013[char:6]: Are you sure, [char:0]? It could take us a while.[wait] 00014[char:0]: Well, what's the worst that could happen? I say let's do it![wait] 00015Foster: You have no idea how much I appreciate this. There is an entrance into the forest out back. Please watch yourselves out there.[wait] 00016Foster: Well, you must be weary from your travels. Feel free to spend the night here if you like.[wait] 00017[char:5]: Thank you.[wait] 00018[char:0]: Thank you very much, sir.[wait] 00019Foster: Oh, it's nothing. Watch yourselves on the road, then.[wait] 00020Foster: I hope you find your sister someday soon, [char:6].[wait] 00021[char:6]: Thank you, [color:4]Foster[color:0]. Take care.[wait] 10022Foster: You have no idea how much I'd appreciate it if you can clear the forest of monsters for me.[wait] 00023Foster: You must be exhausted. Would you like to rest for a while?[wait] 00024 - Yes - No[wait] 00025Foster: Please wait for a moment while I prepare your bedding.[wait] 00026Foster: That's all right. But if you ever need to rest, please do not hesitate to ask.[wait] 10027Foster: Thank you. Here's a small token of my thanks. Take it. I insist.[wait] [center][color:3]Elven Bow[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Soldier: I will protect this town with all I have until you return, Captain [char:7]![wait] 12001Soldier: I've been doubling my daily training, Captain [char:7], so you won't have to worry[new] about us while fighting the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]![wait] 12000Merrie: I'm the maid in charge of the royal chambers. Please don't go around dropping dirt.[wait] 12001Merrie: There is no way that Lady [char:7] would try to murder the man who raised her[new] as his own daughter![wait] 12002Merrie: I heard that a monster disguised as Lady [char:7] tried to kill Lord[new] [color:4]Lias[color:0]! The nerve of that creature![wait] The Royal Bedchambers[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Succubus: Hmm? And who might you be? All the treasure in this room is mine! All of it! Be a dear and tell the king for me, would you?[wait] 00001[char:0]: Forget it! Give the kingdom back its treasure and leave this room at once![wait] 00002Succubus: You little brat! I've changed my mind. I think I'll simply kill you instead![wait] 10003[char:0]: Was the treasure really all she wanted? Or was she looking for something else?[wait] 00004[char:3]: [char:84]Well, either way, she seemed like the leader of these monsters. Let's report back to the minister.[unk:4006:24:1][new] The castle guards can take care of the rest.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Sounds good.[wait] [center][color:3]?JEWELRY[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000[center]Health restored![wait] 10000[char:0]: What are these monsters!?[wait] 10000[char:5]: I think this is as far as the temple goes.[wait] 00001[char:4]: Ha hahh! I can practically hear the treasure calling for me in here![wait] 00002[char:9]: Certainly seems like the appropriate place.[wait] 00003[char:7]: So this is where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is hidden.[wait] 00004[char:5]: [char:84]What's with this wave of energy I feel here? Judging by the technology in this room, it practically looks like it's from our own world.[unk:4006:e5:1][new] Maybe a bit different, but there still shouldn't be anything like this on [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00005[char:4]: What are you all yammering on about? C'mon, let's check this place out already.[wait] 00006[char:4]: Graghh![wait] 00007[char:0]: You all right?[wait] 00008[char:4]: Oof... Ahh, I'm fine.[wait] 00009[char:9]: She's right. The entire room's filled with some sort of force...[wait] 00010[char:9]: Ernngh![wait] 00011[char:0]: Are you all right!?[wait] 00012[char:9]: Ugh, what happened?[wait] 00013[char:7]: Who cares? Let's get on with it already![wait] 00014[char:7]: Wagh![wait] 00015[char:0]: Are you all right!?[wait] 00016[char:7]: I'm fine. Just startled a bit, that's all.[wait] 00017???: Leave this chamber at once! There is nothing here for the cruel and selfish![wait] 00018???: You don't have to be so hard on them, do you?[wait] 00019???: Would you be able to return from whence you came? To your homes in [color:1]Roak[color:0], and to those in another world?[wait] 00020[char:5]: How do you know that!?[wait] 00021???: [char:84]Well, c'mon, look at you two! Your temporal axes have been sealed off from the rest of the world.[unk:4006:26:1][new] I mean, you're stickin' out like a sore thumb.[wait] 00022???: Ugh, stop talking like that! Why must you keep borrowing bad habits from people!?[wait] 00023[char:6]: Are you the [color:4]Runes[color:0]? The original inhabitants of this land?[wait] 00024[char:4]: You know these guys?[wait] 00025[char:9]: You know them?[wait] 00026[char:7]: You know them?[wait] 00027[char:6]: I know of them. This is the first time I've ever met one in person, though.[wait] 00028Yellow Rune: Huh, color me impressed. If anyone's aware of us at all, it's usually just as the [char:8c]source of all magic.[char:8c][wait] 00029[char:6]: [char:84]I have come in search of my sister. We've been separated from each other.[unk:4006:d:1][new] If you see that as [char:8c]selfish,[char:8c] I am afraid there is nothing more I can say.[unk:4006:14:1][new] But I promise you, I hide nothing in my heart. I come to you with my soul laid bare![wait] 00030Yellow Rune: She's not here.[wait] 00031[char:6]: I hear of an [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that allows the bearer to see anything he desires. Are you saying you do not have it?[wait] 00032Yellow Rune: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0]? Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.[wait] 00033Green Rune: The legend's still being passed down.[wait] 00034Yellow Rune: Sounds like the story's drifted a little, though.[wait] 00035Red Rune: We have nothing like that in this chamber. But you are on a search of your own, are you not, O visitors from another world?[wait] 00036[char:0]: Y-yes.[wait] 00037Red Rune: For someone the same as you?[wait] 00038[char:0]: Yes. A man and a woman.[wait] 00039Red Rune: [char:84]That we should be able to handle. If they are someplace where magic exists,[unk:4006:60:1][new] we can [char:8c]feel[char:8c] the dimensional conflicts their temporal axes give off.[wait] 00040[char:0]: You can!?[wait] 00041Red Rune: Just do not disturb this place any longer. That is our sole request.[wait] 10042Red Rune: A land blanketed in fallen leaves. I feel a disturbance in one of the towns there.[wait] 00043[char:4]: A land blanketed in fallen leaves? The [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 00044[char:9]: A land blanketed in fallen leaves? That must be the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 00045[char:7]: A land blanketed in fallen leaves? The [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]![wait] 00046Yellow Rune: But there are three of 'em. Not two.[wait] 00047[char:0]: What?[wait] 00048Yellow Rune: Ahh, it probably doesn't matter.[wait] 00049Red Rune: We've kept our end of the agreement. Now you must never come here again.[wait] 10050Red Rune: You again. I told you never to return.[wait] 10051[char:5]: I think this is as far as the temple goes.[wait] 00052[char:4]: Ha hahh! I can practically hear the treasure calling for me in here![wait] 00053[char:9]: Certainly seems like the appropriate place.[wait] 00054[char:7]: So this is where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is hidden.[wait] 00055[char:5]: [char:84]What's with this wave of energy I feel here? Judging by the technology in this room, it practically looks like it's from our own world.[unk:4006:e5:1][new] Maybe a bit different, but there still shouldn't be anything like this on [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00056[char:4]: What are you all yammering on about? C'mon, let's check this place out already.[wait] 00057[char:4]: Graghh![wait] 00058[char:0]: You all right?[wait] 00059[char:4]: Oof... Ahh, I'm fine.[wait] 00060[char:9]: She's right. The entire room's filled with some sort of force...[wait] 00061[char:9]: Ernngh![wait] 00062[char:0]: Are you all right!?[wait] 00063[char:9]: Ugh, what happened?[wait] 00064[char:7]: Who cares? Let's get on with it already![wait] 00065[char:7]: Wagh![wait] 00066[char:0]: Are you all right!?[wait] 00067[char:7]: I'm fine. Just startled a bit, that's all.[wait] 00068Red Rune: Leave at once! And pray I am merciful enough to spare your lives.[wait] 00069Yellow Rune: Man, what do you want now? I could chew you up and spit you out just like that, y'know.[wait] 00070Green Rune: Please stop talking like that! Why must you keep borrowing bad habits from people!?[wait] 00071[char:0]: We have word from the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] that the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in here. We bring you these [color:1]emblems[color:0] as proof of our intentions.[wait] 00072Red Rune: Well well. A successor to [color:1]Muah[color:0]'s destiny has finally made itself known.[wait] 00073[char:5]: Destiny?[wait] 00074Red Rune: Please come with us.[wait] 10075Red Rune: Please come with us.[wait] 10117[char:3]: Penny for your thoughts?[wait] 00118[char:1]: Oh! I'm sending a prayer to the gods, in their holy sanctuary.[wait] 00119[char:3]: Sanctuary? Oh, right, that's how your people refer to outer space, isn't it?[wait] 00120[char:3]: [char:84]Well, I'm sorry if this is a touchy subject, [unk:4006:cb:0][new] but what if I were to tell you that you were in outer space, or what you call your [char:8c]holy sanctuary[char:8c]?[unk:4006:ee:1][new] Would you still believe in your gods?[wait] 00121[char:3]: You see, to people like us, religion, or the existence of gods, they're all just old relics that we've let go of centuries ago.[wait] 00122[char:1]: I know you're from a world where everyone's far more advanced than us, [char:3], but I don't think that makes you right.[wait] 00123[char:3]: How do you mean?[wait] 00124[char:1]: There's more to life than just what we can see or hear, don't you think so?[wait] 00125[char:3]: I suppose so, yes.[wait] 00126[char:3]: From our perspective, the fact that [color:1]Roak[color:0] exists at all...I mean, it almost seems like some sort of crazy fairy tale.[wait] 00127[char:1]: [char:84]Are you saying you don't believe in this world, [char:3]?[unk:4006:96:0][new] After everything that happened to [char:2] and my father, you're telling me it's all just a fantasy?[wait] 00128[char:1]: You have no idea how I wish it were all just a dream.[wait] 00129[char:3]: Oh, no, no, I-I...I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to say, you know, I just can't believe that I'm actually in this fantasy world.[wait] 00130[char:1]: Well, in that case, why don't you try learning the art of [color:1]symbology[color:0]? I only know how to use healing [color:1]symbology[color:0] though.[wait] 00131[char:3]: Are you serious?[wait] 00132[char:1]: [char:84]Totally. I mean, maybe you think this power's something only we can take advantage of,[unk:4006:19:1][new] but if you learned it, then maybe you'd be able to believe for yourself. I mean, the whole world is connected, united as one.[wait] 00133[char:3]: Yes, you're probably right.[wait] 00134[char:1]: Of course I am.[wait] 10000[char:3]: [char:8]?[wait] 00001[char:8]: Why does this have to be my fate? Why does it have to be so horrible?[wait] 00002[char:3]: [char:8]? Are you crying?[wait] 00003[char:8]: Oh! [char:3]...and [char:6].[wait] 00004[char:3]: Guess we should've...left you alone?[wait] 00005[char:8]: No, it's...it's no big deal. I'm fine now.[wait] 00006[char:3]: Would you like to talk to us about it? If you don't mind, that is.[wait] 00007[char:8]: No, thanks, but really I'm fine now. There's something else on my mind, actually.[wait] 00008[char:3]: Oh?[wait] 00009[char:8]: [char:84]I was planning to continue my journey on my own from here on. But in the end, I'd really prefer to be with all of you.[unk:4006:48:1][new] Would that be too much to ask?[wait] 00010[char:3]: Oh, of course not. It would really be our pleasure for you to join us.[wait] 00011[char:8]: Thank you.[wait] 00012[char:8]: It's getting pretty late. Have a good night.[wait] 00013[char:3]: Yeah. G'night.[wait] 00014[char:6]: She's definitely hiding something. It's honestly difficult to figure out what's going on through her mind sometimes.[wait] 00015[char:3]: You've got a point there.[wait] 00016[char:6]: [char:84]Forgive me if I'm intruding too much, but I'm not sure we should be trusting her so easily. I fear it may be dangerous.[unk:4006:50:1][new] I don't detect the breath of life in her.[wait] 00017[char:3]: Whoa, whoa, you mean she's dead!?[wait] 00018[char:6]: [char:84]I wouldn't go that far.[unk:4006:3f:0][new] Even the most advanced necromantic [color:1]symbology[color:0] can produce no better than the creatures we call zombies.[unk:4006:3e:1][new] An ethereal spirit cannot manifest itself as solidly as she has into our world. Perhaps I am merely overthinking matters.[wait] 00019[char:3]: I don't want to think the worst of her.[wait] 00020[char:6]: I know what you mean, but you can't be too careful.[wait] 10021[char:3]: [char:8]?[wait] 10022[char:3]: I'm sorry. I know they're all pretty obnoxious.[wait] 00023[char:8]: Oh, no, not at all. They're all such nice people. This is the most fun I've had in a very long time.[wait] 00024[char:3]: Oh? Well, that's great then.[wait] 00025[char:8]: But the thing is, I think it would be better if I were on my own.[wait] 00026[char:3]: Why is that? Didn't you just say you were enjoying yourself?[wait] 00027[char:8]: That's why.[wait] 00028[char:3]: Huh?[wait] 00029[char:8]: If I allow myself into a more comfortable situation, then I'm worried I'll forget about my brother, my parents...and my hatred.[wait] 00030[char:3]: I'm not gonna tell you to forget about them, but you don't have to be miserable, either.[wait] 00031[char:3]: Ah, [char:9].[wait] 00032[char:9]: Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here.[wait] 00033[char:3]: Oh, no, you're fine.[wait] 00034[char:8]: Well, [char:3]. I'd better get going.[wait] 00035[char:3]: Hey, wait up! You can't be in that much of a hurry![wait] 00036[char:8]: I am. The longer I spend with all of you, the weaker my resolve becomes.[wait] 00037[char:3]: But...[wait] 00038[char:8]: Take care.[wait] 00039[char:9]: One moment.[wait] 00040[char:8]: What is it?[wait] 00041[char:9]: You're chasing after the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], aren't you?[wait] 00042[char:8]: Yes. I don't think he's gone far, so I thought I'd try to catch his trail.[wait] 00043[char:9]: Don't do it.[wait] 00044[char:8]: ...[wait] 00045[char:9]: I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend you.[wait] 00046[char:9]: [char:84]What I'm trying to say is that even if it was the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] that killed your family, [unk:4006:2d:1][new] the man you met earlier is a completely different person.[wait] 00047[char:8]: ...?[wait] 00048[char:3]: Are you saying there's an imposter going around?[wait] 00049[char:9]: Things would be a lot simpler if that were the case. The real [color:4]Argosy[color:0] would never put up with a fake.[wait] 00050[char:3]: So he's not real, or he's not fake, or what? Is this some kind of riddle?[wait] 00051[char:9]: He and I used to be war buddies. Well, [char:8c]buddies[char:8c] isn't quite the right word, but I can't think of anything more appropriate.[wait] 00052[char:9]: [char:84]Near the close of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0], he received a secret mission from the [color:0]king of Silvalant[color:0][unk:4006:3f:1][new] to find one of the hidden treasures of the [color:1]Old Race[color:0].[wait] 00053[char:3]: What kind of treasure?[wait] 00054[char:9]: It's known as the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0].[wait] 00055[char:3]: A mirror?[wait] 00056[char:9]: Correct. But no ordinary mirror. Legend says it has the power to replicate anything reflected off its surface.[wait] 00057[char:9]: The [color:0]king of Silvalant[color:0] wanted to use it to create weapons that would put an end to the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0].[wait] 00058[char:9]: But the mirror was no treasure.[wait] 00059[char:9]: [char:84]It replicated all right, but it distorted things as it made them. When the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] went before the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0],[unk:4006:4:2][new] he was struck with a sudden fit of madness and nearly slaughtered all his own men.[wait] 00060[char:8]: So you're saying the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0] distorted the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]'s mind!?[wait] 00061[char:9]: That is what I believe happened.[wait] 00062[char:9]: The first time I met him, I thought he was the real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]. But the moment I let my guard down...[wait] 00063[char:9]: [char:84]I paid for that mistake with my left arm. I can still swing a sword with one hand, but forget about mastering any special skills.[unk:4006:fc:1][new] All that I have left now is experience and knowledge.[wait] 00064[char:8]: ...[wait] 00065[char:9]: [char:8], would you like to accompany us? I think it would do you a world of good.[wait] 00066[char:8]: All right.[wait] 00067[char:0]: [char:3]?[wait] 00068[char:3]: Oh, hey [char:0].[wait] 00069[char:8]: Well, [char:3]. I'd better get going.[wait] 00070[char:3]: Hey, wait up! You can't be in that much of a hurry![wait] 00071[char:8]: I am. The longer I spend with all of you, the weaker my resolve becomes.[wait] 00072[char:3]: But...[wait] 00073[char:8]: Take care.[wait] 00074 - Wait a minute! - Watch and see what happens.[wait] 00075[char:0]: Wait![wait] 00076[char:8]: What is it?[wait] 00077[char:0]: Is there any way we can get you to travel along with us?[wait] 00078[char:8]: I'm sorry.[wait] 00079[char:0]: Is it because you'll forget your life's mission if you have too much fun with us?[wait] 00080[char:8]: Yes...[wait] 00081[char:0]: Well, how 'bout this! How 'bout I tell everyone to try and keep it down from now on? Guess not, huh?[wait] 00082[char:3]: Pfff...[wait] 00083[char:3]: Ah ha hah! Come on, what're you talking about!?[wait] 00084[char:0]: I'm sorry. I guess that was pretty dumb.[wait] 00085[char:3]: Heh heh heh. Ahh, it's all right.[wait] 00086[char:8]: Hah hah hah. That's not fair, [char:0], you're cheating. Hah hah. See, now I'm crying.[wait] 00087[char:3]: [char:8]?[wait] 00088[char:8]: I guess I laughed a little too hard. I can't stop the tears.[wait] 00089[char:3]: Let's go back to the party, [char:8].[wait] 00090[char:8]: [char:3], I don't know what to say.[wait] 00091[char:8]: I don't have anything left in my life except for revenge. That's all this body is good for.[wait] 00092[char:3]: What're you talking about!?[wait] 00093[char:8]: [char:3], I want you to know something, and only you. What you see before you isn't the real me.[wait] 00094[char:8]: I exchanged my real body for this one at the [color:1]ruins of the Old Race[color:0]. I needed to do it. I needed it to exact my revenge![wait] 00095[char:3]: Exchanged it? But I don't see what that has to do with anything.[wait] 00096[char:8]: When the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] took me away, one of his [color:0]symbologist[color:0] cronies brainwashed me and trained me as an assassin.[wait] 00097[char:8]: I followed their orders to the letter, and up until recently I killed innocent people.[wait] 00098[char:3]: ...[wait] 00099[char:8]: [char:84]Don't you understand!?[unk:4006:45:0][new] The more my hatred burns toward the men who killed my family, the more my own crimes weigh upon my shoulders.[unk:4006:a7:1][new] I may have been under their control, but that doesn't absolve me of anything. I'm just the same as they are![wait] 00100[char:3]: [char:8]...[wait] 00101[char:8]: I'm sorry. I know I'm out of line here.[wait] 00102[char:8]: There's just one thing I want to ask you.[wait] 00103[char:3]: Mm?[wait] 00104[char:8]: [char:84]If you ever happen to run across my real body, don't touch it, whatever you do. [unk:4006:0:1][new] Unless I return by my own free will, my body will crumble apart the moment it is touched.[wait] 00105[char:3]: All right. I'll be sure to remember that.[wait] 00106[char:8]: I'm truly sorry, [char:3]. I'm happy I got to meet you. I know I promised [char:1] I'd go with her, but tell her I'm sorry.[wait] 00107[char:3]: [char:8]...[wait] 00108[char:8]: Take care.[wait] 10111[char:8]: [char:3], I want you to know something, and only you. What you see before you isn't the real me.[wait] 00112[char:8]: I exchanged my real body for this one at the [color:1]ruins of the Old Race[color:0]. I needed to do it. I needed it to exact my revenge![wait] 00113[char:8]: There's just one thing I want to ask you.[wait] 00114[char:3]: Mm?[wait] 00115[char:8]: [char:84]If you ever happen to run across my real body, don't touch it, whatever you do. [unk:4006:0:1][new] Unless I return by my own free will, my body will crumble apart the moment it is touched.[wait] 00116[char:3]: All right. I'll be sure to remember that.[wait] 10109[char:6]: [char:d], I'm going to retrace the path I've traveled with you, gradually opening the book of our past memories.[wait] 00110[char:6]: All I've recalled so far is years of regret, but once this journey is over, I want to embark on a new path.[wait] 10000Hohhh! How many years has it been since a [color:2]human[color:0] last strolled by?[wait] 00001[char:0]: Where are you!?[wait] 00002Where do you think? I'm right here![wait] 10003[char:0]: That must have been the master of the dungeon. C'mon! Let's make a break for the exit![wait] [center][color:3]Boots[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Bitter Juice[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Barkeep: How's it going?[wait] 12001Swordswoman: I've heard that the monsters have been coming from somewhere beyond [color:1]Silvalant[new] City[color:0]. Maybe the entrance to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s located somewhere around there.[wait] 12002Jill the Adventurer: You won't be able to enter [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] without the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]'s permission. There's a[new] security checkpoint on the way, and the guards there won't let you through.[wait] Bar [char:8c]The Drunken Soldier[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11016[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12004Shapely Hostess: How's it going? We've set aside a room for you guys. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Shapely Hostess: How's it going? It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Shapely Hostess: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Shapely Hostess: You don't have enough money.[wait] 12003Mercenary: When the hell did they put up that security checkpoint? This is the first I've heard of it![wait] 11015[char:6]: It's nice to watch the people of this town. They're all so full of life.[wait] Inn [char:8c]The Seven Stars[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000Shapely Hostess: Morning! Sleep well?[wait] 00001[char:0]: Yes, very.[wait] 00002[char:3]: Do you remember what we are supposed to do now?[wait] 00003 - I remember. - Tell me again.[wait] 00004[char:3]: As long as we're all on the same page.[wait] 00005[char:0]: No need to worry. Our task at hand is to visit the kings of each kingdom, right?[wait] 00006[char:3]: Right. Don't forget to show them the [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 00007[char:0]: Got it. Let's roll out![wait] 00008[char:3]: We're visiting the kings of every kingdom so we can get information on the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00009[char:0]: Oh, right, right.[wait] 00010[char:3]: Make sure you show the [color:1]emblem[color:0] to the kings when you see them. It signifies that we know the [color:1]truth[color:0] about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00011[char:0]: Got it.[wait] 11008[char:1]: No boys allowed![wait] 11009[char:5]: Oh! Would you like to join in on this, [char:0]?[wait] 11010[char:8]: I, uh, we weren't gossiping or anything, really![wait] 11011[char:b]: Sorry, this's top secret! And that means no [char:0]s allowed![wait] 11012[char:7]: Sorry. This really isn't anything important, trust me.[wait] 11013[char:d]: Oh, [char:0]. Were you listening in on us?[wait] 11014[char:c]: Curious, are you, [char:0]? Very interesting![wait] 11000[char:5]: So, that's the way it is.[wait] 01001[char:1]: Totally.[wait] 01002[char:5]: So, what do you think?[wait] 01003[char:8]: Tee hee hee.[wait] 01004[char:d]: Tee hee hee.[wait] 01005[char:c]: Oh, absolutely![wait] 01006[char:7]: That goes without saying.[wait] 01007[char:b]: No way![wait] 10000[char:5]: What do you think about what the king had to say, Captain?[wait] 00001[char:3]: I dunno. Those [color:2]Muah[color:0] are something all right.[wait] 00002[char:5]: The people that formed the [color:1]Old Race[color:0], you mean? They sound a bit like this world's take on Adam and Eve, don't they?[wait] 00003[char:3]: Yeah, I suppose they do.[wait] 00004[char:5]: In a world like this one, where mystical power exists--as if it's nothing at all--the existence of gods may not be so strange either.[wait] 00005[char:5]: [char:84]And if you look at it from an [color:1]Earth[color:0] perspective, [unk:4006:77:0][new] the way that the [color:2]Muah[color:0] simply came into being is not much unlike the way we just suddenly appeared in this world.[unk:4006:47:1][new] At least, that's how people here would see it.[wait] 00006[char:3]: [char:84]True enough, but then again, this is a place where a [color:1]demon world[color:0] actually exists--where monsters exist, for that matter.[unk:4006:7c:1][new] It wouldn't take a major leap of faith to believe that gods exist, too.[wait] 00007[char:5]: Well, I've lived on [color:1]Earth[color:0] all my life, and I've never run into anything like that.[wait] 00008[char:3]: Ha ha! Yeah, well, neither have I, really.[wait] 00009[char:5]: [char:84]Well, whenever people in the past encountered something they couldn't understand,[unk:4006:b7:0][new] they usually labeled it the work of the supernatural. If the event was a good thing, it was the blessings of the gods.[unk:4006:60:1][new] If it hurt them, it was the cruel workings of demons and devils.[wait] 00010[char:3]: That's right. It's how concepts such as religion and salvation came about.[wait] 00011[char:5]: [char:84]Agreed. [color:1]Earth[color:0] was no exception. Medieval Europeans used to tell tales of a monster that[unk:4006:28:1][new] blinked into existence with a loud rumbling and burned away everything in his path with a flash of blinding light.[unk:4006:7c:1][new] Can you guess what that monster really was?[wait] 00012[char:3]: What?[wait] 00013[char:5]: Lightning.[wait] 00014[char:3]: Oh.[wait] 00015[char:5]: [char:84]There's still a staggering amount we don't know about the universe we live in. What did they call it?[unk:4006:20:1][new] [color:1]Symbology[color:0], that healing power [char:1] has. It's a bit astonishing, to be honest.[wait] 00016[char:5]: And yet I'm sure there's some way to explain it scientifically.[wait] 00017[char:3]: You really don't believe the king, do you, [char:5]?[wait] 00018[char:5]: Can you blame me?[wait] 00019[char:3]: Not really, no.[wait] 00020[char:5]: If I just accept all these supernatural beings and phenomena at face value... Well, I'd feel like I'm betraying myself a little.[wait] 00021[char:3]: True. We'd never advance as a civilization if we did that. Besides...[wait] 00022[char:5]: Besides what?[wait] 00023[char:3]: If you keep telling yourself that everything's a simple matter of fate, you start feeling like life itself is so trite, somehow.[wait] 00024[char:5]: Are you talking about...your wife, Captain?[wait] 00025[char:3]: Yeah.[wait] 00026[char:5]: [char:84]It was a disease with no known cause, Captain.[unk:4006:bb:0][new] I know it was a terrible loss for you, but there was nothing modern medical science could have done for her.[wait] 00027[char:3]: Yeah. But, you know, what if it turned out the [color:1]symbology[color:0] they have here was all they needed to cure her?[wait] 00028[char:3]: I'm sure I'd be kicking myself over it for the rest of my life.[wait] 00029[char:5]: [char:84]Please don't do this to yourself, Captain. Remember the [color:1]virus[color:0] that [color:1]Lezonia[color:0] unleashed upon [color:1]Planet Roak[color:0]?[unk:4006:42:1][new] [char:1] herself told us that [color:1]symbology[color:0] couldn't do a thing to keep it from spreading.[wait] 00030[char:3]: ...[wait] 00031[char:5]: You can't torture yourself over it your whole life, Captain. But then again, I'm sure telling you that won't help much, will it?[wait] 00032[char:3]: This journey's been an interesting one. If we keep it up, I'm sure I'll find the answer soon enough.[wait] 00033[char:3]: But now we should hit the sack.[wait] 00034[char:5]: All right. Goodnight, Captain.[wait] 00035[char:3]: I'm sorry, [char:5].[wait] 12000Victor: Our shoes are guaranteed to last you more than 10 years.[wait] 12001Victor: Thank you.[wait] 12002Miss: The [color:1]kingdom of Van[color:0] has a very long history.[wait] Item Shop [char:8c]Victor the Cobbler[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000[char:4]: Can you spot me some cash, [char:0]?[wait] 01001[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 01002[char:4]: Thought I'd do some shopping, y'know.[wait] 01003 - Sure. - No way![wait] 01004[char:4]: Thanks a bunch![wait] 12000[center][color:2]1,000 Fol[color:0] handed over.[wait] 01005[char:4]: Gehh, don't be such a tightwad![wait] 11006[char:4]: Thanks for the dough. I got a little somethin' for you.[wait] [center][color:3]Silver Robe[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Zweihander[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Plate Greaves[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Crossbow[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Plate Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Knight's Shield[color:0] acquired.[wait] 01007[char:0]: How were you able to buy this with just [color:2]a thousand Fol[color:0]?[wait] 01008[char:4]: Heh heh. I know this guy who knows this guy.[wait] 11081[char:0]: I'm always amazed at how big the castle is. You can even see it from way down here![wait] 11009[char:1]: I didn't realize [color:1]Van[color:0] and [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] existed separately 300 years ago. In our time, it's a single kingdom called [color:1]Van y Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 11010[char:3]: This looks like a very historical city. I think I'll go and explore it a bit.[wait] 11011[char:5]: The leaves are so pretty in this kingdom.[wait] 11012[char:4]: Every soldier on active duty knows that nothing gives you the peace of mind like a good drink. I bet this city's got a lot of good[new] alcohol![wait] 11013[char:9]: This city houses a training ground for its soldiers. I think I'll go and give it a look over.[wait] 11014[char:6]: The castle in [color:1]Van City[color:0] is so tall that you can see it from our village.[wait] 11015[char:7]: It's a pretty impressive castle town. Almost as good as [color:1]Astral City[color:0].[wait] 11016[char:8]: It's difficult to find a good answer when you're thinking on your own, isn't it?[wait] 11017[char:a]: I heard there's a training ground here! Let's see if they train as hard as I do![wait] 11018[char:b]: Wow! What a huge castle! You think they'll let us in?[wait] 11019[char:d]: I wonder if he still lives here.[wait] 11020[char:c]: I love a manly man who keeps his body in tip-top shape for the protection of people important to him! But I'm definitely not a fan[new] of beefcake![wait] 11082[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11021[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11022[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11023[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11024[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11025[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11026[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11027[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11028[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11029[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11030[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11031[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11032[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11083[char:0]: We need to meet the next king and receive his [color:1]emblem[color:0].[wait] 11033[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11034[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11035[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11036[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11037[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11038[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11039[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11040[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11041[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11042[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11043[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11044[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11084[char:0]: We've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0]! Now, all we need to do is go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]![wait] 11045[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11046[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11047[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11048[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11049[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11050[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11051[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11052[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11053[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11054[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11055[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11056[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11085[char:0]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. But first, we'll need to sail to [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] 11057[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11058[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11059[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11060[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11061[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11062[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11063[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11064[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11065[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11066[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11067[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11068[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11086[char:0]: This is it, everyone! It's time for us to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11069[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11070[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11071[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11072[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11073[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11074[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11075[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11076[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11077[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11078[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11079[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11080[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 12000Chelsey: Get the latest Stalkers fanfic! Get it while you can![wait] 12003Maid Cosplayer: I always wanted to dress up in a French maid outfit! What do you think?[wait] 12004Cameraman: Mmm, maids...[wait] 12005Rugged Man: I love you, Mana![wait] 12006Boss Baird: All right, Bitz, here's the plan! We're gonna get a hold of that book![wait] 12007Bitz the Bandit: Right, boss! I'll just go over there and buy you a copy![wait] 12008Mother: Oh my, just look at all these books... They're all my kind of fantasies! I just love, love,[new] LOVE fanfic![wait] 12009Boy: Mooom, you're scaring me. I wanna go home.[wait] 12010Bunny?: Man, it's hot in here. Nobody will notice if I take off the head, will they?[wait] Mystery Shop[unk:4006:78:0] 12001Meili: Did you come here to buy our newest fanfic? It's only [color:2]10,000 Fol[color:0] a copy![wait] 02011 - Buy - Don't buy[wait] 02013Meili: Ooo, I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money.[wait] 02014Meili: You're already carrying too much.[wait] 02012Meili: Thank you![wait] [center][color:3]Fanfic!!![color:0] acquired.[wait] 12002Mewky: Oh my god, this fanfic is so hot![wait] 11018[char:4]: Have you seen the soldiers here? They're all built like [color:4]Velkhents[color:0], man! I still say the[new] soldiers of [color:1]Astral[color:0] could kick their butts, though.[wait] 11000[char:6]: Do I really look that feminine...?[wait] 11016[char:b]: *Drool*[wait] 11017[char:6]: Agh! I can feel somebody's eyes on me again![wait] 11001[char:6]: [char:0], there is something I would like to discuss with you.[wait] 01002[char:0]: What is it?[wait] 01003[char:6]: It regards [char:b]... Just what am I supposed to do with her?[wait] 01004[char:0]: What? Hey, wait a minute, [char:6]... You don't have a thing for [char:b], do you?[wait] 01005[char:6]: What? No, no! Not at all! Listen to the whole story first, okay?[wait] 01006[char:0]: Sorry.[wait] 01007[char:6]: Lately, I have the impression that [char:b] is...well, stalking me.[wait] 01008[char:0]: Stalking you?[wait] 01009[char:6]: Yes. Sometimes I catch her right behind me, drooling for some reason.[wait] 01010[char:0]: ...[wait] 01011[char:6]: [char:84]Even when I try to stay out of her sight, the next thing I know, she...she's staring at me from behind a corner somewhere![unk:4006:66:1][new] It is enough to keep me awake at night! If I fall asleep, I have no idea if I will ever wake up again![wait] 01012[char:0]: ...I see.[wait] 01013[char:6]: Oh, but this does not mean I have anything against [char:b], mind you. I just... Well, I fear for my safety.[wait] 01014[char:0]: I understand. Let's just make sure that [char:b] is kept as full as possible, all right?[wait] 01015[char:6]: Thank you.[wait] [center][color:3]Berserker Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cock-eyed Youth: What the hell do you think you're doing!? If you want a fight, you've got it, man![wait] 12000Cock-eyed Youth: What the hell are you lookin' at?[wait] 12001Soldier: *Sigh* Captain [char:7]'s red hair sure goes well with the red leaves here, doesn't it?[wait] 12002Soldier: Yeah... Amazing, isn't it? Captain [char:7] just seems to be able to fit in[new] anywhere.[wait] 11025[char:7]: I hear that the nights here are much longer than the days. I'm sure they've adapted to it by[new] making the nights as lively as possible.[wait] 11000[char:3]: [char:8]... Was there anything we could have done to save her?[wait] 01001[char:0]: I don't think anyone could have. You aren't going to accomplish anything by kicking yourself like this.[wait] 01002[char:3]: I can't help it. [char:8] just reminds me too much of someone in my past...[wait] 01003[char:0]: Who does she remind you of?[wait] 01004[char:3]: My wife... She...passed away after she... got an incurable disease.[wait] 01005[char:0]: I see... I'm sorry about that.[wait] 01006[char:3]: I know I couldn't do anything for her, but I can't let go of it. Was there really nothing I could do to save her?[wait] 11007[char:3]: Maybe I should have stopped her... Even if I had to physically restrain her, maybe it would've[new] been worth it.[wait] 11024[char:b]: You'd be so pretty, [char:6]! And so alluring, too![wait] 11023[char:1]: [char:6]'s such a handsome young man, isn't he? I'm sure he'd look great.[wait] 11008[char:1]: I think that would look so sexy.[wait] 01009[char:b]: Yeah! Sexy! Sexxxyyy![wait] 01010[char:1]: Oh, [char:6].[wait] 01011[char:b]: It's [char:6]! It's [char:6]![wait] 01012[char:1]: You know, I bet you'd look good with a little makeup, [char:6].[wait] 01013[char:6]: Wha!?[wait] 01014[char:b]: I bet you'd look good in some oh-yeah, hotcha-botcha, get-me-movin' kinda clothes, [char:6]![wait] 01015[char:6]: Whaa!?[wait] 01016[char:1]: Why don't you come with us for a bit?[wait] 01017[char:b]: Let's play! Oh, let's play![wait] 01018[char:6]: I...I refuse![wait] 01019[char:b]: Oh, you're no fun at aaall![wait] 01020[char:1]: I bet he would've looked great in women's clothes, too.[wait] 01022[char:1]: Rigghhht?[wait] 01021[char:b]: Rigghhht?[wait] 11004[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12003Innkeeper: Welcome. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper: Welcome. It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 11003[char:b]: I-it's g-getting a b-bit ch-chilly. Brrr, I hate the cold.[wait] Inn [char:8c]Ocean Suites[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: [char:1]![wait] 00001[char:1]: [char:0]? [char:0], is that you!?[wait] 00002[char:0]: Oh, thank goodness you're still alive.[wait] 00003[char:1]: You too.[wait] 00004[char:4]: Was this the girl you were looking for?[wait] 00005[char:0]: She sure is.[wait] 00006[char:4]: Name's [char:4]. Nice to meetcha.[wait] 00007[char:6]: Hello. My name is [char:6].[wait] 00008[char:1]: You can call me [char:1]. Were you traveling together with [char:0]?[wait] 00009[char:4]: Yep. But dang, [char:0], this girl's one helluva cutie! No wonder you were worryin' about her all the time![wait] 00010[char:0]: [char:4]! You don't have to tease me like that![wait] 00011[char:9]: Is this the young lady who was separated from your group?[wait] 00012[char:0]: She is.[wait] 00013[char:9]: My name is [char:9]. Very nice to meet you, my dear.[wait] 00014[char:1]: You can call me [char:1]. Were you traveling together with [char:0]?[wait] 00015[char:9]: [char:84]That's right.[unk:4006:32:0][new] I must admit, this is a rather fetching young woman. I think I understand why you were so concerned for her safety, [char:0]![wait] 00016[char:0]: [char:9]![wait] 00017[char:0]: Wait a second.[wait] 00018[char:5]: Where's the captain?[wait] 00019[char:1]: They were both gone when I woke up this morning.[wait] 00020[char:0]: [char:8c]They[char:8c]?[wait] 00021[char:1]: Uh-huh. I think he's probably headed for [color:1]Ionis[color:0] with a woman we met named [char:8].[wait] 00022[char:5]: A woman!?[wait] 00023[char:0]: What's wrong, [char:5]?[wait] 00024[char:5]: Huh?[wait] 00025[char:1]: [char:84]A swordsman going by the name of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] has come to [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[unk:4006:df:0][new] When the rumors about him made it here yesterday, [char:8] looked like she'd seen a ghost.[wait] 00026[char:1]: Oh! That reminds me, you wouldn't believe what a beautiful woman she is![wait] 00027[char:1]: Her skin's so clear and pretty,[wait] 00028[char:1]: her style's incredible,[wait] 00029[char:1]: and her ankles are sooo slim![wait] 00030[char:1]: [char:84]The first time we met, she said she was traveling, and, well, I just had to have her join us.[unk:4006:3f:1][new] I really have to hand it to her. She's incredible.[wait] 00031[char:0]: Better put a lid on it for now, [char:1].[wait] 00032[char:1]: Why?[wait] 00033[char:1]: Oh![wait] 00034[char:1]: [char:84]Don't get the wrong idea, okay, [char:5]?[unk:4006:75:0][new] I didn't mean that [char:3] is going with her for some hanky-panky or anything.[wait] 00035[char:5]: I know. With his personality, it wouldn't even have occurred to him to try. Is [color:1]Ionis[color:0] the next town over? We'd better get moving, then.[wait] 00036[char:0]: So is [char:8] after the swordsman she heard about in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]?[wait] 00037[char:1]: [char:8] said that he's her sworn enemy.[wait] 00038[char:0]: And so she took [char:3] with her to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]?[wait] 00039[char:1]: Probably. They were already gone by the time I woke up.[wait] 00040[char:0]: Well, we better follow them to [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 00041[char:1]: You're right.[wait] 00042[char:1]: I'm so happy you're safe, [char:0]. I felt so lonely when you were gone, so anxious.[wait] 00043[char:0]: Well, I'm with you now, [char:1]. Let's go.[wait] 00044[char:1]: Right![wait] 00052[char:4]: But the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] again, huh? Funny.[wait] 00053[char:1]: You know him?[wait] 00054[char:4]: [char:84]Sure do. They say he's one of the best swordsmen from the Edarl school currently in practice.[unk:4006:9:1][new] I've heard nothin' but good things about his character, though. Why would he be anyone's sworn enemy?[wait] 00055[char:6]: You acted like you might have known him back when I told you my story. So that's who he is, right?[wait] 00056[char:4]: Well...[wait] 00057[char:1]: What're you talking about?[wait] 00058[char:4]: [char:84]This guy says he's lookin' for his missing sister. He claims the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] kidnapped 'er.[unk:4006:8:1][new] Kind of hard to believe, y'know?[wait] 00059[char:6]: The sight of that bright red shield is burned into my memory. It may or may not be the same person, but it seems more than likely![wait] 00060[char:4]: All right, all right.[wait] 00061[char:0]: I can't really comment either way on that, but regardless, we should probably head over there and see for ourselves.[wait] 00062[char:1]: Sounds good.[wait] 00045[char:4]: [char:84]I've heard of the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]. They say he's one of the best swordsmen from the Edarl school currently in practice.[unk:4006:47:1][new] I've heard nothin' but good things about his character, though. Why would he be anyone's sworn enemy?[wait] 00046[char:0]: I couldn't tell you. We'll just have to go over and see for ourselves.[wait] 00047[char:1]: Yeah.[wait] 00048[char:0]: What is it?[wait] 00049[char:9]: Oh. It's nothing.[wait] 00050[char:0]: We should probably head over there ourselves, shouldn't we?[wait] 00051[char:1]: I think so.[wait] 12004[center][char:1] has joined the party![wait] 11000[char:7]: Wh-what was that all about!? I've already got [char:4]...! No! No, wait, I[new] don't care about [char:4]! Arrgh![wait] 01001[char:0]: (You're bright red, [char:7]...)[wait] 11002[char:b]: [char:5] sure looks happy![wait] 12000Adventurer: I heard the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]'s trying to round up an elite task force to go and [color:1]kill the Archfiend[color:0].[wait] 11008[char:a]: Nnngh...nnngh... I can't stop now...[wait] 11000Doctor: He's got a cold.[wait] 01001[char:0]: A cold!?[wait] 01002Doctor: He's running a pretty high fever, too. I'm impressed he didn't just collapse sooner.[wait] 01003[char:3]: Oh, brother. He probably would've been a lot better off if he just hadn't pushed himself so hard.[wait] 01004Doctor: He must've been running on pure adrenaline by the end of it. I doubt he'll remember any of it once his fever finally goes away.[wait] 01005Doctor: Well, I had best be going. Take care.[wait] 01006[char:a]: Nnngh... I, I need more training...[wait] 01007[char:0]: Ugh! Worrying us over nothing![wait] 11009[char:c]: Look out! Here comes a tiger![wait] 01010[char:0]: (What did they do to her?)[wait] 12000Man: *Yawn* Why am I so sleepy?[wait] [center][color:3]Joyful Bandit Cider[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Crawson: All my liquor's been made with the purest water![wait] 12001Crawson: Remember, no drinking until you're 21![wait] 12002Patron: The alcohol made around [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0]'s pretty good, but it's also pretty strong. If[new] you're looking for something easier on the palate, go for the wines in [color:1]Van[color:0] or the rice liquor in[new] [color:1]Astral[color:0].[wait] Food Shop [char:8c]Nectar of the Gods[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] Claryn: Hey! I never said I wanted to give my jewelry away![new] My boyfriend put a lot of work into it![wait] 12000Master: How's it going?[wait] 12001Belner the Young Scholar: Did you know that you can mix two [color:1]herbs[color:0] to create medicine? Compounding [color:3]Rose Hip[color:0] and[new] [color:3]Lavender[color:0], for example, will give you a medicine that can restore your HP. I think it'd be[new] worth your while to try mixing different [color:1]herbs[color:0] and see what you come up with.[wait] 12002Claryn: My boyfriend's really good at Alchemy! But he's made so many jewels for me that they[new] don't really excite me anymore.[wait] 12003Pleasant Youth: Cute dove, isn't he? I took good care of him when he was really little, and now he even knows[new] how to fetch things for me. I guess you really have to be an animal lover to train a bird to[new] do that.[wait] 11003[char:4]: [color:1]Van[color:0] has its fair share of history with the sword, too. I bet they've got some killer[new] swordsmen over there.[wait] Bar [char:8c]The Elegant Nobleman[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11000Master: That rat-tailed boy left a little while ago carrying a large number of liquor bottles. Hope[new] he doesn't drop anything.[wait] 11001[char:4]: Ugh, there's no stoppin' that guy! He tries so damn hard with everything.[wait] 11002[char:4]: Hah! Guess he's still a man in the end, huh?[wait] 12000Nice Middle-aged Man: Ah, I love visitors![wait] 10000[char:6]: Come to think of it, when my parents were killed and I was thrown off a cliff, there was someone there who saved my life.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Oh, really? So if it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here right now.[wait] 00002[char:6]: That's right. There was no way I could have survived the fall I had otherwise.[wait] 00003[char:5]: So where does he live now?[wait] 00004[char:6]: He lives in an area within [color:1]Mt. Eckdart[color:0], over to the west. Assuming he is still there, of course.[wait] 00005[char:5]: Well, we might as well pay a visit, then. You haven't seen him for a while, have you? I bet he'd be overjoyed.[wait] 00006[char:6]: Are you sure it'd be all right? I'd certainly appreciate it, but I hope you don't mind taking the detour.[wait] 11014[char:c]: ...[wait] 01015[char:0]: What's wrong, [char:c]?[wait] 01016[char:c]: Geh![wait] 01017[char:5]: It's nothing. Right, [char:c]?[wait] 01018[char:c]: Y-y-y-es! Yes! Yes, it's nothing![wait] 11000[char:8]: Whew... This guy I've never seen before invited me out for a drink. I kept turning him down, but he just wouldn't let up.[wait] 11001[char:b]: Hey, guess what? Somebody told me that [char:8c]our meeting was destiny[char:8c]! What does that mean?[wait] 11002[char:7]: The gentlemen are awfully friendly around this town... One of them invited me over to the bar for a round.[wait] 11003[char:d]: I was treated to some tea by one of the men in town. I had no idea there were still men like that left. It was refreshing![wait] 11004[char:1]: We better not ask what the final score was.[wait] 01005[char:0]: Y-yeah...[wait] 01006[char:3]: Let's just try to avoid this topic of conversation from now on.[wait] 11007[char:1]: Listen, [char:a]'s acting strange! I wonder if something's wrong with him...[wait] 11008[char:5]: Oh, I didn't mind [char:a] that much... No wait, pretend you didn't hear that.[wait] 01009[char:a]: Women... They're harsher than I thought.[wait] 01010[char:a]: [char:0], what're you staring at me for? Is there something on my face?[wait] 01011[char:0]: Mm? No, nothing...[wait] 01012[char:a]: ...Really...?[wait] 01013[char:0]: You're finally back to normal. Listen, what happened to you!?[wait] 11117[char:0]: This town seems to be really relaxed.[wait] 11019[char:1]: What a cute little town! I think it'd be fun just to have a walk around.[wait] 11020[char:3]: It really feels like a town out of the past. Just being here makes me feel relaxed.[wait] 11021[char:5]: You know the bar here is going to be stocked with all kinds of good stuff. The water's just so pure![wait] 11022[char:4]: Gimme some good food and good alcohol, and I'll be a happy camper![wait] 11023[char:9]: I used to be quite the lady's man, you know? Why, we would go on dates to the highest point in this town just to enjoy that romantic[new] view![wait] 11024[char:6]: Let us rest for a little while.[wait] 11025[char:7]: The instruments they sell here are nothing but the top of the line. They're expensive, but worth it.[wait] 11026[char:8]: There seem to be a lot of shops here. Perhaps we could do some shopping?[wait] 11027[char:a]: This town has a lot of stairs. Great for training![wait] 11028[char:b]: I looove jewelry! So pretty and shiny![wait] 11029[char:d]: I don't feel comfortable among all these people.[wait] 11030[char:c]: Wouldn't it be nice if someone were to buy me a gift from the jewelry shop here? Hint, hint.[wait] 11118[char:0]: Let's rest up and prepare for our next battle.[wait] 11031[char:1]: You're right. It's important to take a break once in a while, too, especially if it'll keep us strong enough to save [char:2] and[new] everyone else.[wait] 11032[char:3]: Just don't forget our main goal.[wait] 11033[char:5]: Honestly, I would like to be on our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] already, but it's better for us to be in the best shape we can.[wait] 11034[char:4]: Shouldn't we be going to kick some [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] butt already? I mean, this is a great place to rest and all...[wait] 11035[char:9]: You should always rest while you can before heading off into battle.[wait] 11036[char:6]: Should we not head for the [color:1]demon world[color:0] as soon as possible? We should keep our preparations to a minimum.[wait] 11037[char:7]: We're just wasting precious time here. Let's cut our dallying to a minimum.[wait] 11038[char:8]: I suppose we should rest while we still can.[wait] 11039[char:a]: You shouldn't tax your body too much. We need to be as prepared as possible![wait] 11040[char:b]: Everyone's way too much on edge! Let's relax![wait] 11041[char:d]: I realize that resting is important, but let's not lose our focus.[wait] 11042[char:c]: No ifs or buts. You need to rest when you can! You won't last long just fighting all the time.[wait] 11119[char:0]: Let's go after [char:3]![wait] 11043[char:1]: It's so much more fun traveling with you, [char:0]! Now, let's try to catch up with [char:3].[wait] 11044[char:5]: All right, we're going to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! We can't afford to waste any more time![wait] 11045[char:4]: The real [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]...or an imposter? I don't know, but I say let's go find out in [color:1]Ionis[color:0]![wait] 11046[char:9]: Looks like you'll soon be reunited with your friend. Well, my boy, let's head off for [color:1]Ionis[color:0].[wait] 11047[char:6]: Could it be the same [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] who abducted my sister!?[wait] 11048[char:a]: Quick, let's get a move on to [color:1]Ionis[color:0]! See, even [char:5] is excited to be going there![wait] 11049[char:b]: You'll get to finally meet your friend, [char:0]![wait] 11050[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11120[char:0]: Let's see if we have better luck in the next town.[wait] 11051[char:5]: Now where could the captain be? Let's just hope we find them in the next town.[wait] 11052[char:4]: There's gonna be some tough monsters ahead of us. Get ready for some real action![wait] 11053[char:9]: The monsters on this continent won't be easy to deal with. Prepare yourselves for some intense combat.[wait] 11054[char:6]: We should move on, but not at the risk of our own lives. A tactical retreat should always be an option.[wait] 11127[char:7]: Let's hope you find your friends in the next town we visit.[wait] 11055[char:a]: Now, time to put my training to the test! Let's fight our way onwards![wait] 11056[char:b]: Whaaat? We're going already? But I was just starting to get comfortable![wait] 11057[char:c]: Come on, come on, let's go! Stop dilly-dallying![wait] 11058[char:1]: Shouldn't we go meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]? We need to defeat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] and save everybody.[wait] 11059[char:5]: Now, let's make our way to [color:1]Van Castle[color:0]. The king might be able to tell us a bit more about this [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] guy.[wait] 11060[char:3]: We need an audience with the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] to see what he knows about [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0].[wait] 11061[char:4]: Hey, shouldn't we go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]?[wait] 11062[char:9]: If you are intent on [color:1]defeating the Archfiend[color:0], you may find it useful to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11063[char:6]: We will need some information on the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]. Let us see what the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] knows.[wait] 11064[char:7]: If you want to kill the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], you'd better go see the [color:0]king of Van[color:0].[wait] 11065[char:8]: We're supposed to visit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and ask him about the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], aren't we?[wait] 11066[char:a]: Right! Let's continue our training all the way to [color:1]Van[color:0]![wait] 11067[char:b]: So we're going to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] something about...an archery fund? I'm so confused.[wait] 11068[char:c]: We need to meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0], right?[wait] 11069[char:1]: We get to meet all the kings around the world, right? I can't wait to see their castles![wait] 11070[char:5]: We should meet all the kings as soon as possible so we can get a hold of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11071[char:3]: All right, enough break time. We need to go and meet with all the other kings.[wait] 11072[char:4]: Things are way too formal when you're meeting with a king. I'd rather be outside killing monsters.[wait] 11073[char:9]: Don't you forget, my boy, that we need to meet the four kings to ask about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11074[char:6]: Perhaps we should be focusing on meeting the four kings in order to obtain the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11075[char:7]: We need to meet the four kings, right? Well, let's get going.[wait] 11076[char:8]: We need to ask the four kings about the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11077[char:a]: We're visiting the four kings, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11078[char:b]: I'll go wherever [char:0] goes! Which king are we seeing next?[wait] 11079[char:d]: We need to visit the four kings, don't we? Let's be on our way to the next king.[wait] 11080[char:c]: Since we're traveling all over, I'll bet there'll be plenty of time to find a gorgeous hunk...or 2...or 3...or 4, 5, 6... Ooo, be still my heart![wait] 11081[char:1]: Now that we've got all the [color:1]emblems[color:0], shouldn't we head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]?[wait] 11082[char:5]: Let's hurry back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11083[char:3]: We should revisit the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report everything we've learned from the other kings.[wait] 11084[char:4]: So, what's next? I guess we should go back to [color:1]Van City[color:0] and ask the king.[wait] 11085[char:9]: Now, we'll need to ask the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for the location of the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 11086[char:6]: We must return to [color:1]Van City[color:0] with haste and find out where the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located.[wait] 11087[char:7]: We need to report our findings to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0]. There's no time to waste.[wait] 11088[char:8]: We need to return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and report what the other kings told us, don't we?[wait] 11089[char:a]: We'll be meeting the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] soon, right? Make sure you don't do anything rude![wait] 11090[char:b]: So, like, now that we've got all four [color:1]emblems[color:0], we should head back to [color:1]Van City[color:0], right?[wait] 11091[char:d]: The [color:1]truth[color:0] that was entrusted to only the four kings must be very important. Let's meet the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] and find out more.[wait] 11092[char:c]: What? We're already going back to [color:1]Van City[color:0]? Okay, fine. Let's get going.[wait] 11093[char:1]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... That's the place around the north part of [color:1]Astral[color:0], isn't it?[wait] 11094[char:5]: Let's go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] soon. Something tells me the crew of the [color:1]Celestial Ship[color:0] are up to something.[wait] 11095[char:3]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is located within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]... It should guide us to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 11096[char:4]: We need to go to the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Well, come on, let's get going![wait] 11097[char:9]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] should be north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0].[wait] 11098[char:6]: Do you remember, [char:0]? The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] was where we first met.[wait] 11099[char:7]: The [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0] is in the mountains north of [color:1]Tatroi[color:0]. Let's get moving.[wait] 11100[char:8]: We need to find the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] that lies deep within the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], don't we?[wait] 11101[char:a]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0]. We need to get going, [char:0]![wait] 11102[char:b]: What do we need another eye for? My eyes are perfectly fine![wait] 11103[char:d]: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is in the [color:1]Purgatorium[color:0], right? Let's make our way there immediately.[wait] 11104[char:c]: A treasure lying deep within a mysterious shrine. Traps and hazards blocking the way of the brave man and sultry woman who've[new] ventured in. Treasure...adventure...and passionate romance! So why aren't we already there, [char:0]!?[wait] 11105[char:1]: What if we aren't able to beat [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]? No, I shouldn't even think about that. We must beat him...for everyone's sake![wait] 11106[char:5]: Once we're ready, we should head towards the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We'll need to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11107[char:3]: This is it, guys. The final battle. Make sure you're fully prepared before we make our way into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11108[char:4]: The [color:1]demon world[color:0]'s gonna be full of tough bastards. I can't wait to give them a taste of my blade![wait] 11109[char:9]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]... Who would have thought that I'd be fighting against the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] again?[wait] 11110[char:6]: The only way to enter the [color:1]demon world[color:0], if I remember correctly, is to sail there from [color:1]Silvalant City[color:0].[wait] 11111[char:7]: It's time to show the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] that he's no match for a knight of [color:1]Astral[color:0]![wait] 11112[char:8]: Let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. We need to put an end to this, once and for all.[wait] 11113[char:a]: I'll finally get to put all my training to the test! Now, let's make our way to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 11114[char:b]: We're going to the [color:1]demon world[color:0]! That's so scary, but I know I'll be fine if I'm with you guys![wait] 11115[char:d]: Let's make life just a little more difficult for some demons, shall we?[wait] 11116[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget![wait] 10000Soldier: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]...[wait] 00001Soldier: Lord [color:4]Lias[color:0]! What's going on!?[wait] 10000[char:5]: Something's been engraved on it.[wait] 00001[char:0]: Oh, here, I can read this.[wait] 00002[char:0]: Arrange the royal [color:1]emblems[color:0] of tradition on the land. Thy choice of arrangement shall reveal the key to opening the door.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Now what could that mean?[wait] 00004[char:5]: The royal [color:1]emblems[color:0] of tradition...[wait] 00005[char:5]: They must be talking about these things, right?[wait] 00006[char:3]: The [color:1]emblems[color:0] of the four kings?[wait] 00007[char:5]: Right.[wait] 10015[char:5]: Hmm...this must be the console we use to open the door. Let's try placing the [color:1]emblems[color:0] there.[wait] 10016Console: Please choose the correct [color:1]emblem[color:0] for each description.[wait] 00018Console: Show me the [color:1]emblem[color:0] passed down in the land of searing heat.[wait] 00019 - [color:0][color:3]Muah Emblem[color:0][color:3] - [color:0][color:3]Astral Emblem[color:0][color:3] - [color:0][color:3]Van Emblem[color:0][color:3] - [color:0][color:3]Silvalant Emblem[color:0][color:3][wait] 00023Console: Show me the [color:1]emblem[color:0] passed down in the land of the falling leaves.[wait] 00020 - [color:0][color:3]Muah Emblem[color:0][color:3] - [color:0][color:3]Van Emblem[color:0][color:3] - [color:0][color:3]Silvalant Emblem[color:0][color:3][wait] 00024Console: Show me the [color:1]emblem[color:0] passed down in the land of the frozen wastes.[wait] 00021 - [color:0][color:3]Muah Emblem[color:0][color:3] - [color:0][color:3]Silvalant Emblem[color:0][color:3][wait] 00025Console: Show me the [color:1]emblem[color:0] passed down in the land of lush greenery.[wait] 00022 - [color:0][color:3]Muah Emblem[color:0][color:3][wait] 00026Console: Incorrect. Emblem not acceptable.[wait] 00027Console: Confirmed. Successor access acknowledged. You may pass.[wait] 00028[char:3]: It's open![wait] 00030[char:5]: How are the four [color:1]emblems[color:0] connected to the [color:1]Old Race[color:0]?[wait] 00031[char:3]: Well, we're certainly not going to find out just standing here. Let's go inside.[wait] 00032[char:5]: Yeah...yeah, you're right. Maybe we'll find an explanation for this inside.[wait] [center][color:3]Air Slicer[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Arbalest[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mist Insignia[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Aqua Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10000Guard System: Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Proceeding with extermination. Repeat: proceeding with extermination.[wait] 10001[char:0]: What was that?[wait] 00002[char:3]: Hmm, judging by all the protection, there must be something awfully important in this room.[wait] 00003[char:5]: Well, let's take a look around. Maybe we can find something.[wait] 10004[char:5]: This looks like a [color:1]security card[color:0].[wait] 00005[char:0]: What's a [color:1]security card[color:0]?[wait] 00006[char:3]: [char:84]It's like a key, [char:0]. But why would we find one of these on [color:1]Roak[color:0]? [unk:4006:7:1][new] Their civilization shouldn't have anything this advanced.[wait] 00007[char:5]: A red card. I bet we can use it to open that red door we saw earlier.[wait] 00008[char:0]: Oh right, the door we couldn't open earlier. Is that the only door this will open?[wait] 00009[char:3]: Yeah, probably. Let's go back to that red door. We oughta be able to get through it now.[wait] 00010[char:0]: Right! Let's go.[wait] 10001[char:3]: Hmm... It's locked out here, too. We better tread carefully.[wait] 10002[char:0]: A blue card! We can use that to open the blue door, right?[wait] 00003[char:3]: Yep. There oughta be a door we haven't opened yet. We should look for it.[wait] 10000[char:0]: What is that!?[wait] 00001[char:3]: A holograph? Hey, look![wait] 00002[char:5]: It's a map of the [color:1]Earth[color:0], but why is there a huge island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?[wait] 00003[char:3]: That definitely shouldn't be there.[wait] 00004[char:5]: Or should it? If you believe the old stories, there really was an island there once.[wait] 00005[char:5]: The lost continent of Mu.[wait] 00006[char:3]: But even if that was true, what's a map of [color:1]Earth[color:0] doing in here?[wait] 00007[char:1]: Look! Someone's there![wait] 00008???: [char:84]We pray that you have come seeking the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] with only the purest of intentions.[unk:4006:2e:1][new] It is an extremely dangerous relic if left unguarded.[unk:4006:fb:0][new] We also pray that you have the strength to atone for the horrible mistake we made.[wait] 00009???: The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] is capable of opening gates to alternate dimensions.[wait] 00010???: [char:84]We created the [color:1]Eye[color:0] with a combination of our own technology and the [color:1]symbology[color:0] endowed upon us by the [color:4]Runes[color:0],[unk:4006:94:1][new] the natives of this planet.[wait] 00011???: [char:84]But before we could reach our goal, there was a disaster that ruined all of our plans.[unk:4006:33:1][new] A gate was opened to the [color:1]demon world[color:0], sending legions of monsters pouring into this world.[wait] 00012???: Even that, however, was not enough to halt our experimentation. Our small band of comrades was united under one wish.[wait] 00013???: We only wanted to return home to our planet.[wait] 00014[char:0]: So this is it. The [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0].[wait] 00015[char:3]: What does all this mean, [char:5]? Everything is going way over my head.[wait] 00016[char:5]: I think the people we called the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] came to this planet from [color:1]Earth[color:0], from the Mu Continent.[wait] 00017[char:3]: I don't know about that. It doesn't seem like they came here so much as they were brought here against their will.[wait] 00018[char:5]: That's true.[wait] 00019[char:3]: The [color:0]king of Van[color:0] told us that the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] descended upon the planet as fully grown adults.[wait] 00020[char:5]: [char:84]Legend has it that the Mu Continent sank into the sea in the wake of a meteor strike. [unk:4006:24:1][new] Before that day, the stories claimed that the [color:2]Muah[color:0] enjoyed a vast and highly advanced civilization.[wait] 00021[char:3]: Yeah, I remember that.[wait] 00022[char:5]: [char:84]You know, the Alliance has a few reports on file about people being sucked into a vortex[unk:4006:1f:1][new] and suddenly reappearing someplace far away. There was a case of a missing child being found someplace that[unk:4006:59:1][new] would've been physically impossible for him to travel to in the time he was gone.[wait] 00023[char:3]: [char:84]So you think the meteor strike caused a vortex that swallowed these people up? [unk:4006:ea:0][new] Those reports you mentioned were about people going from one place to another on the same planet.[unk:4006:78:1][new] I never saw any reports about people hopping light years, much less going from [color:1]Earth[color:0] to [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00024[char:5]: [char:84]Well, you got me there.[unk:4006:39:0][new] But if that theory is correct, it would explain why they made something like the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] in the first place.[unk:4006:4b:1][new] They just wanted to go home.[wait] 00025[char:3]: That's what the guy said.[wait] 00026[char:5]: Besides, it also matches the [color:2]Muah[color:0]'s lore pretty well, the [color:1]history[color:0] handed down to the [color:0]king of Muah[color:0].[wait] 00027[char:3]: [char:8c]The Eye was obtained in order to reveal the true path back to paradise.[wait] 00028[char:3]: [char:84]The eye failed to see the door to paradise, however. In its place, a door of blasphemy.[unk:4006:89:1][new] Darkness swarmed forth, and demons enveloped the world.[wait] 00029[char:3]: By the time the door was closed, the land was already near death. All we could do was lament our mistake.[char:8c][wait] 00030[char:5]: [char:84]They must have deeply regretted what they had done. In their eyes, their desire to get home brought doom to this planet.[unk:4006:80:1][new] They wanted to make up for it, somehow, but by that time, there was no turning back.[wait] 00031[char:3]: So they went to the royal families and left clues in the form of lore so it could make it down to [char:8c]all generations to come.[char:8c][wait] 00032[char:5]: Well, we'll never know the whole story.[wait] 00033[char:5]: But listening to the phrases they left behind about courage and everlasting strength...[wait] 00034[char:5]: ...you can really feel the emotions they must have had in their hearts.[wait] 12000Resistance Soldier: We'll do what we can for you from here. Please take care![wait] 12005Boy: Someday, I'm gonna go to [color:1]Earth[color:0], too![wait] 12004Boy: Did you guys really come all the way from [color:1]Earth[color:0]? Cool![wait] 12006Yvena: I feel bad having to entrust our mission to you. The best I can do right now is offer my[new] prayers.[wait] 11013[char:5]: There's only one thing we need to do once we leave here, and that's to confront [color:4]Jie[color:0]. Let's[new] make sure we've got everything we need and then get going.[wait] 11017[char:9]: I've seen plenty in my life, my boy, but never did I think I'd experience a world like this.[new] Life just never ceases to surprise me.[wait] 11016[char:6]: This is truly amazing. I never even dreamed that such a world existed.[wait] 11019[char:7]: The soldiers here seem to really admire Yvena. Someday, I hope I can inspire such[new] admiration in my men, too.[wait] 11018[char:b]: Yeesh. Everyone here's way too edgy. It's kinda making me nervous.[wait] 10000Yvena: Hey. Glad you're all safe.[wait] 00001[char:3]: We really appreciate your help. If it wasn't for your diversion, our rescue mission would've been a lot more complicated.[wait] 00002Yvena: Oh, not at all. If anything, I should be the one thanking you.[wait] 00003Yvena: There's no way any of us could take down [color:4]Jie[color:0], no matter how hard we try. So really, you're our only hope.[wait] 00004[char:5]: Is it true that optical weaponry doesn't work on [color:4]Revorse[color:0]?[wait] 00005Yvena: [char:84]Yes. [color:4]Jie[color:0] is the culmination of everything that [color:1]Fargett[color:0]'s technology has to offer.[unk:4006:f:1][new] We've made several assassination attempts, but all of them were complete failures.[wait] 00006[char:5]: Well, why did they build someone so dangerous in the first place?[wait] 00007Yvena: [color:1]Fargett[color:0] is a desolate planet. We have very little water and natural resources to work with.[wait] 00008Yvena: [char:84]We've been conducting research into genetic engineering and spatial theory for a long time now.[unk:4006:10:1][new] It's what we needed to do for survival and to someday return home, to [color:1]Earth[color:0].[wait] 00009[char:5]: Home to [color:1]Earth[color:0]!?[wait] 00010Yvena: Yes. Long, long ago, our ancestors were sent from [color:1]Earth[color:0] to [color:1]Fargett[color:0] after a meteor strike opened up a spatial vortex in our homeland.[wait] 00011[char:5]: Just like the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] was transported to [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00012Yvena: Unlike [color:1]Roak[color:0], however, [color:1]Fargett[color:0]'s environment is harsh and inhospitable to [color:2]human[color:0] settlement.[wait] 00013Yvena: [char:84]Frustrated in their efforts, our scientists finally decided to turn toward what was then considered forbidden research.[unk:4006:72:1][new] They launched a project to create a race of [color:1]superhumans[color:0], people uniquely adapted to life on our planet.[wait] 00014[char:5]: They conducted genetic engineering on [color:2]humans[color:0]!?[wait] 00015Yvena: Yes. And the result of that project is the [color:1]superhumans[color:0], including [color:4]Jie[color:0].[wait] 00016Yvena: Their combined muscular, nervous, and brain systems make them uniquely adapted to coping with the severities of our environment.[wait] 00017Yvena: [char:84]However, the core they were built from is still [color:2]human[color:0]--the genes that define all of us. [unk:4006:2:1][new] Their life expectancy may outlast ours, but they are not immortal. You could say that's their sole weakness.[wait] 00018[char:3]: Hmm. I suppose a direct strike is the only chance we have of killing [color:4]Revorse[color:0].[wait] 00019Yvena: [char:84]Most of the army is off in outer space participating in the [color:1]Earth invasion[color:0].[unk:4006:cc:0][new] As leader, however, [color:4]Jie[color:0] would never leave the planet voluntarily.[wait] 00020Yvena: With most of his guard away, sneaking into [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0] where he resides is a distinct possibility.[wait] 00021[char:3]: Well, we can't just sit here, not when the army's already on the move.[wait] 00022Yvena: [char:84][color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0] is located in [color:1]Vadgupe[color:0], our capital. You'll find it north of here.[unk:4006:1e:1][new] There's a great big cliff in the way, though, so reaching it on foot is impossible.[wait] 00023[char:0]: So how will we get there?[wait] 00024Yvena: North of [color:1]Vadgupe[color:0], there's an old, closed-off laboratory--a [color:1]bio-lab[color:0], to be exact.[wait] 00025Yvena: [char:84]There should be an underground corridor below the lab that connects directly to [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0].[unk:4006:c:1][new] It's pretty old construction, but hopefully it's still in service.[wait] 00026[char:3]: Well, it beats storming the place head-on, I guess. All right. Let's head to the [color:1]bio-lab[color:0]![wait] 10027[char:3]: Why is someone like [color:4]Revorse[color:0] running this place, anyway? Wasn't he just an experimental test subject?[wait] 00028Yvena: [char:84]With an environment as harsh as the one we live in, we can't afford to waste even the tiniest bit of our resources.[unk:4006:54:1][new] That's why we need a government that works as efficiently as humanly possible.[wait] 00029Yvena: [char:84][color:4]Jie[color:0] and the [color:1]superhumans[color:0] have the strength to survive on this land.[unk:4006:c5:0][new] Their regenerative powers make them near immortal, and their intelligence is second to none.[wait] 00030[char:5]: So you decided to let them run your government, figuring they'd make fewer mistakes than [color:2]humans[color:0].[wait] 00031Yvena: [char:84]People had their doubts about the [color:1]superhumans[color:0]' government at first, naturally.[unk:4006:cb:0][new] But after their lives improved under their regime, they began to rethink things a little.[wait] 00032[char:3]: And then it all started going haywire?[wait] 00033Yvena: They may be [color:1]superhuman[color:0], but they're not machines. They worked as a team to help cover each other's weak points.[wait] 00034Yvena: But one day, [color:4]Jie[color:0] had all the others killed off and declared himself the head of a dictatorship.[wait] 00035[char:5]: Guess that's what they get after basing their genes off the [color:2]human[color:0] race.[wait] 00036Yvena: [char:84]You will not find many people who approve of [color:4]Jie[color:0]'s actions here on [color:1]Fargett[color:0].[unk:4006:d6:0][new] This may be the best chance we'll ever get to free ourselves of [color:4]Jie[color:0]'s rule for good.[wait] 11000[char:d]: The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] was under the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0]'s control. The [color:4]Archfiend[color:0], who was created on [color:1]Fargett[color:0], escaped into the [color:1]demon world[color:0]...[wait] 01001[char:d]: I'm not really sure who's at fault.[wait] 01002[char:3]: No matter what the reason may be, if you take an action, then only you can be responsible for the results.[wait] 01003[char:3]: We don't know what kind of treatment the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] experienced when he was still a test subject on [color:1]Fargett[color:0].[wait] 01004[char:3]: But even if they tortured him, that doesn't excuse the fact that he invaded [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 01005[char:d]: You're right. We can have sympathy for the devil, but we don't have to agree with him.[wait] 01006[char:3]: [char:84]It'd be much easier if for once there'd be an enemy that we can clearly blame for all the evils of the world,[unk:4006:66:1][new] but it's just never the case.[wait] 01007[char:d]: People have good and evil in them...[wait] 01008[char:3]: None of us are gods, after all. We can only do so much.[wait] 11010[char:3]: It's a thorny issue, I'll grant you that.[wait] 11009[char:d]: Perhaps good and evil are the same thing. Maybe the only difference is how you look at[new] them...[wait] 11011Resistance Soldier: Hey, uh, there's some crazy stuff going on over there, you know?[wait] 01012Resistance Soldier: Oh man, I have got to stay cool! I can't afford to get distracted when we've got a war going[new] on! What would Yvena think of me...!?[wait] 11014[char:4]: I thought I'd seen everything when we were in that ship or whatever it was, but there's a[new] whole bunch of crazy stuff here, too.[wait] 11015[char:4]: What the hell is this!?[wait] 11020[char:0]: (There's no point resting here without the others.)[wait] 12007Resistance Soldier: We've set aside some beds for you guys. Do you want to rest?[wait] 12001Resistance Soldier: If you're feeling a bit worn down, feel free to rest here for a while.[new] I'll have to charge you [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0], however.[wait] 12002Resistance Soldier: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12003Resistance Soldier: It doesn't look like you have enough money. I really hate to do this, but I can't let you stay[new] for free. We really need the money to support ourselves.[wait] 12000Rescuer: We've been looking for hours, but...I don't think anyone survived.[wait] 12001Rescuer: What the hell kind of weapon could have caused this much destruction!?[wait] 10000[char:0]: It's that guy from before! The guy who took [char:1] hostage over in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]![wait] 00001[char:3]: Hmm, you're right. [char:8c]For gallantry displayed during [color:1]Operation Asmodeus[color:0].[char:8c][wait] 00002[char:5]: Captain, take a look at this.[wait] 00003[char:3]: The [color:1]Revorse Plan[color:0]? This must've been where they did the genetic research that led to [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0].[wait] 00004[char:5]: And that's not all![wait] 00005[char:3]: That's [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]![wait] 00006[char:5]: It looks like [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] was also a native of [color:1]Fargett[color:0]. Another genetic-engineering test case.[wait] 00007[char:0]: So how did he wind up in the [color:1]demon world[color:0]?[wait] 00008[char:5]: [char:84]The record says that [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] rebelled against his peers and escaped through a vortex,[unk:4006:20:1][new] taking the [color:1]Space-Time Laboratory[color:0] with him.[wait] 00009[char:3]: And that vortex was connected to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00010[char:5]: Apparently they were incapable of creating another [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]-like [color:1]superhuman[color:0] afterwards.[wait] 00011[char:3]: Interesting. Now I understand why they bothered going all the way to [color:1]Roak[color:0] to collect [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]'s DNA.[wait] 00012[char:5]: And [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0] was created using [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]'s genes as a base.[wait] 12000Climb down the ladder?[wait] Army Camp[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Push the switch?[wait] 10000[char:3]: Ugh. Looks like we're in.[wait] 00001[char:5]: [char:84]Thanks in no small part to the distraction Yvena's crew is providing for us.[unk:4006:cb:0][new] The soldiers are probably all gathered by the front entrance.[wait] 00002[char:0]: Let's move! We've got to find [char:1] and the others![wait] 00003[char:0]: Let's move! We've got to find [char:1]![wait] 00004[char:3]: You got it.[wait] 12000Resistance Soldier: You...you must be the guys who came to help us from [color:1]Earth[color:0]! I was worried they'd captured[new] you![wait] 12000Resistance Soldier: Please, let us out!!![wait] 12000Resistance Soldier: Let me out of here! Please![wait] 12000Resistance Woman: Please let me out! I can't stand being here any more![wait] [center][color:3]Resurrection Mist[color:0] acquired.[wait] 00004[char:0]: You all right, [char:1]!? Did they do anything to you!?[wait] 00005[char:1]: No! I'm okay! Oh, I knew you'd come here for me![wait] 00006[char:1]: [char:0]! You came to help us, didn't you?[wait] 00007[char:0]: Everyone all right?[wait] 00008[char:4]: Ugh, I'm sick of this cell! I needa get some exercise, fast![wait] 00010[char:6]: The guards here don't know the first thing about common courtesy.[wait] 00011[char:7]: They had their hands all over me, those bastards![wait] 00012[char:8]: It felt so lonely without all of you.[wait] 00009[char:9]: Oof. I'm getting too old for this.[wait] 00014[char:a]: Dang it! Letting 'em nab me means I've got to redo my training regimen.[wait] 00015[char:b]: Myaaa! They tied me all up![wait] 00016[char:c]: I could've busted us out of here anytime I wanted, y'know. I just wanted you to have the spotlight for a bit, [char:0]![wait] 00013[char:d]: It felt so lonely without all of you.[wait] 10000[char:1]: [char:0]! Over here![wait] 00001[char:0]: [char:1]![wait] 00002[char:3]: How's it look, [char:5]? Can we get it open?[wait] 00003[char:5]: This won't be a problem.[wait] 00017[char:3]: All right. Let's get out of here while the guards are still distracted.[wait] 00003???: You may pass. I pray for your victory...[wait] Old Race Ruins B4F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: What is this?[wait] 00001[char:5]: He doesn't have a tail. He must be from the [color:1]Old Race[color:0]![wait] 00002[char:3]: So the legend was true all along.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Is he dead?[wait] 00004[char:5]: If he were in cryostasis, he might still be alive, but no, he doesn't have any vital signs.[wait] 00005[char:1]: Hey, look at this![wait] 00006[char:0]: What is it, [char:1]?[wait] 00007[char:1]: Looks like there's a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] among them. Ya see the wings?[wait] 00008[char:3]: Huh, you're right.[wait] 00009[char:3]: Wait, could...could this be her?[wait] 10010[char:5]: Captain? Is something wrong?[wait] 00011[char:3]: No, it's nothing. I was just thinking about something.[wait] 10012[char:5]: Just what on earth could this place have been used for?[wait] 00013[char:3]: None of these bodies look like they're injured. It's as if they were frozen alive.[wait] 00014[char:5]: But if the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] didn't have cryogenic technology, what were they doing preserving bodies like this?[wait] 00015[char:3]: I couldn't even guess.[wait] 10016[char:3]: What is this?[wait] 00017[char:5]: He doesn't have a tail. He must be from the [color:1]Old Race[color:0]![wait] 00018[char:3]: So the legend was true all along.[wait] 00019[char:0]: Is he dead?[wait] 00020[char:5]: If he were in cryostasis, he might still be alive, but no, he doesn't have any vital signs.[wait] 00021[char:1]: Hey, look at this![wait] 00022[char:0]: What is it, [char:1]?[wait] 00023[char:1]: Looks like there's a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] among them. Ya see the wings?[wait] 00024[char:6]: [char:d]!!![wait] 00025[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00026[char:6]: [char:d], how did you end up like this!?[wait] 00027[char:0]: ...[wait] 00028[char:6]: They've frozen you solid! Hang on, I'm going to save you![wait] 00029[char:3]: [char:84]Hold it! Think a little bit, [char:6]. Her body has no vital signs whatsoever.[unk:4006:43:1][new] Even if you got her out of that ice, it's not like you could resurrect her or anything.[wait] 00030[char:6]: I know that! I just cannot leave [char:d] like this. She's my sister![wait] 00031[char:8]: [char:6], [char:3] is right. It'd be best if you just let her rest in peace.[wait] 00032 - Leave it alone. - Help [char:6].[wait] 00033[char:0]: I know how you must feel, [char:6], but don't you think it's better to just let her be?[wait] 00034[char:6]: All right. But if I ever find that [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], I swear I shall have my revenge for the sake of my sister and my family![wait] 00073[char:6]: All right.[wait] 00035[char:0]: If that's what you want to do, I promise I'll do all I can to help, [char:6].[wait] 00036[char:8]: Quit it, please![wait] 00037[char:6]: [char:84]Shut up and move! My life's mission was to save my sister! She was all I had to live for! [unk:4006:56:1][new] And now you're telling me just to leave [char:d] like this!? My own flesh and blood![wait] 00038[char:6]: Well, you can go to hell! I'm gonna save my sister, and I'll sacrifice everything I've got to do it![wait] 00039[char:8]: Wait, [char:6]! [char:d]... She's...she's me. My brother, I am [char:d]![wait] 00040[char:6]: !?[wait] 00041[char:8]: [char:84]When the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] took me away, one of his [color:0]symbologist[color:0] cronies brainwashed me and trained me as an assassin.[unk:4006:82:1][new] I followed their orders to the letter, and I've caused the deaths of so many innocent people.[wait] 00042[char:6]: ...[wait] 10043[char:8]: I was seriously injured after botching the killing of a certain well-known [color:0]symbologist[color:0]. They left me on the street to die.[wait] 00044[char:8]: That was when my repressed memories finally came back.[wait] 10045[char:8]: [char:84]I struggled terribly with the pain and the guilt of my crimes. I swore to myself that someday,[unk:4006:68:1][new] I would have my revenge against the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0]![wait] 00046[char:8]: It was the very [color:0]symbologist[color:0] I was sent to kill who retrieved me from death's door.[wait] 00047[char:8]: By the time I recovered, I was faced with a difficult problem. If I remained a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0], I was in danger of being found and arrested.[wait] 00048[char:5]: [char:84]You're right on that count. Many people witnessed a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] girl at the scene of the murders.[unk:4006:15:1][new] Some of the rumors we heard identified you as [char:8c][color:4]Deathwing[color:0].[char:8c][wait] 00049[char:8]: The [color:0]symbologist[color:0] who nursed me back to health gave me a vital piece of information.[wait] 00050[char:8]: He told me of a relic from the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] that allows you to transfer yourself into other bodies.[wait] 00051[char:3]: That's what this is!?[wait] 00052[char:8]: Yes. I discarded my original self here and transferred myself into an [color:1]Old Race[color:0] body.[wait] 00053[char:6]: [char:d]...[wait] 00054[char:8]: [char:84]But then I learned another shocking fact. [unk:4006:84:0][new] The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] was just as much a victim as I was, that he lost his sanity because of the [color:1]Mirror of Incarnation[color:0].[wait] 00055[char:9]: Indeed. The [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] I knew was a righteous man, one who fought for the rights of all people.[wait] 00056[char:8]: [char:6], I've made up my mind.[wait] 00057[char:8]: [char:84]I'm going to return to my original body and pay for my crimes.[unk:4006:b4:0][new] It's not right for me to try to escape my past just for the sake of revenge.[wait] 00058[char:6]: That's right, [char:d]. You can't move on towards the future if you simply abandon your past.[wait] 00059[char:6]: [char:d], I'm so happy to see you again.[wait] 00060[char:d]: Me too, my brother.[wait] 00061[char:6]: [char:d], let me help you overcome your past. I won't let you carry the burden by yourself.[wait] 00062[char:d]: Thank you.[wait] 00063[char:0]: This is wonderful, [char:6]![wait] 00064[char:1]: And [char:d], too. I'm so happy for the both of you![wait] 00065[char:d]: [char:84][char:1], listen. I know I've been kind of distant in the past, but let's try to be friends now, okay?[unk:4006:5e:1][new] I think I'd like to get to know you better, is what I'm trying to say.[wait] 00066[char:1]: Sure thing, [char:d]! Just don't regret it![wait] 00067[char:d]: Absolutely![wait] 00068[char:3]: Well, let's get going! We still have a lot to do.[wait] 12000[center][char:d] has joined the party![wait] 10069[char:3]: Get up, [char:6]! If you don't preserve [char:8]'s...I mean, [char:d]'s memory, then who will?[wait] 00070[char:6]: ...[wait] 00071[char:0]: Let's go, [char:6]![wait] 00072[char:6]: I apologize for making you worry. Let's go.[wait] 10000[char:0]: W-whoa![wait] 10001[char:0]: Whew. Fought our way out of that one, I guess.[wait] 00002[char:5]: What was that, anyway? It certainly wasn't any normal monster.[wait] 00003[char:3]: Probably some relic of the [color:1]Old Race[color:0]. Maybe it was ordered to guard the place or something.[wait] 00004[char:1]: It's got to be guarding some kind of treasure! That's how it always goes in the books I read.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Ha ha! Well, I certainly hope it's treasure. Anyway, things are fine now, so let's get going. Stay alert, everyone.[wait] [center][color:3]Elven Slippers[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]4-way Bomb[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Cactus Cocktail[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Watermelon Bar[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Temper Tablet[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12003Innkeeper Judy: Feel free to rest here for as long as you like.[wait] 11040[char:0]: (There's no point staying here without the others.)[wait] 12009Innkeeper Judy: Welcome. We've set aside a room for you. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12000Innkeeper Judy: Welcome! It's [color:2][var:0] Fol[color:0] a night. Will you be staying with us?[wait] 12001Innkeeper Judy: Did you sleep well?[wait] 12002Innkeeper Judy: You don't have enough money.[wait] 12005Lucien: Hey, [char:1], you know you can come back whenever you're feeling down, right?[wait] 12004Lucien: Are you guys staying here? My mom runs the best inn in the world![wait] 12006Young Scholar: I am researching an event that supposedly took place among the [color:1]Old Race[color:0] known as the[new] Spiritual Contract. There's a lot that I still don't understand, but it sounds a lot like one of those[new] allegorical contracts with the devil... The one where a person exchanges his soul for a wish to[new] be granted.[wait] 11033[char:1]: I'm going to be talking here for a bit, [char:0].[wait] 11032[char:1]: It's so cold out there! I think I'll stay right here in front of this fireplace.[wait] 11034[char:3]: It's hard to motivate yourself when it's this cold.[wait] 11035[char:5]: Hey, [char:0], what's up? Why don't you sit down and join us?[wait] 11036[char:4]: Damn this cold! It's gonna make my weapons rusty![wait] 11038[char:7]: You should polish your weapons as often as possible.[wait] 11037[char:b]: Ugh, I really hate cold weather. I'm freeeezing![wait] 11039[char:c]: It's way too cold out here! Don't these winter cities normally have hot springs nearby!?[wait] Inn [char:8c]The Mirthful Hearth[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:1]: Thank you so much for taking care of me, ma'am.[wait] 00001Innkeeper Judy: Oh, you don't need to thank me. I enjoyed every minute of it. It was like having my own daughter here.[wait] 00002[char:1]: Oh, Judy...[wait] 00003Judy: Come on, Lucien, say goodbye to our guest.[wait] 00004Judy: I don't know what to do with this kid sometimes.[wait] 00005Judy: Ah, sorry, [char:1].[wait] 00006[char:1]: Don't think twice; it's all right.[wait] 00007[char:1]: I'd better get going. Hang in there, Lucien.[wait] 00008Lucien: Wait![wait] 00009Lucien: [char:1], are you really going?[wait] 00010[char:1]: Yeah, I'm sorry.[wait] 00011Lucien: No! Please don't go, [char:1]![wait] 00012Lucien: I...I![wait] 00013[char:1]: Don't cry, Lucien! Come on, where's the happy little Lucien I know?[wait] 00014Judy: Cheer up, Lucien! You're a big boy now! You should be sending her off with a big smile.[wait] 00015Lucien: I know![wait] 00016Lucien: Good luck, [char:1]. Come back sometime, all right?[wait] 00017[char:1]: Of course I will. We'll play together again then, okay?[wait] 00018[char:1]: Bye bye![wait] 00019Lucien: See you![wait] 11006[char:1]: Hey, [char:0]. We'll be talking here for a little while, okay?[wait] 11007Lucien: Don't do anything bad to [char:1], got it!?[wait] 11000[char:1]: Hi, Judy! How've you been?[wait] 01001Innkeeper Judy: Oh, [char:1]! It's you![wait] 01002[char:1]: You still a good boy? Not causing any trouble for your mother?[wait] 01003Lucien: Of course not! I never get into any trouble![wait] 01004Lucien: You haven't had anything bad happen to you traveling with these guys, have you? You're welcome back here anytime, you know![wait] 01005[char:1]: Hee hee... Thank you.[wait] 11008Lucien: Hmph! I'm not gonna let you beat me, mister![wait] 11029[char:1]: Even you've got some nice things to say once in a blue moon, don't you, [char:0]?[wait] 11028[char:d]: Yes... [char:8]'s going to live on inside of me.[wait] 11009[char:0]: What are you two talking about?[wait] 01010[char:1]: Oh, [char:0]! [char:d] was just letting me feel her wings. They're so soft![wait] 01011[char:1]: Hey! Don't touch them, [char:0]! You perv![wait] 01012[char:1]: I'm really amazed these soft, light wings can keep you flying in the air. Just how far can you fly in one go?[wait] 01013[char:d]: Well, in my case, I've only just returned to my real body, so I'm not sure I'd be able to go very far right now.[wait] 01014[char:d]: Oh... I'm sorry, that must sound really strange to you. Sorry.[wait] 01015[char:d]: [char:84]I may have been [char:8] for several years, but that's all in the past now.[unk:4006:e6:0][new] [char:8] and I had two completely different bodies.[wait] 01016[char:1]: ...Come to think of it, what happened to [char:8]'s body, anyway?[wait] 01017[char:1]: ...Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up like that...[wait] 01018[char:d]: No, it's all right.[wait] 01019[char:d]: ...I'm really thankful for her. She gave me the opportunity to keep on living, even if it was just for the sake of revenge.[wait] 01020[char:d]: I would love to have known her real name, but I'm afraid that's not possible anymore...[wait] 01021[char:0]: She's still alive in your heart, isn't she? I think that's good enough.[wait] 01022[char:d]: ...[wait] 01023[char:0]: Well, you two were friends. You shared a lot of time together.[wait] 01024[char:d]: ...[wait] 01025[char:0]: As long as you don't forget about her, then I think she'll never disappear.[wait] 01026[char:1]: Yeah! And besides, we're friends with both [char:8] and you, [char:d]. That hasn't changed one bit, either.[wait] 01027[char:d]: I think [char:8]'s always going to be a part of me...and as long as that's true, she's still going to be alive.[wait] 11030[char:b]: Ugh! We were all napping in a big, warm pile, too![wait] 01031[char:0]: Well, I guess cats like little nooks and crannies like that...[wait] 12007Cat: *Purrr*[wait] 12008Kitten: *Mew*[wait] 10000[char:1]: What do you think you're doing!?[wait] 00001Judy's Son Lucien: Huh? What? It's no big deal.[wait] 00002[char:1]: It is too a big deal![wait] 00003Lucien: Aww, don't be stupid. Why're you writing letters you know no one's gonna read?[wait] 00004[char:1]: None of your business.[wait] 00005[char:1]: (Dear [char:0],)[wait] 00006[char:1]: (It's me, [char:1].)[wait] 00007[char:1]: (I never thought I'd be writing you a letter, given that I've hardly ever left your side before.)[wait] 00008[char:1]: (But I don't even know where you are, so this is all I can do right now.)[wait] 00009[char:1]: (I hope you made it to the past okay.)[wait] 00010[char:1]: (I don't know how many days it's been by now.)[wait] 00011[char:1]: (I want to see you.)[wait] 00012[char:1]: (I just pray it'll be soon.)[wait] 00013[char:1]: I miss you.[wait] 00014Lucien: You crying, [char:1]?[wait] 00015[char:1]: Ugh! This is horrible! I'm never like this! Ever![wait] 00016[char:1]: None of this would be happening if it weren't for him![wait] 00017[char:1]: [char:0], I hate yooouuu!!![wait] 12000Young Lady: I hate it here! I can't even go outside without permission![wait] 12001Young Boy: I wanna go out and play![wait] 12002Fat Cat: *Mwoar*[wait] 12000Pub Owner: How's it going?[wait] 12001Steya the Mercenary: I'm Steya, and this is my buddy Ralph. We fight monsters together.[wait] 12002Ralph the Mercenary: Steya's my partner in battle. As long as we got each other's back, there's no monster that[new] can beat us![wait] 12004Soldier: Damn... Damn you muscles![wait] 12005Soldier: Grrr, that lucky bastard! Sitting right next to Captain [char:7]![wait] 11007[char:4]: [char:0]! Wh-what d'you need?[wait] 11008[char:7]: What? Can't we be together for half a second?[wait] Bar [char:8c]The Winter Wisp[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11005[char:9]: I was chased by a feral dog while out on night watch back when I first joined the army.[new] What a horrible experience... I'll never forget it 'til my dying days![wait] 01006[char:0]: (He mows down monsters by the cartload, and yet he's afraid of dogs... Pretty crazy.)[wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:9]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:9]: Cats, of course.[wait] 01002[char:0]: Really? That's a surprise. I'm the opposite, myself.[wait] 01003[char:9]: You like dogs more!? Dogs!? That's outrageous![wait] 01004[char:0]: W-what are you getting so worked up about?[wait] 12003Kitten: *Meow*[wait] [center][color:3]Goodie Box[color:0] acquired.[wait] Old Man: Did you think I was senile!?[wait] 12000Old Man: I'll go senile if I keep having nothing to do![wait] 12001Old Lady: Do you think we'll ever get to experience peace again?[wait] 12002Cat: *Meow*[wait] 12000Qiklin: I have to keep making sure my weapons don't freeze up.[wait] 12001Qiklin: Thanks.[wait] Weapon Shop [char:8c]The Icy Blade[char:8c][unk:4006:78:0] 11005[char:4]: Cats can be such bastards. I love that.[wait] 11000[char:0]: Which do you like more, [char:4]: cats or dogs?[wait] 01001[char:4]: I'm a cat guy.[wait] 01002[char:0]: Really? Wow... I really thought you would've liked dogs more.[wait] 01003[char:4]: They act like they hate you, but every now and then they give you lots of affection... I love that.[wait] 01004[char:0]: Huh...[wait] 11039[char:1]: I hope those're all the cats...[wait] 11007[char:0]: What are you thinking about, [char:1]?[wait] 01008[char:1]: Oh, [char:0]. I wasn't really thinking about anything... I was just looking at this suit of armor.[wait] 01009[char:0]: What's so special about it?[wait] 01010[char:1]: Take a closer look.[wait] 01011[char:0]: ...?[wait] 01012 - Examine the helmet - Examine the chest piece - Examine the boots[wait] 01013[char:0]: I don't see anything unusual about the helmet...[wait] 01014Kitty: *Myaaaooo*[wait] 01015[char:1]: Ooh! Kitty![wait] 01016[char:0]: ...I don't see anything odd...[wait] 01017Kitty: *Myaaaooo*[wait] 01018[char:0]: I don't see anything unusual about this chest piece...[wait] 01019Kitty: *Nyaow*[wait] 01020[char:1]: Ah hah![wait] 01021[char:0]: What do you mean, [char:8c]ah hah[char:8c]?[wait] 01022[char:1]: I thought I heard meowing earlier, but I was too afraid to go looking for it by myself...[wait] 01023[char:0]: ...So you had me look for you instead.[wait] 01024[char:0]: ...I don't see anything special...[wait] 01025Kitty: *Myaaaooo*[wait] 01026[char:0]: I don't see anything unusual about the boots...[wait] 01027Kitty: *Miaooouuu*[wait] 01028[char:1]: Ohh! Kitty![wait] 01029[char:0]: ...Ah, it's just [char:b].[wait] 01030[char:0]: You shouldn't go in there, [char:b]. It's dangerous.[wait] 01031[char:b]: *Meeewww*[wait] 01032Kitty: *Meow*[wait] 01033Kitty: *Meow*[wait] 01034Kitty: *Meow*[wait] 01035Kitty: *Meow*[wait] 01036Kitty: *Meow*[wait] 01037[char:1]: Awwwwwwww![wait] 01038[char:0]: ...How did all these guys cram in there, anyway?[wait] 12000A Tria: Welcome, my friends. I hope you enjoy this dungeon. I won't say any more, except that the[new] movable statues may be important.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B1F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B2F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B3F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B4F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:8c]When the glitter of gold becomes too bright, it may be difficult to see the way forward.[char:8c][wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B5F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Ring of Might[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B6F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B7F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B8F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B9F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:8c]Ladies First[char:8c][wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B10F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Mindhealer[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Dragon Blade[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B11F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B12F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B13F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B14F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:8c]Remove what hinders the lovers.[char:8c][wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B15F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Ring of Healing[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Holy Orb[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Xtra Knuckles[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B16F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B17F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B18F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Kuma the Adventurer: Be...careful...[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B19F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:8c]What one is, the next one does not want to be.[char:8c][wait] [center][color:3]Kaiser Knuckles[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B20F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000K: You... Don't worry...about me...just...keep going...[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Infinity[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Faerie Ring[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Star Lance[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B21F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B22F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000Piron the Adventurer: I want to go back but I can't! *Sob*[wait] 12001Yu the Adventurer: I should have never followed him in the first place! *Sob*[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B23F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B24F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:8c]Release them all.[char:8c][wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B25F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Violent Handy Stick[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Wisdom[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Murasama[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Cyuss Special[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B26F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B27F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Aurora Blade[color:0] acquired.[wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B28F[unk:4006:78:0] Cave of the Seven Stars B29F[unk:4006:78:0] 12000[char:8c]It can be embarrassing to be seen.[char:8c][wait] Cave of the Seven Stars B30F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Smooth Crystal[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Archangel's Bracelet[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Philosopher's Stone[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Fusion[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12000Bandit King: Geh heh heh heh! The treasure is all mine![wait] 12000King of Silvalant: The time has come for [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] to be vanquished once and for all. I wish you all[new] the best.[wait] 12002Queen: I pray that you will all return alive and well.[wait] 10000King of Silvalant: So...the time has come for an [color:1]emblem[color:0] bearer to appear before me, has it?[wait] 00001King of Silvalant: Minister, take the guards out of the room.[wait] 00002Minister: Yes, my lord![wait] 00003King of Silvalant: My royal family has been charged with the location of the [color:1]demon world[color:0] entrance.[wait] 00004King of Silvalant: [char:84]There is a deserted island just southwest of [color:1]Silvalant[color:0], where we are standing now. [unk:4006:14:1][new] According to my knowledge, the entrance to the [color:1]demon world[color:0] can be found on that island.[unk:4006:70:1][new] Using the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] there will open the door to the [color:1]demon world[color:0].[wait] 00005[char:3]: A deserted island?[wait] 00006King of Silvalant: [char:84]Quite so. I will grant you full permission to freely use our port for this purpose. That will allow you convenient passage[unk:4006:db:1][new] to both the [color:1]Muan[color:0] and [color:1]Astralian Kingdoms[color:0]. Of course, I will also instruct the ships to open a route to the island I've discussed with you.[unk:4006:e0:1][new] Feel free to make the voyage whenever you are ready.[wait] 00007King of Silvalant: And one more thing. I want you to take this.[wait] 00008King of Silvalant: This [color:1]emblem[color:0] is evidence that you know the [color:1]truth[color:0] which has been passed down amongst those in [color:1]Silvalant[color:0]. I wish you a safe journey.[wait] 00009[char:3]: Thank you very much, Your Highness.[wait] 00010King of Silvalant: It appears that this is your final stop. It is time for you to take those [color:1]emblems[color:0] and return to the [color:0]king of Van[color:0] for your report.[wait] 00011[char:3]: Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you very much.[wait] Revorse Tower B1F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Well, here it is. [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0].[wait] 00001[char:1]: It won't be long before we have to face [color:4]Jie[color:0].[wait] 00002[char:0]: Yeah. We're going to end this here! We can't let him keep people in misery any longer.[wait] 00003[char:4]: Let's clean house and go home![wait] 00005[char:6]: This chain of sadness has to end. We must find someplace to cut through it.[wait] 00006[char:7]: No matter what we face, we must retain our pride. We must fight through it![wait] 00007[char:8]: I want a world where people can smile again. I want my strength to make a difference.[wait] 00004[char:9]: Our path lies before us. We must not stray from it.[wait] 00009[char:a]: All we need is guts![wait] 00010[char:b]: I'm gonna give it all I've got![wait] 00011[char:c]: You just wait. I'll show 'im what happens when you make me mad! [char:c] smash![wait] 00008[char:d]: I want a world where people can smile again, where they won't have to be exploited the way I was![wait] [center][color:3]Mithril Greaves[color:0] acquired.[wait] Revorse Tower 1F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: Hang on. This looks an awful lot like an [color:1]Earth[color:0] craft to me.[wait] 00001[char:5]: Captain! Take a look at this.[wait] 00002[char:3]: Dis...covery? [color:1]Discovery[color:0]!?[wait] 00003[char:5]: The planetary exploration ship [color:1]Discovery[color:0]. It went missing in the 21st century![wait] 00004[char:3]: Did it get sucked through a [color:1]wormhole[color:0] to [color:1]Fargett[color:0], or what?[wait] 00005[char:5]: It was lost a good 700 years ago. It must have gone back in time 500 years or so.[wait] 00006[char:3]: Now this would certainly explain how [color:1]Fargett[color:0] managed to obtain their spacefaring technology.[wait] Revorse Tower 2F[unk:4006:78:0] Revorse Tower 3F[unk:4006:78:0] Revorse Tower 4F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Mithril Helmet[color:0] acquired.[wait] Revorse Tower 5F[unk:4006:78:0] Revorse Tower 6F[unk:4006:78:0] [center][color:3]Dream Crown[color:0] acquired.[wait] Revorse Tower 7F[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Jie: Hohh, I didn't expect the Alliance's dogs to make it this far.[wait] 00001[char:0]: [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0]! You're going to stop hurting people starting right now![wait] 00002Jie: I am merely trying to fulfill the ardent wish of every man, woman and child on [color:1]Fargett[color:0].[wait] 00003Jie: The [color:2]Muah[color:0] who were snatched away from [color:0]Earth[color:0] have spent millennia hoping, praying for a way to get back home.[wait] 00004[char:3]: So that warrants an invasion? If a home is all you want, there has to be a better way.[wait] 00005Jie: [char:84]The people of [color:1]Earth[color:0] have incessantly squandered the resources Mother Nature gave to them.[unk:4006:f3:0][new] Don't you think it's time they received a taste of their own medicine? Just like the [color:2]Muah[color:0] did when they were thrown off their homeland.[wait] 00006[char:3]: I don't think that's for you to decide.[wait] 00007Jie: So you want it all to be in some god's hands!? If so, I will become that god![wait] 00008Jie: [char:84]I've already laid hands on the Creator role here. If being the creator of all things makes you a god,[unk:4006:5c:1][new] then all that remains is for me to take the throne for myself![wait] 00009[char:0]: We're not gonna stand here and allow that![wait] 00010Jie: I fight in order to protect my own life. If you won't even let me do that, then why was I created!?[wait] 00011Jie: [char:84]I see no point in further discussion. Only the strong survive. The first law of nature, wouldn't you agree?[unk:4006:82:1][new] Now, allow me to show you just how insignificant you are![wait] 10012[char:0]: Did we do it?[wait] 00013[char:1]: Is he gone?[wait] 00014[char:3]: All he wanted was to survive in the end, didn't he? All the power in the world can't help a person overcome a fragile spirit, I suppose.[wait] 00015[char:5]: Maybe that's the secret. Maybe you need a weak body to be strong in spirit.[wait] 00016[char:3]: Perhaps. When I look at the [color:2]Roakians[color:0], I can't help but hold out some hope for the [color:2]human[color:0] race, too.[wait] 00017[char:5]: They may not have the technology, but they have the heart. We could learn a lot from them.[wait] 12000A Tria: We have created a new dungeon in the room to your left. I hope you will be suitably entertained.[wait] 12001Man: The exit at the bottom of the room leads to the [color:1]Labyrinth of Champions[color:0] in ancient [color:1]Roak[color:0]. The[new] exit in the middle of the room will take you back to [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0].[wait] 12002Woman: Here in the [color:1]Oracle Room[color:0], you can listen to the stories of the Tria, Gods of Creation.[wait] 12003Woman: This is Level 2 of the [color:1]Oracle Room[color:0]. Since you figured out how to enter here, you should[new] know how to enter the other levels.[wait] 12004Man: What's that? I look like I'm from [color:1]Roak[color:0]? You shouldn't worry about such minor details.[wait] 12005Boy: I've been sent here as a punishment.[wait] 12006Boy: You think there's any point in entering the next room?[wait] 12000Sasaqi: I wanna go on a cycling trip![wait] 12001June: If you're ever in Hokkaido, you've got to try the Hakata ramen![wait] 12002Miyamoto: I hope you've been taking good care of [char:6]![wait] 12003Kawakami: I just had some ramen noodles, but that's not gonna stop me from eating more.[wait] 12000Joshua: I spent so much time drawing that my guitar skill level started dropping.[wait] 12003Nishitani: Thanks for buying this game! If you're borrowing it from a friend, I command you to go buy[new] it now![wait] 12004Marichi: Did you manage to bring the kitty into your party?[wait] 12005Hamayan: Yo! I'm Hamayan. I worked on the graphics.[wait] 12002Ken'ichi: If you encountered any dungeon maps that were hard to follow, those were all designed by me.[new] I guess it's a bit too late now, but, um, sorry.[wait] 12001Ken'ichi: Take that! Asaka Beam!!![wait] 12000Toku: Fooood.[wait] 12001Yama-chan: Whoa, what a huge shock. I think my chest hurts.[wait] 12002Hussie: I created the sound driver.[wait] 12002Programmer 1: We used nothing but software to create the sound.[wait] 12003Programmer 2: Um... I'm sorry, but... Did you enjoy the game?[wait] 02004 - Yeah! - It was all right... - No.[wait] 02005Programmer 2: Phew, thank god.[wait] 02006Programmer 2: I'm sorry.[wait] 02007Programmer 2: I'm so sorry. I'll try to do a better job next time, I promise.[wait] 02008Programmer 2: So sorry...[wait] 12009Programmer 3: We didn't use any graphic chips for the zoom effects.[wait] 12010Scenario Programmer: I'm sorry. (God, I keep saying that.) I think I messed up the story a bit. But I have this[new] really great(?) story in my head right now, and I'm totally psyched about it. Man, I'd love[new] to write that game soon.[wait] [center][color:3]Magic Jar[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12001MasaKing: Ahem, um, first of all, I'm really sorry for everything. I'm MasaKing, and I'm in charge of[new] apologizing. This is our last SFC game. I'll really miss the console. I've now worked on[new] two RPGs for the SFC, and I think I've learned a lot from that. Hopefully, I'll be able to[new] apply all this knowledge to our next project.[wait] 02011MasaKing: Now that we're done with the formalities, let's talk a bit more casually. The game you're[new] playing right now went through some really difficult stages of development. In fact, it was a[new] real pain in the butt. For real. If you saw anything in this game that rubbed you the wrong way,[new] just cross your fingers and hope it'll be rectified in the next game. I promise the next[new] one's gonna be huge. It'll be the product of my experiences working on two RPGs and then[new] some.[wait] 12000MasaKing: I'll kill you![wait] 12008Oracle Shopkeep: Make sure you're fully stocked on items before you leave.[wait] 12009Oracle Shopkeep: Take care of yourselves, and good luck![wait] Oracle Room[unk:4006:78:0] 12005Yagi-san: In each level, you'll be able to listen to the stories of the Tria, Gods of Creation, exactly as[new] recorded for the SFC version. That means some of them might not make much sense. If that[new] happens, just humor them and move on.[wait] 12006Yagi-san: Okay, I'll fess up. Some of the comments were tweaked just a little bit. Otherwise, they would[new] have been confusing in the context of the map in this version.[wait] 12007[char:8c]He who shall attempt the true test shall move closer to the gods.[char:8c][wait] 12000[char:0]: The door says, [char:8c][color:1]Oracle Room[color:0] Level 2,[char:8c] but it seems to be locked by some kind of hidden force.[wait] 12001[char:0]: The door says, [char:8c][color:1]Oracle Room[color:0] Level 4,[char:8c] but it seems to be locked by some kind of hidden force.[wait] 12002[char:0]: The door says, [char:8c][color:1]Oracle Room[color:0] Level 6,[char:8c] but it seems to be locked by some kind of hidden force.[wait] 12003[char:0]: The door says, [char:8c][color:1]Oracle Room[color:0] Level 8,[char:8c] but it seems to be locked by some kind of hidden force.[wait] 12004[char:0]: The door says, [char:8c][color:1]Oracle Room[color:0] Level 10,[char:8c] but it seems to be locked by some kind of hidden force.[wait] 11000[char:d]: I promised myself that I would never run away again.[wait] 10000[char:0]: Mm?[wait] 00001[char:5]: A paper airplane?[wait] 00002[char:5]: There's something written on it.[wait] 00003[char:5]: What's it say?[wait] 00004[char:5]: Ah, [char:0]! Wait![wait] 00005[char:9]: What's he in a huff about?[wait] 00006[char:7]: What was the matter with him?[wait] 10007[char:8]: Umm...[wait] 00008[char:8]: If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could I come with you?[wait] 00009[char:6]: Sure.[wait] 00010[char:6]: I realized something just recently.[wait] 00011[char:6]: I hope this doesn't sound strange, but I can't help but see glimpses of my sister in you.[wait] 00012[char:6]: What is it? Why are you crying?[wait] 00013[char:8]: I...I'm sorry.[wait] Underground Tunnel[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: This must be the corridor Yvena mentioned.[wait] 00001[char:3]: Yep. If we go all the way down this pipeline, it oughta drop us right in front of [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0].[wait] 00002[char:0]: Let's go![wait] 12000Climb up the ladder?[wait] 12000Slums Resident: There's nothing good about [color:1]Vadgupe[color:0] nowadays. It's no place to live anymore.[wait] 12001Slums Resident: Soldiers!? Oh, guess not. Phew...that's a relief.[wait] 12002Slums Resident: Eh, I'm used to living in this dump by now. It starts to grow on ya after a while.[wait] 12003Slums Child: The soldiers scare me.[wait] 10000[char:1]: This is horrible... Why are they living in this place?[wait] 00001[char:5]: The dictatorship is suppressing all the opposition, that's why. The larger the gap between the two sides, the more established[new] the ruling party becomes.[wait] 00002[char:0]: But these people can't be happy living like this. Why don't they want to stand up and fight?[wait] 00003[char:3]: That's a problem for the locals. We can't force them to rise up.[wait] 00004[char:3]: Who knows how they'll rebuild this place once [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0] is gone... I suppose the real battle for the [color:1]resistance[color:0] begins at that point.[wait] 00005[char:0]: Well, I'm not gonna put up with this! [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0] is going down... I swear it![wait] 00006[char:5]: I hope you never change, [char:0]. As long as you don't, I know [color:1]Roak[color:0] will never end up like this.[wait] 12000Soldier: Go on ahead![wait] Checkpoint[unk:4006:78:0] 10000Soldier: Got any identification?[wait] 00001[char:3]: This [color:1]emblem[color:0] work for you?[wait] 00002Soldier: Hoh, a [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0] [color:1]emblem[color:0]. That works for me, yeah. You may pass.[wait] 00003Soldier: Off you go, then! Strangers aren't allowed through here.[wait] Hut[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: Imagine finding a house out here... What's up with this place?[wait] 00001[char:5]: No need to look a gift horse in the mouth. I could use a rest right about now.[wait] 10004[char:0]: Hmm? Sounds like someone's inside.[wait] 10002[char:0]: Imagine finding a house out here. What's up with this place?[wait] 00003[char:5]: No need to look a gift horse in the mouth. I could use a rest right about now.[wait] 10068[char:c]: Good to see you're still in one piece![wait] 10000[char:0]: Does someone live here? It sure is messy.[wait] 00001[char:5]: The fireplace is still warm. Someone was here not too long ago. What could he be making, though?[wait] 00002[char:5]: Whatever it is, it's one strange-looking contraption.[wait] 00004[char:0]: We can't just barge into people's houses. Let's go back to town to rest.[wait] 00003[char:3]: You better not touch it. The owner of the place might get angry once he gets back.[wait] 00005[char:1]: It's kind of rude to just come in... Why don't we head for a town?[wait] 10006[char:0]: Kind of messy, huh?[wait] 00007[char:3]: Yeah. Looks like someone's building some crazy contraptions here.[wait] 10008[char:0]: Hello! Anybody home?[wait] 00009Weirdly Dressed Girl: Oh, finally! There you are![wait] 00010Weirdly Dressed Girl: Do you have any idea how late you are!?[wait] 00011[char:0]: Wha!?[wait] 00012Weirdly Dressed Girl: Whoa! You're a lot cuter than I thought! Boy, am I glad I came here![wait] 00013[char:0]: Uh, what do you mean?[wait] 00014Weirdly Dressed Girl: [char:84]A lone explorer, stranded deep in the mountains! Suddenly, he comes across a mysterious, beautiful young girl![unk:4006:bc:1][new] What does fate have in store for them? And what will happen when their hearts finally beat as one!? Ooohhh![wait] 00015[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00016Weirdly Dressed Girl: Oh, wait. You brought friends.[wait] 00017[char:3]: Yes, well, I guess we ought to apologize for coming in unannounced.[wait] 00018[char:0]: We happened to be passing by, so we thought we'd stop in and get a little rest.[wait] 00019Weirdly Dressed Girl: [char:84]Hmm. Well, curiosity is an important trait to have, I suppose.[unk:4006:ec:0][new] If you wanna rest, knock yourselves out. There's enough space for all of you.[wait] 00020[char:5]: So, what are you doing here?[wait] 00021Weirdly Dressed Girl: Already starting with the interrogation, I see. Guess you can take the girl out of the army, but you can't take the army out of the girl.[wait] 00022[char:5]: Wha? Army!?[wait] 00023Weirdly Dressed Girl: Oh! I mean, you know, that's how you look to me--like some kind of fast-track subordinate officer or something.[wait] 00024[char:1]: Wow! That's pretty impressive! You got it right on the dot.[wait] 00025[char:1]: I have to admit, though, you're building some pretty amazing-looking things here. Like this...uh...[wait] 00026Weirdly Dressed Girl: [char:c].[wait] 00027[char:1]: Huh?[wait] 00028[char:c]: [char:84][char:c] Vineyard. That's my name. And those over there are all my glorious inventions![unk:4006:1d:1][new] All kinds of wonderful things, serving mankind in all kinds of wonderful ways![wait] 00029[char:0]: Huh...pretty nice, I guess.[wait] 00030[char:3]: Allow me to introduce myself.[wait] 00031[char:c]: Yeah, yeah, you're [char:3] and gang, right? Off to [color:1]rid the world of Asmodeus[color:0] and all that jazz?[wait] 00032[char:3]: Word about us is already getting around!?[wait] 00033[char:c]: Huh? Oh, yeah! Uh, rumors! Not like people go around proclaiming they're gonna whip the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] every day, y'know?[wait] 00034[char:5]: The rumors have made it out here already?[wait] 00035[char:c]: Ahh, quit fretting about little things like that. It'll make your crow's feet worse.[wait] 00036[char:5]: What was that!?[wait] 00037[char:c]: But man, actually seeing you here in the flesh, it's like, I'm kinda starting to wonder if you'd be willing to take me along.[wait] 00038[char:0]: Huh!?[wait] 00039[char:c]: [char:84]I wanna help you out. I may not look it, but I'm kinda strong, y'know? Opportunities like me don't come along every day.[unk:4006:8a:1][new] Besides, I'd like to test out some of my inventions. So how 'bout it? You interested?[wait] 00040[char:3]: Hmm, I don't know. It's a dangerous journey we're on. What do you think, [char:0]?[wait] 00041[char:0]: I'm not sure about making our party any bigger than it is now.[wait] 00042[char:3]: Yeah, that's true.[wait] 00043[char:c]: Aww man, you're already filled up? Well, that bites.[wait] 00044[char:0]: Sorry to disappoint you, but we'll be fine by ourselves. I appreciate your offer and all, though.[wait] 00045[char:c]: You're gonna regret brushing me off, believe you me! If you change your mind, you can come back and grovel at my feet anytime.[wait] 00046[char:0]: Heh heh...heh.[wait] 00047[char:c]: Ah, well. I'm pretty much here all day, so stop by whenever you'd like. I'll even serve some tea next time, assuming you're interested.[wait] 00048[char:0]: Ha ha. I'll be sure to come back soon.[wait] 00049[char:c]: See ya later then. Best of luck [color:1]smiting the Archfiend[color:0]![wait] 00050 - By all means. - I'm sorry.[wait] 00051[char:0]: Well, if you're interested in helping us, I'd be happy to have you on the team. The more people we have, the better.[wait] 00052[char:c]: Ooh, goodie! I love a man who has the guts to make quick decisions![wait] 12000[center][char:c] has joined the party![wait] 00053[char:0]: I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline your offer. Our party's big enough already, and besides, our mission is a very dangerous one.[wait] 00054[char:c]: Oh, don't worry! I wasn't asking for a multi-year contract or nothin'. Might as well get going, then![wait] 00055[char:0]: Wha!?[wait] 12001[center][char:c] has forced herself into the party![wait] 00056[char:c]: [char:84]Ooh, this is going to be fun! In the midst of lethal danger, love blossoms after a chance encounter with the man of her dreams![unk:4006:69:2][new] Eeww, I love it![wait] 00057[char:0]: Is that what you're after?[wait] 00058[char:c]: Oh, uh, no! What, you think I'm serious? I'm just messin' with ya![wait] 00059[char:c]: Anyway, thanks for letting me in. I really appreciate it.[wait] 00060[char:5]: What do you think of her, Captain?[wait] 00061[char:3]: Judging by her clothing and those [char:8c]inventions,[char:8c] I highly doubt she's a native of [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 00062[char:5]: Do you think it's safe to trust her?[wait] 00063[char:3]: Who knows? I have no idea what she's doing here. But then again, she doesn't seem hostile or anything.[wait] 00064[char:3]: She's an unknown variable, I'll grant you that, but I think there's a lot of potential there.[wait] 00065[char:5]: You're such an old softy, Captain.[wait] 00066[char:3]: Maybe so, but you're hard as a rock, so it all evens out.[wait] 00067[char:5]: You...don't really think that, do you?[wait] 10069[char:c]: Guess my work here is done.[wait] 00070[char:c]: We've sure been through a lot.[wait] 00071[char:c]: But if you think this is the end, you've got another thing coming![wait] 10072[char:c]: Guess my work here is done.[wait] 00073[char:c]: We've sure been through a lot.[wait] 00074[char:c]: Ahhh, I let a helluva big catch run through my hands! I gotta admit, [char:0] was pretty darn cute.[wait] 00075[char:c]: [char:84]I'm sure he's gettin' busy with [char:1] right now, too! Why did I bother worrying about her?[unk:4006:63:1][new] I should've just stolen him away![wait] 00076[char:c]: I wonder if [char:3] and [char:5] are doing okay. Heck, maybe they're even married![wait] 00077[char:c]: [char:84]Oh, but someone as uptight as he is, they'd have so many problems if they had any kids.[unk:4006:63:1][new] [char:5] might have it tougher than I thought.[wait] 00078[char:c]: Maybe I oughta pay 'em a little visit sometime.[wait] Cape of Silvalant[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:3]: What's wrong, [char:0]?[wait] 00001[char:0]: Oh, I dunno. It just doesn't feel right to leave everyone without saying anything.[wait] 00002[char:5]: What else can we do? It's not like we'll tell them the truth and they'll just say, [char:8c]Oh! Well, see ya![char:8c][wait] 00003[char:5]: I mean, we can't tell them that we're from 300 years in the future. They wouldn't have any idea what we're talking about.[wait] 00004[char:5]: I know it's not the nicest thing.[wait] 00005[char:3]: It's really best if we just disappear from their lives. Let them think that we were all just some kind of pleasant dream.[wait] 00006[char:0]: But that won't make their memories disappear. I mean, I don't know about you, but I know I'm never gonna forget them![wait] 00007[char:3]: ...[wait] 00008[char:5]: Deep down, we all know that. Even the captain does.[wait] 00009[char:0]: ...[wait] 10010[char:5]: Let's get going.[wait] 10011[char:7]: Are you going to keep traveling, [char:4]? All by yourself?[wait] 00012[char:7]: That's just too much for me to bear.[wait] 00013[char:7]: [char:4], where are you?[wait] 10014[char:b]: Doin' well, everybody?[wait] 00015[char:b]: How 'bout you, [char:1]?[wait] 00016[char:b]: [char:0], wish you were here.[wait] 10017[char:b]: Doin' well, everybody? I'm doing okay![wait] 00018[char:b]: We went through a lot, but it was still pretty fun.[wait] 00019[char:b]: But I'm still on the road! I'm looking for my friends![wait] 00020[char:b]: I'm gonna try my best, so root for me, okay?[wait] 10000[char:d]: [char:6]! [char:6]![wait] 00026[char:0]: Thanks for helping us.[wait] 00061[char:0]: Thanks for helping us.[wait] 00027[char:5]: Oh well.[wait] 00062[char:5]: Oh well.[wait] 00109[char:0]: Thanks for helping us.[wait] 00110[char:7]: I'd best be going myself.[wait] 00032[char:0]: No, [char:6], you would be a tremendous help to us![wait] 00033[char:6]: Your convictions are strong and persistent. I can feel them. They are impossible for me to ignore.[wait] 00034[char:6]: [char:84]I am traveling to avenge my sister. This means I will have to fight sometime, and I may have to involve you![unk:4006:34:1][new] Are you still sure you want me to join you?[wait] 00069[char:6]: [char:84]I am traveling to avenge my sister. This means I will have to fight sometime, and I may have to involve you![unk:4006:34:1][new] Are you still sure you want me to join you?[wait] 00117[char:6]: [char:84]I am traveling to avenge my sister. This means I will have to fight sometime, and I may have to involve you![unk:4006:34:1][new] Are you still sure you want me to join you?[wait] 00035[char:6]: All right. Then let us travel together! I think I am going to enjoy this.[wait] 00070[char:6]: All right. Then let us travel together! I think I am going to enjoy this.[wait] 12000[center][char:6] has joined the party![wait] 10000[char:0]: Guess we'll have to head for the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0], then.[wait] 00001[char:5]: Seems that way.[wait] 00002[char:4]: Well, that wasn't a total bust, was it? I mean, at least we got something out of that temple.[wait] 00003 - Certainly! - Well...[wait] 00004[char:0]: [char:84]Yeah, you're right about that. At least we know [char:1] and the captain are still safe.[unk:4006:ec:0][new] Besides, if we had just barreled on ahead, we may have gotten into trouble dealing with the monsters we'd run into.[wait] 00005[char:4]: I've heard some damned crazy things about [color:1]Van[color:0], y'know.[wait] 00006[char:5]: Like what?[wait] 00007[char:4]: Like how strong the monsters are over there.[wait] 00008[char:5]: Are you saying that the captain and [char:1]'s lives have been in danger all this time!?[wait] 00009[char:4]: Well, yeah, I guess that's what I mean. So, uh...[wait] 00010[char:4]: How 'bout we get moving?[wait] 00011[char:0]: The [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]...[wait] 00012[char:4]: [char:84]Well! The bigger they are, the harder they fall, huh?[unk:4006:be:0][new] You never know. Maybe those friends of yours got strong enough to kick some butt over there.[wait] 00013[char:0]: [char:1], stronger than me?[wait] 00014[char:0]: That'd be pretty crazy.[wait] 00015[char:5]: Yeah, you'd be even more whipped than you are now.[wait] 00016[char:4]: You don't have to worry that much, do ya? We know she's fine now, so no big deal, right?[wait] 00017[char:0]: ...[wait] 00018[char:4]: I know what you're thinkin'... That we would've gotten to her sooner if we didn't stop here first.[wait] 00019[char:4]: Well, you know that thing, uh, that thing that's always 20/20 and stuff?[wait] 00020[char:4]: Oh, yeah! Hindsight. That.[wait] 00021[char:5]: [char:84]He's right. There's no point grumbling about it here. We'd better hit the trail.[unk:4006:fc:0][new] We're going to the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0], now that we kinda know where they are.[wait] 00022[char:5]: What about you?[wait] 00023[char:6]: I will continue my search for my sister.[wait] 00024[char:6]: I bid you farewell, then.[wait] 00025 - See him off - Stop him[wait] 00028[char:0]: Wait![wait] 00029[char:0]: What do you think about coming with us?[wait] 00030[char:6]: I do not think I'd be anything but a burden to you.[wait] 00031 - Could you join us? - Oh, well...[wait] 00038[char:5]: Let's head for the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0].[wait] 00039[char:5]: Wait, speaking of which, how are we supposed to get there?[wait] 00040[char:4]: [char:84]There's a boat over in [color:1]Tropp[color:0] to the southwest that oughta take us to [color:1]Eckdart[color:0].[unk:4006:cd:0][new] The first thing is to board that ship and get ourselves over to [color:1]Silvalant[color:0].[wait] 00041[char:5]: Then let's head for the port![wait] 10042[char:0]: Guess we'll have to head for the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0], then.[wait] 00043[char:5]: Seems that way.[wait] 00044[char:9]: That was a bit of a detour, but I think it was helpful for us.[wait] 00045 - That's true. - But...[wait] 00046[char:0]: I think so too. And now we know where [char:1] and the captain are, more or less.[wait] 00047[char:9]: Indeed. I am glad to hear they're safe and sound in the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0]. Now we just have to hurry over and find them.[wait] 00048[char:5]: Sounds good to me.[wait] 00049[char:0]: To [color:1]Van[color:0], then![wait] 00050[char:5]: Right.[wait] 00051[char:0]: But what about [char:1]? We've been here all this time, and she's still lost![wait] 00052[char:9]: Indeed. Nothing is more precious to us than time right now.[wait] 00053[char:9]: But in our current state, getting ahead of ourselves could prove to be disastrous.[wait] 00142[char:9]: [char:84][color:1]Van[color:0] is a dangerous place where even young girls must carry weapons to survive.[unk:4006:1e:1][new] Taking one's time and gradually building up your strength is not an ill-advised path. You never know what tomorrow may bring.[wait] 00054[char:0]: ...[wait] 00055[char:9]: I know it may be hard to imagine given how idyllic things are around here, but the world is a very dangerous place.[wait] 00056[char:0]: Yes, you're right. Going too quickly could have been signing our own death sentences.[wait] 00073[char:5]: Let's head for the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0].[wait] 00074[char:5]: Wait, speaking of which, how are we supposed to get there?[wait] 00075[char:9]: [char:84]Over in [color:1]Tropp[color:0], there should be a ship that sails for [color:1]Eckdart[color:0]. We'll need to travel southwest to get there.[unk:4006:5c:1][new] That'll be the starting leg of our trip. We need to reach [color:1]Silvalant[color:0] first.[wait] 00076[char:5]: Then let's head for the port![wait] 10077[char:7]: I'm sorry. I wound up making all of you waste your time here.[wait] 00078 - ... - No![wait] 00079[char:6]: I couldn't get any of the information I wanted.[wait] 00080[char:5]: Oh, right. We got pointed in the direction of the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0], but you didn't learn a thing.[wait] 00081[char:6]: Please, don't worry about me. This is just a small delay. I must continue the search for my sister.[wait] 00082[char:5]: Listen, would you mind telling us your story? Maybe we can help you in some way.[wait] 00083[char:7]: You mentioned earlier that you were separated from your sister.[wait] 00084[char:6]: To tell the truth, I'm not even sure if she's dead or alive.[wait] 00093[char:0]: [char:84]Oh, not at all. It doesn't really matter whether the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] was there or not. [unk:4006:e6:0][new] We know our companions are safe, and that's all that matters.[wait] 00094[char:0]: Oh...[wait] 00095[char:6]: Please, don't worry about me. This is just a small delay. I must continue the search for my sister.[wait] 00096[char:5]: Listen, would you mind telling us your story? Maybe we can help you in some way.[wait] 00097[char:7]: You mentioned earlier that you were separated from your sister.[wait] 00098[char:6]: To tell the truth, I'm not even sure if she's dead or alive.[wait] 10085[char:6]: [char:84]I somehow managed to survive being thrown off a cliff, but my parents were killed, and they took away my sister.[unk:4006:79:1][new] I don't even know if she's dead or alive.[wait] 00086[char:6]: [char:84]I can never forget it. I can't get it out of my mind. That overwhelming sense of doom... That [color:0]shield with the crimson seal[color:0]...[unk:4006:ef:1][new] There couldn't be more than one of those in the world![wait] 00087[char:7]: A [color:0]shield with a crimson seal[color:0]!? That couldn't be the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0], could it? The most famous Edarl swordsman in the world?[wait] 00088[char:6]: You know him!?[wait] 00089[char:7]: No, that's just impossible. There's no way a noble man like him could do something so outrageous. I must be mistaken.[wait] 00090[char:6]: Oh. I see.[wait] 00091[char:7]: I'm sorry I can't help you.[wait] 00092[char:6]: Oh, no. Please, don't let it bother you.[wait] 00105[char:0]: So what're you gonna do now?[wait] 00106[char:6]: I must continue my search. This path may not have borne any fruit, but I'm positive I'll see her again...someday.[wait] 00107[char:6]: I bid you farewell, then.[wait] 00108 - See him off - Stop him[wait] 00111[char:0]: Wait![wait] 00112[char:0]: What do you think about coming with us?[wait] 00113[char:6]: I do not think I'd be anything but a burden to you.[wait] 00114 - Could you join us? - Oh, well...[wait] 00118[char:7]: Well, I had best be going.[wait] 00121[char:6]: Ah![wait] 00122[char:6]: Are you letting her go by herself!?[wait] 00123 - I just can't do it. - We made a promise.[wait] 00124[char:0]: Well, I dunno.[wait] 00125[char:0]: Ah, [char:5]![wait] 00126[char:0]: So that's why she went with us. We had a promise.[wait] 00127[char:6]: A promise! She may be a gifted [color:1]Astral[color:0] knight, but she's still a woman![wait] 00128[char:6]: [char:84]I'm sorry, but I cannot join you if it means leaving her to fend for herself.[unk:4006:ee:0][new] Do you have any idea how painful it is to left be alone like that?[wait] 00129[char:0]: I guess I messed up there, didn't I?[wait] 10130[char:0]: [char:7], listen. I have to apologize to you.[wait] 00131[char:7]: What for? You just did what you believed was right, didn't you?[wait] 00132[char:0]: [char:7]...[wait] 00133[char:7]: Are you sure you don't mind if I come along with you? Even now that I'm a fugitive?[wait] 00134[char:0]: I feel more confident with you around. Besides, I believe in you, [char:7].[wait] 00135[char:7]: Do you, now? Well, here's to the road ahead, then, [char:0].[wait] 12001[center][char:7] has joined the party![wait] 10136[char:5]: Let's head for the [color:1]Van Kingdom[color:0].[wait] 00137[char:5]: Wait, speaking of which, how are we supposed to get there?[wait] 00138[char:7]: [char:84]There should be a ship in [color:1]Tropp[color:0] to the southwest we can catch that'll take us to [color:1]Eckdart[color:0].[unk:4006:e1:0][new] Our first stop is [color:1]Silvalant[color:0], and that's the ship we'll need to board.[wait] 00139[char:5]: Then let's head for the port![wait] 00140[char:0]: Hmm. Well, we know they're not on this continent, anyway. There should be a port town southwest of here.[wait] 00141[char:5]: Hopefully we'll find some information down there.[wait] 00002???: Please forgive me for surprising you. Could you please put your sword away? I do not intend to fight you.[wait] 00037???: Please forgive me for surprising you. Could you please put your sword away? I do not intend to fight you.[wait] 00056???: Please forgive me for surprising you. Could you please put your sword away? I do not intend to fight you.[wait] 10000[char:4]: A hidden door. Pfft! Well, if it's hidden, then how the hell are we gonna find it?[wait] 00001[char:5]: Quit whining, [char:4]. Try looking over there a bit.[wait] 00003[char:4]: Well, damn if you're not a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0].[wait] 00004???: [char:84]My name is [char:6]. Would I be able to call upon your strength, great [color:2]Highlander[color:0] swordsman?[unk:4006:13:1][new] I have found what appears to be a hidden door up above this wall.[wait] 00005[char:5]: Can we trust you on that?[wait] 00006[char:6]: Yes. There's a large boulder blocking the door, and regrettably, I lack the strength to move it.[wait] 00007[char:4]: Right, I'll handle it.[wait] 00008[char:4]: Pfft, this'll be a piece of cake.[wait] 00009[char:4]: Nngh![wait] 00010[char:6]: Wow! You did it![wait] 00011[char:4]: Hang on.[wait] 00012[char:6]: What is it?[wait] 00013[char:4]: [char:84]I ain't never heard of a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] adventurer before.[unk:4006:ab:0][new] Don't you guys live your whole lives on the tops of mountains and stuff?[wait] 00014[char:6]: [char:84]Well, wouldn't that also be the case for [color:2]Highlanders[color:0]?[unk:4006:9a:0][new] I thought the only ones who ever left [color:1]Astral Kingdom[color:0] were the ones that got exiled.[wait] 00015[char:4]: If you didn't want me to pry, you coulda just said so.[wait] 00016 - Stop them - Keep watching[wait] 00017[char:0]: Wait! Wait, you two![wait] 00018[char:5]: Wait a minute, you guys![wait] 00019[char:6]: I apologize. That was immature of me.[wait] 00020[char:4]: Yeah.[wait] 00021[char:4]: Sheesh, if you don't wanna talk about it, don't. Ain't gonna kill you over it. Come on, [char:0].[wait] 00022[char:6]: So I suppose the word [char:8c]exile[char:8c] is offensive to say around a [color:2]Highlander[color:0] traveler.[wait] 00023[char:5]: That's just the way he is. He never takes things at face value.[wait] 00024[char:6]: Oh?[wait] 00025[char:5]: Yeah, he's always meddling with other people's affairs like that.[wait] 00026[char:6]: Really?[wait] 00027[char:5]: Wouldn't seem that way, would it? But that's the way he's been ever since we've met him.[wait] 00028[char:5]: But you're pretty unique yourself, aren't you? I mean, it takes a rather uncommon person to try to rile up [char:4].[wait] 00029[char:6]: [char:84]Well, he's absolutely correct. A [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] like me, traveling hither and yon just isn't done among our people.[unk:4006:54:1][new] In fact, most of them think I'm pretty eccentric.[wait] 00030[char:6]: And that's why I've tried my best not to get involved with other people as much as possible.[wait] 00031[char:5]: You've got a story behind you, don't you? Bet it wouldn't beat ours. C'mon, tell me. They say there's no such thing as a chance encounter.[wait] 00032[char:0]: Who said what?[wait] 00033[char:5]: Ah, it's an expression from my homeland. It just means there might be some larger fate at work behind the people you run into.[wait] 00034[char:6]: Well, actually...[wait] 10035[char:9]: You know, I've never heard of anything like a hidden door in this temple.[wait] 00036[char:5]: We've got to trust in her, [char:9].[wait] 00038[char:9]: My goodness! A young [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0].[wait] 00039???: My name is [char:6]. You must be [char:9], hero of the [color:1]Demonic Wars[color:0]. It is an honor to meet you.[wait] 00040[char:9]: Oh, stop it. I'm not that amazing.[wait] 00041[char:6]: All right. In that case, [char:9], could I request your assistance? I believe I have found a hidden door up above this wall.[wait] 00042[char:5]: Can we trust you on that?[wait] 00043[char:6]: Yes. There's a large boulder blocking the door, and regrettably, I lack the strength to move it.[wait] 00044[char:9]: Well, let me see it.[wait] 00045[char:9]: This might be a bit tricky for a one-armed old man like me.[wait] 00046[char:6]: Can you move it?[wait] 00047[char:9]: Well, just watch.[wait] 00048[char:9]: Mmmh![wait] 00049[char:6]: Wow! You did it![wait] 00050[char:6]: Thank you so much. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go on ahead.[wait] 00051[char:5]: He's gone.[wait] 00052[char:0]: He sure is.[wait] 00053[char:9]: That young man looks like a [color:1]symbology[color:0] user to me, but I'm not sure he's safe by himself.[wait] 10054[char:5]: So you're saying the hidden door is somewhere around here?[wait] 00055[char:7]: Right. It's got to be.[wait] 00057[char:7]: A...a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0]!?[wait] 00058???: [char:84]My name is [char:6]. Can I call upon your strength, great [color:2]Highlander[color:0] knight?[unk:4006:15:1][new] I have found what appears to be a hidden door up above this wall.[wait] 00059[char:5]: Can we trust you on that?[wait] 00060[char:6]: Yes. There's a large boulder blocking the door, and regrettably, I lack the strength to move it.[wait] 00061[char:7]: I doubt I could handle this by myself. Can you help me, [char:0]?[wait] 00062 - I can't. - All right.[wait] 00063[char:5]: Oh, come on. Be a man! Do the right thing![wait] 00064[char:7]: Ready, [char:0]?[wait] 00065[char:0]: Yeah, let's do this.[wait] 00066[char:6]: Wow! You did it![wait] 00067[char:7]: Wait a second![wait] 00068[char:6]: What is it?[wait] 00069[char:7]: We're looking for the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0], and we don't want you getting to it first.[wait] 00070[char:6]: Then you seek the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] as well.[wait] 00071[char:0]: Yes.[wait] 00072[char:7]: I knew it. So, what do you want from it? Don't expect to get through me if I don't like your answer.[wait] 00073[char:6]: You are a rather forceful person, but I'm afraid there's nothing to say.[wait] 00074[char:0]: Wait! Wait, you two![wait] 00075[char:0]: All we're trying to do is figure out where our companions are. We aren't trying to take the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] for ourselves or anything.[wait] 00076[char:6]: Well, that makes two of us.[wait] 00077[char:7]: I shouldn't have talked to you like that.[wait] 00078[char:7]: I apologize.[wait] 00079[char:6]: Oh, no. I am the one at fault.[wait] 00080[char:0]: Anyway, no harm, no foul.[wait] 00081[char:5]: Why don't you join us in the search, then? I promise we won't poke into your affairs.[wait] 00082[char:6]: Thank you, and I hope I'm not a bother to you.[wait] 00083[char:5]: That settles it. Now let's get going.[wait] 00084[char:7]: He hardly sounds like a [color:2]Featherfolk[color:0] [color:0]symbologist[color:0] to me.[wait] 00085[char:0]: What do you mean?[wait] 00086[char:7]: You better watch him. I'm not sure I quite trust him. We could be playing with fire here.[wait] 10087[char:3]: This might be a little hard to find. It is a hidden door, after all.[wait] 00088[char:5]: Let's split up and search.[wait] 00089[char:0]: [char:3]! I found it![wait] 00090[char:3]: Wow. That's huge.[wait] 00091[char:0]: We'll need two people to move it. [char:3], you take that side.[wait] 00092[char:3]: Errgh![wait] 00093[char:1]: Wow! You guys opened it![wait] 00094[char:5]: So the [color:1]Eye of Truth[color:0] lies beyond here.[wait] 00095[char:3]: Whew. Yep, better believe it.[wait] 00096[char:0]: Then let's go![wait] 12013Sentry: This entrance is for registered combatants only.[wait] 12014Sentry: We can't let you through here unless you've entered into a match.[wait] 12019Luka: [char:a] has given me the courage to fight this curse. I'm not gonna let it beat me![wait] 12018Luka: I want to become strong enough to fight off this curse.[wait] 12015Luka: *Sigh* ...I wish I was a bit stronger.[wait] 12016Warrior: I managed to make it to Rank D, but the monsters after that are so strong that my attacks[new] don't seem to hurt them at all![wait] 12017Symbologist Healer: Be careful. Some of the monsters are capable of turning you into stone.[wait] 11005[char:4]: Didn't even break a sweat![wait] 11006[char:4]: Sorry, guys. Guess I underestimated 'em a little.[wait] 11000[char:4]: I...I lost?[wait] 01001[char:0]: You all right?[wait] 01002[char:7]: I swear, you're incorrigible! You haven't changed one bit! It'd be nice if you stopped making me worry about you for a change.[wait] 01003[char:5]: Oh, brother... I know this is exciting and all, but there's nothing macho about losing a challenge like that.[wait] 01004[char:4]: I apologize...[wait] 12005Arena Guide: I'm here to answer any questions you might have about fighting in the [color:1]Arena[color:0]. [new] What do you want to know about?[wait] 02006 - Requirements - Rules - Ranks - Prizes - Use of Items - Victory in Rank A[wait] 02007Arena Guide: There are no requirements for entry. The fighting pit is open to everyone.[wait] 02008Arena Guide: You are free to fight using weapons, spells, or even with your bare hands. Victory in any[new] rank requires defeating 5 monsters in a row. If you manage to beat all 5 monsters[new] before losing all your health, you win.[wait] 02009Arena Guide: There are a total of 8 ranks from H to A. Everyone starts at the lowest rank, Rank H. With[new] every victory, you will be able to compete in the next highest rank. Winning in Rank H, for[new] example, will allow you to compete in Rank G the next time. But be careful. The[new] monsters become progressively tougher as the rank increases![wait] 02010Arena Guide: You will receive a gift basket as a prize for winning, the contents of which are[new] hand-chosen for your current rank. Higher ranks offer more valuable prizes, so think of that[new] as your incentive![wait] 02011Arena Guide: You will need to temporarily hand over all food and healing items before entering the[new] fighting pit. We will instead supply you with a number of our own items that you may use[new] during combat. Certain items dropped by monsters may be used as well, but these will be taken[new] back at the end of the match. Any unused items will need to be turned in at this time as well.[wait] 02012Arena Guide: Winning in Rank A doesn't mean that you can't compete again! Anyone who has won in Rank A[new] is welcome to once again compete in Rank A. However, you will not receive any items[new] for winning; you will instead receive a cash prize.[wait] [unk:4003:1][color:3] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:0] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:1] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:2] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:3] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:4] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:5] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:6] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:7] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:8] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:9] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:a] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:b] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:c] [unk:4003:1][color:3] - [char:d] 02075Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:0], you'll be 02076Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:1], you'll be 02077Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:3], you'll be 02079Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:4], you'll be 02078Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:5], you'll be 02080Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:6], you'll be 02085Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:7], you'll be 02082Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:8], you'll be 02083Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:9], you'll be 02081Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:a], you'll be 02084Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:b], you'll be 02086Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:c], you'll be 02087Arena Receptionist: All right, [char:d], you'll be 02088 competing in Rank H.[wait] 02089 competing in Rank G.[wait] 02090 competing in Rank F.[wait] 02091 competing in Rank E.[wait] 02092 competing in Rank D.[wait] 02093 competing in Rank C.[wait] 02094 competing in Rank B.[wait] 02095 competing in Rank A.[wait] 12020[char:0]: Good luck![wait] 12021[char:1]: I'll be cheering for you![wait] 12023[char:3]: Take care of yourself.[wait] 12024[char:4]: Go wild, man![wait] 12022[char:5]: Look good out there![wait] 12027[char:6]: I will be supporting you from the stands.[wait] 12025[char:7]: I'm sure you'll do fine.[wait] 12028[char:8]: Please don't get hurt out there.[wait] 12026[char:9]: Remember, a one-on-one match requires immense concentration.[wait] 12030[char:a]: I'll be rooting for you![wait] 12029[char:b]: Go for a knockout![wait] 12032[char:c]: Don't embarrass yourself![wait] 12031[char:d]: Good luck![wait] [center][color:3]Blackberries[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sweet Syrup[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Sour Syrup[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mixed Syrup[color:0] x[var:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Potion of the Winds[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Mental Potion[color:0] acquired.[wait] 12074Arena Receptionist: In the fighting pit, you may only use the items we provide you with.[wait] 12096[char:0]: It'll be more fun to come here with the others.[wait] 12000Arena Receptionist: Here's where you sign up to enter. Do you want to sign up?[wait] 02001 - Sign up - Don't sign up[wait] 02002Arena Receptionist: Who'll be competing?[wait] 12059Arena Receptionist: I see. Well, feel free to come back when you'd like to enter![wait] 12060Arena Receptionist: I'm sorry, but your friend doesn't seem to be in any shape to compete.[wait] 12033[char:0]: Are you okay?[wait] 12034[char:1]: Phew! I'm so glad you woke up.[wait] 12036[char:3]: Good. You've come around.[wait] 12037[char:4]: Caused a bit of a scare there, buddy. I thought you'd never open your eyes again.[wait] 12035[char:5]: You shouldn't have overdone it, silly.[wait] 12040[char:6]: Can you move? Don't worry about today. Another day may bring you a better result.[wait] 12038[char:7]: Can you move?[wait] 12041[char:8]: Oh...thank goodness.[wait] 12039[char:9]: You may have lost, but you certainly didn't go down without a fight.[wait] 12043[char:a]: Don't let it get you down! You can always try another time![wait] 12042[char:b]: I was worried you'd died and gone to kitty heaven![wait] 12045[char:c]: That was pathetic. I know you can do better than that![wait] 12044[char:d]: Don't make me worry like that, okay?[wait] 12046[char:0]: Where...am I...[wait] 12047[char:1]: Am I dead? I'm dead, aren't I?[wait] 12049[char:3]: Ow. That's going to hurt for a while.[wait] 12050[char:4]: Man... Tell me I didn't just lose.[wait] 12048[char:5]: *Sigh* I'm a long way off from an [char:8c]A[char:8c] performance.[wait] 12053[char:6]: Where am I?[wait] 12051[char:7]: I can't believe I lost. That hurts more than the physical pain.[wait] 12054[char:8]: Oh...thank goodness. I'm still alive.[wait] 12052[char:9]: I'm getting sloppy in my old age.[wait] 12056[char:a]: Oo, that hurts! *Sigh* I lost, didn't I?[wait] 12055[char:b]: Phew! I really thought I was gonna die.[wait] 12058[char:c]: This completely sucks! I wasn't supposed to lose![wait] 12057[char:d]: I should have been more careful.[wait] 12061[char:0]: Wow![wait] 12062[char:1]: That was awesome![wait] 12064[char:3]: Well done.[wait] 12065[char:4]: That was some exciting stuff![wait] 12063[char:5]: Great job![wait] 12068[char:6]: Congratulations.[wait] 12066[char:7]: I'm impressed![wait] 12069[char:8]: Congratulations.[wait] 12067[char:9]: Your form was excellent![wait] 12071[char:a]: I knew you'd be strong enough![wait] 12070[char:b]: Yeah! Way to kick butt![wait] 12073[char:c]: Hey, that wasn't bad at all![wait] 12072[char:d]: Congratulations.[wait] Error[wait] 10000[char:5]: Congratulations, [char:0].[wait] 00001[char:0]: Thanks, but who was that guy?[wait] 00002[char:5]: Couldn't tell you.[wait] 00003[char:0]: You![wait] 00004[char:a]: Hey. Sorry about earlier. Allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is [char:a] Arcana.[wait] 00005[char:a]: Boy, I have to tell you, you were incredible out there! I've got a favor to ask. Could you take me with you? Please! I'm begging you![wait] 00006[char:0]: Huh?[wait] 00007 - Fine by me. - Maybe not...[wait] 00008[char:0]: By all means. I'd be happy to have someone like you with us.[wait] 00009[char:a]: Really? Oh, you have no idea how much I appreciate this![wait] 12110[center][char:a] has joined the party![wait] 00010[char:0]: Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm sorry.[wait] 00011[char:a]: Oh. Ah well. Take care of yourself, then. Guess it's back to training for me.[wait] 11007Luka: Thank you, [char:a]! I promise I'll do my best, too.[wait] 01008[char:a]: That's the spirit! Keep up your training day after day, and you'll never let that curse take over your life![wait] 01009Luka: You got it, [char:a]! See you later![wait] 01010[char:0]: The curse he was talking about... Is it lycanthropy?[wait] 01011[char:a]: Yeah, seems like it.[wait] 01012[char:1]: Oh, that's terrible.[wait] 01013[char:a]: They say that [color:2]Lycanthropes[color:0] like ourselves exist because of a curse placed on our ancestors long ago.[wait] 01014[char:a]: Thanks to that curse, we turn into ferocious beasts whenever we get excited over something.[wait] 01015[char:a]: That's why I become a wolf whenever I dive into battle.[wait] 01016[char:a]: Most of us are werewolves, but some others turn into bears or tigers 'n some even become pigs. There's a lot of variety.[wait] 01017[char:a]: That kid was a werewolf like me, so that made me feel connected somehow. I just couldn't get him out of my mind.[wait] 01018[char:1]: That's why... I get it.[wait] 01019[char:a]: There's nothing I can do about the curse, but I do have control over how I deal with it. I hope that kid got the message.[wait] 01020[char:1]: Oh, I think he did. Definitely![wait] 01021[char:0]: Yeah. Who knows? Maybe you'll see him here again later.[wait] 01022[char:1]: Maybe he'll even sound like you by then. [char:8c]I'm gonna keep training and beat you in the championship, [char:a]![char:8c] Like that.[wait] 01023[char:a]: Aw, come on! At least let me be the champion a little longer![wait] 01024[char:3]: It's a curse. Hmm...[wait] 01025[char:5]: I seriously doubt a curse can turn a man into a beast.[wait] 01026[char:3]: Yeah, well, I figured you'd say that. So what do you think it is?[wait] 01027[char:5]: Hmm... If I had to guess, I'd say some kind of [color:1]virus[color:0] is the real culprit.[wait] 01028[char:3]: A [color:1]virus[color:0]?[wait] 01029[char:5]: Yes. Perhaps there's another [color:1]virus[color:0] like [color:1]Lezonia[color:0]'s petrification disease that only affects the population on [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 01030[char:3]: That's certainly a possibility, yeah.[wait] 12097[char:0]: Sometimes, it's just better to retreat.[wait] 12098[char:1]: Don't worry about it. You did your best![wait] 12100[char:3]: The important thing is you're all right.[wait] 12101[char:4]: Sometimes you just gotta pull out of a fight, right?[wait] 12099[char:5]: I guess you need to run sometimes.[wait] 12104[char:6]: Do not be upset. Violence should only be the very last resort.[wait] 12102[char:7]: You didn't have a choice, right? Well, don't worry about it.[wait] 12105[char:8]: There's nothing wrong with running away. I'm just happy you're safe and sound.[wait] 12103[char:9]: It's nothing to be ashamed of. A true fighter should know when retreat is the better option.[wait] 12107[char:a]: With more training, you'll come back stronger![wait] 12106[char:b]: What happened? Why's it over already?[wait] 12109[char:c]: That was really pathetic. If I'd been out there, I'd have rolled that monster up and bounced him around like a ball![wait] 12108[char:d]: Don't worry about it. There's no shame in retreat.[wait] 10000[char:8]: We defeated the [color:4]Crimson Shield[color:0] and the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] who used him.[wait] 00001[char:8]: I've gotten revenge for my parents. I've reached my life's goal, but the emptiness hasn't gone away.[wait] 00002[char:8]: I was driven by revenge. I even sacrificed my body for it. But all I wound up doing was averting my eyes from my own crimes.[wait] 00003[char:8]: How am I supposed to deal with the sheer weight of them, all by myself?[wait] 00004[char:8]: What am I supposed to do?[wait] 00005[char:8]: [char:6]...[wait] 10006[char:6]: [char:d]? [char:d]! Where did you go!?[wait] 00007[char:d]: I'm right here, [char:6].[wait] 00008[char:6]: Try not to stray too far away from me. I was worried I lost you again.[wait] 00009[char:d]: [char:84]Oh, quit worrying so much. It's not like that's gonna happen.[unk:4006:f6:0][new] Even if guys like that show up again, I think we're strong enough to fend for ourselves this time.[wait] 00010[char:6]: You've definitely gotten stronger, [char:d]. Maybe even a little too strong.[wait] 00011[char:d]: How much longer are you gonna be talking to Father? I'm gonna leave you here, you know.[wait] 00012[char:6]: Wait a minute! [char:d], where are you going!?[wait] Space-Time Laboratory[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:5]: What in the world!?[wait] 00001[char:3]: Mad science in motion, that's all I can say.[wait] 00002[char:5]: What's the purpose of all this?[wait] 00003[char:0]: I've seen a lot of these monsters before.[wait] 00004[char:1]: Aghh! It's alive![wait] 00005[char:5]: I wonder if this means [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] is conducting monster research.[wait] [center][color:3]Long Spear[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Ring of Insanity[color:0] acquired.[wait] [center][color:3]Elemental Blade[color:0] acquired.[wait] 10000[char:5]: I think this is some kind of research log.[wait] 00001[char:5]: Let's see if there's a way to access the central data bank.[wait] 00002Console: Welcome to the [color:1]Space-Time Laboratory[color:0]. What would you like to do?[wait] 00003[char:5]: [color:1]Space-Time Laboratory[color:0]? What's a high-tech facility like this doing here?[wait] 00004[char:3]: Something's going on here, something a lot bigger than just monsters trying to take over the world.[wait] 00005Console: Connecting to data bank. Please enter your name.[wait] 00006[char:5]: Name?[wait] 00007[char:3]: Try [char:8c][color:4]Asmodeus[color:0],[char:8c] I dunno.[wait] 00008Console: Good morning, [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0]. Please enter your [color:1]password[color:0].[wait] 00009[char:3]: Dang, it worked.[wait] 00010[char:5]: This part might be a tad harder.[wait] 00011Console: Access denied. Please enter your [color:1]password[color:0].[wait] 00012[char:5]: Well, no dice.[wait] 00013Console: Login time expired. Warning! Activating alarm system.[wait] 00014[char:5]: Expired? This can't be good. They're turning the security system on us![wait] 00015???: [color:2]Roakians[color:0]! What is your business here?[wait] 00016[char:0]: To kill [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], of course![wait] 00017???: Hah hah hah! You really ought to know what he looks like before you say that.[wait] 00018???: For [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] would be none other than I![wait] 00019Asmodeus: I must admit, I am fascinated to see someone attempt to storm the [color:1]demon world[color:0]. If you can catch me, I'd be happy to entertain you.[wait] 00020Asmodeus: You. Take care of these guys.[wait] 10021[char:0]: Dammit, he got away! We gotta hunt him down![wait] [center][color:3]Tedious Handy Stick[color:0] acquired.[wait] 00029[char:4]: Who the hell were they!? Here we just defeated the [color:4]Archfiend[color:0] 'n all, and they have to go and ruin everything![wait] 00030[char:9]: Who were they!? They looked quite bizarre to me.[wait] 00031[char:6]: Who was that just now?[wait] 00032[char:7]: Who the hell were they!?[wait] 00033[char:8]: What was that all about?[wait] 00034[char:d]: What could that have been?[wait] 00035[char:a]: What the heck was that!? Somebody tell me what's going on![wait] 00036[char:b]: Meow! What was that all about!?[wait] 00037[char:c]: What the heck was that!? Why'd they run in and out like that!?[wait] 10000Asmodeus: Hahaha, you've made it.[wait] 00001[char:0]: [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0], why did you attack [color:1]Roak[color:0]? What do you gain from fighting us? All you're doing is hurting yourself![wait] 00002Asmodeus: Heh heh. Why indeed. I'd like to know the reason myself.[wait] 00003[char:0]: Don't play mind games with me![wait] 00004Asmodeus: [char:84]I'm being completely honest with you.[unk:4006:85:0][new] I took refuge here by my own volition in search of freedom, and yet I wish I could settle elsewhere--someplace not here.[wait] 00005Asmodeus: I'm being driven by all these contradicting impulses, and I don't know what to do about it.[wait] 00006[char:0]: Well, why can't you just find a way to coexist with the [color:2]Roakians[color:0]?[wait] 00007Asmodeus: [char:84]Why should I have to share with them? I hunger for it all: the water, the wind, the trees, the land.[unk:4006:8a:1][new] I will never be satisfied until it is all mine.[wait] 00008Asmodeus: [char:84]The weak have no right to any of it, not worthy to even grasp a single blade of grass.[unk:4006:4b:1][new] Why does power and strength exist in the first place? What use are they if you don't use them to fulfill your desires!?[wait] 00009Asmodeus: If you want to stop me, why don't you show me your power!?[wait] 10010Asmodeus: Ergh. You have the bite to match your bark.[wait] 00011[char:1]: Aaahh![wait] 00012[char:0]: [char:1]![wait] 00013Squad Leader: Don't move![wait] 00014[char:0]: Who're you!?[wait] 00015Squad Leader: I don't have to answer that. Just stay where you are.[wait] 00016Asmodeus: Heh. Well, look at the dog that crept into this stable.[wait] 00017Squad Leader: Move! Get the sample from [color:4]Asmodeus[color:0] while we still can![wait] 00018Soldier: Yes, sir![wait] 00019[char:5]: Captain, I think that's the [color:1]third party[color:0]![wait] 00020[char:3]: I'd say you're right. We better do what they say. It's already been established in history that they'll take the [color:1]virus[color:0] back with them.[wait] 00021[char:5]: I don't think we have much choice. We have no idea how powerful they are. It's all I can do to maintain eye contact with them.[wait] 00022[char:3]: It could be a facade. That's just as valid a military tactic as any.[wait] 00023Soldier: Mission accomplished, Captain![wait] 00024Squad Leader: Good.[wait] 00025Soldier: Captain, what about these guys?[wait] 00026Squad Leader: Leave 'em. Our mission is to get the sample and get it outta here. Fall back![wait] 00027[char:0]: You all right, [char:1]?[wait] 00028[char:1]: Y-yeah, I'm okay.[wait] 00038[char:3]: I couldn't say. What were they all doing here, anyway?[wait] 00039[char:1]: Let's worry about that later! [char:5], the sample![wait] 00041[char:1]: Let's worry about that later! [char:5], the sample![wait] 00040[char:5]: Agreed. Now we can finally make that [color:1]serum[color:0].[wait] 10000[char:0]: I guess this is goodbye for good, then.[wait] 00001[char:3]: Yes, but we may come back for you again.[wait] 00002[char:5]: Hee hee. Though I'd prefer if we didn't have to.[wait] 00003[char:1]: Well, you're certainly welcome, although try to make it a more leisurely visit next time.[wait] 00004[char:3]: We will, but I think I'd prefer it if [color:1]Roak[color:0] stayed an undeveloped civilization.[wait] 00005[char:5]: [char:84]I think so, too.[unk:4006:44:0][new] Becoming [char:8c]developed[char:8c] just means your air gets polluted, your water gets contaminated, and your greenery starts to wither.[wait] 00006[char:5]: I don't think there's a single good thing about it.[wait] 00007[char:0]: [char:84]Oh, I think there is. For one, we wouldn't have met you, and we wouldn't have had the amazing adventure we had.[unk:4006:5c:1][new] Don't worry about us. We'll make [color:1]Roak[color:0] even better than it was before.[wait] 00008[char:3]: When that happens, I'll be sure and pay another visit.[wait] 00009[char:0]: Well, see you.[wait] 00010[char:1]: We may not see each other again.[wait] 00011[char:5]: I'm glad we had the chance to work together.[wait] 00012[char:0]: For us, the real adventure begins now.[wait] 10013[char:0]: They're gone.[wait] 00014[char:1]: They sure are.[wait] 00015[char:1]: But there's still something bothering me.[wait] 00016[char:0]: What?[wait] 00017[char:1]: What was [char:5] talking about with you on [color:1]Planet Styx[color:0]? You looked pretty embarrassed, whatever it was.[wait] 00018[char:0]: Oh, uh...nothing.[wait] 00019[char:1]: Oh, no you don't! I knew it! She said something weird to you, didn't she?[wait] 00020Martoth: [char:1]! What're you doing here?[wait] 00021[char:1]: Father![wait] 00022[char:2]: Hey, there wasn't a tree here before.[wait] 00023[char:1]: Oh! 300 years ago our friends put this here! They did this for us![wait] 12000Novice Swordswoman: My dream is to one day make it into the [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0].[wait] 11024[char:0]: Whew, I'm completely covered with sand. Let's go inside and rest for a bit.[wait] 11000[char:1]: I guess no matter where we are in the star ocean, we'll always find people living just like us.[wait] 11001[char:3]: Even a break in a place like this is better than nothing. We've all got Yvena to thank for that.[wait] 11002[char:5]: The people of [color:1]Fargett[color:0] have obviously spent a lot of time and energy to make even this cruel environment somewhat habitable.[wait] 11003[char:4]: Ack! *Spit* Man, I'm even getting sand in my mouth! How the hell do you live in a place like this!?[wait] 11004[char:9]: Never did I imagine that such a place existed far beyond the skies of [color:1]Roak[color:0].[wait] 11005[char:6]: I wish we could show these people what it is like to live under a beautiful, blue sky.[wait] 11006[char:7]: There's nothing more than sand and stone on this planet. It's no place for anyone to live.[wait] 11007[char:8]: It's humbling to realize how enduring people can be living in an environment such as this.[wait] 11008[char:a]: Training is the most important thing in life, no matter when or where![wait] 11009[char:b]: Eyeeew! My tail's totally covered with sand![wait] 11010[char:d]: I'm even getting sand in my clothes! Gosh, I'm ready to call it a day.[wait] 11011[char:c]: A...a...aaatchoo! Aaargh! This sand just won't stop irritating my nose! Let's go inside already![wait] 11025[char:0]: We can only end this by defeating [color:4]Jie[color:0]! Let's go to the [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0]![wait] 11012[char:1]: Is this it? Is everything going to finally end here? If it is, we've got to win this final battle![wait] 11013[char:3]: This is where we end the fighting, once and for all. Let's get this [color:4]Jie Revorse[color:0]![wait] 11014[char:5]: We should be able to breach the [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0] from the basement of the [color:1]bio-lab[color:0].[wait] 11015[char:4]: [color:1]Superhuman[color:0]? Hah! I'll show that clown there's nothing super about him! Let's go![wait] 11016[char:9]: This may very well turn out to be my final battle. Onwards, men![wait] 11017[char:6]: We must infiltrate the [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0] from the basement of the [color:1]bio-lab[color:0]. Let us proceed![wait] 11018[char:7]: The spirit of the [color:1]Astral Knights[color:0] will guide me to victory. Let's move![wait] 11019[char:8]: Let us travel to the [color:1]Revorse Tower[color:0]. Everything should finally end there.[wait] 11020[char:a]: It's time to really put my training to the test! From now on, it's nothing but full steam ahead![wait] 11021[char:b]: I'm not scared! I know I'll be safe with you guys! So just, um, make sure I don't get hurt, okay?[wait] 11022[char:d]: A person who only knows how to hate is nothing better than a monster. Let's dispose of him like one.[wait] 11023[char:c]: I don't care who the hell this guy thinks he is. Let's give him a beating he'll never forget... And bring some peace to this world already![wait] Metorx Bridge[unk:4006:78:0] 10000[char:0]: What's wrong, [char:2]?[wait] 00001[char:2]: Nothing. It's nothing.[wait] [unk:4003:1]北 [color:3]クリク[color:0] [unk:4003:0][unk:4003:1]北西 [color:3]山岳宮殿[color:0] [unk:4003:0][unk:4003:1]東 [color:3]マーズ[color:0] [unk:4003:0][unk:4003:1]東 [color:3]ハーリー[color:0] [unk:4003:0][unk:4003:1]南西 [color:3]クロス[color:0] [unk:4003:0][unk:4003:1]南東 [color:3]クロス洞穴[color:0][unk:4003:0][wait] [char:0]「う~ん。ここからじゃ、 読みにくいや。[wait] [char:1]「ここからじゃ、 読みにくいわね。[wait] ピックポケットフラグは [color:3][var:0][color:0]です。[wait] 宝箱フラグは [color:3][var:0][color:0]です。[wait]